Lesson 9 New Testament survey
Play The Book of John. You know that there's some discrepancies about when this book was written. It's like 96% different than the other three gospels. John is put so much in here and some say whatever must have been written about about 125-135 8D because they found the scriptures this book in Egypt. Well, there's been some commentaries and studying someone that can't be so they found something that says now I don't agree with that that doesn't line up so many many and I'm with them and I believe that it's been written about 65 somewhere ad This Book of John. Memories at Wynn ifni the sons of thunder that we see John written in so the Book of John listen to this Justin the coin has two sides to it heads and tails so is Jesus Christ has two Natures in This Book of John that he's showing us that pretends price as a spot of manage on presents Christ is the Son of God the Son of God the deity and that's what so many people had problems with this man could not be the son of mine that's blasphemy. How do we know the Christ it come to do Miracles but yet through his miracles. They would see that he is God. I mean God is the only one who can forgive sins God is the only one that can raise the dead back to life in Christ on all these things. And remember what are the Pharisees and even we do it ourselves. Let's see one more Miracle right? Just one more year you this thank God for a sign. You know what the sign you will see.
at Jonah Imma, get that way to one more Lord. Let me just want to tell me one more time. Just let me see one more and then you know, I increase my faith. We just need to believe that he is and trust him. Can we say that John is focusing on the Jesus is the deity of God. He is truly the Son of God and we see that he's saying that pay I'm writing this book that you would believe. I John clearly and his books is not riding the rail. He's telling you either you believe which the verb of this book is tabouli. That's the bird and then he tells those who do not believe will be condemned by gutter are condemned already by God. So he saying you believe or you don't believe But he did mention there are many who have believed. But woe unto those who have it now when I tell you the Book of John, what is the thing that might pop out in your mind when you hear the Book of John would it be John 3:16? That's one of the most memorized in the most preached scriptures in the Bible when there's not many that doesn't know John 3:16. There was this black preacher in the book. In Maryland that preached 60 sermons out of the Book of John 3:16. Think about that every Sunday there 52 weeks in a year every Sunday. He was in John 3:16. That's pretty powerful as a lot like they're it in just one verse what we see that
believe believe believe
God's purpose is crystal clear it to set forth Christ is a deity to order a spark and believe in a fate that his readers. a record, seven miracles and seven I am's Think about that. That's no coincidence. Do you see how God and through the Holy Spirit Works? He's got a pattern. Is truth. Seven miracles 98647 which is the number of perfection hitting it and just so happened that he mentions the seven. I am in Christ or Christ mentions to say, but I am fiance I am God. Listen, here. They are. Well, I guess I got that wrong will go back here in a minute following extended eyewitness the scripture The Upper Room meal and discourse John record the events leading up to the resurrection of Jesus is who he claims to be is the Son of God. We see in the New Testament, even when we look at the book of Acts tonight that the book is focusing on the resurrection of the Resurrection. I are not mean this is be just a do with that. We we've been duped by man, but the resurrection is so important and so powerful that only God himself. And he brought me to one of us right from Darkness to the light. We are alive again as John told Nicodemus you must be born again. It's all by the power and the renewing of the Regeneration of the power of the holy spirit that dwells within us because of our faith in Jesus Christ. He is the son of God.
Here's the Christ of John.
Price lift it up in the Book of John. This book presents the most powerful case and all the Bible or the dead to the Incarnate Son of God and that man is called Jesus. He has many names don't need Emmanuel God With Us. And with matching wallet go I am that I am.
Here's the outline of John. Notice how this is even broke down in the outline of the Book of John in these chapters and verses how they resemble one another. Part 1 is the Incarnation of Son of God in this chapter 1 verse 1 through Verse 18. Remember what verse 14 talks about that he is wrapped in the Flash. All things were made by God for God and then nothing was made that was made by him.
Part two is the presentation of the son of God. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world we say that chapter 1 starting to verse 19 through Chapter 4 verses 54 54
part 3 will be the opposition to the son of God. the opposition and that starts in chapter 5 verse 1 all the way through 12 verse 50
little over seven chapters He come amongst his own and his own received him not. Lavar ball of physical abuse that our Lord took John records this
never done. Nothing wrong never lied. Never misled.
the big traded way was
part 4 is the preparation of the disciples by the son of God. chapter 13 verse 1 through 17 26
preparation of the disciples by the son of God
that's what we're doing tonight with preparing, aren't we?
Part 5 is the crucifixion. And the resurrection of the son of God.
the crucifixion and the resurrection of the Son of God chapter 18 verse 1 through chapter 21 the worst 25
five parks
up the outline of the Book of John.
