Acts 4:1-22

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v. 2 - The Sadducees were “greatly annoyed” because the disciples were preaching that in Jesus the resurrection age had begun. This is a direct threat to the power of the Sadducees and the status quo they sought to preserve.
v. 10/12 - The man is “saved” by Jesus physically, and this symbolizes the fact that Jesus “saves” eschatologically. If Jesus has healed this man, then Jesus is alive and well.
v. 10 - Peter is speaking as a prophet, continuing the prophetic work of Jesus to confront them with the truth of what they’ve done and what God has done to rescue them. They orchestrated the crucifixion, but they have failed in what they set out to do - to stop the Jesus movement. They sought to cut the head off the snake, but the head is back, and so is the snake.
v. 16 - The miracle is “notable” and a “sign” and “evident.” However, the Sadducees do not want to respond to the miracle, they want to counter it. The sign clearly points to the activity of God, which is why they could say nothing in opposition to it in v. 14, and yet, they do not want to respond to it or engage it. They want to counter it. WHY??
v. 19/20 - The implication of Peter’s reply is that the leadership no longer represents the expression of God’s will and way. The question is this: Who better represents God? Peter provides the answer: Jesus, Jesus, it is always Jesus.
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