The Lord My Shepherd

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What is your role in Picayune? Welcome to a service hit today. You might have seen a little puzzled building a shed. That's not because we didn't wish to do so but it is because we are very concerned but we there was ice in the riots in the proper way to 3 the ticket of principles that are involved and knocked the fastest that we do Opus Lee need to add air to the guidance and prickly to the legislation that is being presented to us the Calvin of reduce the document dealing with C open in the churches for worshiping giant. We are obliged to own a Titan to act in accord with that. We are concerned about the health of everyone in the church and we need to be very very careful that we insure all that everything is done in the wrong answer proper way to make sure I was at the height of fridge. Well, let me do have a number to happy children because of their eyes but also because critical editions that I have and we're very conscious of the translate. I am over and above all these things is that the Lord must always be honored and he glorified and if we do not do these things you're not ready honor and glory of God and we feel it in the way that we all just not that we are being told me County sentencings because he can to close down what the trash does it is because we all about health and safety and Welfare everyone involved in the seeking to look at the best way to deal with that stay for ticket is being used by many hours is last week and I'm looking at a proper risk assessment at looking at what the legislation is and are sent out various emails, please to read those links to the But when we are able to stop a guy and we want to do that as soon as we possibly can we all going to need a lot of help in doing so that we need some numbers to us about Heights Jewelers outlet or three others to help with cleaning and other matches Dobie cleaning the needs to be carried out during the course of the week. In order to ensure was a building is safe to use a place to give your mind to this seek the Lord about it that we might have the necessary number of volunteers that we might be able to continue in the way that we wish to go now. It is final. Of course, we're not making any criticism or any comment until about the churches that's open it up their buildings to die for service this week price of the Lord will be with a man that he will bless them if they seek to do so, but we have over their responsibility to do what is right and proper in our own situation.

Duke Austin because of the situation that guy in this is not a criticism we have not had its not Shania friends over these last months we have to come together at night, but if you are able to give please think about using the online payments through your own bank account, please do get in touch with us because there isn't a very real need that but we need for those things in the little time. She is in control and he knows exactly what's happening wife or different way of doing things and we pray that he will continue at the Vita case today. Let me just read from Psalm 29 verses 10 and 11. The Lord sits enthroned over the flight controller. Just king forever may the Lord gives strength to his people. May the Lord bless his people with peace. Let's fry.

We do praise and thank you Lord. God that you are The God Who is truly and throne above all see that you are the one who is the Mighty Mule powerful the gracious? You have a loving and merciful god and My Worship me that is acceptable to pray for each one in their own homes are ever that listening to this that you were thrown into the am less than Hy on the Lord may they will be very conscious of your presence. I'm going to die. It's concerning the future when we wild will be able to open up and returned to doing things in the why is it we will waste on over the years will just help with tinnitus repair. I am particularly to die and I might see on a powerful way this way to ask in Jesus name and for his sake Oh, man.

I look for you turn to the children's talk now. Just go through Z questions from last week. We were looking at the rest of us and we were looking at the various things are some of the things that happened when Jesus did rise and others food went that. What did I find where they found at the stone at being rolled away and more selection. Sanam re the body of Jesus had gone. Who did I tell where they went and told the disciples went to the two that was pizza and Sean went to the tomb. John got that first. He was a younger man, but he stayed outside but when Peter came they did go inside the tube. And what did I find? I found the linen cloth stay with the body of Jesus was wrapped Lion on in the body of Jesus tool. What was their reaction believe? I didn't fully appreciate and understand all about men. That was to come a bit later and I'll try to Kostas. We did, Mary had that glorious experience seeing the Lord speaking to her and she realized that's my Lord was indeed a line given to give thanks for that. We continue in relation to the life of pizza. As we continue with the a children's book at this morning and it's a time off to the resurrection. One of the many times when Jesus appeared to the disciples in Galilee, you might read the Sea of tiberias is just another name for the Sea of Galilee no different place, but the same place and that it was suggested Pizza suggested to them as I know you go fishing. So they got the boat ready to fish and we read that they fished all night, but quote nothing which was surprising.

