Living in light of His appearing
For 1st Peter chapter 4 and I wanted to give the message. Great news to tell you some great food. Hey, man, we need some good news. Christ is coming back to Earth Christ is coming back. That is great news. And that's what we should be looking for in the Bible says not only is he coming back but it is going to be literal. It is going to be fought Ali at his second coming of Christ and he is going to establish his kingdom that we also know that I believe and then we believe the scriptures teach us that not only before he returns bodily back. We know that's a definite deal. I believe it's a church is going to be raptured out in that we're going to go pee with a old man while judgment is going on here on the earth. I believe that the Christians will be be judged in heaven to find out if we have been faithful to find out if we have been true and are going to be able to be in the bride of Christ. Are we going to be at the guests at the wedding or we going to be a servant with in that City and all of that is going to be worked out and all of that is going to be determined by our If I walk with you do with our Salvation after we have painted we know that once you are saved you are always saved that get you into heaven, but we also know during that Millennial Reign that there's going to be a bride. There's going to be leaders. There's going to be servants. There's going to be people and stop alarm work on the layout and determine where we play during that Thousand-Year reign in the Apostle Peter writing to these eight Christians and Asia Minor encouraging them. They scattered their persecuted their suffering. They're going through some very hard time and he starts all the way out is in chapter 1 in By telling Siri says who were kept you reminds us that are kept by the power of God through faith under selfish and ready to be revealed in the last time and so God is going to show who is he is in first 7 of chapter one. He said that the trial of your face being much more precious than of gold that perisheth though. It be tried with fire might be found on the praise and honor and Glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ and all through this book, even though they're dealing with suffering Peter is writing this letter and reminded them not to focus on the suffering Focus On Christ, and then it's hard to do. Sometimes it it's hard not to focus on the suffering because that affects me right now that affects what's happening to me right now. So it's easy to get our eyes focused on the Here and Now. Heater keeps reminding us. It's let's focus on what's coming. Let's focus on what's Happening. Focus on the end of the matter is a matter of fact that I don't believe in coincidences at all. And one of the things that I like about preaching through books as the way that these kind of always seem to come up and in the field so relevant in the Life today, I don't think it's a coincidence that the APA literature for the last semester. This semester has been going through the Book of Revelation is what Sunday is, so hopefully you've been looking lessons. Hopefully you've been watching the lessons that are being done that I've been searching on the Internet. It's so me and what do we need to do during all of this suffering and trials and tribulation we focus on Jesus Christ because he is coming again. He is coming back but now we can over here to chapter 4 and Peter is still focusing on the return of Jesus Christ, but it's not so much that we need to be looking forward to the Jesus Christ has so much as how we are to live in light of his return and other words feeders this war. Is going to be dealing with our action with how we think about life how we act amongst all of this suffering persecution how we respond in light of the fact that Christ is coming again that Christ is going to save his church out of this world and that he is going to judge this world is so we need to remember the prophecy is not designed the tickler ears Lisa. This week has been reading through a lot of the Minor Prophets in her Bible reading it and every day she keeps saying men is a lot like America there they're suffering and how many time to every one of them prophets just turn back to God repent focus on God live amongst them matter fact, we are going to begin studying The Book of Daniel. We're going to look at the first at least the first six chapters on Sunday night. So we're going to study Daniel and Daniel is one that his entire Did religion and everything was turned upside down but yet we find the keepers to Daniel chapter 8 and it has to do with the character of Daniel is that he purposed in his heart and that's what Peter is telling us this morning and saw a lot of times. We like prophecy because we like the tickle. We like the excitement. We like to try to figure things out. We like to try to please signs and Wheelock the mystery mysterious aspect of Prophecy. But listen God has a plan for this world when we deal with prophecy. We need to understand that they're all of that is great. And all of that is wonderful, but God in amongst all of the prophecy everywhere that you see in the word of God. He always comes back to the fact that in light of that coming again in light of Prophecy in light of future events. It is our responsibility to live. Holy lives matter fact, I'll just share A few examples before we get into our passage of scripture this morning and first John chapter 3 and verse food he said beloved. Now are we the sons and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when we should he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is prophecy, right? I don't know what it's going to be like, but I do know when I see him I am going to be like him and that's exciting. That's wonderful that that's good but didn't notice the very next Spurs and every man that has this. Hope purifies himself even as he is pure prophecy. Grace is coming back that's exciting this wonderful that's good. But because of that, I've got to purify myself. Got to live. Holy book. Also at Titus Chapter 2 verse 11 for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men and first 13 looking for that blessed. Hope And glorious appearing of the Greek God In Our Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifying to himself a peculiar. Good work without exception you go and you find the verse that refers to the coming of Jesus Christ and without exception either right before that statement or right after that statement there is going to be a verse somewhere right there close by that tells us in light up. We are to live holy because that's what God demands it. So with that in mind, let's go to 1st Peter chapter 4 in this morning. We're going to look at first 7 Down 2 verse 11 answers passage of scripture notice what he says in verse 7, we just finished last week looking at verses 1 through 6 and how that week. We suffer is Christ. We have the same mind like Christ. We looked at that in Philippians Wednesday night that we have to have our mind. Your mind has to make up the your mind and make the determination that you are going to live for Christ. And that's how he starts out this chapter 4 for as much then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh. Play of likewise with the same mind and then he gives us some things that we are to avoid. He gives us some things that we are to strive for and he comes down to verse 7 and he says but the end of all things is at hand bu therefore sober for charity shop cover the multitude.