For the dancing and prize can be seen in the seven. I am statements.
Number one is I am the bread of life. I am the bread of life Nestle chapter 6 verse 35.
Number to I am the light of the world.
next chapter 8 verse 12 I am the light of the world.
Men love Darkness rather than light.
He sustains us and he leads us. I am the door. I am the door chapter 10 verse 7.
Memories Back in a statement here and city of Jerusalem when they would bring the Sheep into the Sheep Dory memory would say I am the door.
12-gauge weapon 12 gates in the holy city
do you think did I spell it wrong to you i t y
d i t y
Take pictures when I thought so.
Ready? Has anybody got this on their phone out if you look to be in?
All right. I am the bread of life. I am the light of the world. I am the door and the next one would be. I am the Good Shepherd.
What is Psalms 23 say? Or he is my shepherd right now other words. I don't want no other Shepherd. He's my shepherd. Good morning, true Shepherd. All others just hirelings, aren't they? chapter 10 verse 11
and I am the Rex erection and the life. 525i means flight chapter 11 verse 25
I am the resurrection.
He has the first resurrection.
and the LIE
I am the way the truth and the life John 14. first 6 Chapter 14 verse 6
You must believe that he has to weigh in the only way.
He is the Son of God, and he does give life Everlasting.
Life Everlasting. Thank you Jesus. Ready to go. Got my suitcase packed up. I'm ready to go. Ready to go.
Won't be long now with it. Home Alone he's coming back for us.
a body good
I am the True Vine.
I am the True Vine.
Those who are not connected will be what cut off and cast into the Lake of Fire. God is the husband. Jesus is the vine we must be connected to that behind that's got to run to his Don it in order for us to Bear any fruit.
You'll be dormant.
And you even say something that's pretty right. I mean I've seen some fruit trees. But no fruit.
Chapter 15 verse 1. I am the True Vine. I like you not just to buy a but I am the True Vine Disney.
I haven't got the key versus verses in the Book of Job.
Chapter 1 verse 11 through 13 years identity. He came unto his own and his own received him not notice. He came a week a tassel or did you come from? Did he come from Nazareth? What where did this man come from? Let me ask a question. But who do who do they say that I am meaning of body was Charlie a Nazarene, right? What is born in Bethlehem? just as the scripture said he was did he go to Egypt?
He called his son out.
the Nazarene Not that he was an ass rip. Nazarene but he lived in that.
But as many many many had received him to them he gave power to become the sons of God.
Able to them that believe on his name, I think so often. We don't understand just who we are in Christ. Are joint heirs with Christ whereas Christ in the eyes of God almighty.
March 13th sis, which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh not by the law. Nor of the will of man, but of what there's not born of God, so just birth comes through. How can you be born a second time?
by the spirit it
next verse John chapter 20 verses 30 and 31
And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples his followers what you're not written in this book.
But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is Christ the son of God and that believing. You might have life through his name. We are saved by faith through Grace and not of Works lest any man should boast.
You're not saved by your works or nor you keep your salvation by works. It's all Grace.
It's all by God and him alone.
All right. Let's go to book of Acts. We can call this a book of transitions right from Christian from Judaism to Christianity. We see the Gentiles so you can see a transition even the coming of the Holy Spirit. And at first you said that they were the hands laying on the holy spirit in her in but time you get at the end of the book of Acts. You see that's no longer that away as soon as you believe you receive and then I think a lot of people don't see that transition that the Holy Spirit member is is lad in written this book right here. It's about him and it's showing us that he's a spirit that's always movie. He's never stopped on it reason. He stopped right? We we we client with us, it's not him. I mean, he's ready to go. He's going to move right? He's a river he's wanting afro. What does Flash we have ways to the quench that that fire if you will so the book of Acts we see that is written by Luke and Luke takes off from his gospel. Remember we did call this a history book that way for history before gospel acts would be a history a history of what? history of Christ history of
about to church nightman church
the gospel that was sent out by Jesus Christ
I mean it went like fire to do it.
Let me see Peter standing up and preaching and 3000 were saved.
the Holy Spirit move
When's the Winds of the spirit will blow equipment?
So here's the book of Acts written by Luke is the story of men and women who taking the commission seriously and began to spread the news of the Risen Savior to the most remote corners of the world.
If you men, would you stop preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ? No harm will come to you. I thought we're at just hush about Jesus and he's not the Son of God. He did not listen. They stole this body of none of this is true.
