Can Dry Bones Live:

Can Dry Bones Live?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Today's inspiring message was delivered by my lovely bride:

Min. Sharon M. Finney

Title: Can Dry Bone Live?

Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-6, 11-14

The purpose of the book of Ezekiel can be sum-up by these three words: Explain, Encourage and Emphasize

1. Explain-explains Judah must be punished for its disobedience.

2. Encourage-the remnant of Judah through prophecies of her glorious restoration, and

3. Emphasize-the preeminence or the superiority of God's glory and character.

The valley of dry bones, what do you envision?

- a dry place

- a dark place

- an empty place

- a lonely place

The valley dry bones symbolized a nation (Israel) was in a dead place with God. We can find ourselves in a dry place, in a valley, lonely and separated from God.

Now Ezekiel received a vision from God, but God didn't change Ezekiel's location. Ezekiel 37:1-3

Point 1: God's presence is in control of all things! Ezekiel 37: 2-3

-God is the only one that can bring dead things back to life (dreams, situations, goals...) Matt. 6:33; Phil 4:6; and Isa. 43:19

-Prophesy to your situations Ezekiel 37:4-5

Point 2: Only God can give life! Ezekiel 37:6

Point 3: With God all things are possible!

-We have to trust God even in situations that seem dead.

-We must continue to seek God, and listen for His voice.

-We must allow Him to spiritually restore us to our rightful place. (Spiritual Regeneration) Ezekiel 37:11-14

Senior Pastor Bishop Bryan N. Walker Sr.

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