Responding to Compromise, July 5
Thrown into a very compromising position as we started the Book of Daniel on Sunday nights now that we are back to regularly meeting on Sunday nights again, and next Sunday night of course will be our regular youth meeting. And so pray for their Austin will be delivering the message next Sunday night and so be praying for him. But we saw that these three boys in the third year of the reign of jehoiakim king of Judah King Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon under Jerusalem. So you hip history Buffs that tells you exactly when in history that took place and everything important details that are necessary but not necessarily to what we are trying to get out of the Book of Daniel and so they were these young men were brought in they were some of the great greatest young people and stuff and we talked about how that compromise last week how that if you can remove them from the Everything else give them new names put them into a new environment than what they were measuring. The Babylonian for hoping to do was to be able to change their culture so that they could kind of stand between them and is real and that Israel would just fall in line. It would be great service and I'm citizens of their Kingdom now, but what they didn't understand was that God had a plan and God had a purpose and so we look at this compromise that Daniel had tonight. I want to just look at how old Daniel respond to that compromise because I believe it's especially in our day and time. I believe it gives us some very good Insight on how maybe we as Christians should respond to compromise two things put our government or maybe another government or R. Whatever giving enough time. I believe that we are going to face persecution. We're going to have greater suffering in this world. We're going to have Make some very hard choices and if I am wrong on pre-trip and Christ does not take us out at the very beginning then it is going to be very very tough that but first three and a half years and I know that there's going to be a lot of compromise and there's going to be a lot of things that we're going to have to make decisions and do things to be faithful to God and so it's just coming up. It's just the day that we live in and I believe that we lived closer today than any other time.
Does Christ is how we finished with first eight last week at Pier? They were thrown into the king's court. They were giving you names everything else that we found first aid. It says but Daniel, it's amazing. What one person can do it didn't say hananiah Azariah and Michelle, but what did it say? It said but Daniel and then we're going to find out later as we go through Daniel that because of Daniel and his purpose that these three other young men are also going to get involved and so it always takes one. The sad thing is is Christian's many time. What we do we wait for someone else to spark the fire whatever it might be you that everybody else is waiting out and is home and we need to purpose in our heart and so notice what he says it says but Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the king's meat nor with the wine, which he drank therefore. He requested of the prince of the units that he might not defy. Play all now. God has brought Daniel in the favor and tender love with the prince of the unit and verse 10 and the prince of the unique set of the Daniel. I fear my Lord the king who has appointed your meat and your drink for why should he see your face is worse like in the children which are of your sore then shall we make me in danger my head to the key then said Daniel to mils are whom the prince of the eunuchs it said over Daniel hananiah mishael and Azariah prove the servants. I beseech the 10 days and let them give us. We eat and water to drink then let her countenance be looked upon before the and the Countess of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat and as they'll see us deal with our service so he can send it to them in this matter and prove them 10 days at the end of ten days. They're countenance appeared fat pair and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the Kings be the smells are And the wine that they should drink and gave them pull as for these four children. God gave them knowledge and skill and all learning and wisdom and Daniel had an understanding and all visions and dreams now at the end of the days that the king had said, he should bring them again. Then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar and the Kink Community with the old and among them was found. None like Daniel hananiah. Mishael and Azariah. Is there Force good day before the key and it all matters of wisdom and understanding that the key inquired of the he found them 10 times better than all the magicians the astrologers that were in all of his room and Daniel continue. Even after the first year of King Cyrus, the only father we come to you. We ask you to bless the reading of your word tonight use me as a vessel speak through me help us to understand when compromise comes. How are we to respond to the light? Daniel Linder my father. We just praise you for this is your name we pray. Amen. How do we respond to compromise? What are we doing at at at when we were small? How do we respond to compromise at and so I came up with an acronym because we can't just sit back. We can't ignore it. We can't think Daniel Hannah 9M said well, we're in a bad situation. We can't do anything about it. So we're just going to sit back and take it and wait for God to do what God is going to do know they didn't do that. Did they they asked if I thought you and I have to ask and we see here is broken out three things they did and I'm going to use the word acronym to help us to remember. What are we supposed to do when Tinder to a compromising situation notice the very first thing in verse 8, but Daniel purposed in his heart. The first thing you have to do to act is to a spy. Are for the thing? In other words, you have to set your mind on God you have to decide that his way is the best way that God is in control