One to another without grudging as every man has received the gift even so Minister the second one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God, if any man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God if any man Minister let him do it as a as of the ability which God give us that God in all things may be glorified.
in Dominion forever and ever amen, but the end of all things is at hand but the end of all things is at hand and we just commanded us to do away with some buddies just start doing something live in a certain way because Christ is coming back and then he makes this statement but the end of all things is it in kind of a weird transition there, but that but sends us back up to verse 5, we have to understand that first job is where Peter is keying in on notice what verse 5 says first five sisters who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead Peter says here are some things you need to get rid of you. If your life hear some things that you need to add to your life because the judge is about to return Christ return is very nice.
Quite a bit the 40 days that Jesus Christ remained on Earth before he ascended to the father if you think Peter cry. Was looking for Christ to return.
How much important is it for us to look closer today than we have ever been before the end is near the end of their and I want to be like Paul where Paul wrote to Timothy. I have finished my course. I have fought the good fight. I want to finish. I want to finish complete if so, that's what Peter. That Christ is coming back, but guess what? It's not just so that we can go to heaven. Be happy and everything else. There's going to be Then it's not going to be very. I try to remind people when they talk about. 7 in no pain, and no sore.
Millennial Reign, that's after the Thousand Years. I believe while tribulation is going on here on Earth when we read in Revelation 2 seals in the valves and the trumpets that are being blown in and there's Great Tribulation happening here on this Earth. I believe there's going to be sadness and tribulation happening in heaven also because we are going to be judge.
Is examining us to find out if we are faithful to be the Bride of Jesus Christ.
Your spouse's father about marrying them. However, how much you harder you think is going to be to stand before God and go through his question.
Worthy and faithful and so we're going to the other side.
But you and I are going to give an account at the judgement seat. also and Peter fully
a more literal translation kind of will help us.
The consummation of all things is Drawing Near with the continued result. That is Drawing Near. In other words. What top heater is saying is that Christ could come back right now or I could be very soon but it's going to happen. It's getting closer each and every day according to New Testament terminology the last days the consummation of all the first coming of Jesus Christ Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 says God who at sundry times and divers met or spoken time passed unto the father of the Prophet have been these last. To Us by his son who has appeared who has appointed heir of All Things by he who also you he made the word World trip again at the return the first coming of Jesus Christ
And him we've been anticipating and looking for that later on Peters going to mention about in the last days. There will be scoffers. They're saying when is Christ going to return because Peter is so adamant. And so I was wondering in his writing that how do we enjoy this up re how do we endure this persecution? We look for the return of Christ. It's so much so that he said they're going to be like this is going to go home if you want to say, where is he at Miami returned yet? What are you talkin about? You don't know what you were talking about. But remember First Peter chapter 1 verse 5 be set the stage there and said who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to reveal be revealed in the last time. I don't know. but I know he and it's going to be revealed that you may laugh at the preacher nowadays. It's a man. He's always talkin about the coming of the Lord. He don't know what he's talking about. There's other preachers that preach that for 2,000 years, but I can promise you that it may not happen in my lifetime. It may be in somebody else's generation or lifetime. But God is going to prove himself through and it says that every knee and tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Is Telling these Christians to look for the Look for signs as a matter fact Jesus Christ in his teaching told us to do what that does signs to look at the signs because they are going to come as birth pains when me and my wife got ready to have made to your first child. We didn't know if have a clue about pregnancy or anything matter of fact, we've had several other books and we'd follow app on our phone everyday. What's the baby doing inside and all of this but it became serious when we began the doctor said, okay, you don't have to come every 4 weeks now. You start coming every 2 weeks and then you can start coming every week. Why and then what are you talkin about? Why we getting comes home more often now. Because it's getting close. Here's some things. I need you to start.