42 East Dudley a very experienced fisherman and you doing but I see morning Dawn and I struggled and I've had one night that I saw that there's someone standing on the shore and they looked out and they want to shore. But then I suddenly realized it was in fact Jesus. Jesus called out to them and he said friends haven't you any fish? No, they haven't caught any fish. So Jesus then said to them throw your nets on the right side of the boat and you will find some and this I did I took it that I should follow what Jesus had told him that I should do and they cost the net on the right side of the boat. Am I East that? I stay true that that in so evil because of the large number of fish that I actually called that such a large number of fish and Peter Jones immediately. Simon Pizza wrapped his out, so nice out too, So I'm jumped into the water and swam ashore. They were so delighted, but that was the case and as I came ashore. Died was the net was there tonight was so full of fish are in about a hundred yards or why you are a hundred meters away from the shore, but I wish to bring the fishing and one that she landed they found that Jesus was there and he had started to cook breakfast. And there was a fish and there was some great and Jesus said to the bring the fish. You're just cool it so Pizza in the boat drag the net the shore and I found it was full of launch fish 153 in old phone at all what I expected that price for the being the case in that situation and so they brought us fishing and Jesus said to them come have breakfast with me. Inanity disciples actually asked him who he was because they knew it was the Lord and incredible thing is sure about this so often we always refer quite rightly. So the resurrection of Jesus and what a wonderful thing that will have to try to put yourself in the oppression of the first time that actually seen the Risen Jesus and we can see right through that is the case because Jesus came he took the bread he gave it to them and did the same of the fish. And this is the third time Jesus had a. His disciples and he was raised from the day that many people try to tell us that that was just not who we didn't rise from the dead but he did Jesus continues a good to be alive have an Ascend into heaven and he is before the Before the Throne of God and perception, how was she to him? And we thank God for the fact that Jesus is truly alive.

Or we come now to the best Dice and there's a couple of days this week. And most of these is tomorrow just died. Pray for him. And then later in the week on Thursday is my birthday. So we pray for her download Whiplash spell we're thinking about preparing for the next year.

Gracious God and Father we do praise and thank you. The cheese was truly is alive. But he is the one. Who is the true Lord of Glory? the second person of the trinity Gray's in the Glorious God you thank you Lord for our amazing event, if the culmination of the work that he was sent to do. go on and marry they lived on this Earth minister is he called heels many you perform any other Miracles Lord you were saying how you could so cruelly treated Niles that cross That died. That's why on who is a sinner. even though your commission nurse Lord he was the only one. Look up I see that price. Hey, Miss, Ash. That wasn't good enough. how to get a price for C Pandora he has given himself. His blood has been shed. LOL, we do praise and thank you for this for this glorious. the Jesus truly is I've rode as we have to see. He had been raised from the dead. That tomb is empty and he appeared to the disciples and it did so many others in many different places and why? let me know now that he's ascended again into heaven and then brings us presents and all that. We are to his father. Is your side by the right onto that Majesty on high? making intercession praying and pleading for us. Oh Lord. How nice in this is? Then we do have such a glorious and a wondrous sight. Amazing digital that you in York racial suffering Christ decreed this plan. Brought this in to be fulfilled that she would say We Praise You Lord God jul Christmas. Lob i7 deserve notice. glorious we all Rebels. We have turned against you. Lord You're not left you have reached out to us. And you have Guinness not regenerating Christ the power wheel spinner. We Praise You Lord that we can worship you all these things here today We all Lord. Disappointed in Hawaii that we know Fein. I was hoping the Building Services as yet. We do. Thank you. The number to needs to be given for the S&P price for much wisdom must is Sunman as we do take the riot and the proper decisions to ensure. But everything will be done in the right way. And particularly Road Walmart me down to your glory and to your honor your pride all you and move amongst your people and the Lord to give how many practical wise but it will be so different from a reprisal preparacao this and help us we do. Thank you Lord for the way in which this ministry the stream Ministry is being used. We thank you Lord for all those that I have been watching it each week and I saw this world that have seen it at other times. We pray to God that you would speak through your word and whatever why it was preached reprising to eat might be the case here today. The Lord will take hold of your word and you would speak to each and every one the food I would but you would have manifested yourself you what you show yourself your mate your purpose now Give Me Your Glory Jesus with a blessed you douche out upon us this week. Continue and worship here this morning. Blow me to remember I was still suffering remember ganglord Sovine Reedus results of a virus that you'll continue to be. Where is extremely the money for the many thousands of Lord reach out to them and help and eye exam. We do we do Friday Lord for the

