Obstacles that Hinder our Christian Walk 06/28/2020

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Well, good morning. Good to see everyone have a good crowd here today. We glad that you're here. I miss Becky told me this morning when I come in. She said I like your dacor. Do y'all like my day car is in there. Some of you like it cuz I don't know which one that was. All right. Well, let me get set up here and we are going to start a new series today. And we're going to talk about the life of Joseph. And I'll title this new series The Gospel According to Joseph. And let me cut this on here, and I'm going to try something different here. I'm going to put this right in my pocket.

All right. So we're going to talk about The Gospel According to Joseph and I'm not talking about the Joseph in the New Testament Jesus's father Earthly father. I'm talking about the Joseph in the Old Testament known as a patriarch. and we've been talking about this on Wednesday night trying to introduce this subject and how we're going to study at the Book of Genesis is where I want you to turn to this morning Genesis chapter 37 Genesis chapter 37

and the story of Joseph is told from chapter 37 to chapter 50. So we're going to be probably in this study for about I'm going to say about three months. It's going to take us to get through this. And what I want to do today in the title of this sermon is obstacles that hinder our Christian walk. obstacles that hinder our Christian walk and Genesis 37 opens with the words with this is the account of Joseph and or of Jacob and you think well the next few chapters going to be about Jacob well in introduces us to Jacob and then the whole for the next 13 chapters is about Joseph and how God uses him. So what I want what I want to do. Yes, I want to show you.

A family tree here in just a moment. But let's read verses 1 through 3 of Genesis chapter 37 verses 1 through 3 Genesis chapter 37 this kind of going to introduce it and then I'm kind of going to go back and show you Jacob family tree and tell some things about that. So verse 1 now Jacob dwell in the land where his father was a stranger in the land of Canaan. This is the history or if you remember Wednesday night the total dope the generation of Jacob. Joseph being 17 years old. This is his son was feeding the flock with his brothers. And the lad was with the sons of bilhah and the sons of zilpah his father's wife. And Joseph brought a bad report of them to his father then in verse 3, not Israel Love Joseph. Now when it says Israel is that was Jacob's name Lord changed Jacob's name to Israel. So when you see in this next 13 chapter sometime Jacob call Jacob sometimes Israel. So it says here now Israel Love Joseph. More than all his children. Well, you see the first thing right there. He was playing favorites because he was the son of his old age. Actually he loved him. Because he was the child of the only woman that he ever loved although he had four wives. We'll talk about that in the moment. Also, he made him a tunic or a coat. Of Many Colors All right. So what we need to do. Is we need to go back and we need to consider all these people involved in Jacob's life now. Certainly this was a Biblical family because they're in the Bible. Certainly this family here was chosen by God to bless all the other nations. This is the family that God has chose. But you wouldn't call it a traditional Christian family whatsoever. You would not call it that there was a lot of intrigue there was a lot of conflict. There was a lot of wrecking if you will going on in a quick look at Jacob will help us explain how this family arrived at this juncture. So let's put on the screen here Jacobs family tree. if Yes. Yeah, it would be the family tree if you can.

Yes, yes.

