When God Works Behind the Scene 07/05/2020
One's name was Shanna and shanna's mother was Wanda holiday. Well, the competition was intense because these girls grew up together. They were both honor students. Amber seem like she always got the best when it come down to greige or whatever but both were talented and both were smart. Well so happens that Amber won the final spot on the squad cheerleading squad. And when it was clear that she and I would not make the team her mother. Wanda could not take it by this is a true story. Wanda was the organist at the local Baptist Church. She had been attending church her whole life. And and because of what happened she did what any other mother probably would do. She plotted to have Amber's mother killed.
She plotted the other lady's death and her hope was to cause such a degree of emotional stress. That Amber wouldn't be able to share lead because her mom was dead and that way her daughter would be able to get the last spot.
As disturbing as this was she wanted to have the little girl killed as well. But it's times were she can only afford one assassination? So she was going to have the mother assassinated. Well, she contacted her former brother-in-law who was kind of a shady character anyway to Aid and trying to get a hitman. And the brother-in-law said that he was indeed going to do that the next morning, but he went to bed that night and something woke him up in the middle of the night and told him this was not right. And all the sudden the brother-in-law now become an informant. And the tragedy that would have happened was averted because of this brother-in-law he went to police and told them what Wanda holiday was going to do well to trials later and I think a couple of TV movies about this Wanda Holloway was sentenced to 15 years in prison. And this is what the school principal said and I wrote this now because this profound he says after all it's the American way, we all want our children to achieve and succeed. There is a part of Wanda Holloway in all of us. Is what he said. Well, that was a lot of Wanda Holloway in Joseph Brothers what their they was a lot of Wanda holiday in that. Well what I want to talk about today is simply this. I want to talk about in the title of this sermon is when God works behind the scene. God working behind the scene now as Jenny read these first 37 versus if you'll notice two themes that come up one of them is this theme of Dreams Joseph has these two dreams and his brothers hate him for the dreams. But there's something else another thing that comes up in this 37th chapter. And that is the theme of Joseph clothing his coat of many colors. That's the two main things in this chapter dreams and coat the coat was just symbolic of the dreams and when the brothers heard the dreams and saw all the coat it instigated in them. This jealous bitter resentful murderous anger within them when they saw that Info what I see in this 37th chapter is I see how God is working behind the scenes in the little things in the what could have been in the might be he's what we would call the happenstance just little things that we don't even know. This God is at work. Now. Let me tell you the reason that is important. It is important because God is never mentioned in the 37th chapter. Not one time is god mentioned. There's one book in the Bible the entire book where God is never mentioned. And that is the Book of Esther. He has he has not mention a single time in the Book of Esther but his fingerprints. And his Footprints are all over that book just as it is this 37th chapter of Genesis. So what I want to do today, and I only have two points today and we're going to talk about when God works behind the scene. I only in the life of Joseph, but I want you to think of your own life how he has worked behind the scene in just a little things in your life the little decisions the people that you have met at the opportune time. Many times it happens if we never think anything of it, but God was behind it all because he's orchestrating and he's going to have his will and his purpose done in our life and he does it through the little things and he does it behind the scene. So the first point I want us to look at today is simply this God's show up Providence. Now what I mean by that is that God is Sovereign. He controls all the details of this world and he controls all the details of our lives are circumstances our attitude. He is working on our behalf many times behind the scene to accomplish his will and his purposes. He's never mentioned in this chapter, but he is all over this chapter in the little things and this is what I want to point out to you this morning. I want to show you the little things that God is over. Beer and how he cut causes all this to come to forwishen. So if you remember last week Joseph