Acts Study: 2:25-33
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Peter’s Pentecost sermon:
How this language miracle? These are the last days, the Spirit has been poured out, the Day of the Lord is at hand, so call upon the Lord!
Jesus was proven to be from God by the signs and miracles God did through him.
Jesus was killed by Jews/Romans/ultimately God.
God rased him up… why?
Verse 25-26:
Verse 25-26:
The words of many Psalms often have multiple intended speakers:
The original writer
This portion of Psalm 16, however, seems to be mostly or only Jesus’ words, even though it was written by David
So, what is Jesus saying in verses 25-26?
God the Father was always with Jesus while Jesus was on earth.
Even in the moments when he was forsaken and died, he still knew that God would be faithful.
This gave him joy and hope.
looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Verses 27-28:
Verses 27-28:
What was Jesus’ hope?
He would not be left in death and his body would be raised
Just as the Father had been with him from eternity past and with him during his time on earth, he would return to the infinite joy of the Father’s presence.
What was unique about Jesus’ resurrection compared to other resurrections which had happened before? (Firstborn of the new creation!)
And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
In what ways can we say the words of this Psalm for ourselves?
Verses 29-31
Verses 29-31
King David may have written this 1000 years ago, but he obviously wasn’t writing it about himself, because he died!
As a prophet, the Holy Spirit caused him to foresee that his promised descendent would be resurrected from the dead, and that’s what this section of Psalm 16 is about.
He knew that the way in which God would establish the “Davidic Throne” forever - as he promised David - would be through defeating death itself!
Verses 32-33
Verses 32-33
Jesus is this promised descendant of David, who God has raised from the dead.
THIS is what the WE (Jerusalem church? Apostles?) are witnessing about!
What three truths about Jesus are found in verse 33?
He is exalted to the right hand of God.
He has received the Holy Spirit.
He is the one who has poured out the Spirit on these witnesses at Pentecost… Jesus is the one who pours out the Spirit on the Church! Jesus is the one reigning over his Kingdom by his Spirit’s presence with his people on earth!
By implication also… Jesus is God.
Review: Elements of the Gospel
Review: Elements of the Gospel
God’s judgement is coming.
Those who call on the Lord will be saved.
Jesus is the One sent by God.
You have sinned against God
Jesus was crucified by wicked men but his death was God’s plan.
Jesus defeated death.
Jesus is exalted at the right hand of God.