Our Redemption

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Our Redemption

1 Peter 1:17-2:3


So far:             Encouragement for those who are suffering

                        Encouragement to live a holy life because God is holy

Today:             Look at our redemption and the price that was paid

I.                   The Character of the Author of Redemption

1.      He is a Father v. 17

He is the one who produced life, brought us from death to life, looks at us as His children

1) He chastises:  Hebrews 12:5-7

            v. 10 for our profit

            v. 6 because He loves us

2) He provides:  Matt. 6:25-34

3) He protects 1 Peter 1:5

4) He loves John 3:16 see also Hebrews. 12:6

2.      He is no respecter of persons v. 17


      Doesn’t look on the things that we would in order to judge

      Example:  God’s choosing David through Samuel

                        Saul was picked for his appearance and failed quickly

3.      Judges according to man’s work v. 17

      Puts each man’s works to the test:  See motivation behind

      1 Cor. 3:12-15

II.                 The Cost of redemption

1.      Negative:  Not with corruptible things

Can’t buy something that will last for eternity with something that won’t last!!

1)      Silver and gold:  small coins used to buy slaves

2)      Lifestyle:  vain = without value

3)      Not from fathers:  sin nature is what is passed on.

2.      Positive:  with the precious blood of Christ

      Precious:  highly esteemed

      Perfect lamb

      Foreordained:  not an afterthought but planned by God

      Made manifest through His coming

III.              The Results of Redemption vv. 22-2:3

1.      We are to love v.  22

1)      Reason:  “Since you have purified you souls….”

                      “having been born again….”

1 John 4:7-12, 20-21 Love is a sign that we belong to Him

See Eph. 4:1-6

It is a sincere love (unfeigned) – not an on/off cheap love

It is real and genuine:  Spirit given

It is with a pure heart:  Motivated by a desire to please God

It is a fervent love:  Idea of an athlete giving hours and hours of strenuous training.  Even though it is something that God does in us it is also something that we need to strive for.

2.      We have a confidence in the Word of God: vv. 23-25

1)      It lives and abides forever vv. 23, 25

   Isaiah 55:11 never returns void

   Matt. 5:18 one jot or one tittle 

2)      In contrast to all else v. 24

               We can always rely on the Word of God, it will never fail

               What God says will surely take place.

3.      We lay aside that which does not please God 2:1-3

Malice:  wickedness and evil conduct

Guile:  craftiness, using our words to get what we want

Hypocrisies:  Acting on a stage:  being someone or something that we are not, hiding behind a mask.

Envies:  Long for what someone else has or is to the point that we start to tear them down, or think evil against them.

Evil speaking:  Words that tear down.

How?  “Laying aside”           

      Like taking off a coat

      Put off and put on Romans 13:13-14

4.      We take in spiritual nourishment from the Word

      Take in the milk which causes growth

      If we are too full of the other we won’t grow

1)      Natural occurrence:  Baby – adulthood

2)      Natural process:  eating

            Don’t generally teach baby desire to eat

            Desire comes from being alive

Character of the word:

Pure:  it is the only thing that satisfies, if give water to baby won’t satisfy

         Much spiritual entertainment today that leaves wanting

Powerful:  causes growth:  born by the word grow by the word.

               1:23 compared to seed:  pushes through the soil to grow

Delicious:  v. 3 

         Psalm 34:8 “O taste and see that the Lord is good.”

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