Releasing the Power 2

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And where I feel like God wants us to Camp that right now. It's called releasing power.

We talked about being real with one another with that look like with sharing our failure sharing where we missed it at sharing where where it's like man. I really don't want to share this stuff. You understand when you start sharing things you feel shame, Do you understand what I'm talking about? You start sharing some areas of your life that you haven't shared before and it's almost hard to get the words out. You really don't want to tell anyone your kind of embarrassed. Has anyone ever been there?

That's where we find God's power at its Indian comfortability. Dolton building if you ever bought was I want you to turn to numbers 3353 through 56 we're going to look at but empty and comfortability. We find God's power we find what he wants to do and I want to tell you what's going on here. It's too late. I want you to go into the promised land. I want you guys to begin to conquer it take full possession of the land and this is what he says to them. And you shall take possession of the land and dwell in it for to you. I've given the land to possess it. You shall inherit the land by lot of cording to your families to the large tribe. You shall give a larger inheritance into the small tribe. You showed give us smaller in the area. Wherever the lot Falls to any man that shall be his according to the tribes of your father's you shall inherit. But if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you than those you let remain of them shall be. All my apps stopped working over here. Remain Shelby Prix in your eyes as thorns in your sides and they shall fetch you in the land in which you dwell.

That sounds like New Testament anyone.

Who got its own Israel? Listen here. I want you guys to do in Concord this land. This is the land. I promised your father Abraham, you know, every word that is flipped touched is going to be his and they finally get out of Egypt they found we get ready to go into the land of promise. And God said you guys need to do these days. You need to drive out the inhabitants. You need to make sure that you and Niall ate everyone.

Stop right there. That doesn't sound too pretty done it. That's what God told the children of Israel to do visas annihilate every last one of them because if you do not if they remade they will become thorn in your side. And they will fax you in the land and what you doing, which means it will cause problems. They will they will cause problems only for you, but for your children and God begin to tell him that they will entice you to worship foreign gods they will entice you to go over and and and forget about the God Yahweh and start worshipping the bells and any other God they choose and so fit to worship. 556 versus this and as I thought to do to them, so I will do too. you Let's stop that's heavy man.

Cuz like if you guys do don't do what I'm telling you drive them all out that what I wanted to do to them. I'm going to return and put it on you because you didn't obey my command in charge. There's a reason why we're here for releasing the power because the first thing that you hear is God says I want you guys to take possession of something. I want you guys to rule it. I want you guys to rain. I want you guys to have a sortie. But in order to do that, you have to conquer what seems like a while then it was known as the promised land. It was wild few were worshipping all kind of things. You were sacrificing their children on the all through the veil after it falls and everything else is going on anything bad that you can think of it was going on during their

And yet he says.

Make sure you get rid of every last one of them because if you don't they'll become a thorn in your side.

Who knows in the New Testament a apostle wrote something similar?

What's look in the New Testament?

You have your bottles go to 2nd Corinthians 12 7 through 10. We're going to we're going to Camp here, too. Who's the Apostle Paul after he goes up to the third heaven?

Eddie comes down with a revolution. He see some really cool things man. He's in heaven with God. He sees the father. He sees the son he sees what's going on at Macy's and Jello things you like. There's things I'm not even going to talk about because if I open my mouth you guys are really going to think I went to Q. I'm not going to say it. What is what Paul says? And keep me from being puffed up into much elated by the exceeding greatness the pre-eminence of these Revelations. There was given me a storm in the flesh. A messenger of Satan to Rack in Buffett in harass me to keep me from being excessively exalted three times. I called upon the Lord and besought him and this it about this in vague that it may it might depart from me, but my grace which is my favor and my loving kindness and mercy is enough for you sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear. But trouble mentally for my strength and power are made perfect for filled and completed and show themselves most effective and your weakness. Therefore. I will all the more gladly glory in my weakness and infirmities that the strength and power of Christ May rest yesterday. They pitched a tent over and dwell upon me. So for the sake of Christ, I am well pleased to take pleasure in infirmities insults hardships persecution perplexities and distress for when I am weak inhuman strength. Then I am truly strong able powerful in Divine strength.

