Jesus Makes Me Free wk2
Today we are continuing what we talked about last week!
Today we are continuing what we talked about last week!
dose anyone remember what we are talking about this month?!
Yes we are talking about how “JESUS MAKES ME FREE”, in-fact that is are main point for this series. The fact that when we have asked Jesus to live in our heart He Makes us free!!! We want y’all to remember this and get in your hearts so that when you find yourself lost, or chained up you remember that there is an escape. JESUS!!
Dose Anyone remember the verse that we are trying to remember during this series?
Yes our verse is found in John 8:36 and it says
36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Video ( Prodigal Son )
Video ( Prodigal Son )
Now before go any further into days message lets stop to watch a video together going over the story that we will be reading about today.
So we just watched a pretty familiar parable that is found in the bible called the Prodigal Son. Now in this story we see a lot of different things. There are two son in the story, the one that we focus on is the younger one what takes off and leaves his Father house. See back in the day this was really rude! It would be like your parents working really hard to get you the AirPods/phone/next new video console for your birthday gift that you really wanted and told you that they would give you it to you on your birthday, but you didn't want to wait and just took it anyway and ran off to play with it. AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN SAY THANK YOU.
See the son in the story took off with his father money and waisted it all, he bought everything and anything he wanted. Food, Friends, the latest “cool thing”. Then out of no where there was a huge famine/shortage.He had no food, no friends, no family, nothing! He had to find work for himself or he would starve to death. He got so desperate for food, in the bible it takes about him going to eat PIG FOOD!
At this point in the son’s life he us tore up from the floor up. Not only outside but inside as well. He had lost his purpose and position as the son of his father that had everything. This prodigal son looked like some of us do when we run away from go and off on are own. See what the son truly was saying when he took his portion of his inheritance was “i don’t need you God, i want my own freedom” and it’s the same when we leave God too.
“i can figure it out myself, i want my own freedom. I want to do what i want to do” we might not say that with our mouth but that is what are heart is saying, and without us realizing be become broken and rusted. Having no purpose.
Now lucky for us the story doesn’t end there! At the end of this story we see the son thing to himself, he my father’s servants eat and live better then this, I’ll just ask him to be a servant in his house. Walking back home he practices how he is going to apologize to his father that is probably mad at him but no in-fact he finds the opposite. He runs to him, and before he can even get out what he wanted to say the Father restores him and brings him back home
restore the metal piece back from something rusty to something that is new and shiny.
Like this metal piece, and like the father in this story, your heavenly Father wants to restore you to make you free.
Your heavenly Father wants to restore you to make you free. He loves you and it dose’t matter how mush you have messed up HE IS THE FATHER THAT WILL ALWAYS FORGIVE YOU.
Alter Call
Alter Call
maybe today you find yourself messed up. Kind of like this piece of metal or like that car ,but you want to be restored! Looking brand new, only your Father in Heaven can do that for you. If you want go to restore you and forgive you for running from him we are going to all together pray out load as a family, but if you want God to restore you really really mean in in your heart this morning.
“ Father God, I’m sorry. I’ve ran from you, and I’ve messed up. Father, Forgive me, restore me, make me new. So that i, can walk in your freedom, that your son Jesus, bought for me. Thank you Father, for forgiving me! IN JESUS NAME AMEN