I'll probably put that in the wrong spot. There it is. All right, so I want you to look at this. Now I'm kind of going to explain what what what you're looking at here. So you see at the top-left you see a woman by the name of Leah. Well Jacob married Leah, although he thought he was marrying someone else. And she gave him six Sons. Anna daughter now the sun's were Ruben Simeon Levi Judah issachar zebulun, and the daughter was Dinah. Now all these boys that I'm naming these are the 12 tribes of Israel. So she gave him six months. Well, then she had like a little slave girl or handmade and she gave her to Jacob to Mary. Also. This little handmade gave him Tucson's Gad and Asher. Weather woman that Jacob really loved was Rachel you'll see her on the far, right? She she was Barren and could not have children. But finally she was able to conceive and she gave him Joseph and Benjamin well before she could conceive she said why I can't conceive so I'm going to give my husband my handmade. In marriage so that we can have children and her handmaid bilhah which we read about. Gave Jacob Dan and napped Ali. Well, those are the 12 tribes. Well, we'll go by Vicki to my first point. Now. I had that out of order. So here's the first point. I want to make what we're talking about today. We're talkin about. Obstacles that could hinder our Christian walk in the first obstacle is this and that is what I call the dysfunction of the family. A dysfunctional family well to know how dysfunctional it was. We need to go back and look at Jacob and what happened Jacob was the second son of Isaac. He had a twin brother. Esau was born first as a young man with the assistance of his mother. He obtained his brother's Birthright. If you remember that Esau went out hunting he come back in about to starve and Jacob fix them up a bowl of grits or something. Anyway, he obtained his brother's Birthright because the brother Esau was the firstborn. So Jacob tricked him. He said I'll give you some grits to eat. If you'll give me your Birthright. So he tricked him and getting the birthright and that was just a special blessing designated to the firstborn son being as he as Jacob's dad Isaac got older. He was kind of old and blind and he was died. He tricked him into giving him the blessing the double portion of the first born son in the way trip Timmy put a coat on and it had like a lot of fur on it and all like that in the Bible says he saw was a hairy man. So Jacob put on this coat and went in there and is his dad was a blind anyway, and his dad touched him and felt that further and thought it was the hair thought he was talking to his eldest son when he was talking to Jacob. You see Jacob was a manipulator. Jacob was a trickster matter fact. If you look at his name in the Hebrew language the word Jacob means he'll grab what you doing. If someone's running you grabbed her heel. What are you do you trip them up what he was known for tripping people up matter fact before he was born. He grabbed these the holes heal and trying to jerk him back out of the birth canal so he could go first. So he was a heel grabber. And without a doubt all the mothers of that day would warn their daughters to stay clear of this. Silvertongue Pretender if you want to call him that and all the fathers would have told their size don't you make a deal with this man? Lets you have your lawyer there and it's in writing because he will trick you out of something. He always found a way to get what he wanted. Well he left home there and he went to his uncle laban's house. And Laban had a daughter and her name was Rachel and she was a beautiful daughter and Jacob a slayman if he could have her hand in marriage and lamon said I'll tell you what, I will let you marry my daughter if you'll work on my farm for 7 years. Well, Jacob didn't think twice about it. He said I'll work for you for 7 years for the hand of Rachel not why would a young man do that? Why would a young man use 7 years of his life just to get This one girl would listen to what the Bible says Jacob work seven years to pay for Rachel but his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days because he love this girl so much. Well, eventually the wedding came after seven years and then on the morning following the wedding. Jacob was with his new bride. So he thought and he turned over to wake up any look. And it wasn't Rachel in bed with him. It was laban's older daughter Leah. And Jacob was just beside himself and he went to he went to lame and he said what in the world have you done to me? He said I have worked 7 years for Rachel and here you are and you give me your other daughter and Laban looked at him and he said well hell he said it's just not our custom here to marry off the younger daughter first. He said always the older daughter gets married first. He said but look after the wedding week after the week is up if you want Rachel, I'll give you Rachel. He said under one condition. That you work for me seven more years.

Well, what did Jacob do to that I'll do it. I'll work seven more years because he loved Rachel and so after 14 years of Labor. Victimized by someone who was more of a trickster than he was Laban had grabbed his heel this time. He finally had the woman he loves. but he also had The Other Woman he didn't love He had sisters. He was married to sisters and all of a sudden one of the sisters started having children, and she started having boys. That can you imagine the conflict? Well Rachel saw that Leah could have children and that she couldn't. And she was just all tore up about that. So she said here Jacob take my handmade. I'll have children somehow so he had two children by Rachel's handmade. Well after Leah had had about five children. She said well, I'm not going to let her get over me. I'm going to give her I'm going to give him my handmade. So that's when he had two more children by Leah's handmade and then finally the Bible says that the Lord blessed Rachel. The true love of his heart and she was able to conceive. And she can see than the first born. was Joseph and what did the Bible say we read today that Jacob Love Joseph more than any other because he was the first born of the woman that he truly loved matter fact it one time before she had Joseph. Rachel came to Jacob and said you give me a child or else I die. And I was thinking to myself will your whole lot more apt to die giving birth to a child back in those days. Then you are not having a child. Now. This is the irony of the story. Rachel had Joseph and then the next song she had was Benjamin and she died giving birth to Benjamin. If she had told Joseph give me child or else I die and she did die giving childbirth to Benjamin after Joseph. Well, it shouldn't come as a surprise then given this bit of history that this family here is Rife with conflict. So what I want to do is I just want to I want to give you a synopsis of what we just read and I want you to put yourself in Joseph place. So it'll be after this light after the family tree.

