Kingdom of God
Jordan you guys are just missed the children's church. Follow me. Gordon Jessica
I have a big poster of this picture that's in the two Bibles of Simeon holding baby Jesus. And there's a light light glowing out of baby Jesus on his painting and I just love this painting and when our grandson was over maybe a month ago. He just first noticed it on the wall. He's four and he he wanted us to he said what is that? Like, what is that? We took the picture down and we talked about Jesus is the light of the world. But as we are singing the song set a fire down in my soul.
You know can God see that can people see that in us that glow of Love of Jesus lights and I don't it's just really it just keep coming back to me again. And again, let us let people see that that warm light in us. Come on.
Let's do this series. We talked we talked about the kingdom of God and last week we talked about talked to me and cheap. We're getting ready to find some things today. So if your if you got your sermon notes, I want you guys to follow along so we can we could buy and what we've been going through for the last eight weeks all combined. Now, you're you know that when you when you have a math, it's usually one plus one equals. Okay, I got some gas. One plus one equals two. What if I sold you that in scripture and in the kingdom of God, it's an it's about you understanding but not really all about you. It's about knowing truth and truth knowing you to a place where you can release the power of God. That seems a little fishy tab. I don't know about that Bible end times. We see God using people and they released its power. Do you think about Moses? Moses dad's like Moses. I'm giving I want you to go to Egypt. You got to staff use what you got mad. I got you the man with the shepherd's rod. To bring about a remarkable Deliverance God use the boy with the slingshot. To bring forth a remarkable Deliverance. What does God want to use in your life? To bring about a remarkable Deliverance. Because when God empowers you it's deceitful free around you it's not so much so you can go look at me. It's not so much to go around and beat your chest and say I'm the guy who got through it's not for that so you can be use my him.
So you have your Oscar Munoz? I want to talk about the first thing the first week we discussed your agreement who remembers that a little bit. We discussed your agreement. We said that we said that your agreement. Mean something we looked at in Proverbs. We looked at it and 23 + 7 and that first fill in the blank it says this. You are what you believe according to progress as a man thinks in his heart. So is he so the first thing to fill in is that you are what you believe?
You believe you're stupid. You're going to do some stupid stuff.
It's just that simple. If you believe in a right way, you'll do a lot of right things for the wrong way. She'll do some wrong things to agree. They can't walk together. Let me explain what this is what you agree with ressentiment c That's your next to on the blank. What you're agreeing with will bring them about at an end and a complete Unity of in your life that you want to spend your life together.
The other week after that I talked about it doesn't matter you remember that talked about my favorite wrestler via the rock right to say it doesn't matter. So the funny clip of him. a delicious 56 it says this the only thing that matters is safe activated by loss of your first fill in the blank. There is safe activated by look what I want you guys to do is on your own time and what you guys are go back to read the scriptures for it. I'm giving you the Highlight notes cuz if you don't grab this, you won't be able to live in when we talked with him talking about now. So it's about the next thing that he says what really matters is you knowing that you're a new creation. The Bible said If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation is a new creature. Do you believe it?
Do you believe that your brand-new? Do you believe that got purchase you are you still thinking that you're the old you before Christ? Are you the new you right now in the moment because God lives in you. Finally. The last one was this is nothing else matters doesn't matter but I'm paying goddesses the commands of gods and let me take the commands of daughter very simple. We make them hard. We try to get religious with the you know that I'm trying to make all these steps before you just obey God and all he asked you to do is love him with everything. You are love your neighbors, like you love yourself and go spread the love by making disciples. That's pretty simple in there. We make your complex because we feel like it has to be harder than what it is. But God wants you to know your agreement is what matters in the kingdom of God.
