Kossi Akakpo - Speacial Message
You saw what I'm doing.
I know look up to Jesus love me.
Do I invite it?
Ibiza by everyone 7
Anybody online?
I want you to write some things down.
Happy Sabbath before we start a owners to hear this phone before we restart my only hope is Jesus the weirdest song in after. We can start. Thank you.
a piece of apparatus and Sisters in Christ Thank you for coming. What I want to do this morning, but you did it to help us understand. What we're living in and what is coming through? If you know there's a storm coming. And you know the direction of the storm, you know the path that the storm is going to take. I believe you'll avoid taking the path.
You know what today is? I'm not just difficult. Dia complicated
Believers, I want us to find strength and courage in this passage of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 through 31. It says the Everlasting God the creator of the ends of the Earth Defense know it's very understanding is unsearchable. It gives power to the weak. And those who do not have might the increase strength in the youth Shuffle. Do you sharpen and grow weary in the Lord? Chattanooga strength new song on wings like eagles Run, but not grow weary. They will work but not fence. Before we go before we get a message before we see the presentation. I want each one of us. Even those what home from the place. Will it down as we pray?
Let us pray.
Madea Heavenly Father Lord, Jesus Christ, we thank you for the gift of life. We thank you for the opportunity given to us to come before the worship you on your little bit sub and also hear from you Lord. Before we hit the message. I know I am a sinner, but I also know that you are a great savior. I also know that I am not worthy of the list of the messages. Download My Hope and my treasure in you, so please cleanse me from all unrighteousness speak to me to make it one of your voice and not mine make things in such a way that your name be glorified Lord in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
weird Sisters in Christ Our world is still in crisis. The so-called coronavirus has brought the world to its knees.
In the beginning people thought it would only be in China. But today is everywhere nowhere to run to Nowhere To Hide and please there are changes ahead of us. Did Michael bring all of them at once by step by step. They said nothing and nobody can stop it. They made this craziness so that it may be able to ship the word into a different direction.
The evil forces the negative powers of this word what in full swing brothers and sisters. That's why we have good people delicious. We need to bring up for And we need to feed ourselves through the word of God so that we may be able to make the right choices the Royal the right decisions when the time comes. Because one with tools to start with Christ, there's a price to pay and all those who know feed themselves with the word of God may find themselves making the wrong decisions and the right to seize the hands of the enemy or behind these things. The enemy has cast a shadow over the word organizations and many liters of this word organizations supposed to pay for mankind. The enemy has cut its shadow over them.
What does insisted what we're going to do today? We said the outbreak of coronavirus eyes today. Just three months prior to this outbreak. Your colon coronavirus does an event called is a 201 with a c on the screen. Dosa an event call event 201
duendes events Did you something call? Coronavirus pandemic simulation listen again. God has given us the Bible that God has also given us brain. He said lack of knowledge. My people perish don't an event 11201 and guess who represents the train ACDC the US CDC officials. Hopkins University of Fishel who Representatives the UN Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation representative for presents. What do we call simulation simulation is an imitation of a situation, you know, something is going to happen. Who invented the situation? Jump out you prepare yourself. You can be a pilot this thing. You do what you call simulation Loop you simulate piloting. I knew something was about to happen this event. What was surprising about it? Is this the end of the conference at the end of the meeting each participant was given a toy in the form of Coronavirus. I'll show you when the screen participant was given this town. If you were present that day you received this town as a gift at the conference October 2019 3 months prior before the outbreak. capital de participated received
And the estimated 55 million people to die or they talking about.
We go to the next.
My last message. I talked about existing Coronavirus. I talked about Cortana assistant coronavirus see this one coronavirus that give us what you could the common cold and don't want to give us off or cold because come to also acute respiratory syndrome. So we have this once before with hibiscus new one they talking about but there's something strange about the new one. I will show you go to next.
No. Who is saying this data 2019? coronavirus in nutrient. Identify in humans Listen carefully. Who 2019 coronavirus that have not been previously identified in humans and causes covid-19. So what happened if it was not a monkey Monday before what happened let the citizens of the world here and listen.
