Untitled Sermon

1 Timothy  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Last week was pretty heavy. It’s as heavy as I’ve gotten since being the student pastor here.
The topic that we dealt with was homosexuality.
I need you to know that I didn’t just deal with that topic because of one or two people.
Pastors can’t focus their teaching of the Word of God corporately on the issues of one or two people.
We are called to identify and discern spirits that are at work in the body of believers we are called to shepherd.
The spirit of homosexuality effects far more than those who practice homosexuality.
Preaching against a sin is not preaching against people who practice that sin....it is calling people out of it.
Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
You Are Qualified
Now for some encouraging news…we are talking about being qualified to be a leader in the church.
The good news is that all of us have been qualified by the blood of Jesus.
We will not earn our place…it has been given.
This is important to understand as we begin to talk about the concept of “qualifications” for working for God.
We also must remember that all of us are called to operate in pastoral ministry to some degree....remember we are all a royal priesthood.
It’s important at the outset for you to hear that you are qualified and you are called.
I am qualified and I am called.
We Have a Role to Play
While we are spiritually qualified by the finished work of the cross…we have a role to play in maintining that qualification.
There tends to be a pervading belief that because of what Jesus did on the cross…we can live however we want.
This is not the case....this is what Paul’s qualifications address for the most part.
Tonight we will examine these qualificaitons for the sake of education but also for the sake of evaluation.
As we read these qualificaitons....ask yourself if you measure up or not.
Live a Life Above Reproach
This means to live your life in such a way that no one could look at your conduct and find grounds to make an accusation
Your words
Your actions
Your relationships
Your social media
Your safari history
Your netflix recently watched
This is not something that you will be able to accomplish on accident. A life above reproach is a life that is intentionally pursuing righteousness....understanding that the wages of sin is death.
Faithful to His Wife
Remember gender is not the important part of this passage.
It’s the principle.
This passage can be interpreted as a one woman man.
This is a person who has a singular focus in their romantic relational pursuits.
No room for promescuity…don’t date everything that walks.
“But pastor Tyler that says faithful to a spouse....I’m not married.”
Being faithful to your spouse starts way before your wedding day.
Everybody is somebodies spouse.
If you aren’t sure that they’re gonna be your spouse then treat them how you would want someone else to treat your spouse.
Exercise Self Control
This is a continuation of the faithfulness concept but it takes it a step beyond sexual temptation.
Self control is how much time I spend on entertainment.
Self control is how dedicated I am to my education
Self control is how disciplined I am in the spiritual discipline.
The greatest leaders usually have the most self control.
Live Wisely
Wisdom isn’t just about doing the right thing or saying the right thing....wisdom is about doing it in the right way.
There are a lot of people who do the right thing in the wrong way.
The man who prayed in the public square in scripture.
To be a great leader for God it is vital that you learn the art of living wisely.
Have A Good Reputation
I’m not going to take nutritional advice from a morbidly obese person
I’m not going to take relationship advice from someone who has been through five divorces in the last six years
I’m not going to take financial advice from someone who is asking me for money.
Why would someone take spiritual advice from someone who has a reputation of being a sinful individual?
Enjoy Having Guests in His Home
If you’re an introverted person…I don’t think this disqualifies you.
I believe this means that a good christian leader is ready and willing to share what they have with others.
There is no place in the kingdom for greed.
He Must Be Able to Teach
You can’t teach anything if you don’t know anything.
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV 1900)
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
He Must Not be A Heavy Drinker
What does heavy mean Pastor Tyler?
Does that mean that drinking is ok?
First of all your underage.
I’m going to give you my opinion and my conviction.
The word heavy here seems to point towards one who is addicted to wine. There are many who believe that as long as you don’t reach the point of being drunk that there is nothing wrong with having a drink every now and again.
I am not saying that everyone who drinks is going to hell. I’m not even going as far as to say that it is a sin.
I am saying that we have made a personal decision that we won’t have to determine what constitutes as heavy because we know that none doesn’t fall within that category.
I don’t ever have to worry about crossing over to a level of drunkenness because I have never and will never take even one drink.
If you’ve ever thought Pastor Tyler is anointed....know that whatever level of anointing I am able to walk in…(Small as it may be) does not come without a cost.
Take that for what it’s worth.
Not Be Violent, Be Gentle, Not Quarelsome
Don’t go looking for a fight.
Pastor Allan has talked a lot the last couple of weeks about meekness.
You don’t have to call everyone out when they are wrong.
You will not change what anyone believes by making a social media post.
I need to hear this just as much as you do.
We have a society that is always sitting on go when it comes to a fight.
We need to model the oppositte as leaders for the kingdom.
Not Love Money
God may allow you to experience a degree of wealth.
Some of you may be multi millionaires some day.
But some of you may surrender to the call of God and only have just enough.
One is not better than the other unless God has called you to a life of trust and you pursue a life of prosperity.
Generosity is a must for a kingdom leader. The love of money will never coexist with a spirit of generosity.