that God is in charge and I am going to do it God's way and so notice they were putting this compromising position. And what did Daniel do but Daniel purposed in his heart. What was his problem. His problem was is that God told them through the giving of the law of Moses that there was certain foods that wine and certain drinks and different things was unclean and they should not for take or have anything to do with it because it would tarnish them it would it would hurt them. And so they had a guy that they were supposed to stick to and so what at all to happen. They come into the King's house and all of a sudden the king says you're going to eat my money you're going to drink my wine, but guess what Daniel said first. I'm a child of God and God says that we're not supposed to allow. It's so notice David was wanting to follow God. He was aspiring forgot. He was living for God. He was wanting to do things with God and so in this action because he is far too god notice two things that he did. First of all he aspired to God with politeness politeness. Look at what he says. He said therefore he requested of the prince of the units that he might not defile himself now here he is challenge to be faced with compromised. He's doing all of this wonderful meeting wine and everything to enjoy but what he doesn't picture fit he doesn't throw his plate across the room and says, I'm not eating this garbage. It's unclean right? I'm not you your Define temporary. They didn't do that. What did he simply do? But put this before him it was not from God it broke the law of God a Trope what the things that God? And because he is fired for God he responded with politeness. He just simply made a request. Hey, I really don't need to be eating this stuff. I really don't need to be drinking. This wine is so noticed the politeness but then noticed what happened in verse 9 and I love this because he goes because of his politeness. We see the Providence of God. We see the preferred Providence hand of God working. He was he was polite in his request and notice what God did now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the unit. Do you think Daniel would have been able to even get to the next few bars defied the king if he would have said I'm absolutely not going to eat that. I'm absolutely not going to do what you wanted me to do and shook, What happened to Daniel you say it would have been gone. His ministry would have been over with that would have been it we wouldn't have had the rest of Daniel. We wouldn't have Daniel to study and learn about the what did he do? The understood God had a plan be understood. God had a purpose. He understood the prophets had been preaching for years that if Jerusalem did not repent that they would be put into captivity in God was using this opportunity to use Daniel to steal even though the people of Israel was now in captivity was wanting to use Daniel Nebuchadnezzar was trying to use them to turn the hearts of the people. God was using Daniel to turn the hearts of a key and so it was a very different situation and so many times will you lose our opportunities to witness? We lose our opportunities to even deal with evil and wicked people because of our tempers because of our mouth because we demand our rights and all of that but noticed what he did he was polite and so God begin to work and God brought Daniel in the favor and tender love with the prince of the unit. I don't know how long that took between verse 8 and verse 10. I kind of couldn't take it very long because we get to chapter 2 and chapter 2 starts off in the second year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar. So we know that from verse 1 to chapter 2 all of this. We know there was the 10-day trial process where they tried them so we know that probably a week to two weeks or maybe a little bit longer than it did but Daniel just did what he just politely didn't eat pH the stuff that he could eat. He did what he could do and he wouldn't need all of the rest. He was being very polite. He was being ferried there within his deal and so he was aspiring for the things of God and then look at step two step two is confirmed the things of God when we are aspiring to live for God and the situation happen and what is happening to Daniel everyday. They're still setting. What is me and the key right there in front of Daniel matter fact, it went so long that we notice here in the context of scriptures. Look at what he says in verse 10, but the prince The eunuch said the Daniel I fear my Lord the king who has appointed your meeting your drink for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of sort and show you make me and danger my head to the key. And so Daniel it quietly pushed his food away. He politely sit there at the table. He politely did what he was supposed to do, but he did it long enough that the one that was in charge of Daniel says, you know what you're starting to look a little hope you're starting to look a little bad and when I seen you before King neberkenezer, guess what it's not going to look good on me King Nebuchadnezzar is going to have my neck and so he was really looking out for himself. But remember God made Daniel to find favor and so because they were being polite about it. They wasn't being forced to eat the food. They wasn't being forced to drink the wine. They were Anybody but they needed to make sure you confirm that what they are doing is really God's Will and they see that that those that the unit that is over them was actually concerned about the and so the first thing that they see their is it is a half this provocation between him and this unit and notice what happens in verse 11 when the eunuch saw him. He said it's Daniel said two males are from the prince of the eunuchs. It said over Daniel hananiah mishael and Azariah proved that serve it. Okay, we're not eating the food. We're not causing a riot and you're worried about your neck right it but we're not going to
And will get by I Will Survive God will take care of us. How many times is Christian? Let you know if they got to take care of me.