We talked last week about the kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? What is it? Where is it at in the scripture? According to scripture in Luke the kingdom of God is within you. A lot of times you're there by yourself looking for God and your God says the kingdom is within you Jesus himself within you according to Luke finally after that and 1st Corinthians 4:20. It says the kingdom isn't matter of talk, but it's power. I'm going to be teaching today. So we got a lot to go through but follow me the kingdom of God isn't a matter of speaking. It's a matter of power. You're not going within him and you and Jamie in the power accessing him. It's going to be hard to move on to the next one which is called demonstration because the kingdom of God isn't talk is power. It's demonstrating the power of God in your life. It's not so much all this all this but let's discuss and let's debate. It's more so let me show you by him living in me. I remember I was talking to this guy and he was an atheist. He was at the gym. I was personal trainers at the gym and it's one of my favorite stories with him. With God, I'm at the gym and I'm like a man just like my my my my leg and shoulder is really messed up and I can't even bend over. I should really he's like, yeah, I said Jesus thank you for this man. Thank you for healing them. I didn't pray long A lot of times. We think our prayers in our ability to pray really long and really big words. Adventures in Odyssey Listen to Adventures in Odyssey when I was little and there was this guy named Eugene Nelson.
Good Lord, man. You thought you were reading the dictionary?
Cuz he thought it was in his ability and I remember mr. Winter. Continue Gene calm down buddy 3 hours later after he got done with the A's he's moving to the bees. It's not about your ability to speak about power and it's about demonstration. So I looked at this guy. I prayed real sweet simple try to muster face ever do that when you're praying for you try to make something happen. That's a clear sign. Nothing's going to happen.
I will send it to you looks at me and I love I love I don't tell people I'm a pastor, preacher. I don't do that just a child of God. That's who I am. So it was funny because you get raw expressions from people and I love it. So this guy he's like they do touch your toes and next minute. He next minute, you know the f-bombs Ross. Boots, like what the washing machine dryer and hairdresser?
It was good. Are they doing twister back you twisted that he looks at me like I've been out of his mouth. He says I don't believe in God. I said that's funny cuz he believes in you.
I don't time for debating with people. Tipitina's not about the baby miss about demonstration. And the dude in to look at me like I don't believe in God I said listen, man. Go home. Enjoy your miracle from Jesus. And you wrestle with that with the Holy Ghost. Because I'm not here to wrestle against you because my Bible says I don't wrestle against flesh and blood. But I wrestle against principalities powers of Darkness. So you're not my issue man. The holy spirit's going after you hard. The kingdom a tall slot talk on that the kingdom of God is righteousness. Peace and joy in the Holy Ghost according to Romans 14:17 right with God and I'm right with people. Do you understand? It's not this Vic religious words. It's just simply mean I'm in the right way with God because I accepted Jesus is on the right way with people. I treat them like I want to treat myself and I got peace because I'm right with God and guess what because I got peace or something milder standing the reason why a lot of times we don't have a busy and trying to understand
Uh-oh, you ever noticed Jesus and he'll give you peace that passes all understanding.
But yet we try real hard to understand and then we complain that we don't got peace.
What? I don't we get frustrated because we can't understand something. Instead of thanking God for what he's giving us and I realize when we get position in a place of Thanksgiving him for what he already gave.
Let me say that one again. You shift into a place of Thanksgiving is giving thanks and God to give thanks.
No, that's silly. But God's kingdom is different than man's Kingdom.
And all of this is found in the Holy Ghost. So next week, we're going to talk about in the Holy Ghost, but this week we're going to talk about releasing the power. If you have your Bibles, I want you to turn to Psalms 34:17 and 19 and I'm coming from the New Living Translation of them when they come to him for help them from All the Troubles Lord is close to the Brokenhearted to Spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time a new testament Style.
What was that word? Is that a promise?
Never know that we don't like putting the promises that make us feel good about ourselves. But God didn't give me a spirit of fear of this promised. You promised to know me and number what about the promise of persecution? Huh? Oh. I don't like that top. We don't talk about that promise Townsend negative. What Jesus actually says if you want to live Godly those who desire to you're going to be persecuted? They're going to receive you but whatever they did to me they're going to do to you because the servant is not above the master, but every servant who comes submitted to his master train as him sounds like Jesus, doesn't it?
So it says that the rights that the rights of persons going to face troubles. Let's look at it here and then your age you've turned your sermon notes backwards. It has the final hit. This is to release the power steering share with you how how to release the power of God's Kingdom in your life. This is how you do it.
brokenhearted and crushed
until you become broken and crushed. You're not going to release the power. He looked at that don't sound so feel good. I feel good. You know, you just got done talked about the joy in the morning because you would understand being brokenhearted and cross is a precursor to the joy of the Lord which becomes your strength, but until you can be broken and crushed. You can't receive the strength of God.