No, many theologians have debated what the thorn in Paul's flesh was. Many people there are two camps that debate the rooster one camp that says the thorn in Paul's flesh was a physical ailment. It was a nice sickness. I've heard some people say it was a lump on his back. He look like the hunchback in Notre Dame. Disney version self that's what they referred like full head of Hunchback. Some people on the other side said no, it's not the Thornton absolutely was not sickness. It was totally these group of people called Jude iser who will follow Paul around everywhere. He went to Palma go to a city like Ephesus and he would he would go and preach and people receive Christ. And then these people would say in order to really be saving follow God. You have to follow our Jewish Customs. You have to celebrate our fees you have to become circumcised. You have to do all these things in order for you to really follow Christ. Well, this was taken off. I think you wrote about it to the Galatians Church of God according to the spirit and then you got stuff following after the loss don't you understand that if you follow after the loss Christ becomes nothing and meaningless to you if you think by the log you stand right? For God has said about his son's blood.

The Beat Goes On What was the thorn in Paul's flesh?

Because if you understand the thorn. You will begin to understand where the power to manifest.

Who said that again and you can understand the store you will unlock with the power to manifest that. What we look in the Old Testament and the Old Testament. He said if you don't get rid of all the inhabitants they are going to be thorns in your Sides Paul when he wrote this, he said a messenger from Satan came to Buffett me and it was a thorn in my side. Could you imagine with me for a moment moving to the year? I don't know. Let's just say 2200. An imaginative writing something like you know, what is my wife is going to like write a memoir of me and my husband would do this. She was a pain in my butt. Many years later where they spend maybe they'll speak English anymore. Maybe there's a new dominant language on the land and maybe someone else would read it. and someone read my wife's writing about me and they would be like I'm reading this is she said it translate he was a pain in my butt.

I didn't break it down to the original English.

They get their medical books on him and realize maybe she had a sciatic nerve problem.

I love your Goku shirt, man.

Weird like that's absolutely not what you meant. It was an expression that he was being a baby.

When we read the scriptures, sometimes we get caught up on not really just taking what he saying. I'm cross-referencing from what was previously written and where in the Old Testament it said that the inhabitants the problems in the land became pains in their sides. Posted a message that was sent to me that wasn't the Buffett me physically and it was a pain in my side of the thorn in my flesh. I think we'd probably use a deeper expression today. Holy church inappropriate.

But we would really go there but what was the thought it was the inhabitants of the land. What was the thorn Nepal these people that can't follow the gospel people receive and then he's other people would so live in Discord and take away their precious children that just entered into the kingdom.

If you cross this reference scripture, you can see that.

God wants to take possession of your land. He wants you to take possession of land. But until you are willing to give God full ownership of the land of the Wild Land inside of you called your heart. It's going to be hard to do that at work early. Imagine with me for a moment. Imagine with me if you inherited two thousand acres of land.

An Undertaker's would land. You have a Wildland. It's it's very never got taken care of some people even use it to dump waste their they literally would take tires in and trashed and everything else and dumping on the first half of this land. So it was like a landfill. The second part it was flooded and swampy and also it was uncalled debated in anyway, and there were Critters all kind of Critters man.

And it was just highly unwanted. And then someone would say I would have by that land you would think to yourself. Are you out of your mind? Why would you want that pizza?

Why would you want that land? Why would you desire that? Because I see the potential of what could be.

To the first thing that would happen to this piece of land is it would have to be a change of ownership?

See when we get born again. We get a change of ownership. We are no longer our own we belong to God. So there's a change of ownership which means there's a new caretaker and the area does a new caretaker in the land. There's someone else who is going to begin to see and cultivate and begin to bring to light that which was it.

It may take this guy years if you by himself I could you imagine doing all the work yourself. You don't begin to say Okay, first you got to handle this garbage. You might call up an excavator, dude. Hey, man, can you bury this underneath the ground where the sun don't shine?

