7-12-2020 The Battle with Sin
1 Kings 21: The Battle with Sin
The Self-Centeredness of Sin
Ahab’s selfishness leads to anger and pouting (vs4).
Sin begins with selfishness in the heart.
This selfishness leads us to use our position purely for personal gain (vs7).
Selfishness leads to an entitlement attitude that doesn’t care about the cost
for others.
As a result, God pronounces judgment on Ahab (vs20-24).
Initially, Ahab was antagonistic towards Elijah (vs20).
There’s a tremendous change here as Ahab humbles himself (vs27-29).
Selfishness and sin are so bound up that humility is the only answer.
God’s Nature
This shows us that God is holy - He cannot condone sin.
This also shows us God is merciful - He can’t ignore humility.
Jesus is the ultimate example reflecting holiness and mercy.
We must be humble enough for God to change us and then use us.