The Shield of Faith Part 2

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We know that Jesus has defeated Satan.
We know that through Christ, we too have overcome Satan
Although Christ has won the war, there is still a battle to be fought.
We don’t battle Satan in order to be saved, rather we battle Satan because we are saved.
Satan knows he has lost, yet he will inflict as much as he possibly can by bringing a spiritual assault against the church.
According to our passage, he goes after you and me with his flame darts and missiles.
This attack has been going on since the days of Adam and Eve.
The great reformer Martin Luther felt these flaming dart being thrown at him.
Since his childhood Luther was pestered by devils, evil spirits, and deamons...
Supposedly for many years, the ink stain on a wall in the Wartburg Castle was still visible.
I. Necessity of Faith
A. Every Other Armour Needs Faith
Luther was a man who received great comfort in the fact that sinners are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
He understood that out ancient foe cannot be defeated if faith is not present in a man’s life. To fight Satan without faith is like going to battle yet leaving your shield at home.
Luther said, “We must pray and do our daily work, but everything we do must flow from faith.”
I think his quote helps us see that faith is necessary for all the other pieces of armor to properly function and protect.
Just as a Roman soldler won’t leave his shield at the door to go to war, we cannot or should not leave our faith at the door as we live our lives whether that be praying or doing our daily work.
Here are just a few examples of the necessity of faith in relation to the other pieces of armor.
B. Faith and the Belt of Truth
The belt of truth is going to be pretty lose if it is not tied together with faith.
What eternal benefit would there be if you had sound theology and knew the Bible from front to back, yet did not have faith?
If we fill up our heads with truth, yet do not believe this truth, we are like a car with a full tank of gas without the key.
Without the key, the car won’t leave the garage no other how full it may be!
C. Faith and the Breastplate of Righteousness
Without faith, there could be not breastplate of rightousness.
How are we declared righteous and receive the righteousness? By faith alone
“A man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.”
Trusting in our works for righteousness rather than Christ’s righteousness is trading in a metal breast plate for a plastic toy breastplate from Walmart.
How well do you think plastic Walmart armor would do against a flaming arrow?
D. Faith and the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
Without faith, the shoes of the Gospel of Peace would do you no good.
We will find no peace with God, if we don’t believe the Gospel?
Romans 5:1-2a - “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand.”
A soldler will not stand very long in battle if his shoes are untied.
Without faith, we will trip over every sin and temptation that comes our way.
II. Shield of Faith
Now, for a moment, let us consider the imagery of the shield.
A. Defends the Whole Body
In the Roman world, the shields were not small circular shields as you would see in a gladiator movie.
These shields were relatively large and more like a retangular door.
There were 4ft high and 2.5ft wide.
These shields could cover the whole body and give the soldler double protection.
The other pieces of armor were connected unto the body, and the shield would not only protect the person, but also the other pieces of armor.
B. Doesn't Function Alone
Although a shield could function alone. It was not meant to function alone.
The soldiers would create a line. The front would lock shields together and the soldiers in the back of the line would tilt their shields upward.
They would make a type of medieval force field to protect them from the fiery arrows that would fly.
If the shields were locked properly, the Roman army would be protected no matter which direction the arrows were flying.
C. Defeats the Arrows of the Enemy
Not only could a Roman shield stop an arrow from striking a soldier, it could also extinquish the flame of the arrow.
In ancient times, archers would dip the tip of an arrow in tar and light it on fire.
If these flames would catch a piece of the clothing of a Roman soldier it could be quite dangerous.
In order to put out these flaming arrows, they would cover the shield with animal skin and soak it in water before battle.
When that arrow would hit the shield, the flame would be quenched.
D. Dependance on the Object Not the Soldier’s Ability
When a shield was used, the soldiers protection rested not in his ability but rather in the strength and effiectiveness of the shield itself.
The soldier would cling on to the shield with his left arm and when he saw that arrow coming, his faith was not in himself, but rather in the shield.
Likewise, we don’t trust our own ability when Satan attacks, rather we cling to Christ and look to Him to protect us.
Christ is our King! He will defend and perseve us from all enemies!
Even the Psalmst understandstood that his shield was not his own faithfulness. His shield was in God’s faithfulness.
