Help in time of need
There was a lot of gun shot and chaos around but that did not stop him. there were men wounded and they needed his help. No one was willing to do anything but this man landed his helicopter in the middle of enemy fire and get wounded men out and at the same time took a shot to the leg and flew himself to the hospital. This man was also running on the beach with his men and felt an incredible pain in his side. They had miles to go and he knew he could not stop because his men were always watching him and needed his encouragement. When the run was over he went to the hospital and his appendix had burst. This man also took over what was considered the worst regiment in the Vietnam war and though training and discipline turned them into the most hardcore unit of the war. This man was general David Hackworth. This is the same idea of what we see Paul doing in this passage. He has been through a lot and is going to encourage Timothy to continue strong in the fight as well.
The background to this passage is that Paul is about to die and Timothy feels like he is going go be lost without him. Paul is writing this letter to encourage Timothy to continue in the way that he is trained to go.
Proposition: Persevere in the Christian life with help
Example (10-13)
Paul discipling (10-11a)
Paul shows us his example
it takes an example to know what is expected
Persecution will come (11b-12)
this road is not easy
they persecuted Jesus and they will persecute you
If you are not suffering some kind of persecution you probably are not doing something right
Preserver (13)
there is a reason to persevere
Encouragement (14-15)
Present perseverance (14a)
timothy was to continue
Past teaching (15)
Grandma, Mom
Jesus Christ
Edification (16-17)
Present help (16)
we have the word of God at all times
profitability (16b)
helps us in many aspects of our lives
future perfection (17)
This road leads to perfection
you will be ready
Find someone to disciple you
they can help you on this journey
continue in your faith that you have been taught
even in times of persecution
be in your bible
The man mentioned earlier General Hackworth, he eventually spoke out against the military and how he believed that they did not handle the Vietnam war well and they needed to change things. Even though he was a war hero he was ostracized for his comments and was shunned by the military and the organization that he gave his life to. This is how Paul was in his time where he would preach to the Jews and the churches what they needed to hear and they would often persecute him for that. These men were persecuted for what they believed but continued to encourage men to continue in their footsteps until they could no longer do so. This is an encouragement that we can take away to stay faithful until our race is done.