we had a dysfunctional family. Of course Joseph beloved by his father. Jacob hated by his 11 or 10 other brothers. Benjamin didn't say anything about him. He still a young young lad here. So he's kind of out of the scene here, but of the other 10 Brothers, he is hated by his brothers and Jo Joseph has a dream. He has two dreams in the brothers understand that what this means is that one day. They're going to have to buy all to Joseph because Joseph is going to be over them, but because of the sin and their life all they can see was his superiority. They couldn't see that he was their brother and that one day he was going to help them get out of a famine and they would not starve and they would not die and it would be all because of their brother Joseph, but what do we see? We see Joseph coming toward his brothers and instead of them saying here comes our brother here comes the one that God is going to use here comes to one this help going to help redeem us and reconcile our family together. They didn't say that. What did they say Here Comes The Dreamer? And they plot The Killing. So let me show you God's show of Providence and I've got I've got them listed here and here they are right here. Now. I'm going to sit and read each one. And then we're going to just maybe say a few words about each one of those. Well, look at the first one and we see it in verse 13 and that is the request of a father. Look what it says in verse 13 and Israel said to Joseph remember Israel is Jacob. Are nacho Brothers feeding the flock and shechem come I will send you to them. So all of a sudden the brothers are off about 40 miles away and shechem. They have the sheet there and this was not unusual for them to have to go that far for pastor in for water and they're up there tending the sheep and they probably hadn't been back in about a week and it just comes to Jacob and he says Joseph. He said I'm kind of worried about your brothers. He said could you go and check on them? Just a thought that God placed in his mind send Joseph to check on the brothers. He could have said Benjamin or he could have went himself or he could have had one of his tired hands go but no he sent Josie. He sent his favorite son. He sent the one that he love the most to go check on 10 other boys that hated the one that he love the most. So you see how I'd maybe that is but that was just God's way of speaking to Jacob because he needed Joseph to get on his path and go to his brothers and he spoke to Jacob tar and he said send Joseph to look for his brothers. That's the first thing we look at the back of the universe 13. Look at the response of a sun. Look what Joseph said, so he said to him here I am. We're not nice to have a child. That would have a like that he's 17 years old. Remember his father saying Joseph go check on these boys. I hate you and I can't stand you. I know your life may be in danger, but I want you to go check on them boys 40 miles away. And what a Josiah here. I am. I'm ready. Send me. You see as I said last week what Moses the writer of this book is doing he's trying to contrast the sinfulness of Joseph Brothers against the goodness of Joseph. But I want you to know this in this chapter. Nothing really good is ever said about Joseph. Nothing here is ever said about his character about how how he was willing to obey or how faithful he work will see that later on but we don't see this in this chapter. This chapter is about Joseph but it says nothing about Joseph about his character it all is all pointing to the brothers and Jacob just how dysfunctional in house in full day are and Moses is trying to contrast evil against goodness is what he's doing and many people have tried to say what Joseph he was just a spoiled brat. All he did was he he pranced around in that coat and he was he was just petted by Jacob and he was nothing but a spoiled brat, will he I have been. But the problem is the Bible didn't say that. Providence Saint Joseph was a spoiled brat. It just gives us the facts of what happened. So we don't want to say too much Joseph obeyed. Joseph could have been real bad. So I'm not going to check on them to see how they talk to me when I told them about my dreams. I'm not going to send somebody else. I'm not going he said here I am. So the scene is set. It is set right here God's working. He worked in Joseph ark go Joseph. Don't talk back your daddy. Go here. I am number three the appearance of a stranger look at him verse 15 and 17. Now a certain man found him speaking of Joseph and there he was wondering in the field. What was this man's name Bible doesn't say all the sudden Joseph goes to shechem. And he's wandering around in the field because this is where the brother supposed to be and he can't find them and he just wanted around it all of a sudden a stranger pops up. Just