Did not the bible say that I will give you a Garment of Praise for what?
a spirit of heaviness So happy this is a spirit. That's why I pray to lose weight.
The spirit of heaviness in order to release it. We got to understand with broken hearted is a lot of times when people talk about Brokenness. It's always I'm so bad. I'm horrible. I can I'm messed up. That's what I'm talking about and we glorify that thinking that's Brokenness. Well, you know, I'm just I'm just tired and I don't know why he needs me. I'm nothing. I'm good for nothing. That's not broken is The self-loathing and self-hatred and self-pity you're having a pity party with ER from Winnie the Pooh.
I remember party with anyone trying to beat Enderman. He bounces around everywhere. I like rabbit drinking probably cuz he eats.
No, he's too afraid of everything.
Being brokenhearted is actually found in Romans 7. Let's look at it. And we're going to go at the 18th verse. Is that what you guys are broken? Hearted looks looks like it's supposed to find it for New Testament Believers is fried know that nothing good lives within the Flesh of my phone Humanity the longest to do what is right or within but the willpower underlining your Bible if you have will power or power underlined that because you need to understand it's not like you But the willpower is not enough to accomplish it. My lovely desires to do. What is good are Dash when I do the things I want to avoid, so if my behavior to do good, I must conclude that it's not my true identity doing it. If you have a King James, it says that I must see that it's no longer me.
And it goes on. But the unwelcome Intruder of sin hindering me from being Who I Really Am. Through my experience of this principle. I discovered that even when I want to do good evil is ready to sabotage me truly be within my true identity. I love to do what pleases God but I just turn another Power operating and my Humanity Waging War against the moral principle of my conscious and bringing me into captivity as a prisoner to the unwelcome Intruder in my Humanity. What an agonizing situation. I am in Stop right there. King James says, oh Wretched Man that I am. What it what a horrible way to live. What misery? but even when I'm trying to do, right I still do wrong and I don't want to this is where you find being brokenhearted at. UCL pause. Call himself an idiot, you know, it's falling calling himself. It isn't calling himself a moron always going to miss it. You're stupid. He's being that what I want to do right inside of me my true identity. I want to live for God I desire God my heart pumps God I sing the song to that goes along with instead of fire in my soul. Everytime I begin to really focus in on that. I see something morning with me. He said he goes on and says. I give all thanks to God for his mighty power has finally provided a way through our lord Jesus the anointed one. So if left to myself the flesh is aligned with the lofts in but now my renew - 6 on the prince prince on and submitted to the to God's righteous principle.
Brokenhearted is simply this. Knowing I can't. Sometimes the biggest thing for people to do is omit they can't the reason why they can't admit that is because this ugly thing called Pride. Letting you can you know why we don't want to admit this stuff because we like golden idols. What do you mean? What do you mean? We're golden. I told you know what we like building this morning. I was thinking about what I'm preaching about God spoke to me. He says if you're worried about your reputation you're an idol maker.
If you're so concerned with other people are going to think about you you're an idol maker.
If you're with you're worried that they will think the worse of you are the best of you if you did this during idolmaker.
Don't like that story when the when the Philistines the Ark of the Covenant and they took it before their God Dagon. And what happened is he went to sleep and they went to go visit a gone and it was off. I don't like what happened. So they fix this head again the next day they want to go look at day gone again. And then this time take out the Porsche was falling over.
God will break you unto you give up your idol of your reputation.
You cannot be broken hearted as long as you're holding to your reputation because that means you won't receive his.
I want to look good for people to like me for people that's not broken hearted. This is you fighting against God.
You have to admit that I can't I can't do this God. I can't live in this I can't do this. No self-help book for me. Do I have to give up your self help? Drop the hold the Bible and say this is the only book that can help me and you're the only God that can help me.
I don't care what life coaches, you know. Holy Spirit the best life coach ever became a living you and teach you life and give you a bunch of life that Jesus said. And after you finally admit you can't because you know this in Romans 7 Paul's really coming to the place. I like to say in the King James. I really like it because I called the doo doo. Because you says the things I want to do I don't do but that which I don't like to do I do do.