I might take the right decision that we pray for all individuals that Leachman act responsibly sensibly the Lord we might be able to contain. This virus is always listen to those with secret images of vaccine that that might tell me about soon that will let you would do with his brothers when you know, it'll go ahead if you'll probably be price you for this that you are working. Your purpose is out you're working your will out. You're showing your great glory Lord bless you and we thank you for him. We wish him an old is she involved in 4hi Shanique on Thursday were kind Lord. We praise you for her. And also if you wish that you would encourage my journal Lord your presence and As well as we do and what we pray for touch you as she continues and. He's preparing for a next year. We probably will call it that you would watch over her. It will just be to her you would encourage draw near to her we do for Jamaica that I shouldn't be put right the Lord you would indeed bring it back and bring it back safely continue with a Lexus lower build a wall or expectations. Will you do ask in Jesus name? all bad

What can we change the scriptures now, please and don't wants a guy Into the Book of Psalms. We finish the the series on a Psalms that are known as the Psalms of ascent send today to turn to a very familiar song. I think I probably most of us could recite it as we know it so well, but it sounds crazy and I read the house song. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures. He leads me beside Still Waters Soul listening parts of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies anoint my head with oil my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I'm at if you pray that God will be pleased to bless his word to.

Unless I had this particular song is France one of the most familiar portions of the whole of the Bible. It looks like one of the most profound to even Consulting and challenging portions of the scripture on commentators. As of the opening statement is characterized by Auto simplicity. Old and young can grass it simple. And that's very true. It is so deep and so profound and I commented that it puts it this way. He says in it David deals are some of the difficult things he experienced during his long walk with the Lord. Are people of all ages laws and quote this song? This message is for mature Christians will full bottles and carry it good. Tennessee preps to think that the message this song is just for the young for the spiritually immature. It is not I said, he wasn't Rich when David was young is written. We don't know exactly when but when he was much older than his reflection. Why am I so the Lord be with him all the glory for the grace? He's shown to him. And that is perhaps the major reason is why the Lord David says in the beginning of this song. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want

that's not fair. I want to concentrate on today or just the first part of it. The Lord is my shepherd. the picture Yellow stration. The account of a Shepherd is one of the most enduring Concepts in the whole of the Bible Shepherd Line Oil referring to the ministry of a Shepherd the work of the shepherd. Was referring to that appear either 500 times route to the whole of the Bible. And when we sing we go right back to the beginning or brushless beginning remember, how can I eat an edible Adam and Eve's sons of Toyota Sons offered that sacrifice? Ava we are told in Genesis four of us to was a keeper of sheep cane Walker the ground

son of Adam he was a shepherd. a chef is this how you are so familiar throughout the whole of the scripture in Exodus 3 and verse 1 we find this Moses was keeping the flow of his father-in-law Jethro the priest of Midian Intelligence block to the west side of the Wilderness and came to a hoarder at the Mountain of God. He was a Shepherd Moses that great leader all the people of God the one who the Lord Jews in such amazing ways. So providentially when he was bored and the opportunity he gave to him and he left for his father-in-law. I need to know what's going to happen, but it was and he was watching those floor that she has shape, but he came before it.

Experience of that burning bush and God speaking to him and preparing him for the work that he wants to do. I no doubt. He is experienced as a shepherd and all that got in child. Help in that work the god called him to do the same thing, but just think particularly of David the owner of the shop. He was a shepherd. He was the youngest of the sons of Jesse and when Samuel was appointed to go and anoint the one who would be king when she was removed. He came and the sons of Jesse brought before him all of them had the baron had the look of one who could truly be the king under Samuel was a bit concerned.

The Lord looks at the heart done with the album appearances Look At the Hop. I'm not one of those was chosen by Samuel.