a stranger out of nowhere. He says what are you looking for? Well, look at it and verse 16. So he said I am sick and my brothers, please tell me where they are feeding their flocks and what what the man says man said they had departed from here for I heard them say, let's go to Dothan. So Joseph went after his brothers and found them in Dothan Dothan was 15 miles further north. It already going 40 miles is Dad said go to Shackle and find your brother's what he did, but they wouldn't there. So just going to turn around went right back home said dad. I did exactly what you said. They're just not there. But no, he found a stranger all of a sudden just happen to be so what people would call it lucky. He found a stranger and the stranger just happened to know that the brother said they were going to Dothan you see how God is working behind the scenes. This is nothing to do with the people that character it has all to do with God number for the perseverance of a son. Joseph didn't go back home. He went on to Dothan he could have just went back on Sunday and they're not there. I did what you wanted me to do know he persevered number 5 The meaning of a dream God is using a dream looking first 1920. They said the one another look this dreamer is coming come therefore. Let us now kill him and cast him into some pet God use the meaning the interpretation of a dream to move the story on the symbolism of a coat. Look at it verse 23, so kind of passing Joseph had come to his brothers that they what did they do strip Joseph of his coat the coat of many colors. They took it off at they hated that coat. Because of what it meant God used the symbolism of a coat to move this story along look at it the Deliverance of a brother look at it in verse 21 and 22 Ruben heard it when they say they wanted to kill him and he delivered them out of his hands and said let us not killing or one of Ruben have not have said that if he just went along with the rest of the brother yet for me to pay at least let him die. What war was Joseph E. Heater never went to Egypt? He would have never been prime minister. He would have never saved Egypt and Israel from a famine. He would have died right there had it not been for one brother who God spoke to him said no less don't kill him. We don't want to do that just to Providence of God. No reason for Ruben to say that but he did then verse 26 and 27 the revision of the plan. Now, look at this now here comes Judah Judah said those brother what profit is there if we kill our brother and conceal his blood and other words you to say it what profit would it be if we commit murder and then have to lie about it. He says come let us sell him to the ishmaelites and let not our hand be upon him for he's our brother and our flashing his brothers. Listen think of that God put in his heart no come up with another plan. Let's get money for him. We can still get rid of him, but we won't have to kill it. And what did the brothers do who were so intent on killing him? They said, okay. That sounds like a good plan. They were ready to kill him. Why did that sound like a good plan the Providence of God and then finally a verse 28 and will stop at this one, but there's many more the arrival of Traitor here. They are in the wilderness. They throw this young boy in a pet. It was a hole in the ground. Probably about 20 ft 30 ft deep. And they used it sometime to store water. They threw him in there. They were going to let him die in there and it just so happens in verse 28 some midianite Raiders pass by if no one's around but no the midianite Traders pass by so the brothers pulled Joseph up and out lift in and out of the pit and sold him to the ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver. That's the only way Joseph would have ever made it to Egypt and God was involved in the little things behind the scene that could have been what might be the happenstance of life. God was behind it. Now, how about your own life? If you ever seen God behind the scenes in your life working. The could be the might-have-beens in the little routine insignificant things of life. Just think about what you do for a living. How did that come about? How about the person that's offered two jobs one time in St. Louis and one of them in Tampa, Florida. You choose the one in Tampa, Florida. You sent you the course of your life right there based on the job that you have chosen. Maybe you are a young person. You're saying what am I going to do with my life? Is it engineering or is it business and you choose business? And all the sudden you have set the tone of your life who the people you're going to meet where you going to work the type of business you're going to do the money. You're going to make you've already set the path just by choosing business over engineering. Well, how about this?
