5343 09/21/08 Titus 1:10-16
1. Entice: (Read Text) Most of us have been in a church, class or small group when we felt like there was more going on than what was being said or shown.
2. Engage: Most social bodies, the church not being excepted have to deal with elements which seek to tear it apart. It is not easy to discern the motives of such people. The Master wants us to be peacemakers and sometimes this keeps us from correcting people who need to be.
3. Excite: Paul describes such self-serving persons as rebellious, vacuous and deceivers. They must be "silenced" and "severely reprimanded." The goal is neither to pick fights or relish them the goal is to insure not only the health of the body, but the restored health of those who threaten it.
Explore: The Church must be a safe place where sound doctrine and healthy behavior are instructed and expected, and bad doctrine and destructive behaviors are corrected.
Explain: Two responses to threats to the body of Christ.
1. Asses the threat.(the goal, protect the body)
1. They Disrupt the body.
2. They Distract the faithful.
3. They Dilute the message.
2. Address the threat. (The goal, correction, restoration)
1. Sound, healthy faith.
2. Purity of mind and action.
3. Consistency.
Shut Down:
1. We are all called. Called for a purpose. Some forget the call, the purpose and their place in the body. When that happens the job is remind them of the call, and restore them to fellowship.
2. There is much to do in this world and in this community. We cannot afford a single Christian left behind, a single threat to the body un-addressed.