And so what happened everyday the gym things begin to happen and we would see signs. We would see Mandy Cantore we would see if she would feel a control. Are these would happen she would be reminded to guess what the birth of our child is getting closed. And so instead of focusing on the suffering.
We asked ourselves and nobody in their right mind will answer how in the world did Trump win the election for years ago how it is doesn't make sense. How in the world a guy didn't even minute on TV this morning when I came to Washington. I didn't know anybody.
Turn everything but here's what I can tell. Is that God is in control God raises leaders and God puts down leader and it also going to play into the fact that price. We're being for pay your we need to look for.
It doesn't mean that he's coming back. But he says they're going to get stronger and every little earthquake and every little pestilence that every little famine doesn't mean that oh No Cry
Things are going to get stronger. They're going to get more often eventually is going to happen. Just like Lisa said you know, what I think now is the time we need to head to the hospital I think now is the time you need to go. So what do we do? We grab our bags and we head to the hospital and folks. I believe we're living in a time and I've mentioned it several.
Realizing that Christ coming is near Alta motivating us. Jesus Christ loves me and he forgave me and he saved me and he wiped all of my sins away and past my sins into the deepest depth of the ocean as far as the East is to the West never to
boldly with this precious
You still going to judge me still I'm still going to have to stand before him. And so remember these Christians were going through intense. And I had the whole but Christ return the mist of their suffering. They knew that life was going to be terminated and consummate either in debt or the coming of Christ. They were either going to go through the clothes.
Play video on the song with that in mind. He gives him a couple of things that they need to do to prepare how we make ourselves. Holy how do we make sure that we are prepared for the coming of Jesus? Notice first of all what he says in verse 7 we need to be Lucid. Look at what he says he says but the end of all things is at hand be you. Therefore sober be you there for Stover in view of the fact that Christ is coming again in view of the fact that all of this is going to come to an end Christians are told how they should live and the Asian Christians in particular that Peter is writing to we're suffering a great temptation to forsake the basic Christian Living because of their suffering, you know, if you're being suffered for being a Christian the easiest thing is to quit acting like a Christian in the suffering stop at RR withdrawal and the full-back to shrink back into the Waters of scattering. In the book of Acts and stuff because of that persecution work people would pull back and withdrawal because of the suffering persecution to notice what Peter says Peter points.
Waiting for Christ's return where to be loosened. What do we mean by Lucius? It means to be sober to to answer. judgement
Izzy contrasted with the word in Simon how many of you know someone that is insane. This is the opposite of You know, sometimes I do better by looking at opposite sometimes when I look at word and I really don't understand the definition. I will look at the antonyms and what are the words that are opposite and I'll look. Mixes for the real blade and saw the word here. They had the antithesis of the word is it so we need to be notice that this soberness this lucidness has With our intellectual life it has to do with our mind remember the police. Peter last Sunday water do we before we can get our body doing what it's supposed to do? What has to come first? You got to make up your mind. You got to decide you've got to be disciplined enough to put yourself under God's control. So we make sound judgments based on the fact that God has a plan for this world. God Ran is going to be done. But that does not mean that we go around acting insane, right? We don't try but it doesn't matter fact this week because the numbers are going up and because they're getting so many. People that are testing positive that are showing absolutely no symptoms or anything. I have been wearing my mask everywhere. I've been extra cleansing. I've been extra Ducks social.