They couldn't good. I had that they had to speak what they saying and what they heard what they have witnessed it. I mean, you know what you believe could somebody cure from what you believe you say. Hey, I know what I know. I don't care what you say when you believe it or not. I know what I know. And that's what these disciples were would and I mean he died for that won't even look. I know what I've seen and Factory said we've seen him we touched him and we party. I mean, how can you resolve it? How is it the Christians are silent today. I mean if you truly changed your life, but I can't tell you that he changed it only you know that but if you and your wife, how can you be silent about Christ? How can you not live and serve him? Listen. I'm not staying up here till you I'm holier-than-thou. I've been down that road, too. But it does show you and I don't want to get no recognition to it, but it does show you that this this flash is pretty powerful in its cell phone it that it causes you to be quiet. It causes you to do the opposite of what your savior is asking you to do. It is that's what we struggled with it. I'm about you. But everyday not just one time a day. I mean many.
Battles don't cease to there when they was fighting hand-to-hand combat. It wasn't over until the enemy was dead Rider Runaway. It's on a man. That's what happened to David. He should have been out there with his men fight. He laid up in the bed mail today happening. Jaheim Ain't been there. That's what we always get laid in the bed middle of the day and Satan is what the out of mine. playground playground
I hope that we would all take it serious here in Antioch. Remember, it's not so much what we speak, but how we walked. I don't be hearers, but we must be doers of the work. God made. They see Christ and all of us. May the Sea Christ here at Antioch. So here's the Christ of Acts. The resurrected savior is the central theme of the sermon a defenses in accident. Men, do you understand? What a great miracle this was hitting it is sad that we only visit this on Easter. I mean the resurrection how powerful that is. It's so powerful that he's Jesus said hey, they going to see me for 40 days. I mean he could have come and said I you see me now. I'm out of here 40 days walking with them eating with them. I mean Fellowship it went for 40 days and not just by the 12 or are the 70.
500 come on Made it is hard. What I said in the prayer about the church. I mean it's hard for. I get half of us agree on anything with thinking that mean they seen what they saying. I know it to be so.
I know I wasn't there but I believe it. I believe it. I really do believe it. I believe it is just as he said City. I believe it was God that taught me that I don't believe it was man. I believe it was God, I believe it was the Holy Spirit convince me of that. That he is truly the Son of God died on the cross and was buried and rose on the third day. Praise His. Holy name he's changed.
I don't care how bad this world gets and I don't care who falls by the wayside in the sense that I'm not going to deter my race. I'm going to continue my raise. I'm going to heaven. I'm going to happen. I thank Jesus for that.
Here's the key word. Is the growth of the church? You know, I still believe it's God's will. I mean really, don't you? I know but it talks about the great falling away, but
they're still souls to be saved. There's still people that saved it's not a member of a church.
But not under the umbrella that protection of prayer edification are they? Go to the church while they're off for accounts of the life of Jesus.
The number of Grace this is the book that carries on the story from his Ascension to the. Of the New Testament Epistles.
Acts is a historical link between the gospel and the letters or the gospel of the Epistles to the churches as we're going through the book of Galatians on Sunday night.
budget Transmissions
Holy Spirit Come on the scene just as Christ said he would You mean don't be sad? Don't be sad. I'm not going to leave you orphans. I must go in order for him to come. And more Daddy he showed up on the scene that knee hitting at something when you see Jesus Christ showing up on the screen on the same. When you see the Holy Spirit showing up on the scene when you see a call. I mean when you see the man of God, you know, what y'all to be things happen when we show up. Hey, I'm just saying like it is I'm not talk about the show. I mean, that would be something different in you when you show up on the scene now to be something going on it all about Jesus. He lives in you. What kind of powers do you have weed has no. No end to his power.
Wake up Mama saying when we come up in this house right here that you hear me. Got to be something happening.
Not just once in a blue moon, but every season. ampersand the growth of the church. God made it happen here at Antioch. Luke strong emphasis on the ministry or the servanthood of the Holy Spirit member. He said he wouldn't speak of himself. Jesus said this book could be regarded as listen to this the acts of the spirit of Christ working through the apostles. Do the apostles power of the Holy Spirit?
Peter walking in the shadow just following up on the sick and they were healed.
the act of the spirit of Christ working through the apostles the acts of the spirit working through the
children of God here at Antioch Baptist Church
working in and through
Amazon Outlet, do I need to go back? You'll get that? Atlanta baps here part 1 notice is this pattern in the book of Acts? the witness in Jerusalem chapter 1 verse 1 through 8 through verse for notices Witnesses
Art to the witness in Judea and Samaria.
branching out in the spirits moving the witness in Judea Samaria chapter 5 verse 5 through chapter 12 through verse 25
you can no longer containing.
heartbreak the witness of the outermost part of the Earth that included Us by the way. Thank you Jesus. Thank Jesus. chapter 13 verse 1 through chapter 28 through verse 31
all about Witness
all about the Great Commission
key verses Jesus last recorded words have come to be known as the Great Commission. Did they send them all into the world? teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ baptize me in name of the father Son and the Holy Ghost
102 age India
Recite the gospel is worldwide. Now. It just maybe not be to every soul but
Polish Ministry to reaching a hundred twenty something countries, aren't you?