Right and we don't say Daniel not responded foolishly or crazy do it. He was being polite. He was being precautious he was doing but notice the provocation that he has he begins the conversation with this unit. Lisa was talking this week cuz you said when you're when you're looking at this is it is it good compliment? What kind of compromise what do we not compromise or do we compromised and you have to look in the context? There's good and there's bad compromised it. Sometimes we have to make some some gave the tape and that's what Daniel is doing right here. He was being forced into a bad compromise, but he makes good compromise is in order to subdue and to subvert the bad compromise and so notice what he does. He asked permission. He doesn't claim his right. It doesn't say that I'm like, hey you remember pin your lord? Nothing clean as ever touch my lips, right? You know, he didn't get prideful. He didn't get boastful or anyting. He just simply asked permission and verse 12. He said prove your servant. Rid of your servant here. Give us a test. Let's see if if Nebuchadnezzar is big dog and knows what he's talking about or let's see if my God knows what he's talking about. Let's just have it so notice you confirm it in that action took X Wheels fire for the things of God, but all of a sudden we storm in and we don't do any confirmation. I'm reminded, you know, when every time I read it and depending on what kind of day I'm having a man sometimes I wonder did Gideon do the right thing by float throwing out the please or did he do a bad thing God never did rebuke him for the police and yet three days. He kept empty God and kept doing. And throwing it out there. But what did Ian wanted up to Gideon was fixing to go and make everybody his own people is on family pretty mad. Say it wasn't he when he was fixing to tear down all of their gods and everything else is so Gideon says. Before I go out here and show myself before I go out here and take All my family are participate. What did he say is that I want to confirm that this is God's will that's all you said? I won't put this leaks out here Lord. Can you make that please drive is it ain't like Rick granted now. He probably didn't need to do it three times. He had plenty enough confirmation when your fleece is laying out. I don't know if you've ever food with do in the but if something is completely dry and everything else is wet you kind of know that it had to have happened something had to be laying on it. Something had to be covered it something had to do it. But what is Gideon do he wanted to follow God, but he was also wanted to confirm that he was following God too many times in life. We said this morning with Peter to anytime we want to suffer because we're thieves are meddlers are or whatever and then we want to give credit to God, right? We need to make sure that what we are doing and how we're living and what we're saying is actually of God. I don't know. I got a text this afternoon and Walmarts in Jacksonville and Sherwood have shut down because protesters have blocked the entrance and stuff. My first thought was Lord is Sunday. They need to be in church, right? They don't need to be out protesting and making a seat. That's not going to get your way that's going to get you locked up that's going to get more teaching more stuff. They went into Washington and cleaned out the square because I found out guess what giving care assisted in agreeing with terrorists and they're always going to want more New York pasta.
And the minute they said they were going to do it then all of a sudden they rose up and they demanded what what we want more we want more.