In your hearing what happened? I have before me the Genesis of the original scene in coronavirus. I have with me the mystery of iniquity I have with me. The Mists of wickedness of the Devil by Rajan coronavirus, I love by the Bible unlocked skip this skip this but God did not send coronavirus to us. I know two outages throughout history drama pestilences coronavirus the car did not send us what is the outline Assimilated Global outbreak requires steps overall timeline and expected outcomes 2010-11 stock today. Listen carefully. People create a very contagious with super low mortality rate for fit the New York plan. Stars took its IV hybrid recessed trim created write down for the trip. I would expect to you for district f o r t d e v e r i c k for district created at 4 o clock for lab from 2008 to 2013 part of a research project to find out why coronavirus spread like wildfire in box that have extremely hard time infecting humans Defoe. Prince death photo
HIV insect
We just wanted to say to the missing key to infect humans. What Luna bars in Festus the one that talking about was something missing they called what the HIV insect also known as the missing key. Each of the SEPTA able to listen carefully create version of the virus with a much higher mortality rates. A back-up plan ready to be released in the face 3. We're in this one right now in 53. But only if needed they wanted to know if its 3 there's something happen then phase 3 would come. Fortnite Sniper Elite friend created at 43 class for lab in 2015 transported to a different class for lab microbiology lab in Winnipeg Canada and have it stolen and smoke out by China on purpose and pickaxes. China's only place for laboratory Institute of virology in Wuhan Crucible deniability and to help cement The Wanted back up Publix get a something to fall back on if you need it. Primary skip bin is natural backup QB. China created it and released it by accident. That is why we said Brandon dick or accident according to the listen now all the f****** hate people be talking to the major lie to people we have power ship bags and agencies such as w h o n i a i d c d c u n will be involved with the sprayer to the planet. Please order the fastest route to control the wanted clip throughout the operation. I believe in God everything is exactly and you listen carefully. Create and found the vaccination development. So is capable of being roll out roll out commence to unveil on the global scale indicate decayed boxes Global button action plan, 2010-2020 and found the vaccination verification certification protocols digital ID to enforce confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory rule out is enacted Bill Gates. Id2020. Something is coming home. Let the lock steps. I put this just brought to the Plants vs. Strain relief using a real word exercise as a funnel what game to determine the expected response time lines and out come get and dust even 201 the eventual we talk about it inside this program. So you have to happen before they released the virus.
Ebook 201 October 2019 release the string Institute of virology in itself. Then flip its beliefs on in natural scapegoat. But you said it is natural or god-sent disease at the 110 Commerce Klipsch. The one with Market November 2019 that's only started if it was pointing finger to the market in Wuhan.
Don't play the human to human transmission for as low as possible and string to spread on the group has claimed before any country to lockdown or respond to avoid initial infection. What's the country has seed infection in place lockdown incoming and outgoing travel? But keep the transmission within the country to spread for as long as possible what enough people in the country or in the region are infected in net force quarantine a solution for the area and expanded lockdown prejean's slowly over time. Overhype the mortality rates that have little or nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the EPA and the complain at a maximum. If anyone dies for any reason and is found that he has coronavirus or not consider it as covid-19 give the public quarantine for as low as possible to destroy the biggest economy create civil unrest break down the supply chain. Bring down the supply chain and caused the start of muscle shortages as well as close people immune system to weaken due to lack of interaction with other but other people bacteria the outside word also known as the things that have our immune system to be alert and alive.
If you want to be safe. Don't play any attacks. Don't play an attack any potential treatment and continue to Echo dot only acurio is viable to fight the virus the virus to a vaccine. So if anybody want any solution anyway any treatment, they have to downplay it they have to tell people that only the person that is coming is the solution. Continue to break out of the quarantine over and over again into which interval and protest or do you fight them eventually and his one quarantine what they get enough public push back around June? 2022 June. I just ended the reason I wanted to do this today because if I don't do it if I don't tell people I will not be feelin alright. eventual end the phase one quarantine
When's it get enough public push back around June? 2020 and the public think is Tooele to end the isolation are going to do it. Anyway, what's the public go back to normal weight with a few weeks and then continue to overhype the recessed remodel it to read August to September 2020. A combined it with the increase in death due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate than normal due to having highly with him immune system from month of being in isolation to help for the part the mortality rate and how the upcoming Phase 2 lockdown today at is coming.