Someone Badgers you to go on a blind date. I mean if you ever been on a blind date anybody Martha 311 Worst experience ever had in my life. I tried to tell them this girl I said I'm not going on blind date. I'm not going out with anybody that I don't know I said I will not do it and she kept on and on she's a good friend of mine. She's nice. She's pretty she was neither. She what she was neither. It was the most awful. It's time that I ever had on a date, but think about the person who says no, I'm not going on blind date. I'm not going to do it. I don't like blind dates, but then 12 years later a mortgage and three children you found your spouse on a blind date. I know I was telling Martha the other day when we met we met. on a baseball field I was coaching baseball. She was coaching softball at the local high school. We didn't know each other. They were practicing on the baseball field. Maybe they were doing some work on the girls softball field. We had practice right after them. They came through the gate coming off the field. We went through the gate going on the field and I saw Martha and I thought to myself I said, this is the one of the prettiest girls that I've ever seen and I asked the catcher on the baseball team. Do you know who that is? And he said yeah, he said that's Miss Davis I said where she from what what does she do? He said why I think she lives in Siler City or whatever. Well, then his girlfriend was on the softball team. And he said something to her about it and then they kind of got us together who knew as you was walking on the baseball field that you would meet your wife. God works in just a little insignificant things in life. Knee. Can't you see it in your own life. You can see it in your own life at the time. You don't notice it or you don't think about it. But that's what it was. He works in the little things in our lives behind the scene exactly like he did with Joseph all these things had to had to happen for Joseph to be where he was and then to get sold in to go to Egypt. God wanted Joseph in Egypt and he got his what that's God show a Providence number two.
We want to look at God School. a preparation Now this is the hard part of it. All right here when God calls a man or woman or a boy or a girl to do something. He calls you to do something, but after he calls you. He enrolls you into his school of preparation. And that's exactly what he does with Joseph. Just think about this.
He called Joseph to be the Savior and to reconcile and redeem this family at 17 years old. But it didn't happen until about 30 years later. You see he had to prepare Joseph. And many times when God calls us and I'll just use preaching as an example God cause a man to preach with this man may have been preaching some and he knows the Bible and he loves the Bible. He loves God. So God calls in the preach. So the first thing he wants to do while I'm just don't drink. And then God says well, I want you to go to school. I want you to go to Seminole. I don't need to go to Seminary. I can study the Bible. I'll just preach you see when God calls us many times. We think that God is going to start using us right then or the next week. God Called Moses to lead the children, but you know what he did first. He put him on the backside of the desert for 40 years. To prepare him to lead the children. He called David to be the king when David was just a young boy just like Joseph out there shepherding sheep. And then for the next 15 years he had to run from his life from Saul because flower was trying to kill him and David had any been anointed king yet. You say when God calls us. He enrolls Us in his school of preparation and I'm going to show you five things here that he was preparing Joseph or and he does the same thing in our own life when he calls us. He does the same thing number one. God School preparation it begins without notice you see Joseph preparation began without any advance notice. Now wouldn't be like for God to say when we pray on my time going to answer you in three weeks. Wouldn't you like to know when God is going to answer your prayer if he would just tell us I'll answer you in three weeks or maybe eight months or maybe Tuesday afternoon at 3 If Only God would have told Joseph Joseph. I've given you these dreams. This is what's going to happen next Wednesday at 3 your brothers. They're going to kidnap you and they're going to throw you in a pit and then they're going to sell you to some Traders and you don't have to live the rest your life and Egypt, but don't worry because I'm going to take care of you wouldn't have been nice. If he would have said that but God doesn't give us the plant. You see God School of preparation it always begins without notice and then when our world is shattered and the bottom drops out. In fact what that is is the most careful loving wise Sovereign planning of God that he can do for us, but it doesn't feel like it because I don't know what he's doing. I don't know Joseph didn't know why are they treating me this way? Just think 24 hours before Joseph had it made. In 24 hours, he went from riches to rags. And he was put in a pit to die. Then he was sold and he had to leave his promised land and he didn't know it at the time but he was never coming back until he was buried. And