Philippians Sermon Week 12 - The Aroma of the Church

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What smells good to you?
I remember walking into my grandmother’s house when I was young and smelling the aroma of Christmas dinner.
It was delightful. It came with fond memories.
Friendship, Fellowship, Food. Good times.
Now when I smells something similar I am immediately brought back to those experiences.
This is the power of smell
In-fact some studies show that smell is perhaps the most powerful recalling agent of memory.
The sense of smell is closely linked with memory, probably more so than any of our other senses.
What about you? What aromas can you remember?
Where do they take you?
Today we are going to talk about
The Aroma of Church.
Is it a pleasant smell? Is it repugnant?
Does it have the Aroma of Christ?
As we close out the Letter of the Philippians today this is the question before us?
What does the aroma of Christ look like for a Church?
What is the aroma of a biblical church?
Philippians 4:14-23
Happy 4th of July


Heal this land from Racial Prejudice, Systemic Inequalities and global pandemics. Thank you for the freedom we enjoy. Pray for spiritual freedom.

A Sweet Smelling Church gives sacrificially (Phil 4:14-18)

Phil 4:14-16 “Still, you did well by partnering with me in my hardship. And you Philippians know that in the early days of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you alone. 16 For even in Thessalonica you sent gifts for my need several times.”
Remarkable Correlation with the book of Acts
Acts 16:10 - “The Macedonia Call”
Acts 16:12 - Comes to Philippi — Paul Persecuted
Acts 17:1 - Comes to Thessalonica — Persecution — Ends in Riot
Acts 17:10 - Berea
Acts 17:16 - Athens
Acts 18 - Corinth
Historical Events —
Philippi had aided Paul in his time of need.
Also in 2 Corinthians — Generosity of Macedonia
In fact, Philippi Alone (v.15)

Then AND Now.

Paul remembers their generosity in the ‘early days of the gospel
A Sweet Smelling Church gives sacrificially
But also now,
Phil 4:18 “But I have received everything in full, and I have an abundance. I am fully supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you provided—a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
Paul has received their generosity now
He calls it a “fragrant offering” —pleasing to God.
This means — “it smells good”
It’s grandma’s Christmas dinner.
Why does it smell good? Why is it pleasing?
Paul tells us.
Phil 4:17 “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the profit (Fruit), that is increasing to your account.”
Paul says it’s not the gift i’m rejoicing in, but the profit — or FRUIT that is increasing.
In other words, their sacrificial giving is evidence of their spiritual maturity in Christ.
This is why he rejoices.
Remember Chapter 1
Philippians 1:6 “I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
This is evidence of God’s work within them (Phil 2:12-13)
This is evidence of their Spiritual Growth.
A spiritually mature believer is one who gives sacrificially.


The further you walk with Christ,
the more you know Him and the more you want to be about his business: Kingdom Work
The further you walk with Christ
the more you see everything we have comes from Him — especially our WEALTH
It was God who determined where you would be born
It was God who determined when you would be born
It was God who determined what privileges you would enjoy.
The only question then becomes:
What do I do with all that God has given me?
Am I going to "consider other as more important than yourselves?” (Phil 2:3)
Am I going to give all that I am to the “advancement of God’s Kingdom through the gospel?” (Phil 1:12)
Are we going to live as Citizens of Heaven with lives worthy of the gospel? (Phil 1:27)
In this context we are talking about finances.
The language is overwhelmingly financial.
Are you giving to God’s Kingdom Purposes?
Primarily to the local church?
The Local Church is the hope of the World.
There are many solutions to the world’s problems.
But Programs, Policies and Presidents don’t change people’s hearts, only the gospel does
The Gospel is propagated primarily through the local church.
Are you financially giving to your local church?
If not, why not?
This isn’t a question to shame or condemn you or make you feel guilty.
It’s a question about the heart.
Paul is saying that a person who is spiritually growing is giving sacrificially.
Jesus says you cannot Worship both God and Money (Matt 6:24)
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
So the question becomes, if I’m not giving to God’s Kingdom Work, then what is going on in my heart?
What am I worshipping?
Why wouldn’t I want to give to God’s Kingdom Mission?

Why do we struggle to give?

