Follow Me
Intro: We are diving in this part of the Gospel of Luke. This week is VBS and we are ask to teach kid what it means to Follow Christ, well today we are going to look at that text very closely.
Luke 9:23
I. Self Denial
I. Self Denial
A. Exposition
They are called to self-denial. What does that mean?
Quit looking for miracles and healing. Quit centering your attention on things that enhance and please you. Focus on Christ. Let him create a daily relationship with you. Find out what he wants you to do every day. Do it! Do not expect to win popularity contests, fame, fortune, or success. Be ready to suffer the rejection, pain, and death he suffered. His lifestyle leads to that
II. Take up the cross
II. Take up the cross
They are called to take up a cross. Jesus knew what crucifixion meant
To take up our cross means to be prepared to face things like that for loyalty to Jesus; it means to be ready to endure the worst that anyone can do to us for the sake of being true to him.
III. Follow me
III. Follow me
Illustration: Yes, I provide healing and miracles to those in need. Those are signs of God’s power as he brings his kingdom to earth through me. But that is not where this earthly ministry leads. The final road you travel as you follow me leads to a criminal’s cross. Not a gold cross on a chain that enhances the beauty of the wearer. Not a piece of art in a museum that enhances the reputation of the artist or brings awe to a young art student. Not a massive cross atop a cathedral that marks off a holy place. No! This cross is among the world’s cruelest instruments of torture. You cannot wear this cross. You must bear it. You bear it to the government’s place of capital punishment. It becomes for you the gas chamber, the electric chair, the lethal injection all rolled into one.