Why Are We Here / What's The Meaning of Life?

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An episode of the popular tv show "Everybody Loves Raymond" concerned their young daughter asking the question every one of us ask at some time or another ...."what's the meaning of life?"

The father character, Raymond, probably responded as many of us do when such questions are posed. He promptly stuttered and stammered all over himself.

So, this began a family-wide discussion. Raymond's brother, Robert, became very concerned about where we come from, why we're here. He then said, "do you know that the fruit-fly only lives 1 day? What's his purpose in life?"

Ray's wife, Deborah, might have given the most appropriate response yet. She said "Robert, the fruit-fly can't even contemplate why it's here. At least we can consider it."

Do you know that God created you, and me, special compared to any other creature in His creation. We have abilities that no other creature has; the ability to reason, the ability to apply logic, contemplation.

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