I'm just looking at him like that's a bunch of people. And if you know the Greek word for that that you know what I mean?
so Romans it flips over and it says therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and don't walk according to the flesh but the spirit and then it talks about the mind of the flesh. You set yourself on the flesh to fulfill the flash. You set yourself to make an agreement. Doesn't it? What you agree with you live from what you believe you are here it is again. I didn't realize if you would get Roman take this and progression. It's about understanding that God can through me God can and Will Smith until you admit you can and that but God can do people stop right there. I can't but God can and then they never do nothing. There's this place that we have to live from called. I can't God can and he will.
Halo top
will my Bible it says the will of God is to believe that Jesus is God. Jesus told his disciples you want to do the work. He says believe in me. The one he sent and believe the words that I'm saying. And if you would believe what Jesus said and you won't believe what he saying to you today, you will move from just God can to and he will do and you say in Russian.
See, I realize the expectation is a thing called hope.
What's hope you guys know? What hope is biblical. Hope is what? expectation confident like After service, I'm confident. I'm going to get some good food. I'm expecting it. Might taste buds begin to salivate. I have no idea what I'm going to eat though. What is going to be good? Can I see if we're going to go get some food?
expectation of any move to a place of sand through me until you can move through God can and will through me something. That God can tell me. McDonald's will but no one's really moved to the place through me. Scripture I can do all things through Christ who?
But until you become brokenhearted, he can strengthen you enjoy so you can accomplish all things through him. The next thing is to know that after you get through me he wants to do it through me. It's nothing but with your head up and go look at me for you to have this excitement of intimacy with God. If you would choose you decide his excitement he brings a sense of value because God values you so much that he would say you're his child.
How bad of a child you been you're still a child of God? I'm sorry for the religious stuff that you heard but according to scripture. It says that I'm His Child. Jesus said all that the father has given me I have not lost none of them. We're so busy trying to hold so tight to Jesus that we think the moment we mess up. He's not holding you anymore. So we're putting our confidence in our ability to hold to him instead of his ability to hold us. And as long as you're striving to hold to him, you're going to get legalistic. You're going to get religious and this is where you begin to measure yourself among yourselves. And you'll be going to quote while listen. I follow Paul. I follow paulist I follow Peter. This is why you do those things. It's not your ability. It's God's ability in you. And that's the confidence you want to hold you and then finally hold this thing together. It's this thing called because he loves me at the end of Roman take this when we get that scripture that says that I am fully persuaded that nothing nothing nothing Paul wrote that I am persuaded. I'm convinced no one's going to move me out of this dance. Nothing's going to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. What is this have to do with releasing the power? Because no matter how bad you are God still loves you. He still with you and you still hear the building you if you can't move in this power.
You can't release his power. It doesn't mean you stay living bad. It means that his power brings about the ability of transformation. Big transforming your soul. We call the sanctification. We call it going from glory to glory. What God wants to transform you to transform the world, but it's some reason we get locked up in the inside of ourselves.
grocery shopping outlet Christmas sermon outline put all the highlighted words together once it is and let me know what you get.
91 Telluride Street, really should the series I had no idea this was going to happen. Last night. They put it all together. Like what are you talking about? I did separate series you like them all together now. And this is what I got. If you if you have it. Did you write it all out? All the highlight of words $0.01 is it may be a run-on sentence for those who like grammar and it maybe I'd not the best but I'm from the country y'all.
Anyone have it done yet?
It sounds something like
your agreement is what matters? In the kingdom of God to release power.
He's last night. We should do this did separate series and this is what the overview of it is your agreement matters and the kingdom of God to release power.
Who's told you you have to stay stuck? Who told you that you had to stay busted in discussing who told you that there has to be something wrong with you. I told you those things to God. What is some person how did your own mindset? God wants to break chains. He wants to break chains off of you. If you want to break cycle. He wants to break habits off of you. And the only way it gets broken is by you admitting that I can't do it, but God can through me. You're asking me this place in your life. Will you quit making excuses? I say on your sin? Oh, you're missing it after you dose. It really means to miss the mark. So what's up, man? You ever text me shooting at the range. I'm probably going to sit a lot.