his father would not see him for about 30 years. So God, he begins the preparation it always begins without warning without advance notice and he does the same thing in our life our life Falls. One day. Our life is fine the next week the life our life falls apart and we don't know why why because God did not notify us and tell us what he's doing in our life. We just have to trust just like Joseph did number two. When God and rolls Us in his school of preparation the second thing he does. Is he touches our sore spot you say? Well, what do you mean by that? Well? Joseph may have had a sore spot. Something that he really loved. And if you look at it, it could have been that coat of many colors every time he's seen in chapter 37. He has that codon. Everywhere, he goes he wears that Coach Joe Joseph love that coat Jacob love that coat because Joseph was his favorite son and he gave Joseph the coat. It meant so much to Jacob. It meant so much to Joseph. What did the how did the brothers feel about that coat? They hated that coat because of what it symbolize it always made him go back to those dreams in the interpretation of those dream. You see sometimes what God will do is he will touch our sore spot a sore spot to everybody else. But maybe something that we love and however devoted his father was to Joseph that coat. Had to go. The coat had to go. What is it in your life that must go before God can truly use you. Is there something in your life a gift maybe someone gave you a gift that comes naturally to you could be a gift that God has given you what God wants to do something sometimes wear those things that are precious to us is he has to smash it. He has to absolutely destroy it before we can be used to love that coat, he wore it because he knew that one day God promised would come true and he was exactly right. He just didn't know what he had to go through before his promises came through. He didn't know the suffering that he was going to have to endure and sometimes God has to smash it. But he's the Potter and he takes the clay and he smashes it. But what does he do? He puts it back on the wheel and he makes another beautiful lovely vessel and that's what he will do with us. It may be an area of your life about which you are most defensive about maybe most sensitive about maybe it's a person maybe it is a bank account. Maybe if some gift that you have some talent that you may maybe it's your comfort, you know, it's very easy to get settled in and to get comfortable and then God ask you to do something outside the box and I first response is no I don't want to do that. That's not me. That's not how I'm wired. I don't want to do that. Joseph was a homeboy. He was his father's favorite. He stayed around home all the time. The other boys went out and Shepard and Sheet. He he stayed around home with his father. What did you do? He took it from him. Not only did he take his home from him. He took his father from him and you will never return to your Homeland until you die think how hard that was. We'll see that's what God does not. He touches the sore spot. Look at Ruben Ruben plan to put Joseph in the pit. And then just leave him there for a little while. Then he was going to go back and get him out of here and take him to his father know if I would even want to do that. Why did he have that plan? Because he was the oldest and he knew that if he can rescue Joseph and bring him back to the father. Maybe Jason would say, you know, I shouldn't Ruben should be the air. He should be he should wear the coat. That was what Ruben was thinking to himself and then when he got back into it there and said he tore his clothes. He said what am I going to do now? He's not there. So his plan was thwarted. Think about Jacob Jacob when he was the one who like to pick favors and his family and now his favorite has been taken. You see Joseph was a sore spot. It's what meant the most to Jacob and God had to take it from him. Think about Joseph. He was a homebody. He'll of Canaan he was living in the promised land. And now what does he have to do? He has to go to Egypt the land of Oppression and persecution. He has to go there. You see that was his sore spot and God took it from him and send him somewhere else. What's most dear to you in your life if someone ask you? What is the most important thing in your life? If it's that dear to you and it means that much to you and God calls you don't be surprised if he don't touch it don't be surprised if he doesn't take it from you because he wants you to trust him not in. What's most dear to you. He wants to be most dear to you. He wants you to trust him well. Well, that's number two. So what are we said so far God school appropriate it begins without notice and then he'll touch or sore spot number 3. when when rolling ice cooler preparation God shows us the Frailty of man. You say now why in the world would he do that? Well, think about this Joseph for 17 years old and he knew that his brothers were not fond of him. But he didn't know that they were capable of murdering him. Just think about that now he was just 17 years old. He heard him say these little snide remark. Oh, yeah, here comes the dreamer. You think we going to bow to you? What's wrong with you? He heard all that he knew they wouldn't