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The Gospel of John: Living In The Real World  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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No room for indecision


Jesus does not leave room for indecision. His claims are too extreme and the consequences too severe

Three Responses to Jesus

Disbelief (Some said)
Prophet (Drawn but not truly understanding)
This is the Christ (Revelation)
The New American Commentary: John 1–11 (3) The Water Ceremony and the Attempted Arrest (7:37–52)

the frustration among the people occurred as the result of their popular theories concerning the expected Messiah’s origin. Some were convinced by his words that he was the one anticipated as “the prophet” (7:40). Others argued that he must be “the Christ,” the Messiah (7:41). Still others rejected both ideas because of his association with Galilee (7:41).

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