It's another face to look down that is coming. Now. They have left now. We are now out so they listen to tell us a game that we need to go back to isolation eventually in that case to why don't you in October to November to listen? Eventually in nuts place to park in October to November on an extreme level and blamed the protesters protesting and blender Pro System. Mostly people who don't trust their performance already for the cause of the largest second wave. We told you so it was to Ellie. This is your fault because you needed a haircut your freedom has consequences. V to quarantine at a much more extreme level increasing the penalty for defiance replaced fine with a jail term.
Please find with gelatin dim or travel has no official increase checkpoint including military assistance. This is where I need to talk to people because if the military get involved that we are in danger. Increase tracking tracing of the population mandatory apps take control over food does let's get started shortages. So that people can only get access to essential products Services India India first given permission keep the Swiss to lock down in the place for a much longer period of time then displays one lockdown continue to destroy the global economy. Something is coming for the message is for certain things, press to restart a new that what that be bringing. Forgot to get the supply chain and for the Amplified the food shortages and unlike any public Outreach Extreme Action and forth and make anyone who defy them appear as Public Enemy Number One to those who are willing to submit to those would be willing to submit to whatever they're going to propose us. Now will consider those who refuse to be enemy Public Enemy Number One.
Ways to lock down this month plus roll out the vaccination program plan vaccine certificate certification and make it mandatory for everyone given Priority Access to those that submitted from the start and have those that attacked those who are against it saying they are a threat to the coast of all the problems we can go back to normal until everyone take the vaccine people defined them a hurting our way of life there for at the enemy of action will be taken as enemy. And those were picking you see okay, you refuse are the enemy
if the majority of people
Goes along with the agenda then let those people inside the new system write down new system. Don't want to go along with the program integer into the new system. What is the new system?
And then call it New Normal. One limiting the minority that divided the program ability to work and travel. ability to weapon travel But you're not going to take a look at it when you tell me that I cannot work and I cannot travel to what what are we heading to? If the majority of the people go against the agenda their beliefs that whippin eyes Tascam HIV compare school for a brute strength 30% + immortality rate at the majority and give a funnel We Told You So to those that didn't listen and add the new economic model Microsoft patent little sis little sis little sis volume down. Microsoft patent vs. CC CC CC CC in the Bible default go to release is punishment on Mankind. We need to overcome these numbers before God will punish you Manatee. God loves us. The message is going on, but would you start us? We have read this morning that God intention is to have everybody be saved and the message is going on going to start killing people.
In the new economy Motel Microsoft patent versus delta versus tiptoe currency. A system using body activity data based on human behavior and willingness to submit to Virgin Black Mirror 15 million merits using food. Please register now. Beast body activity based on human behavior and willingness to submit This is what people like me. I don't think I lost it. Person because if my behavior be modified if I'll be able to reason if I want to be able to make my own choices and decisions then I think I better die.
Witness to submit to Virgin Black Mirror fifteen million merits using Food Water Shelter and other essential as a weapon to enforcement for the new economic system. Basically do what we do what we want and get rewarded get through this critical and more access to things you need to survive or go against what we want and can penalize those credit and Toes access to things you need to survive. So this is the program Put it up in conduit coming if I don't tell you they happen I wanna feel okay, so I have to let you know these are things that to happen. So there might be another look down to the next month.
My portion what is inside the passing-down play it at a casino. We don't need that one, which was about seeing. Why go to the next light go to the next light.
Go to the next slide.
LNG white turtle diss it don't Works through elements. Also to Ghana is Harvest of a soul is a steady the secret of the Laboratories of nature when it was supposed to ask a job how quickly flux heads seven houses in children with slipped away is Goblin. This is the one continuum
near the end of times set up will bring disease and she's after until popular cities are they used to ring invigilation? He impact the are the blue thing in pausing Spirits by the pestilence.
What is ancestors? Tell me if ghosts and coronavirus to us. It is something that has been cooked. Stop it in secrecy something that has been cut in secrecy and broke out to serve the public in general because it's a program coming people have to submit program to delete to scare people. When we are scared, then we'll be submissive. What's butter me. What killing people? Go to the next one which let go back. It says she said something. Deadly thing in pausing Parish by the pestilence sister white and when you see is it she foresaw this visitations to to become more and more frequent and his Astro to Disney. The Happening a good to be more frequent the interview with thrown at 4 that we pushing the love of God. God loves us. How can come between us. Because the message have to read the last person before God knows your decision now, I can pull my judgment My Punishment upon them.
The enemy has to do what has to be faster.
We must not forget the great controversy between Christ and Lucifer. Let's go.