find him, but he didn't think that they could do what they did throw him in a pit and then sell him. To get rid of him forever. Well often times this happens to a new Christian is so easy for new Christians to look to older Christians as mentors and older person should be mentors. That's a good thing but it often happens when we begin to admire somebody too much that we're in for a very keen disappointment. When we put so much trust in other people before Joseph was going to be used by God. Joseph needed to see people with the right objectivity and so do we We need to be able to see people in the right way. He could hardly expect his brothers would cast him into a pit to leave him to die. Why does God want us to see the Frailty of man? Why does he want to see our own weakness? But why does he also want us to see the weakness of other people while the Bible tells us in Psalm? 118 Verse 8. Look at what the Bible says here Psalm 118 in verse 8 It is better to trust in the Lord. Then to put confidence in man. That's why he does that so that will trust him not trust man. Not trust the devices of man, but that we will trust him. We must all learn this lesson sooner or later. We all want a friend that we can say. I just want someone that I can totally trust. I just want someone that I can spill my heart out to that. I can tell anything that I want to in my life. I want someone who will listen to me. We all want a person that way but as soon as we begin to do that, we are setting ourselves up. For the greatest hurt of Our Lives because men people women men boys and girls at some point. We'll always disappointed because we're all Sinners. We're always going to disappoint at some point and God shows us that the Frailty of man so that we won't trust in the best of men too much. We need to be detached a certain extent so we can be objective and God brings every man to a place sooner or later. We're he's never surprised at the depths of which man can sink garbage had to show JoJo's if you're 17 years old. I want to show you what men the hearts of man is like it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Your brothers will put you in a pit. They going to sell you and Egypt Potiphar's wife is going to lie about you you going to be treated harshly unjustly put in prison for no reason the baker is not going to remember you in prison. You're going to have it hard. I need to prepare you for this in this is what he is doing. So, let me ask you this when you see the news today. When you see the news today?
Are you surprised at what you hear and see? That our world is going through does it surprise you do you ever make a statement like this? I cannot believe that people could be so evil and do this or that I can't believe how people can be. Do you ever say that you shouldn't if you know people you ought to know that people are capable of doing anything and that includes ourselves because we're all Sinners. We should never be surprised. This is what God is doing. He's trying to show Joseph the Frailty of man. Don't trust man. Trust me number four. The four things God does in the school of preparation is he brings us to despair? He brings us to despair Joseph's in a pit. No water. No food left to die. It was nothing to do. But to pray that ever happened to you. You're been to a point in your life where you didn't know where to turn on thing you can do is just pray you just turn your face to the wall and prayed because it just felt hopeless just despair. You had nothing. You knew nothing what to do well, Has that ever happened to you? God does a such a favor when he gets us to the point of Despair because that's how we learn to trust him. And so this is what Joseph had to do. He had to trust God. That would be no way for Joseph to explain to anybody. I'm down here in this pit. And I just told my brother's I had a dream in that one day. They were going to buy out and look up to me and now I'm down here in this pain and I'm looking up to them. God you told me that I was going to be the Redeemer the one to reconcile and to redeem this family and now all of a sudden I'm looking up to them. Something's not right. Something is wrong with this picture. I thought I was supposed to be blessed but here I am in Despair and not only is it the spare? It's going to get worse before it gets better. So you're here today and you may be in Despair and I'm standing up here telling you it may get worse before it gets better. Where's the Comfort Inn that where the comfort is. You need to trust God and you don't need to listen to these prosperity preachers that tell you everything's going to be fine. As long as you obey God. Sometimes you will be God and things get worse. And this is what Joseph did he brought him to the place of Despair? And what did the brother say? We'll see now what happens to this to his dreams like they're going to floor God's will simply because all he can't have dreams more if he does he's going to be in Egypt will never see him again. We have one know the brothers have one. All they did was help God fulfill the plan that he had for Joseph. That's what they did. They wouldn't forwarding anything. They were helping fulfill the plan that God had that's the way God tests our faith. He brings us the places of Despair number 5 last