I want to I want you to look at the synopsis. Here it is. I want you to put yourself in his place. And as I read these I want you to think could this be an obstacle that could hinder me in my Christian walk concern in the dysfunction of the family. So let's just say that your father was married four times. His ex-wife still hate each other and three of them are still alive. You've moved 5 times in your life your father and grandfather were tricksters your uncle almost murdered your dad out of Revenge. Your siblings have split into factions. Your sister was recently raped and two of your brothers because of that rate murdered and entire Village your mom died giving birth to your brother and dad loves you best and all the other children know it I just think about that Family for second. do you think that that could be An obstacle that would hinder someone in their Christian walk with yes it could well, maybe you're here today. And you say will you know, I've had a mom and matter fact, I've had to step moms. I've had a lot of Exes in my life. I've had step dad. I've had stepchildren. Maybe you're here today and you grew up in a angry home. A home full of resentment and bitterness maybe you grew up with a brother or sister that was favored over you. You know how that made you feel maybe you grew up and you were the favorite Child, you know how that made your brothers and sisters feel maybe you grew up in a home with sexual abuse. Maybe you grew up in one with addiction even maybe incest alcoholism or other unseemly things did those things have an influence on your life? Yes, they did. Those those things are you more likely if you grow up with a father and a mother, that's a drunk. Are you more likely to be an alcoholic to? Yes, you're more likely. Yes, it will have a tremendous influence on your life. But all those things that I just mentioned every single one. I'm even all these here about Joseph. They do not determine your life. Will they have influence? Yes. Do you have to be this way? No, because you can rise above the circumstances of life and we going to see Joseph rise above everything that you see there on the screen. Friends, we're not the victim all the time. We can rise above it with God's help. We can rise above it. But the first thing I want to see the first obstacle. That could hinder our Christian walk is the dysfunction of the family number to the next obstacle and we see it here in the life of Joseph. The next obstacle is simply this and I call this be despising of the faith. The despising of the faith now we see this in vs24 through 5 + 8 + 11. + let's read these vs. Vs2. This is the history of Jacob Joseph been 17. They all just a young boy was feeding the flock with his brothers member member his brother had 11 brothers and the lad was with the sons and I look who he was with the sons of Who-ville Halo handmade and the sons of zilpah handmade. See Jacob other songs wouldn't let him work with him. He said they say here they were older you go and you work with the sons of the handmaid's you're not worthy to work with us. And Joseph brought a bad report to them to his father verse 4 and 5, but when his brother saw that their father loved him more than all the others or more than all his brothers when they saw that Jacob was showing favoritism. They hated him speaking of Joseph and could not speak peaceably to him verse 5 now Joseph had a dream and he told it to his brothers and look what it says. They hated him even more verse ate his brother said to him. So you indeed Reign Over Us or shell you indeed have dominion over us. So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words and then look at verse 11 and his brothers envied him. But his father kept the matter in mind. What do you see in these versus what are the similar words in these vs. Evil Rapport hate hatred even more hate and then it says here that the brothers not only hate his words, but they even hated him dreaming anyone ever told you I can't stand you. I hate you because you dream know they even hated him because he dream they didn't hate him because he dreamed They hated him because of what the dreams meant. And we'll talk about that in a moment. They had Envy verse 11 says you what Envy is what that word means here in Hebrew. It means a burning jealousy boiling with Lee in them. Whose fault was that was it Joe's fault? No. He couldn't help the family. He was born in no more than you can help the family you were born in. Know what his fault it was Jacob. He's the one who showed favoritism. Sprint slept when we allow hatred and anger resentment and jealousy to run rampant in our life. We become despisers of the faith. We despised the faith in other words sin and its consequences controller like hatred is a terrible sin because it generates other sins. The Bible says hatred stirs up dissension and anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. The Bible says hatred in the heart. Jesus said is equivalent to murder. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer. And no murderer will have eternal life. Now. Let me say this NV also has a sister. And her name is malice. In both of these work together and we see it right here. Let me let me give you a little small little short definition of envy and Malice Envy. Causes us inward pain when we see others succeed. You're been jealous of someone and you didn't want them to succeed. But yet they did and what happened to you. You just couldn't stand it. You was hoping that wouldn't happen. So Envy causes inward pain when we see others succeed. Malice causes inward satisfaction when we see others fail. You ever wish somebody would fail and they did and you were happy about it. This is exactly what was in the hearts of these brothers and envy and Malice generate slander unwarranted criticism. And then when these two sins hide behind the veil of religious and self-righteousness the poison that they produce is deadly. Now if you look in Chapter 30 and inverse one is said that Rachel had Envy in her heart and that's what I was telling you when Rachel could not have children. It said that she envied Leah last the same word as used here of Joseph's brothers Envy on him. Well, you know, that's that's just normal because Jacob father Isaac he favored Esau Jacob's mother Rebecca favored him. So the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. Does it parents favoritism with one child over the other and then it just moves to the Next Generation and you see all the conflict that it causes friends. Listen. Not only did this function of the family can hinder our Christian walk. But those who despise the faith can hinder our Christian walk. Getting it hard. To live with someone who despises the Fate you ever been around someone who all they want to do is just talk about Christianity and put it down and tell you how dumb and stupid you are for believing such stuff like that. And why in the world would anyone go to church all the time like you too that's just stupid y'all to be out at Lake fishing or ought to be on the golf course playing golf who wants to hear preaching what good is that today? People who despise the faith people that you live with who won't come to church with you who talk about Christianity who hates God who anti-christian atheistic friends, that could be a hindrance. That is an obstacle to your Christian walk. It is how about people that you may work with just hateful speech or always cursing or something like that. Just nothing but hate flows out of them all the time and you got to work release when you got to be around them 8 10 hours a day. Or you go to school when you're in college and all your friends. They don't want to do nothing to go around and drink and carry on. They don't want to talk about the Bible Christianity or anything and here you are and you want to be friends with him, but you want to live a different way. Can't that be a hindrance to our Christian walk? Of course it can you may work with people like that you may live with people like that. And then all I have to do is just turn on the TV. Just turn on the TV and listen to that and listen to Hollywood and then look at our educational system. I know I talked about this a lot. I was watching a professor of the other night on TV and he was saying in 1969 I study was done in a 1969 those professors who lean from Center to far left out number professors. Hula hoop lean from Center to far-right 3 to 2, and he said that's what you want on a college campus Because he gives healthy debate. He says by 1999. It was 821 leaning to the liberal. He said today on our college campuses. It is 50 to 1. I think about that 50 to 1 what your children are hearing in the classroom, but see that's the reason it was playing like this many many years ago because if we can teach them what to think and how to think we can control the masses. And that's what they're doing today. You go to any college campus almost any and all you hear is Auntie Christian, Auntie God. If I had it to do over. Mine would have been in Christian School their whole life. It in college that went to a Christian School if I had it to do over what I know now the news media all with your Christian, you're homophobic xenophobic narrow-minded bigoted. That's all you were here Minds me a song to where the nation's Roar in the people rage. That's what's going on in our country today friend list. It is hard to live with someone and work with someone and hearing all day on TV and the internet all you want to hear something. That's Auntie God that there is an obstacle and can hinder your Christian walk. It can do that with these brothers here all they hated him for his words said they couldn't even speak peaceably of it. Then they started hating because of his dream Behavior because he was favored. They hated everything about Joseph. Now, let's just call a little time out here. This is The Gospel According to Joseph. Do you see what Moses is doing? Here Moses is the writer of this book. Do you see what he's doing in the people in the in the book here in the chapters of 37? 250 Moses is contrasting for us the difference between light and darkness. He's given us a contrast of that which is sinful and that which is righteous. He's giving us a contrast of that which is evil and that which is good. You don't have to read but three verses starting in chapter 37 and you already know who the good guy is and who the bad guys are in the story. You say here's what he's doing. Moses is putting a piece of black felt down on a table. That's the send. He's showing us the bad guys Jacob and these Levin Brothers. And then he's going to put a nice big fat shiny glorious diamond on against that black felt in. That is Joseph. You see he's giving us a contrast right here between what is right and what is not right? What is good? And what is evil? What is sin? And what is righteousness? That's what he's doing. Jesus did the same thing when he came into this world. The light of the world is coming to men but men would rather have Darkness. You see this is the gospel right here. This is nothing about anyting else but sin and Redemption is what it's about. And Jacob in these other bears are centers. Joseph he's the righteous one now was Josephus enter or was he perfect he was a sinner because he's a man but Moses is contrasting his goodness and righteousness with the evil of his brother and his dad and we have it right here. Joseph is a diamond in the rough. He's the diamond on the black felt. This is Joseph. This is what he's giving us right here. Well, there's one more I want to share with you. So we seen something that could be an obstacle and hinder our Christian walk number one isn't this function of the family. We probably all grew up in a family in some ways it was dysfunction, but that could hinder another is when we hang around or when we have family or friend who despise the faith that can hinder our Christian walk just like here for Joseph. And then the last one is this.