I'm never going to get satisfied. That's not how we attack because eventually people get sick of it eventually people get. people will begin to
that on yourself. That's why Jesus Christ when he died opened not his mouth, but he went is a lamb slain for the slaughter and so notice Daniel last four of your servant. I beseech the 10 days and let them give us pulse to eat in water to drink now King James pulse the Sibley beans and some kind of a b. It's a mixture of beans something that was clean. He said just give us the these beans that are there and water to drink we don't have to have wine. We don't have to have the pork and all of the good stuff that the key needs just give us some beans and give us some water and trash today's just watch it. And so what happens but unit says, well, you know what that's a pretty good compromise if your fairy 10 days I want to be able to know if this is going to work or this is not going to work right and what the keys going to look like in that will save my neck because at least you're getting some type of substance at least you're Some kind of water at least you're doing the best that you can and so look what happens in verse 14. So he could send it to them in this matter and prove them. Dave toe how do we add Wheels fire for the things of God? We confirm the things of God and then look at the last thing once we confirm it is God's real we cannot do anything to stop the will of God. As long as we're in the will of God God's plan for going to come through as a matter of fact, Jesus Christ. You don't praise me. Guess what? I'll have the Rock's rise up and sing to me because why I am going to be prayed for God. Thank God having to use somebody else to get his wheel done because I'm not willing to do it the way he wants it done. And I'm like I said, there's 40 my job. And what God called me to do is preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And so whatever I have to do to be able to continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to be in my back. I'm going to compromise I'm going to bed. I'm going to plead I'm going to do whatever I can to try to make that possible. But if we pitch a fit kid, we rebelled and we danced blast our government and everything else and talk about how evil and how Wicked what are we going to do? We're just going to get more and more infuriated and more and more pressure with a bonus. And so the best thing is just to keep doing what we're doing that we know you're supposed to do and then let the time that God work let God rise up somebody that will find favor with let God be able to do his thing and noticed the last thing in verse 13 through 19 notice the tribe with the things of God see once we Aspire for the eyes of God and we confirm that we make sure God God's going to try and therefore we are going to be able to refuse compromise. Look at what happens there in verse 15. It says in the end of the ten days, they're countenance appeared in fatter and flesh that all the children which delete the portion of the king's meat. I found out last year when I was on my diet that I could not have B Because beans had too much and stuff and it would blow my carbs and everything means I guess they're pretty good. I love beans and that's part of my problem again. I'm back into beans and everything man when you open that up. I love beans and have a dry pork and beans if somebody told me when you're up against
No Canta for canned beans will cause blindness. He told me he said you'll go blind trying to find the pork and let's just tell my mind works on time, but look at 7. So he comes and verse 16 melzar took away the portion of their meat in the wine that they should drink and gave them their 417 ask for these four children. God gave them knowledge skill in all learning and wisdom and Daniel. Remember Daniel is the one in versation purpose, right? He's the one that started this whole thing. He's the one that spoke up. He's the one that brought hananiah Azariah and Michelle into the fold and got them the encouragement to stand up with the notice what happens Daniel had understanding and all visions and dreams now verse 18 at the end of the days of the king of said, he should bring them in then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar now here is payday. Here's the day to come in and the day to shine here is when the production is fixing to happen. And so they've gone there 10 days. They have done nothing but being the water God has worked on them. He has increased their knowledge. They are learning quicker than everybody else. They're learning more. They're there their they're getting Fair. They're getting fatter. They look better. They're healthier. Everything is going great for these boys. And so here they come in for the production and notice what happens in verse 19 and the Keen commune with Angel and among them all was found. None like Daniel hananiah mishael and Azariah there way before the key. I don't know how many young boys he took to eat but these four at this great banquet where they're coming in to prove their self to the king. this compromise how great her they've been brainwashed how much progress have we made in this amount of time. Where are we at of all the young men that set out there at the banquet what happened the four guys that did not eat and defile their self. These four guys was smarter wiser and look better than all of the other guys. They were politeness got them. And so notice here notice here that they were profitable in the key was pleased but then But I get there proof now they get their confirmation of this trial and look at what it says their inverse 20in it all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king and choir he found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all of his room. Can you imagine hearing they went from 2 for boys that were just young Jewish teenagers that was brought into captivity that was told to change that was told to conform to the image of Babylon that was told to conform to the lightness of Nebuchadnezzar that all of a sudden said, you know, what we don't want to defile we don't want to hurt your feelings. We don't want to get you upset, but we don't want to defile your body just proved us and test us and let's see what God's going to do. And now all of a sudden it's these for boys that are communion with an evil King is stage four boys that have all now all of a sudden that when the King has a problem or the advice. Where is he going? His magicians and all astrologers he tries them but Daniel and these other three boys are ten times smarter than they are. Guess what he is turning to the advice of four guys that aspired to please God and Evil can't you see I didn't turn around because they pitched a fit because they ride it because they were upset because they they were unruly know it was they simply Triumph in this way because they were Hawaii and they set out a test to confirm what God had promised but not only did they were they given privilege to commune with the King to give all of the king the inside of Vy but then look at first 21 and Daniel continued even unto the first year of King Cyrus.
keemstar until we on over there in chapter 6 Daniel is going to continue to serve Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel is going to continue to serve belteshazzar Daniel. Where is he at? He is in the Kingdom of Babylon.