Is it known he is a twitch in accidents and calamities by see and buy land in great conflagrations in Houston and Tennessee hail storm in Tempest flood and 1/2 quarts is excising is power in this come from calamities and God love. So what will happen for us to question the love of God the in Aruba during this earthquake. Go to do this wouldn't do that in him in the church don't want a strong will be asking how God can be doing this to leave and those were outside when sick because God is doing now, how can I come to God? How can I just go to skinny people? I cannot come to God you see the strategy of the enemy.
The enemy imbruvica put my sisters in Jesus list. Let's go to the next one.
The Bible says to the thief comes only to steal. Can kill and destroy I have come that they may have life and have it to the pool. The tibia is the devil the world. What you want people to believe that it could end the world? He's the thief thief has come to do with this thing to kill and to destroy it. But Jesus said I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly.
So Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary working on my behalf of knowing that the message has not finished yet. Now, we'll part of the place or not.
What is an orthodox church? We have not fully made the decision to become the Beast. His name is Mark and his number.
The love of God is Limitless. That's what we say before the punishment will come of the Gospel pistol be happening, but we need to be able to make a difference between what God sends and what the enemy is doing.
Go outside people asking how can go be doing that. Oh, you could if you want us to believe that God doesn't love us which is contrary. The bus so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life to condemn the world but the whip to him my daughter might be saved. So we have no Rich wake up now.
Let go to the next one.
Before the Divine Place God people have to be victorious over. The Beast is image over is mac and over the number of his name. That's why we have to be careful. What what is coming we have to be careful. We need to understand before we make decisions for ourselves our children our friends from everyone. The evil one is angry and is coming with a project. the only God knows talking about what body activity betta Behavior
Affordable worship you want to direct our mind to weigh something. You don't want to watch it. Is it possible coronavirus Kitty pathway? Is it possible for them to bring for the enemy to bring? What about you want to bring?
next light
What's the price of bodies before Jesus Christ appear price? Somebody will come you behave like Jesus Christ Superstar Miracles. He will tell people he has change the day of worship from Saba into Sunday. He will heal people who behave like this price. You'll be compassionate and many people follow. If we're telling people got us end of coronavirus the same way we are going to attempt the first price December 1st.
Miss light
If those days had not been cut short no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened because I'm going to happen if you not understand the word of God.
It will be one in advance everything I had in this thing is going to happen without we are going all the way to next year next year 2021, please next week come again. I want the song everything. So when it happened to me punch me you can hit someone to please you cannot hear the truth because the truth has the power to set you free and to save you. If you hit the truth you hit yourself.
Let's go to the next one.
We acknowledge God as our father and our creator that is why we worship him that we also worship God because we love him and will see him. Yesterday night. Where did those who fear the lord who have a long life without yesterday night? I want to show you something nice light.
Today's here without your day. Everybody all over the world. all over the world people have PA and this year is going to lead everybody to Westport boxing. What is the disinfectant why you want people see what I found the solution to send no, give me the photo can you know what it did to the test they overdose but the patient died in the Titanic people. It didn't work out. The enemy is cunning. He said lack of knowledge my people perish. We are Seventh-day Adventists read the one that supposed to wake up and let the whole world know these things and understand these things that the enemy has set for the client. People watching the difference in the money. I'll be understand.
Go to the next one.
Is the last one the video I want to see the video. I want you to watch this video. I want my career.
You see the sick about the procedure?
good Lord have mercy
At the beginning people talking about this call 5G.
In London do what those people what they want plant in the towers the antenna. The guy that you can open the box that was supposed to be suspended on the tower. I'm just sick about it is written covid-19.
God has given up the Bible that God has given us brain.
If you're from the same family you better synonym.
He can go to Togo's you happy poker Posse because we're from the same culture. We're from the same tribe. Disadvantage of between us. So what is the relationship between distance District about the vaccine that is coming? and the GG the Jesus is for covid-19 the ticket podcast covid-19.
We have been.
I want to do with us.
I miss about everything Beatles. Go to the next one.
This Edition she bitching covid-19 Jesus the common vaccine and 5G. There's no doubt about it. If we don't speak out if we don't tell people and we wait the enemy will accomplish it if we don't stand up and preach and tell people all of us. Agenda and things would go so quickly will be surprised. The time of nobody can buy and sell except those who have warts. the Mack
Is coming quickly?