The denial of the future now. I want to show you what I mean by that the denial of the future look at it in verse 3. Not Israel or Jacob Love Joseph more than all his children. Because he was the son of his old age. Also, he made him a coat. Of Many Colors. What is that coat? What what you mean a coat? A mini cut what has that to do with anything a coat the brothers hated Joseph because of this coat. You're in jail spell someone had a pair of shoes or code or something that you didn't have. I mean, you know, just go get you one. All know that coat has far deeper meaning than that and those Brothers knew it you see this coat signified that Joseph was Jacob's air. And he was going to get the double portion because this the Hebrew word for coat here is only use one of the times in first Samuel chapter 18, and it talks about a princely or kingly robe. This coat was more like a road and it flowed all the way down to his ankles and it had long sleeves on it. You see the other son's they had a Coke too, but there's went to the waste and had short sleeves. You see those other Suns and you that this not only that he favored him. But he's going to get the double portion simply because of this coat and I noticed coats and Joseph life is a big Motif because we see it right here and later on we going to see that when Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph. She pulled his coat off of him in his coat was left with her and that's what got Joseph sent to prison. It's amazing when you look at people what has ramifications in their life or Joseph. It was always the coat. So we see here this coat and all the brothers knew it and they didn't appreciate the coat. But what they didn't really appreciate was that he was going to get the double portion. Ruben could have said why I deserve to double portion because I was the first born and he would have been right except for one thing. He