I'm at the best Marksman, but I'm in training.
You can send means to miss the mark. Listen God wants to take you into a place where you'll still be as long as you don't own up to it. You cannot receive his stuff.
Let me swing this if you're not going to own up to your sinful actions. Why would God give you? His actions so you can live in his righteousness when you're not being responsible for the mess you got.
oops Did you to be responsible for your mess and own up to it? Then? God can give you a message.
Do you know what the message really is a mess with age?
Don't do what I did.
God wants to say if you will be responsible. If you would begin to say God I can't. It's a beautiful thing to come to this place to sit. I can't because then it's power shows up. It's not just by saying I can't it's saying I can't you can in me and you will because I'm your child you love me. you love me simple as that and then we go back to the original thing that the only thing that matters is Faith activated by love when you begin to realize how much you loves you it activates face. And face always precedes power. Are you guys following me?
When's the last time you repented? For the last time you got broken before God. I've been worried about your reputation how people can see
oops oops Let me sip my coffee first step in this one me a little energy to get through this one.
We're not even honest with her smile sometime. We're thinking and you know what? She like the biggest hit here right now, but what about me? Just sometimes I do all the time. But we're not going to be honest about that because we're scared of hurting feelings instead of being honest with ourselves. If we liked it, then we probably lie to ourselves because if we're not loving our neighbor like ourselves and if we're not doing it because we're not let me know. So, how could I look them, right? When's the last time you actually became broke loose from my team coming from the church and fixed and so hot when I just said was I'm not telling you to get it from the church get on your Bended Knees and try to make everything right I'm not asking you to do that confess your sins one to another broken about it. Don't sit here and try to have no problems and God will bring such power because you're not relying on your self to clean yourself until you can do this for you. You can't release Powers other people's lives. You want him released power of God in people's lives versus the power of God be released in your life.
Send me my way home conversation yesterday. We met for like eight years right at your kicker. Meet years in guys guys made 40 says wait till you get 40. Who's been married forty years ago.
That's the only until you married your son to be celebrated. There's something to be stubborn if you're 30, if you're 20.
Let me to share this with you because if you're not going to be honest with the person that you're running with.
Hear what I'm saying? Then how are you going to begin? To be honest with anyone else that you're not one with? Do you know as long as I'm not really honest with my wife I can't really be honest with you. You do my parents cuz I know I'm a three-year-old dude like
Guys know exactly what I'm talking about. God wants to break these chains in your life. Come over come to for people to pray for you and not talk about you the most damaging thing that can happen in any church or any place or any friendship or any marriage is that you got someone who doesn't go to God about you, but gossips about you. Add acronym for the word gossip. You guys want to give me Grace right now? You guys want to give you like real? I need Grace right now Mercy actually.
Going out spreading us.
No, the other ice is right.
Are public IP? manure machine man This will gossip is.
It doesn't build anyone. Makes a deeper to God wants to break the chains, but you have to become open and honest vulnerable. For talking to each other and we're talking about stuff and I tell her things you didn't know about me.
Jumping Jehoshaphat.
Do you know what uses back from that? Call rejection. It's called someone view in his different think you were messed up thinking that we're up. So the enemy uses this to keep us locked up. What if I told you the truth of the Bible in this is what it says. The Bible says we stumble up in areas. It does going to John doesn't mean you stay falling. It means you stumble over catcher almost slipped on ice and let you get yourself ever do that you like the way your arms. It's such a real sight to see stress.
T-Mobile sent me they don't care what it looks like. They just don't want to fall, right?
What if I told you that's what the Christian Life is looks like. It was I just learning to start with him, but when we stumble we up.
Rejection keeps us back from talking and being honest and being to be insincere the hard because we're afraid of what people might think and that's because we're building an idle called self image.
But when we lose that fear of what people are going to think about us how they make projectors what they might say. If I was we can actually become honest with one another unless to agree and it brings a deeper intimacy because you're open as deep as you go with Prince.
I'm going to challenge you mad now. B & L in your house being husbands
don't eat with your wife. Stop hiding.