My struggles in giving early in my walk
as I continued to walk i saw that
giving was a test of faith and a testament to his faithfulness.
Three reasons we struggle:
Lack of Biblical Teaching.
We are greedy.
We trust in money rather than God’s provision.
We find our security in our bank accounts rather than christ’s account.
The only remedy for greed is generosity.
You want to experience freedom in this?
Start giving.
Any amount, just start.
Martin Luther, “there are three conversions that are necessary: the heart, the mind, and the wallet (purse)”
how much do I give?
OT — Tithe 10%
NT — doesn’t prescribe, but almost always above 10%
10% great floor, poor cieling.
We are afraid about greedy Pastors and churches
Misuse of church funds.
Don’t let the enemy convince you this is true of all pastors and churches.
Is your church leadership transparent about their budget?
One Hope is…you can ask if you are partner
We’ve got a mid year budget report coming.
We allow questions, we present our budget and our budget review.
Lack of Biblical Teaching
Some Pastors are afraid to address this b/c money is a ‘touchy subject’
But i’ll say this.
Jesus talked about money roughly 1/6 of the time.
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Money has the power to seduce you.
Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
We need to be honest about that.
Our giving reveals our heart.
What does Paul say?
Phil 4:17 “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the profit, that is increasing to your account.”
It’s not about the gift. It’s not about the giving
But what it says about where your heart is.
This is a heart issue
The role of a Pastor is to shepherd your heart.
Through Biblical Teaching.
You cannot worship God and Money.
Your state of giving is an indicating of your state of spiritually living
BUT This is why Paul is rejoicing!
Many of you are giving sacrificially — Rejoice!
But many are not…Why Not?
The Philippians have shows their trust in the Lord by giving sacrificially to Paul’s ministry.
When we fail to give sacrificially we actually miss out on something more.

A Sweet Smelling Church lives supernaturally (Phil 4:19-20)

Phil 4:18 But I have received everything in full, and I have an abundance. I am fully supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you provided—a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.”
Philippians 4:19–20 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20 Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.
A Sweet Smelling Church is lives supernaturally
They have given, but they will also receive.
This is the beauty of being a son or daughter of God.
He will always provide for us.
In fact, he delights to do so.
He will supply your NEEDS not your WANTS.
Does he mean financially? maybe, sometimes, but he means much more than that.

Not the Prosperity Gospel

What he doesn’t mean is the PG.
This is not if you give to God he will bless you financially in this life.
No, God’s rewards are in Heaven.
Spirit Filled and Grace Empowered
But he will provide for everything you need, financially, and even more so spiritually.
And our greatest need is Spiritual.
“according to the riches in Christ Jesus”
God gives us His very Spirit.
He will supply all that we need through his Spirit and by his grace.
Courage, Faith, Trust, endurance, the words to speak.
But he will also meet your Financial Needs.
Your probably not going to be rich financially
But you will be rich experientially.

No Risk no Reward

Here’s the truth:
Unless you trust God and ‘risk’ losing, you will never gain the experience of God’s provision
Finances is one the most tangible ways we can fall into idolatry
But is also one of the most tangible ways we can experience God’s power and provision.
ILL: Indiana Jones
ILL: Support Raising and the Large Gift
We are first called to believe the Gospel.
Then we are called to obey the Lord
Jesus is Lord and Savior
your wallet is usually the last thing to be converted.
If God is calling you to ‘give’ something crazy, the best thing you can do is obey him.
He will bless you…spiritually, experientially.
This is what living by faith means.
This is what walking by the Spirit means.
Are you listening to Him? Will you obey him?
and watch him Work?!?
This is a sweet smelling aroma to God.
A sweet smelling church lives supernaturally.
Finally, a sweet smelling Church has deep community.

A Sweet Smelling Church has deep community (Phil 4:21-23)

A Sweet Smelling Church had deep community (Phil 4:21-23)
This Letter is evidence
Philippians 4:21–23 Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send you greetings. 22 All the saints send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household. 23 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
This letter is evidence of that
‘every saint’ , ‘the brothers’ , ‘all the saints’ , ‘ esp. Caesar’s Household’
Paul ends many of his letters this way. He had community with him, and they were on the same mission.
Community developed around the Kingdom Misison
This leads to UNITY
Can’t have UNITY w/out Community.
What is Biblical Community?
At One Hope:
Jesus-centered, Spirit-filled intentional relationships that form us to be more like Christ.

7 Values:

Devote Daily
Live Authentically
Pursue Relationally
Counsel Biblically
Next Series: The Word of God
Admonish and Encourage Faithfully
Engage Missionally
We are on a kingdom mission
Multiply Regularly
means multiplying leaders
No easier time to get into community
Community is a click away
No commute.
JOIN US right after this
We can be in community all over the country even globally
Wed Night Class — global event. Philippines
I’m plead with you to take that step.


Are we a sweet smelling Church?
Are we giving off the aroma of Christ?
This is a question is both Corporate and Individual
A sweet smelling church gives sacrificially
Are you giving to God’s Kingdom?
The Local Church? Missionaries? Other Christ-centered organizations?
A sweet smelling church lives supernaturally?
Are you keeping in step with the Spirit?
In the Word?
What is God asking you to do?
A sweet smelling church has deep community?
Are you in community? get connected.
Join me and other leaders on zoom right after this.
we would love to get to know you.

Let’s Pray

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