Go to the next one. the devil asked Jesus to worshipping Buddha member Jesus worship Him Do you think you're the one who created? Everything is the one who created the Devil Himself? I will show you let's go. Again, the devil took him it took price on an excellent high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their Glory. What happens? That's one and he said to him all these things. I will give you if you will fall down and worship me stay here. if you do why we want you to have everything. If you do what we want you to have everything. If you go against what will be fine if we have to take them you'll be take it as Enemy Number One. Public Enemy Number One
next one
and Jesus said to him away with with you away from me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve. so before I make any decision how to make sure what are they talking about? What are they going to give to me? What's it what it is what it's about something. That's Emoji. Find me or you make me do change the way I think the way I behaved so I can change my Washington with something else. I need to understand. Otherwise, I would never give a ticket at a guy is better.
Let's go to next one.
Then the devil left him and behold and just came and ministered to him the same with us when things to become top we are told and guess we'll come and help us if he in prison what I'm saying, you're not going to do them at once by step by step. They said nothing and nobody can stop it. He's not the most powerful richest people in the world 2015 Billy amount of money. That is between 18 people.
Because something in mind.
which'll will be asked in a weakest moment right now. movement of PA to make noises Jesus after 40 days of Boston is with now. That's when it came. And you show him all the things of the world and see if you bought Down and Worship me. I will give you all this.
Visit with us in a week at the moment the moment of fear anxiety.
So, please keep your comments next Saturday. I have an opinion fishing. I want to explain everything to you. If I don't do it. I'll not be feeling. Okay. So when I expose everything to you, maybe that's why God brought me here.
Go to the next one.
in the program Odyssey do what we want or get penalized.
Get what we want and get penalized.
We are sitting play adventurous. If we ignore the writings of Ellen G white Google work in darkness in our true if we ignore the writings of Ellen G white in hot room and have lice.
Certificates of covid-19 vaccination weapon travel is what you want to do all of us. If you don't have it. Do not you not be able to work. You cannot be able to travel. Will the days I hate this insisted? We need to be prayerful. We need to tell people what is coming because if everybody rise and push this back would give me another way. But if we keep pallets. It is Switzerland people against this Tower. What's the weather report in the if you keep quiet you see what it said. He bought it. Did you go to release another adult joke. They took different plane from different policies and compare them together to achieve whatever they're doing now.
There must be some what to tell people what is happening. I love my Bible scriptures from the Bible. But but did not send. Coronavirus. God did not send us to Navarro's. Let's go to the next one.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and Daniel said this many shall be purified mid white. Like, how can it be painful? If I doing the work of the Lord will be in the Commandments coming to Vespers What shipping confessing our sins to the Lord in the holy of holies before it threw away the incense bus. Before Christ will come from the holy of holies. We need to be confessing our sins. We need to be confessing our sins. We need to be now. Lexus GS for Christ you must not be afraid. Many shall be purified mid white and refined by the wicked Shadow how wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand. But the wise shall understand. But why she'll understand the wicked Wicked Tuna do wickedly but the wise Talent stunts. anything else but I'll see what distance is this me to I know to ask history of a pestilence the happy place. but God do not send us coronavirus. What is aware of its of Coronavirus? Why we need to overcome the Beast. His name is Mark and his number before God will pour out his Divine judgments. Not only that are the gospel is going this season. I'm going to happen the it will be putting these things to discourage us to people make pushing the love of God. Westmont kind did God love us why this why.
What is synthesis of methadone us and be with us God willing? I will continue a piece about to everyone.
I want to see one stone in close 52252 to 522 n emails. 522 to close Even in our cell phones 5 to 2 5 to 2
my dog, not the righteousness of spring in Jesus name. No longer syncing changing price.
Play Sweating My Hope and stay taking Plan.
When you showed up from bed song for us to stay neutral safety switch.
Let's pray our dear. Heavenly father. We thank you for the message. You know the things that are coming. What protects Rivers distance load but if you have to go through give us the strength the courage give us the wisdom and knowledge and show her how to behave Looney go through this above all names in The Book of Life Lord be with us. We pray for the whole world those who have lost their loved ones. And those who are sick right now load any penis, please put it up and do it fast. We thank you for your holiday. This suburb would prefer all our members. What about him to be in the check? What will I do without the Lord in Jesus name? We pray amen.
New Soul