he defiled his father's bed because he slept with one of his father's handmaid's. Sam Hunt this is a dysfunctional family. I'm telling you. And so he he he was out of the birthright in so Jacob gives it to his younger brother Joseph The Inheritance pass to him and it caused all sorts of Discord with his brothers. So it was the coat but I want you to notice something else something else. You see, here's what the brothers are doing. They're denying the future. They know what that coat means that he's going to get the double portion, but they're denying that they don't want that to happen friends. Listen when God call someone. You can throw the entire Army of the Gates of Hell against it, but it's going to happen. If that's God's Sovereign will it's going to happen. There's no sense in us fighting it the 9 the Future these brothers all they had their heart with self-interest hate anger resentment and bitterness. They could not see what God was doing. Is so they denied the future. No, he's not going to rule over us. He's not going to rain over us. He's not going to be our savior. Well, yes, he will because God had put his finger on him. And when God touches someone is going to happen you can count on it. It will always happen. Well, why else did they deny the future of what God was doing? Why else? Did they hate Jacob? Well, we see it in verses 6 through 11 cuz we going to look at these dreams. And let me see if I got time to finish this and I do listen here verse 6. This is Jose the speaking. So he said to them please hear this dream, which I have dreamed. There we were speaking of him and his brothers binding sheaves in the field then behold my sheet for Rose and also stood upright and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bow down to my sheep. What verse ate his brother said to him? She'll you indeed Reign Over Us or shell you indeed have dominion over us if they knew what the dream meant and this is something else they knew. You know, how God spoke to people in those days by dreams. He don't do that today. I mean he could but the way he usually does it today is through his word and through prayer and through other people in through circumstances. I'm very leery When someone tells me I dream this do you think God is trying to tell me something most honest they know he's trying to tell you not to eat barbecue at 11 at night. That's probably what he's trying to tell you. We have the whole can of now. So it's his word that speaks but back in those days. He spoke to people through dreams Jacob to the known that cuz he had a dream and self of angels going down a ladder. He should have known that but look verse 8 his brother said to him should you indeed Reign Over Us or show you and Dean have dominion over us. So they hate him even more for the dreams and his words verse 9, then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said look, I have dreamed another dream and this time the sun. My dad the Moon. All his wives and the 11 stars all of you Brothers bow down to me.