I think might or you might say can we separated and scrap out what's valuable and everything that's not burn it up.

In our lives our hearts look like that before Christ. Before the cross our wife are hard. It's like the 2,000-acre Wasteland. Full of toxic things, but once the ownership changes to get a change of ownership change.

Has your heart now? It begins to clean up the land. Mind of a story that's actually real my father-in-law he bought this piece of property and it was in the swamp. People would tell him I would you want this land and the man cultivated in his son's cultivating. It's a pretty piece of property now desirable. Before it was it before you had to be like are you out of your mind? Let me ask you guys a question if I had a diamond that was worth 10 million dollars and I dropped it in a pile of cow manure. How much is that Diamond worth?

You mean the value doesn't change all the mess around it. You sure. Holy just really get this real good in and maybe some vultures vomit on top and kind of being gross there. Like I mean, would you still want that? Would you still want think that thing is valuable? Why?

You mean even if you dirty is just that valuable.

11 B clean it be just as valuable as it was when it was dirty.

Would you want to stick your hand in there and get it?

To do and see the intrinsic value of this diamond regardless of what environment it was placed in.

So is the same for your father in Heaven? He sees your value no matter the environment that you are placed in or the actions that you were doing.

He never loses sight of your value. He never loses sight of your purpose. He sees it. He knows it and he declares it over you.

He says that I don't care what they've been through. That's my daughter. I don't care. I don't care how many people she slept with that's my daughter.

That's my son there. I don't care if he's eating with pigs. I don't care how many needles he injected my son.

That is the love of God put in the order for us as Believers to live this out in our life. We have to be willing for God to conquer our hearts and what that looks like is being real with one another as we did last week. And guess what forgiveness is a first wave of power that comes to the church. When we don't hold grudges against each other who we no longer look at each other face of those two actions that they've done in the past and we look at them through a new scope of glasses. Call the eyes of the spirit. I know that's hard. Trust me I do. Especially when people know how to push your buttons.

I don't push my wife's buttons.

Please remind 2.

But what happens if you overcame your buttons and no one no one can push them again.

What happens if there is a way to overcome in which you have no more bus buttons to be pushed at all.

7 people push them all the more love for you now.

Hardman we talkin about you know, I'm sad. Let me wake up on the wrong side of the bed one day. Do you know how do you woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Could you get back in the bed and get back out of it again?

Don't say it when she's in a bad mood, though. I did some stupid things.

What is the reality is God wants to remove the button so they no longer can be pushed.

Paul had a button and it was getting pushed. Do this look at the scripture again? And I beseech the Lord three times. I wonder what the bear sound like. Could you imagine a man? We didn't see all these crazy amazing things together and I'm dealing with this right now, and it said the Lord three times finally got answered. Call me if you were crying out to God about son, but gave up because you didn't hear anything.

I find that even in my own life. There's talk about something persistently praying because I didn't hear anything. I just kind of gave up the set God maybe didn't want to do it. I never gave up before your answer came.

Have you ever stopped Before the Breakthrough happened? I'm guilty of that.

Crazy pressed until God had to speak imagine if you knew how to pray and which it was impossible for God not to speak to you.

Imagine if you would pray and it would make God speak to you every time.

She sometimes are alive. We don't hear God. So we just take it as a no. Because we didn't hear anything. We got maybe if it's a no unless you hurt a definitive now.

Now do you really know?

Coppola's crying out to God and he answers. Because you learn how to pray persistently until God had to speak. Are we going to do the same? I've got totem pole. Look I'm not going to remove the thing that's pushing your buttons, but I'm going to give you Grace. I want to give you my empowerment that way even if this stuff does happen it no longer has an effect on you. Can I see it like this Paul? I'm going to take away the thing that triggers you.

Imma, take away your trigger, so they can't trigger you no more.

I guess following me.

Let's get real. What ticks you off?