The youngest the despised effectively. He's out in the fields watching. I appreciate you.

Samuell High School

God anoints Anointed him to be king.

He was preparing it when he'd gone to see the station to show Lisa. You can do this and soul said I lost him how he thinks he can do this and he says in 1 Samuel 17 verse 34 you use to keep sheep for his father a lion or bear and took a line from the flock of my talk to him struck him. I'll call him by his beard and struck him and killed him. Yo7 has struck both down both lions and bears and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them will he has to find the armies of the Living God. Anissa Guyanese, what is so significant? David even though he was doing what many considered to be a me and you'll toss not that insignificant not that important thing God protected him then God will protect him against the law and he was proud of being a shepherd. Nissan 79 fs13 we read but we all people the Sheep if your posture because thanks you forever from generation to generation. We will recount your praise. Is that s***? And there's that glorious verse in I saw that for cheap and fast 11, maybe read. He that's God would tend his flock Like a Shepherd. We have those alarms in his bosom. And gently lead those with young. This is what a Shepherd does. This is what a Shepherd because for the floor you want cheese over the sheet. He protects them he provides for them. He does all that is necessary though. She know that glorious s***. So this whole concept this whole picture of the ship is so powerful. It's so move it is so deep. So relevant Forest but David says of course the Lord is my shepherd the Lord. Already indicated this ready, but we need to seek to understand this but the one with a Shepherd is none other than the Lord himself.

Anyone come at 8 to set the great name of God. Yahweh or Jehovah is used most appropriately for this name always could know it's called absolute faithfulness to his people. If God is with regard to the Future the under his care one shall never suffer any one.

Importunate Entre how much more so in the situation we are in today? We have spent three months. Many of us have some of us have any contact with ghost members of our families know but I friends we know been able to meet in the normal way by the church. And it is being very hard and it's paying even more so they've experienced within the family and it's being a Time the none of us would ever anticipate the none of us store. Whatever happened. I didn't mean very trying. And even now when the sea used to be that hope that we can meet Regina we can come together again so many particular things. We need to reserve quite often ignored.

And we might fail to be I will. We might feel down, we might feel troubled. You may feel what why is this happening? What if it's all about? What is the point of this?

point God is working. I'm not saying Lord. Of whom David spot is a shepherd. He is that one the so deeply cares for that. It is the law.

But Jesus acoustic stop the same truth. He takes up the same teaching Buddy says in John 10 of us 11. I am the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep. I am one of those glorious statements of Jesus. I am the way I am the tour and I am the life and so on which is a declaration of him being the Glorious Son of God as much God as if you were never mind as much as bad as if you never gone. And uses this teaching the Chevy uses this picture of the shepherd sign the Good Shepherd. I'm just Chef birthday is willing to give everything to lay down his life. I'm serious. If he has come to the cross. But what a wonderful picture that is soft and so many people have a picture of God of being too frightening. Two events to Grayson and there's no way we can come to look at a picture of God that something that we can just go to do what we like with. I got to Shepherd. Our God is a Shepherd who just like David. Fort Washita protected the she Factor XI But I'm not David. A Shepherd I sure you lay down his life for his sheep. That she gave himself. In order to redeem and save the she later on that sign checks. Are you guys on the side John 10 verse 27 my sheep hear my voice. And I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they will never perish another one notch them out of my hand. My father was giving them to me is greater than oil another one is able to snatch them and I and the father are one.

What a glorious truth is. He knows his sheep.

Any leeches? The night goes on into the rest of the song that you're not dealing with Nikki today. But the Heelys Houston Shepherd of Chris is one that lead sheep. You didn't push the Sheep followed those who know the Lord. I know his wisdom. And he gives for the Eternal eye and None Shall never perish could have any greater comfort. The nut tree when we all troubles and we all Prince puzzle urgently so concerned we're coming so desperately worried about what's going to happen. No, but thanks Shepherd. Lay down his life. The Lord himself is aloe & I shopping. and it's like Lori's truce in Revelation 7 + 17 d Richard given all of Heaven Ivo. How is the number meant together around the Throne of God and praising him Revelation 7:17 for the line? In the midst of the throne will be there a shepherd He will go ahead and two Springs of Living Water. God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. You might have tears. Map to you is because you have been suffering and I have today is because she's being what are you going to have kids because you're frustrated. Not been able to do what you want to do. Dropping out to meet with fellow believers.