Because yes God is going to protect me God is going to take care of me either. I'm going to die here God's going to take me home, but he doesn't want me to be insane. Right? He doesn't want me to God has a plan and purpose for my life. But that doesn't mean I can go out there and stand on Highway 5 and it knocked expect for it to come to an abrupt ending right when we we don't get out on Highway 5 because it's dangerous only a person would stand on Highway 5, right? And so we don't have to be like that is Christian weird to be loose it weird to be sober. We're the same mind it when we are not two we are to make the Seas. The word of God not based on the world. We are not to act and react based on the world and situation. We're to act and react based on the word of God, man. There's we need to make decisions by the Bible and not buy the newspaper the media we need to get more focused and you ought to be reading and studying your Bible more and praying more right now than you have ever in your entire life because they say we should not be scatterbrained or frustrated about the world because we all should be able to understand that Christ is working. Everything is working as we find their inverses 11 for the glory of God and it's going to happen. It's going to take place. So the first thing we have to do is be Lucid Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and so wisdom is making good decision. It's wise decisions based upon God. And it's worse but he goes on there in chapter 7 of Proverbs Chapter 1 and he says but fools despise wisdom and instruction and smoke man. We need to be loose. If not only do we need to be loose. If it look at the next part of that verse we need to be looking at the end of all things is at hand and therefore be loose it be sober but then he says watch on the prayer Watch under prayer and where the first Birds word was translated sober really this war Greek word is translated sober more than the first word. The first word has to do with the insane and thinking and being rational in the word of God. This word is the word that we find where it talks about not quenching the spirit being sober not intoxicated not being controlled by something outwardly outside and so they should not be overwrought as they see the world events unfold.
Prayer instead of getting upset instead of getting nervous instead of allowing fear and everything to Consumers what we do we go to prayer because remember our God is in control Our God has a plan. Our God has a purpose and so me and we need to be praying to him was that Lisa said this morning if my people which are called by my name will do what seek my face seek, my face not everything else will seek my face and do what parade pray pray, then will I hear man. We need as Christians we need to keep ourselves awake and alert with all of her faculties under control will, you know when Jesus describe the coming of himself again, he described it as a thief in the night and how many people are going to be caught off-guard with how many priests were going to be surprised. If you are actually looking for the return of Christ right now, man, we don't need to get into that career prayers essential for Where is also essential to Revival? You cannot have spiritual growth? And you cannot have Revival without prayer. We wonder why God is.
Why am I getting more depressed? Why am I getting more pulled away during all of this situation? perhaps where was strengthened you spiritually but it also bring Revival in the church. Our tendency is human just to think humanly right thing about hunting and fishing fish act like fish until they become very predictable. Sometimes you can get on them. You can find them you can trick them into biking alert because they're predictable dear you look because they're predictable. They're going to Eatonville certain place. They're going to bed in a certain place. They're going to have to get water from a certain place until they get predictable will guess what even more predictable. impatient Humans, we get in the garage and we get stuck in all of this and we run around in an endless Church activity. We run around doing things that just simply stating all of our energy on all of these various activities of which absolutely none of them have any lasting effects you really think about all of the active stuff and how many of them think about when you was a young person in church some of the activities that you did and how many of them steal impacted of Change Your Life Today know it was the preaching of the cross. It was those songs and singing it was through worship time that affected Our Lives prayer has to be alive. It can't just be this hit-and-miss proposition in our life. Just got to be a lifestyle Luke chapter 18 and verse 1. He says fake a parable under them to this end in that men ought always to pray. And not just saying Paul writing to the churches special at night than 1st. Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 next to the smallest person the Bible. He simply said pray with don't stop when things are tough when suffering happening when persecutions taking place when the world is feeding us all things. We don't know where to turn we do know where to get on your knees and turn to God In Prayer. Our first priority is to be Lucid in light of the word of God make sure that we think things use wisdom don't give second of all, what are we do? We begin to pray we begin to watch and put that wisdom in the action without it. We will never know where do the will of God effectively notice the third thing that Peter says here is he goes on he says above all thing. It's great to me Lucid. It's great to be looking and living for the rich. But he says above always things you need to be living life. You need to be living. What do we mean by living? What have John wrote the Gospel of John that you may want believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that upon believe in him. You may have life eternal living guys is not acquiring a bunch of stuff living is not having everything your way. So many time we have messed up on this idea this definition of what does it mean to live? What does it really mean to have life in Christ? And the sad thing is is we're really not living in Christ a man. We we we we move maybe do some of these other thing but he says above all have fervent charity among your sale in his three times. He's fixing to give three different activities that have to do with living and every one of them is for one and every one of them comes with the phrase one. Another behind them. We are to love one another above all favorite charity among yourself. Then he mentions another word there in another one and we'll look at these but all of them have to do with our relationship. You cannot live without relationship. We see that all the way back in Genesis chapter 1 Wishing you many At All by his self and what did God say God said it is not good that man should White live alone