varsity so he told it to his father and his brothers and look what Jacob did his father rebuked him said to him. What is this dream that you have dreams that your mother and I and your brother are indeed come to bow down to the Earth before you And his brothers boiling with jealousy toward him. But look what it says about Jacob but his father kept the matter in mind. In other words. His father said I'm not going to tell these other 11, but there's something to this. God spoke to me in a dream and it happened and now he's speaking to Joseph through dreams and it's going to happen. We will indeed by down to him. If you know the story Joseph ends up in Egypt as the Prime Minister and a pagan nation and because of his wisdom and because his ability of an administrator he saved enough food over seven years to withstand a seven year famine in all of Egypt and all of Israel had food because of Joseph and in the end the brothers came about to starve to death and they saw their brother. He said I'm Joseph the one you sold and what did they do? They Bow Down?

Rent, if God says it it's going to happen. There's no sense in trying to deny the future. Don't try to let me tell you what we do when we deny the future. You're in a job and all of a sudden you have a boss that you can't stand.

In the first thing you want to do is you want to leave you want to get out. I'm not working for this man not working with his co-worker. I'm going to get out. Where they just be the God sent that person into your life to teach you a valuable lesson. He may want to teach you perseverance. He may want to teach you patient. He's trying to grow you spiritually. But yet you kick back against it and when we deny the future when we deny what God is doing in someone else's life or in our life. What we're doing is we're kicking back against the will of God. And we're taking control of her own life and said no, I'm not going to live in this. I'm going to make my own way. You see how easy it is to do what the brothers were doing. They didn't care about the hope. They knew what it meant. That's why they were angry. They knew what the dreams meant but they said no it's not going to happen. We're going to do anything we can to stop it. And what did they do next week? We'll see they sold him into slavery. Will that was the way for them to stop this dream from happening, but in God's plan he had to be sold into slavery. So the dream could come true. but see we don't see that and we try to do things and manipulate things our own way, right like Jacob and the brothers and what we're doing with kicking against God's will it's what we're doing in this is what they were doing. So, how do we respond to this teaching today? Well, let me say this if you grew up in a Christian home and you grew up with parents who raised you right and didn't have other men and women coming in and out and you didn't have stamps and you didn't have excess you ought to be thankful for that this morning y'all to thank God for that. That you had a family like that, but on the other hand you may have had bad parents or bad family. It is very hard to thank God for that. I understand that.

If your parents went through a divorce or you grew up in a bad environment, it can be very painful and it can be an obstacle that hinders your Christian walk it can. The friends we have a choice when something bad happens to us. We can either let the circumstances defeat us or we can rise above the circumstances of life. We can do that. And like Jose if we can say I'm not going to let these things destroy my life into keep me from being everything that God wants me to be we can say that and with God's help we can do it there. So many people in the world who want to use their circumstances as an excuse to do all sorts of evil. My breaking in stores and looting and things like that. all sorts of evil The Joseph simply refuse to allow his upbringing to use that as an excuse for Rebellion. He did not do it. That's why he's the diamond on the black felt. And Moses is showing us that few people would had a harder situation than he did yet. He never lost sight of God's gold for his life friends. We can rise above our circumstances and we can achieve great things in our own generation no matter the dysfunction of the family the despising of the faith or the denial of the future. We can rise above it. We can do that now. Let me just say this and will close.

When we look at the store Justice first 11 verses and I'm going to get to the gospel. Do you see that Joseph was beloved by his father wouldn't you agree with that? He loved him. He was the son of his favorite the woman that he worked 14 long years for he loved it. Don't you see in this story that he was also hated by his brothers. Absolutely hated. And don't you see or you will see later that in the end. God will happen and that Joseph was exhausted. Do you know anybody in the New Testament? Who was beloved by his father? And hated by his brother and then the end was exhausted. Jesus he came to this earth. And what did God say this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased. And then he came before the council. And the council says what who do you want to release Us 2 release to you? But Rob has the thief and murderer or this Jesus who's done nothing wrong? What did his brothers his Nation say give us Barabbas and crucify Jesus hated by his brother. But then in the end the Bible says there's none other name under Heaven given among men. Whereby we must be safe exalted by the father to his right-hand. This is all Joseph is a mirror of Christ in his life and we see it here in the first leavened vs. Amen. All right, let's go.

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