How is that going to help us in that? Let me know look forward to that great time. When they want me to choose. All those tears will be wiped from allies. Because I Shepherd is the Lord. which ring is the last thing I was looking to say to know I shampooed my

imma need to apply this Business is Reno to Las week. Is it that glorious benediction of the blessing of God when that rage the depression of God, pain you we saw that it spoke spoke cuz individuals that it's personal is singular. The lord always does deal with each one of us as an individual. And we know him as that individual doesn't save us in a group. He deals with us and around why in The Wire that is right and proper for us. Psalm 16:2 we read I say to the Lord. You are my Lord. I have no good apart from you. 141 that's why My eyes are toward you. Oh God, my Lord. And you I seek Refuge leave me not defenseless.

my Lord and my shepherd there isn't personal. individual experience of him as that glorious ship is the one with over and above OC The one who loves playing that particular and special why. poor Samsung shop ride to the Rypien Zinn chapter 3 and verse Haiti says indeed. I count everything as loss. Because I just passing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I suffered the loss of all things. Calvin is a rubbish. in order that I am a giant in Christ

salida's Austin. Percy is a possible. Things are different. The things I'm proud to work out. Just we would hope them to be. But we still have not supported what? I've not in Christ Jesus. as my Lord That's my ship. And you're such a loving Shepherd you such a gracious you such a gentle ship. BCM self says Matthew 11 of those 29 take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in her. And you will find rest for your soul. Am I your work is easy and my burden is why? This is the chef. It was speaking of when it came to dealing with the law and the bear his strength was showing his power.

when it came to the deity Musashi and the line he was so gentle. Some years ago. Beauty and I and my linen back went to a holiday to the phone in Somerset. We've been there a few times and Eastern Time. The family I had a flock of sheep. alarm in time and he spent many hours of Chris watching over the Sheep. Is that a guy but there was one look like Lab Rats wasn't I with a feed from its mother? How do you spell Dallas seeking to get? Is Lyme disease be involved in?

cuddling this lab secondary Car Agent to feed

He gives up everything. He keeps time. He gives all his. That's what I load dogs with.

How amazing this is something we need to see these times when that so many problems.

And look to the one who is a glorious ship. Let me talk about the resurrection of Christ. Remember Thomas Thomas didn't believe that is so I put it on.

I don't know what to believe and Hot Shots to lose any times. It's Peach inside. But we'd like to Jesus appear to him.

And, just fell at his feet. I said my Lord and my God.

Jesus said to him have you believe because she was seeing me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe?

my Lord and my God my chef the right of the Hebrews how to test a universe $0.20 Now may the God of Peace? Roto game from the dad I Lord Jesus. the great Shepherd of the Sheep by the blood of the Eternal Covenant Equip you with everything good you might do his will well Canyon Ops that which is pleasing in his sight. through Jesus Christ Whom be glory forever and ever? Oh, man. Let me know. Sheppard. Let me know that Lord. Let me know what it is to be his she just one lost us to close rate. Sun in the path of Christ in Matthew to invest 6, we read a new of Bethlehem in the line of Judah. I by no means least among the rulers of Judah. Waffle from you, ruler who was Shepherd My People Israel.

quote from Micah 11 + 2 not ruler house, But I truly has come it's also the shepherd. And that's our glorious savior. Iris effing Mayra love him. maybe on oh, man.

fish fry

we thank you Lord. The Weeknd say the Lord is my shepherd We thank you Lord for the wondrous one. Is that Shepherd to his only son our Lord? All the Jesus Christ as far as a means for us. We probably don't go out that you would help is true needed out if I owe Christ. The Lord indeed is my shepherd. Help us Lord.

Nice to see that we fry. I'm at. Now that the beauty of Jesus be seen in me. All his wondrous and passion and purity. Oh, that's. Divine all my nature refine to the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

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