Stop not really saying what you want to say. Talk deeply to them. As you would reveal the hurt the wounds. To your spouse the ugly things that you're scared to show. It would release a Grace in the room and then your marriage. That brings your spouse deeper in God. That would help her release more grace more love and I'll make her really stings that she never shared. Everyday my wife I shared some of my wife ain't s*** with another Soul Surfer God. He never had those things about taking this to the Grave ain't no one knowing this or do that come on. I'm taking this to the my wife. Cuz like I don't take it to the Grave. I want I want to released resurrection power. so I shouldn't things with her and she looked at me and I was like Then she shared things with me and we're like she I'm like, not really. But we found how many was it was such an importation of God's love that came in. We both have compassion for one another.
Oh. Baby, that's what God always wanted to do. I wonder if that happens. When I do that with God when I go to God and I begin to talk with him and he begins to release our greatest that brings a deeper intimacy with him.
Oh, yeah. Sometimes you waiting for breaking the waiting for a song or someone to pray for you to break chains and God's really waiting for you to be broken so you can break out. not in temples
what you want to break out?
Sometimes in order to break that you have to be squeezed. like a pimple
it hurts, man. I have one on my back and my wife's like it hurts when I move this way. She went.
You ever seen a grown man cry?
But it's almost. Sometimes God doesn't do that with our own cell so we can relieve the jump that has been stuck down underneath that. We're not trying to go to cuz it's easier to run.
But God wants to take you there. This is how you break chains. Until you're willing to go deep and your own marriage with God in yourself. And in your marriage, you won't go deep with other people and that you're in community with your schedule open. This makes other people open. In the Bible says where the spirit of the Lord is there is what? So there's not Freedom here. There's literally probably not going to be Freedom there.
Around me probably is in the open heaven, but it's a gloomy sky.
Yeah, we all know that first that comes around always feels like there's a rain cloud on them raindrops are falling on my head. Seriously be open with him. Then I see what God does.
Next Sunday is going to be real fun guys. I'm going to challenge you guys next Sunday. We're not going to do a sermon like this. I'm going to challenge us to become an open Church become a community of openness. It's scary what I'm saying, isn't it? I think we're like all magazine starting to feel tights or what. Is he talking about how he's doing?
I'm going to challenge you guys next week. You come open with each other.
Before we can really talk about size wonders and miracles. You have to become a sign wondering miracle.
You here in your heart. I just tell people, you know, you ever had that person in your life that you meet someone in the mall for someone of your life. And you're just thinking back there really special. Never do that and it's not like the specialist. Oh my goodness while it's like they're weird. That's the special I'm talking about weird. We are like they're very unique and Junior in the car. You saw us. What do you think? What do you think about Jonah? music unique individual
and then you go anything's that encounter with that person makes you wonder about them. God wants you to encounter people and for them to do for them to look at you and say there's a sign right there and when I leave I'm going to wonder about you because there's God inside of you and you become a living sign and wonder Some people may think you're weird say okay cuz you're not doing the idol. a reputation So next week we're going to be open or going to have open mic night or day.
How deep do you guys want to go how I think I told you guys earlier. How real of a church do you want to be? You want to be surface-level? 30 speaker sensitive secret sister doesn't really worried about reputation.
Don't get mad at me. Where is Ryan Seacrest's real cuz we don't want thing you want them to think we're weird. I'm not saying crazy charismatic either. We're we're just jumping and doing backflips everywhere not saying that but I'm saying real with one another.
Let's pray Jesus. Lord we ask is that you grace us now with your spirit in your presence in your power got there are hearts up. There are mines up God help us to become real real with one. Another with our spouses realtor friends take down. The walls are desperate for your power God. We don't want just another religious infrastructure or ideology. We want a living faith. You are alive Jesus. So help us to be alive help us to be real help us to bear with one another and graces with the gift of mercy God that child somewhere any judgment Oh Lord, make us a safe place each one of us a safe place God for the hurting world out there in front of Brothers and Sisters in Christ that we can be an empty because you live in us God help us to pray about things before we even talk about them. God grace got in this hour.
The changes the world because you're not done with us yet. You're not done with this world yet. You're not done with America. So gracious God use us. God will be your shepherd's Rod won't be your slingshots. Use us God.
And help us. Does your kingdom is revealed in this our through our lives? in Jesus mighty name Hey, man. Hey, I love you guys too low.