because you can't live alone. God designed us for each other God designed us for relationships. And so therefore he created woman he created even so Peterson is a f*** off. This word love is the Greek word Agape that we hear so much as I love which knows no bound that does the very best and thinks of the very best of of the one that is being loved and it should be a fervent love bourbon has the idea of stretched-out. It is a love that used of a horse race it I'm I went and watch them Brianna and Logan last night in a horse show when they did barrel racing and speed competitions and everything at and it was amazing. They had people there from all ages and all skill sets and and horses from all ages. But the one thing that was always constant, it didn't matter how slow they came out and did their pattern and everything else when they finally turned it toward home. What do they do? They stretch them horses out and it's there's nothing better watching a horse as he's stretching for the finish line. And that's this idea what we get the idea yet. We're supposed to love but we forget about forbidden love. When was the last time you stretched Your Love out. When was the last time you exerted yourself to love? Somebody that was not lovable affect us what Jesus Christ did for us didn't you while we were yet sinners Christ died for us for God so loved the world that what he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not die but have everlasting life. So Peter is saying above off agape love It's hard work. It's going all out as being fully committed to your brothers, and she I love of those about love is the most him. Virtue that we find in that we can manifest to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. When you look at Corinthian and chapters 12 13 14, and he's talking about spiritual gifts any chance leaders fixing to go into spiritual gifts. These are great. These are wonderful, but the greatest of these is what love I could talk in tongues this morning, but guess what it is not going to do anything for your life has changed your life more are better than me loving you with agape love love is the important because Christ is in us every one of us can do every one of us has the power to love someone with a Gospel of John Chapter 13, Jesus Christ said a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another by this all men shall know that you are my disciples if you have loved one to another Tell him to go up and Riot. He didn't tell him to go March up in the street and tell him to go reveil. What did he tell him to do to live in light of the return of Jesus Christ and above all these things. How can we change our world around if we just simply love the way Christ love? And then he goes on and he tells us why we should love because love covers a multitude of sins love covers a multitude of sin Galatians 6:1 says if a man be overtaken in a fault, you are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering that I sell less that also be tempted and accept bass it in various personality quirks. People are glad I know you're glad God didn't make the one Donnie. Hey, I'm glad God didn't make one of you I miss everybody has their own quirks. Everybody has their own we're all different. But listen to love breaks through all of that love agape love comes to serve Jesus Christ could have said me and I'm going to die for everybody but Donnie Haines, he doesn't deserve it cuz he's one weird cat so he don't deserve my love. No, he died for everyone. He loves everyone the same and equally CS Lewis said that God is in the business of making bad people good and good people better. That's pretty good statement. Love everybody the way that God loves all Christians have some type of limitation in almost every facet of life. There's not any of us that are good at everything. And so me and we just have to love each other. I love capacity can and must grow if we're going to be effective Christian matter fact 1st. John 3:14 says we know that we have passed from Death unto life notice were dead. But how do we live? How do we have life 1st? John 3:14, we know that we have passed from Death unto life because we love the Brethren. He that love is not his brother a by Des Moines Daya living is loving living is without other people. It's not about you if we could ever get out of this mindset that Christianity and y-intercept surprised we could break the chains of depression. We can break the chains of suicide. We can break the chains of divorce and alcoholism and drug. And everything if we would just start living for other people rather than focusing on herself. And that's what you were saying in suffering may we don't need? We need to be focusing on the other in 1st John 4:7. He says beloved. Let us love one. Another for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of god notice birth starts life, right and no it's got to know. It's not God for God Is It Love it's always begin living on loving others with against that course of All We Begin living by having a large part toward others what he goes on to say there. He says it above all things have fervent.
And then he says use Hospitality one to another without Grudge e Hospitality. What is Hospitality? It seems like such an insignificant, but do you realize that God speaks more about Hospitality for Christians than he does just about anything else. But yet today we are probably the most least hospitable generation that there's ever been we build our porches on the back. We isolate ourselves. We've got fences up in the yard. We divide ourselves. We separate ourselves. We don't want to be around nobody or anything else. But God says that we need to be hospitable. It appears to be a big deal to God something that God expects Christians to do the world the word literally means friendly to strangers. It was connected with entertaining others in our home with food and lodging in the very first century public unions were a moral places both Christian and respectable non-christians tried to avoid them. They didn't want to be associated with them. And so what they were telling the Christians is when the brothers and sisters in Come to your town don't make them have to stay in the field. Don't make them have to stay there but invite them into your homes and take care of them. As a matter fact, Jesus gave that commandment when he sent out the 70, he said take not with you food or raymen or anything, but do what take the Gospel of Jesus Christ those that will hear you will open up their homes and be hospital. What are you if you're not Hospital go to use a check the dust from your feet and go somewhere else. Hospitality is very important to God to hospitality and I think a lot of us is Christian. A lot of us to say well, I'm not a very good teacher. I'm not talented in that way. We forget that hospitality is a Ministry. It's an opportunity. Anyone can do it. God says open your home at as a priority on his list of important things to do.
