The Reliance of God's Grace
cut needs to be cleaned
have you been hurt
have you found the healing process painful
have you hurt someone else
often greatest hurt comes out of someone’s anger
but God can use our anger to bring great healing
Jonah has been on a journey of struggles, lessons, and calling.
Through Jonah’s prophetic ministry, the people of Nineveh have repented and called on God’s grace to spare them.
This change of heart doesn’t make Jonah happy or honored to be used by God.
He becomes angry
How can God use our anger to refine us?
Jonah 4:1-11
Subject: How can God use our anger to refine us?
2 kinds of anger (from Dr. Gary Chapman)
Definative anger (inspired by a wrong-against you or somone else)
Distorted anger (inspired by not getting our way)
What kind of anger did Jonah have?
How can God use our anger to refine us?
God can use our anger to refine us by listening patiently (1-3)
God listens to our confessions
God listens to our confusions
God listens to our conclusions
God can use our anger to refine us by revealing graciously (4-9)
God reveals Jonah’s priorities
God reveals Jonah’s perspectives
God can use our anger to refine us by connecting personally (10-11)
God connects to our life
God connects to all life
The Reliance of God’s Grace - ocean waves