God's Amazing Grace
God's Amazing Grace!
Luke 15:11- 24
Speaker: Pastor Lewis Finney
To understand Jesus speaking to us in parables, we must understand (1) the context of the parable, (2) characters of the parable, and (3) what's curious about the parable.
Parables in Luke 15
▪︎ Shepherd- lost sheep
▪︎ Woman - lost coin
▪︎ Father - lost son
Going after the one that is lost.
Redeeming (returning for) that which has value).
All of us have been lost.
All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.
Sin = Self Inflicted Nonsense
Three things God's amazing grace will do:
1. God's grace will let you go so you will grow! His grace will keep you while you are going through it!
2. God's grace will let you lose everything so you can want the best thing. We often discover who we are after hitting rock bottom
3. God's grace will let you return even when you're not right.
Though we are not worthy, our Father will wash us clean, cover us, and celebrate us just as the father did for the prodigal son!