The Attitude of Christ

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Read: Philippians 2:5-8


The word, “mind” used in our passage tonight is a very interesting word. in Philippians 2:2 Paul says we should be “like-minded” and that we should have “one mind” in Philippians 2:5 he says that we should have the “mind of Christ”
But what is he talking about “mind”?
It means: “to think thus - to dispose the mind in a certain way.” “Think; set one’s mind on.”
The NASB and other versions translate this word, “mind” as “attitude”
Do you have the attitude of Christ?
Maybe before we answer that question we should look at the attitude of Christ revealed to us in this passage.
But before we do either of those things lets discover what an attitude is.
Someone has put it this way:
What Is It?
It is the "advance man" of our true selves.
Its roots are inward but its fruit is outward.
It is our best friend or our worst enemy.
It is more honest and more consistent than our words.
It is an outward look based on past experiences.
It is a thing which draws people to us or repels them.
It is never content until it is expressed.
It is the librarian of our past;
It is the speaker of our present;
It is the prophet of our future.
What is it?
It's our attitude!
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Psychology defines attitude as, “a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person.[1] They are complex and are an acquired state through experiences. It is an individual's predisposed state of mind regarding a value and it is precipitated through a responsive expression towards oneself,[2] a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object) which in turn influences the individual's thought and action. defines attitude as - manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind:
So simply a persons attitude is comprised of how they feel and react to situations.
We are given a few Christlike attitudes (by no means exhaustive) in this passage tonight.
An Attitude of Unity (Phil 2:2) Then he gives us ___ descriptions of what that looks like
An Attitude of Love (Phil. 2:2)
An Attitude of Unity (Phil. 2:2)
One Accord - One Spirit - (One Accord = One Souled = being united in the same character, affections, and especially mindset as another. Think Harmony deep-friendship
One Mind - One Purpose - to uplift and glorify Christ.
Paul isn’t arguing for harmony and unity at all costs. Truth isn’t to be compromised in the name of harmony. But neither is the truth set forth to the exclusion of love. In dealing with the truth, expressing the truth, and communicating the truth, the goal is still unity.
Consider an example from the sports world. A football team is unified, not because every player plays the same position—that would be uniformity. A football team is unified because they are operating in harmony to reach the same goal line. Each player is playing his position with the objective of either helping his team score or stopping the opposing team from scoring. Everyone is moving in the same direction.
Why is unity so important? Because the Spirit doesn’t work in disunity. Where there is disunity, the spirit of God backs up. Conversely, where there is unity, the Spirit of God is at home. So, if we are going to have the mindset of a servant, which is the key to greatness in the kingdom of God, we must choose to pursue harmony and unity without losing uniqueness. Tony Evans, Tony Evans Bible Commentary, The: Advancing God's Kingdom Agenda, (Nashville, Tennessee: Holman Bible Publishers, 2019), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 1240.
Some negatives - what it doesn’t look like
The Attitude of Christ is not in strife Phil 2:3
The attitude of Christ is not in vainglory (vanity, conceit,)
An attitude of lowliness of mind
This is exhibited by each esteeming other better than themselves
Looking not just on your own things - but also on the things of others (You know that worldly saying, “Mind your own business… better rethink that.” We are not nosey but caring.
When I was younger, Joel Wagoner used to have a program on a local radio station in Troy, MO called “Joyful Noise”
A song I remember him playing often was a song called, “Attitudes”
It went like this:
There's goofy, flaky attitudes in the Church today,
If we really want to please the Lord, those attitudes must change;
If nothing is going right for you, the first thing I do
Is check upon those goofy, flaky, grumpy attitudes.
Do you ever have a “goofy, flaky” attitude? Paul says we should have the “attitude of Christ.”
My mother, used to ask me when I was getting a little grumpy or cynical, if I needed an attitude adjustment.
I think there are some Christian’s today, who need to pull into God’s spiritual mechanic shop for a major attitude adjustment and tune-up.
The song was a medley of choruses that spoke about current attitudes that are not Christlike -
There are some Christians that think that the only reason that Jesus came is to help them accumulate more stuff.
Give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me,
Praise ye the Lord;
Give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me,
Praise ye the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord, I really want it,
Praise ye the Lord, I really need it;
Praise ye the Lord, I deserve it,
Lord, I want some more.
It went on to sing:
'Tis so sweet to keep my money,
The Church don't need it anyway,
Lord, we'll keep the preacher poor if you keep him humble,
We'll give our dollar once a week.
And you know how we say, "Lord, give us revival?" Of course we need a revival, as long it is on our time schedule.
Have thy way Lord, 'til twelve o'clock,
I am getting hungry, tell the preacher to stop.
And you know how we like to gather together at the restaurant after Church for fellowship. Of course. Some good "Christian" fellowship.
Shall we gather at the restaurant,
And talk about the people that we don't like;
We'll enjoy a lot of gossip at the restaurant,
And have us some roasted preacher.
How about it tonight?
Do your attitudes reflect the love, service, and spirit of Christ?
Or do they reflect more of the song?
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus
Are you like-minded - or do you like to go off on your own?
Are you acting with love - or do you sting and bite?
Are you doing things for others - or out of selfish ambition or conceit?
The Mind of Christ says - “Let each esteem others better than himself”
The Christlike Attitude says, “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”
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