Open our home to strangers. Perhaps you think your home is not very nice.
Are you liked open your home, but when you get The New Sofa or when you get some new drapes, but if we just keep finding excuses guess what will never open. It will never open it you'll miss out on one of the greatest Ministries God has for Christians. He wants to venture out and start with what you have. However humble it maybe and make your home available to others Hospitality notice what he say is there to that just in case without complaint? Call me and I hate Ministry. Grumble about it. I will have people over but their kids are going to tear up something or get something dirty or miss something up right at it. So I just can't do it. He says be hospitable without complaining don't complain open up your home open up your heart beat large-hearted. It's essential to the furtherance of the work of Jesus Christ on this Earth, but then the very last thing. It says love others big large-hearted the others and then look after others look after others. Look at what he says as every man has received the gift even so Minister the same one another living in view of the soon return of Jesus Christ. It is proper for us to use our spiritual Dia. If you are a child of God this morning for weather in this congregation, if you are a child of God you have at least one spiritual gift. And you may have three four five spiritual. Everyone is given at least one gift in light of the return of Jesus Christ. We need to be live. We need to be using rdf your gift is not for you. It's not force it back if call kids home to him at quarry it right because they wanted to speak in tongues. And he said that gives is not for you. It's not for you to brag and boast because you could speak in tongue will use their gift is for other people and if there's not an interpreter than don't speak in tongues because it's not benefiting nobody but you and your price gift for always for other people. It's not for your self notice. He gives two areas at these gifts. Are you we don't have time this morning. I'm out of time to break these down but he breaks them into two categories Thursday speaking gifts and they're serving gifts when he talks about the gifts and you can go and look in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 4 through 7. He says there are diversity of gifts, but the Same Spirit there's diversities of administrations, but the same Lord he goes on it and gives a list of some of these other things. Gifts of preaching of teaching of encouragement all of these things that they were all speaking tips. Some people have speaking gifts. Some people have we see that played out in the life of Martha and Mary right? Mary was the what she was the speaker. She was the one that was sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ. She was the one that would tell Martha was the servant he was doing she was cooking. She was getting things prepared both of them or just as right with Jesus Christ. Jesus needs to be listened to in a door, but he also needs to be ministered to answer it. So we have to have both and so wherever your gift is, you need to live it you need to show it matter fact is we close things out 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7 Paul writes and says the has he said to you who were trouble. Rest with us. When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking Vengeance on them that know not God, then that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power as Christians. We need to be aware that cries. Just wondering And that Christ's return is very near in light of his coming. We need to reassess our priorities. We need to be loosened. We need to be looking we need to be living with love large hardness and looking after one another through speaking and service GIFs. But I also want to let you know this morning that if you are not a Christian Paul tells us some bad news there in 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 and 2 you add that are trouble if you rest is coming back, but to use that are not saved you can't risk you have to repent you have to turn to Jesus Christ because God says that he wheedled and he will punish and it will be Eternal. And so today I'm asking you if you are a Christian if you know Jesus Christ as your personal savior in like his return I'm asking you to risk not physically, but rest in the fact that God is in control and that God is on the throne and God is coming back is coming to get you. It's all going to be over with very very soon. But then to you that you're not saved you need to repent you need to turn to God before she turned it too late. And so let's start living invited. Let's start being smart be Lucid chart looking for him to return start watching for him to let us love each other administered each other with our gifts and I can guarantee you we will not only change our church. It will change our community and we'll change our world when you go back and you look at at and you see what did they do? That began to break loose if they got Sears Price. He said go watch and wait wait for what the power of the Holy Spirit and they were looking they were waiting. What did they do while they were waiting? They sang They continue to do what they could do while they were waiting with there's things that we're limited on doing today, but do you realize there is a lot of weight that we can Minister today, even though we're being limited another one man. We've got to find ways and asked and they because they begin to minister and begin to expose their gifts in there was added to the church daily. The reason we're not growing at the ministry and the reason we're not ministrator because they're really not looking for We're not looking for Christ to return because we really don't take Christ return in our life very serious. Go ahead to start for the Mind said what do you think about the return of Christ? She's coming in as we staying have a versus invitation this morning. You do not know Jesus Christ.