Shows are but what is Daniel doing Daniel loser advisor?
God is going to try, not going to win and if we just strictly do what we are supposed to do is for God is going to work on people's heart to put you and I position where we can matter where we can make a difference and so we just got to trust and so how do we respond to?
We aspire to meet for God to do the things of God. We confirm the things of God and then we trompe we went and we see what God takes place and so notice the very last thing the question that I asked that I want to leave you with tonight willing to act are you willing to seek God just wants us to be willing how did all of this start all of this started in verse where it said in God Daniel did what purpose in his heart?
How are we going to win? This is church. How are we going to win as individuals? One of us all of us is going to have to Aspire and say you know what? I don't want to be like the world. I don't let the world turn tarnish my relationship. We got I don't want to let the world take me away from God. I want to Aspire to the things of God calls put it this way. Paul said nevertheless not I-25 with Christ. Nevertheless Not Our Lady of the white Christ lives with me. Paul was able to go through all of his suffering all of his persecution everything that he did because he had his eyes on the greater goal. It wasn't that how they treated tall. It wasn't about what they were going to do to Paul matter fact the Holy Spirit tried and tried to get Paul got to go to Jerusalem to get the ball not to go back there. But Paul what he says. I have a message in the people need God. They need to hear this message. They need it there all through his stubbornness went ahead and went God took care of it and God provided and God did what found favor with the Roman Emperor and there was able to write all of these letters and take care of all of these churches. What persecution was taking place. It's easy to get mad. It's easy to get upset. It's easy to the lamb blast our government and everything else and pitch a fit and demand are right, but but I want to tell you that if we're looking at things and and we have to stay true to the word of God. We can't let our opinions and our personalities and all of that get get involved. We can't let that oceans run rapid and man you get caught up in the arguments and stuff and one minute. I'm for this and I'm against this and everything else but the bottom line is I have to keep coming back to the word of God and I can tell you what's going on in our world in our society today is not godly it is not from God. It's not how Christians should respond. And so whether they have a ride or they don't have a right. It's not being handled and dealt with the way that God would have it and so it doesn't matter what everybody else is doing. We have to respond the way that God would have us to respond. So we've got to expire for the things of God. We got to make sure doing what God wants us to do. You know, when I ask what should we open up a can you start thinking about church waters are essential stuff. What do we have to do? I've had more churches this week that had to go back in and take out Sunday school and Wednesday night stuff in and things are backtrack because the numbers are going up and everything, but but I looked at it a month ago. And I said, you know, what gears are essential oils are essential is this worship time Sunday morning Sunday night and Wednesday night we can't do without that. We can't really do without Sunday school and some of these other things but we can make it as long as we got this is how we got to work. We got to figure out what God wants to do and respond and show you make up the rules. It's not meant dates. It's not regulation. We don't force anybody to do anything. I've never forced anybody to come to church. I haven't wrote you hog-tied you brought you up. Here we go. Get to choose but we got to do it in a way that we were Joyce's that God gets the glory and that God does not tarnish so that God can work through his people in with his people rather than as we stay under my father. We thank you for this message. We thank you for Daniel. So so eloquently showing us how to deal with compromise and Jeremy father boy. We have a lot of it in our world today. We have the world that has a totally different idea in a totally different opinion. We live in a world in society that wants to demand our rights to man quickness and speed and in our way when we want it how we want it and Lord. We know that's not your wife. Jeremy father just chill for us right now to to do what you promised your people in 2nd Chronicles at that if we will humble ourselves and pray instead of complaining instead of griping we're going to see later on in Daniel's life that three times a day he turned to you and he filed towards you and he prayed for your guy that you for your leadership board. The most Christians need to be doing right now as we need to be pregnant. I need to be studying your word. We need to be confirming that what we are doing and what we're standing for is your will and your desire and if it is that we need to stick to you. We need to hang in there. We need to try to figure out compromises and ways that we can continue to do what we need to do for your honored For Your Glory so that you will be glorified. In the end like you we love you. We praise you your name we pray. As we sing what am I?