2020.7.19 Intro of New Normal (pre-recorded on 7.18)

The New Normal  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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202.7.19 New Normal Intro
Pause for an update - graphic
And that is how quickly the new normal has happened. eyes are looking to what the normal will “look like” when if we use our eyes it’s already here.
I want you to ride w me til the end.
I want to commune us at the end.
Next we “The new nor...”
I want to be in your face for a moment.
My hope is you’ve finally come out of the daze of the hard left we’ve all had to make that started happening in March.
This week Andy Stanley announced (image)
Text exchange (image)
Lady in doctors office (666 image)
A new way to do school on all levels option to show up or not - from Ivey Leagues to county level
The signs around us - gov sueing the mayor (image)
Luke 12:54–56 The Message
54 Then he turned to the crowd: “When you see clouds coming in from the west, you say, ‘Storm’s coming’—and you’re right. 55 And when the wind comes out of the south, you say, ‘This’ll be a hot one’—and you’re right. 56 Frauds! You know how to tell a change in the weather, so don’t tell me you can’t tell a change in the season, the God-season we’re in right now.
“frauds”= “hypocrites”
word first used for actors go on stage and play the part that someone else wrote for them.
Is this not what religion has taught us? How to be hypocrites. Mask what’s wrong. In some cases even cover up what’s right. God blesses and you have to hide
I think we have a clue of what the New Normal is going to be. It’s going to be “masks off.” aka authenticity.
you thought catfish was just a show!!!
zoom touch up, photoshop,
You will not survive if you’re not willing to be authentic. NOT stupid!!
some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten “Live willing to totally transparent but ready to be highly editable.”
The first part of this is me giving you the weather report.
“Hypocrites, You can DISCERN the face of the sky ‘do you mean to tell me you can’t use the same spiritual chemist skills to test, DISCERN what’s really going on?!?!? COM’ ON!!!!”

I can see the future...

1. You look BETTER than you do now

Ill dad wouldn’t have to be there. He ran it thru me.
Romans 8:19 NKJV
19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
earnest expectation = eager anticipation
ill: i was watching an online event - the host excited - kept calling names - you had to be there to get the prize
pt: he was trying to give the prize away but they weren’t

2. I See A Community

if we all tell the truth, church wasn’t like it use to be. no commitment,
it’s still not “right” but it’s getting better.
The role the local church and Capital C church is
Acts 2 the Church is born. There is no end. The old dispensation ended when He died, the new normal started when He got up.
You’re stuck w me!

3. The Word working

Gaurantee of the promise of the Word
Matthew 24:35 NKJV
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
These are times you need to be working the principles!

Next Week A New Normal...

If I were you, I’d vow not to miss 1 installment. If this hit you. If it made sense. Share, like, tag “yall need to hear this!”
I’d bring someone else that wants to know
People couldn’t understand Jesus’ strategy. They were expecting one thing and since they were locked in to what THEY wanted, they missed Him in their midst.
Our family has made a vow, we’re standing on the fact that the K is not shaken.
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