Sermon Series Prep - "Prayer"

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Series Title: Teach Me to Pray

Series from Luke 11

Series Theme: Jesus set an example to persistently prayer, and over and over in Scripture He departed Himself to live out that example.


Week 1 - Luke 11:1-4 - How to Pray
Week 2 - Luke 11:5- The Willingness of God to care for His Own
Week 3 - Luke 11:11-13 - The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Week 1 - Outline

Luke 11:1-4 .
Lord, teach us to pray.
The Disciples Desired to Pray/ The
Luke 11:1
Why did they desire to pray?
They Saw Jesus’ Desire to Pray
They Saw Jesus’ Power in Prayer
They Saw John Teach in Prayer
The Master Taught them to Pray
The Command
When ye pray - not if
It’s more than being taught how to pray. We need to
We pray to God the Father, by God the Holy Spirit because of the authority of Jesus!
The Address
Our Father - it’s about Him! not about us.
The Worship
Hallowed be thy name.
You are holy
Our prayers don’t make God holy, He already is. Our prayers
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