Here we go act 1 8. But you you and me shall receive power. After that, the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the Earth. You can't do it without the power of the Holy Spirit. People see right through it. power of the holy spirit that draws I just want to bring it to the cross.
When you receive power, so apparently when we're not was witnessing as we should we're not walking in the spirit. And if you're not walking in the spirit you are fulfilling the lust of the flesh.
He that Walton spiritual not Phyllis Place. So the opposite of that is you are fulfilling the lust of the flesh. Acts chapter 1 verse 8 Acts chapter 2 verse 42 through 47
hear something listen to this. thousands of years later and they continued
Antioch discontinued steadfast in the apostles write doctors in their teachings and fellowship and in Breaking of bread and in prayers, I honestly believe the Baptist and I'm I'm not going to say all Baptists. Most Baptists. I honestly believe and I believe we're included in that then we are falling in the doctrine and in the teachings. A Paul Peter James John. I honestly believe that. I know there's some things that we probably could tweak on but far as
all religions, I believe where the closest. What's the closest? We didn't I wouldn't be here. And trust me. I've been to many many different religions searching and looking. and fear Came Upon Every Soul And Many Wonders and signs were done by the apostles. You know, there's many signs and wonders that we can do.
I can't. Move a mountain. I can't spread the the oceans. But I can lead someone to Christ. I could feed someone that's hungry. Beacham Miracles a pat on the back. I had a talk with a young man. Today and some things he was going through and and I and not for me but I believe it's by the power of the Holy Spirit of the West in the word of God that you could give to others Miracles will happen. Do you not believe this word right here can change people's wives you have it, don't you? I'm at home. We look at these wonder. I know we think about what I've never healed the sick. You know, what do you still believe that God can I don't know about you, but somebody comes up here. I'm going to put my hand on her shoulder and I'm going to pray for right I'm not going somewhere. I'm not touching you not to let me just pray for you. I know it's not me, but I do believe in him. I do believe that I believe he still does Miracles. He does it through what I've seen life changed. I mean changed literally change not not a progressive change. I mean just change once they accepted Christ. I mean just told a different person. That's a miracle. That's a great meal.
And had all things in common. one that be wonderful all things in common No, squabbling, no disagreements and sold their possessions and goods and part of them to all men and every man had need. I'm in the Bible listen to this. And I know people say it's power passion and you know that he had seen it done. But I know what the scripture says it says when we loan money out your not to expect anything back to think about that. Now you need some money here. I'll pay you back and I don't worry about it. awkward Bible teachers But we want to make sure they don't come back. I'm going to say I got somebody that's going to talk that change your mind. Right? Don't make me pay that break your leg. I want my money.
But we're not we're not to be like that. I mean to sell your very goods that you have to help another.
Wouldn't that be something that if we all just sold something and just just to pay off the debts this church? We all just pitch then I'm going to sell something whatever, you know, we just put all the money in the world.
I'd be a Miracle Whip. And they and they and we continue daily with one Accord in the temple. one Accord in the temp breaking bread communion one another fellowship in one another from house to house and he did eat their meat with glad and singleness of heart noticed that singleness of heart one this apart.
Not complaining about the cooker the cooking or the meal and what about that was?
Being a preacher. I beat some stuff that you just thank God, you know.
That smile about Unity. sites about
right United States we divided we cannot stand. Miss site that me uses this method new uses the same same book, but he goes by.
Bus 47 says praising God and having favor with all the people I pray for this a lot and I really do that. I don't have favor with God, but I would have favor with man. And the Lord added to the church daily such as it should be saved. Not not at some should be saved. Not not just the rich. It should be saved but it says should be saved all should be saved. All there's none should be left out. No not want.
Praising God and having favor with all the people. My Antioch have favor with the people here. and Pearl state of Mississippi But we serve a big God. 49 with 12 people. Let me take it back to the left. We just read about right go into Jerusalem Samaria and Judea did I do most part of the Earth? I did that I think happened. I am appalled entered into Mars.
Route to town together right? There was an uproar. And it's coming to that again preaching the gospel manual writing. I coming after you.