Christians Under Fird
Christians under Fire
1 Peter 1:1-12
Book written to Christians going through trials
Peter’s message is to encourage them and give hop
*1 Peter often called an Epistle of Hope
What might you tell Christians who are suffering?
Suffer here for doing what is right/speaking the name of Christ
All Christians who live right will suffer eventually for it
Warren Weirsbe “The only comfortable Christian will be a compromising Christian, and his comfort will be costly.”
I. The Author: Peter
1. His call to ministry
*Brought to Jesus by brother Andrew John 1:35-42
*Called from a life of fishing Mark 1:16-20
2. His training:
*Followed Jesus for 3 years
*Inner circle of disciples: Peter/James/John
*Present when Jarius’ daughter was raised Mark 5:37, Luke 8:51
*Present at Mt. of Transfiguration Matt. 17:1, Mark 9:2, Luke 9:28
*Present in Garden Matt. 26:37
3. His mistakes:
Matt. 16:21-23 Tried to get in the way of God’s plan
Matt. 26:31-35, 69-75 Denied the Lord
We can often relate to Peter because we too fall short
4. His forgiveness:
John 21:14-19
Encouragement to us when we fail: He will forgive
5. His position 1 Peter 1:1
Apostle of Christ
Sent by Christ with a message: Authority in message
II. The Recipients of the letter
1. Their position v. 2
They are children of God (see 1 John 3:1)
*Chosen by God
*Set apart by the Spirit
*Sprinkled by the blood
2. Their hope v. 3
1) Basis of their hope: Mercy of God
2) Certainty of their hope: living or lively
They had a living Savior
They experienced the hope now
3) End of their hope: Inheritance
*Incorruptible: wound not decay like crowns
*Undefiled: Without flaw or defect
*Fades not away: Permanent and unchangeable
*Reserved in heaven: Waiting for you
3. Their assurance v. 5
Kept by the power of God: Omnipotent power
Till when? Salvation is complete
John 10:27-30 nothing can separate us from the power of God
4. Their trial vv. 6-7
v. 1 says they are scattered: away from family, etc.
Suffering for doing right
Many today have done the same thing
Are we will to do right at all cost? Easy to say
5. Their joy v. 8
Kept by His power
Love for the Lord
End will be in Salvation
6. Their location v. 1, 2:11
Strangers, pilgrims, sojourners
What is a pilgrim?
*Traveling to a new land
*leaves all behind
*Takes only what is needed for the trip
*Endure great hardships while looking ahead
*Encouraged by, “when we get to the new land….”
These Christians were pilgrims, as are we
Phil. 3:20 citizens of heaven
Hebrews 11:10 Abraham