“He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.” (Psalm 91:4-6)
III. Satan's Attack on Faith
A. Satan's Attacks Compared to a Flaming Arrow
Paul comepares Satan’s attacks to that of a flaming arrow.
In battle, these arrows could fly quickly through the air and strike at a moments notice.
The purpose of these arrows were to bring destruction and death upon a soldier.
Likewise, Satan hurls temptations, thoughts, and accusations upon the mind and heart of a Christian.
There are times when these attacks come out of the blue without warning.
Let make give you an example of this that happened to me about a month ago.
I was relaxing one morning, reading a book when all of a sudden this thought came to mind.
The thought said, “Cody, what if the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a myth?”
I had no idea where that thought came from! I know that it wasn’t my own original thought because I believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is as true as the sky looks blue!
This very well could have been a flaming arrow of Satan.
I did not allow that thought to linger. I condemned such a thought.
Immediatly, I picked up my shield of faith trusting in Christ as my true and faithful Savior!
Do not be fooled, if such a thought can strike a pastor, it can strike you as well.
B. Satan Attempts to Attack the Other Pieces of Armour
When we put the shield of faith down, all the other pieces of armour are exposed to Satan’s attacks.
His attacks often come in a form of a question.
To Eve, Satan asked, “Hath God really said?”
Here are just a few questions which Satan sows into our hearts and minds.
Is the Bible really God’s Word?
Do you really think God cares about you?
Do you really think God can forgive you of your sins?
Are you sure that faith in Christ is enough to save you?
Are you sure you are really a Christian?
Are you sure that there is a heaven and a hell?
Does God really hear your weak and sinful prayers?
When these questions come to mind, we must remember that God is truth and Satan is a liar.
Our faith must trust the words of God and not the words of the devil.
C. Satan Attempt to Weaken our Trust in the Shield (i.e. Christ)
What Satan wants to do is take your eyes off of Christ and unto yourself.
He wants you to lose your assurance and questions God’s Word.
He will try to bring every imaginable accusation against you!
Young Christian, although Satan can bring accusations, know this, he has no power to condemn you!
“Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” (Romans 8:33-34)
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)
III. Practical Uses of Faith
Finally, let us consider a few practical uses of faith.
A. If You Drop Your Shield, Pick It Back Up
I think there are time when we can become overconfident as well as forgetful when it comes to the importance of faith in our lives.
Maybe you are doing great in your Bible reading and prayer.
You think that you are doing well as a Christian when it comes to fighting sin.
Instead of looking to Christ for your strength, you start relying on your own strength and discipline.
When we become prideful and self-confident, we have essentially dropped our shield of faith.
When our guard is down, Satan hurls his flaming darts of temptation once again.
Let’s say you give into temptation and sin, what should you do?
Should you pick up your platistic toy shield of self-righteousness and say to yourself, I will do better next time!
That shield won’t do!
Pick up the shield of faith, seeking Jesus for your stregthen, seeking Him for pardon, and remember that your standing with God is not based on what you do, but what Jesus has done for you!
Only when our faith rests in Christ will we please God with what we do!
Hebrews 11:6, “... without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
B. Fight Along Side One Another
As live by faith, we must do it alongside fellow Christians.
We must lock out shields together and face the flaming darts together!
Just as a Roman soldler is vulnerable in battle by himself, so are we vulnerable if we think we can face the devil on our own.
Eccesatites 4:9-12 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
We must remember that Christians are stronger together than we are alone.
When we drop our shield of faith, a fellow Christian can encourage us to pick it back up.
When we forget to put the shoes of the Gospel of peace, a friend can remind us to believe the Gospel and remember the peace we have with God through Christ.
Think of how good you feel during and after camp. Does your faith feel rejuvinated and strengthened? Why is that?
Yes, we hear the Word taught us in lectures and devotions, but I think there is more to it than that.
When we fellowship with other believers, we are essentially locking our shields together which equips us for battle.
I usually leave camp ready to fight the good fight of faith.
Our fellowship should not end at camp, nor should it end after a worship service. We should be strengthening one another daily, and picking one another up if one of us should fall into sin.
Although a man such as Martin Luther felt the temptation of Satan’s flaming arrows, he knew that Jesus was mightier than the wicked one!
In the hymn, “A Mighty Fortress”, Luther wrote about his hope in Christ in the face of Satan.
I would like to close with Luther’s words from this hymn.
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