one. When he enrolls Us in his school of preparation, he establishes a new worldview for us. In other words. He brings us to a place of no return. That's what he did with Joseph now. Just think about the story for a minute Joseph was in a pit. They saw the ishmaelites coming they decided not to let him die that they they would sell them. So they lifted him out of the pit for 20 pieces of silver. They might Jesus was sold for a few pieces of silver to when I am so Joseph all of a sudden he gets temporary relief from the ordeal because he was lifted out of the pit. He had thought he was in the end. He was in despair. He had no water. He was thirsty, but didn't it great that in our time of the spare that God will give us encouragement along the way you see at that moment in time, Joe could not have gone any further, but God gave him relief. He was thankful to be out of the pit. He was thankful to have water. He was thankful to be alive and two had food now. Hey God told Joseph the day before that. He was going to be sold to some ishmaelites in Egypt. He wouldn't look forward to going on that trip. But God had brought him to the place that he was now glad to go to Egypt. Can you imagine that he was now glad that that's the way God works. If you knew what God wanted you to do in advance. Here's what we would say. No, I'm not going to do it cuz I don't like it. I'm not going to suffer that way. I'm not going to do that. But God will work things around where you will do what you didn't want to do and you'll be glad to do it. That's how he works behind the scenes. God doesn't compel us against our will he just makes us willing to go? Is Joseph in the pit he didn't want to die. If you'd have told him 24 hours ago. You going to be putting a pit to die. He said no, no, no, no and I'm definitely not going to go to Egypt. Now. He's happy to go to Egypt. Why because he's alive he has food and he has water. That's what God does he brings us to where we have a new worldview now, he's glad to leave long as I'm alive. That's what Joseph would have said and God has a way of doing that in our lives. So let me ask you this your life when you just look at your life and how God has work behind the scenes. Some people's life and I was thinking about this. Some people's life when they look back they say, you know, my life has been rewarding and it makes sense every big decision little decision. I made most of time it turned out right. I've never experienced that much tragedy. My life has been rewarding and it makes sense friends if that's you today. You ought to be grateful you ought to thank God for that. Now there's somebody here, you know, my life is just been more perplexing and confusing. It's just like, I don't know decision to make I make the wrong decisions. I can't figure out what God's will is for my life. I've tried. I just don't know. My life is just confusing if that's you today. You need to be prayerful. And you need to ask God to give you wisdom. If you lived a good healthy life and everything seems to work and then rewarding be grateful if you're confused be prayerful, but you may be hearing you say, you know, my life is just like Joseph. It's been harsh. I've been mistreated. I'm from a dysfunctional family that was sexual abuse. That was alcoholism anger bitterness resentment in my home. That's the way my life has been. Well that's you you need to be trusting just like Joseph things happened to Joseph that shouldn't have happened life was unfair to Joseph. But God was in it the whole way he was with him every step of the way and he will be with you as well. You see God is working a great or salvation in your life. Then your circumstances would suggest God is always faithful and nothing's going to happen Beyond his control. Now they may be times and you're treated unjustly unloving Lee. You may have died out and be confused. And you may be by betrayed by the very people that you love and trust but God has promised to deliver you. He always keeps his word. All he asked for you to do is to have faith in him and keep trusting him to know that he's in control. He's with you every step of the way and God will accomplish his will and his purpose for your life in spite of the circumstances. Why because God works behind the scenes and your life will let spray father. We thank you and praise you and love you today for your word Lord. We thank you for this chapter. 37 of Genesis is so full of of your Providence in your sovereignty Lord. We just thank you for that and Lord just help us all that when we are being prepared when you're preparing us. Lord help us to understand that sometimes we may suffer Bible says for all those who live Godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution help us know that we we may suffer and even though we may know exactly what you want us to do help us to know that your preparation sometimes takes a long time. Sometimes things will get worse before they get better and just because we're in the pit of life or just because we've been sold to Egypt doesn't mean that we are out of your will we may be exactly in the center of your will even those circumstances would say otherwise Lord help us to trust you help us to love you with all of my heart mind and soul forcing Christ name of do pray. Amen.