How many people have something pop in your head? Who was revolting have to share what it is number? One number one number one? Call me ticks you off a map. Go. 2002's man. Come on, man. You guys know that?

Lies, absolutely anyone else?

Dude, I totally get that one. Totally get that one. Why do they have to disrespect go to? Anyone else want to share like what really sets you on hands? To see these are things that you know that sets you on that, but what are the things that you don't know that sets you on it? What are those times in your life where you're not even think I didn't have enough time to even think and react to something. Don't you start immediately Shrugged into the emotion of it all I don't even know why you're there. But when you know what you feel when you're angry. And even logic has gone out the window.

Everyone take your hand put it up in the air.

Take your thumb stick it right here and make a fist. Going to put your head down holding like that.

You put your thumb inside your hand. That is your emotional that is the interview that you're not really in control of but all I can do is respond the backward parts of your hand represents your logic and reasoning. So when you're in the world, you've been meditating you have the scripture to give you a logical reasoning when things happen and you cannot even begin to pray or even respond through scripture. It's because there's something triggering the thumb inside. Which is your soul area your mind you're willing emotions. God wants to tame the solarians man. The mind the will of the emotion. Can you take your time out and play some Morris?

That's what we try to do in real life mine will in the motion against each other.

God wants to tame that area and he wants to take away those triggers that are there, but in order for them to be tooken away or taken away, you have to begin to understand. What is it that called it to be there? I don't need to know I just need God to heal it. No, God does heal something right away and some things he wants to give you the power to overcome. Let me say that again. Some areas of your life like for me when I got to live when I got when I got born again do drugs when out the window. You can't put weed in my mouth. You can't give me something to smoke and stuff. It's not happening.

I'm already High Everyday in the Holy Ghost. Why do I need some substitute? I know that sounds crazy. But I'm telling you the truth. I had friends that were with me and they're like dude. What did you smoke but I looked at arrested dude. He's real. I mean like no, I'm an you smoke something didn't look at my sister's my brother-in-law who's married to my wife sister. When he first met me. I was definitely on something he has his wife out and said, I don't believe no one can be like that. He's high.

Is the joy of the Lord? So what I'm saying is something I have to learn to get over some things here and it didn't leave just let me praying and less by me saying. This is what it is and I'm going to surrender and I came where are they surrendered it to him? And then it was just sensing my life of walking stumbling Falling on My Face getting off walking stumbling Falling on My Face getting up walking stumbling catching myself before I fell. And then all the sudden I learned how to walk and I didn't stumble so much. I still stumped my toe from time to time.

But I'm not hitting the ground anymore.

Because God is equipping you with the ability to grow and overcome. You cannot overcome unless you go through something.

Are you guys following me? So the problem reason why we respond to things and we don't even know how we respond because we've been traumatized.

Do you understand? There are three ways there are three types of trauma the first wave of trauma and I'm saying it like this when we understand the first wave of the single event trauma. You can look it up to you. You can look and see if I'm telling you the truth. And I advise everyone to do that. Don't just take my word for it. Please don't. What church was it that when Paul with speak their Berean it was the Berean Church that we go and look up make sure he was saying what he was saying. So the first time you had something happened to you and then you just never got over and then the reason why you respond because this is the Aftershock of the thing that happened I missed your my story when I first got my car to drive on the highway. I had this nice with jet-black. I was like the Batmobile man really? It was a 2007 Monte Carlo sunroof driving past. Absolutely. teenage kid testosterone

I'm on the highway. You know, I just did them on the highway. I'm driving and I'm getting I'm drunk driving close to the off off road off-ramp and this guy does not slow down getting on the highway. Driving. He doesn't put out. He almost Max in the side of me. I had to Swerve over. You know, they have to yield I don't have to yield you after you going to yield let them go. What is that? I swerved over hit someone else.

I got the car. I'm just shaking, you know, so get up. It wasn't wholly certain shakes either. It was trauma It Was Fear what just happened. I didn't have time to react and then I would drive on the highway from there and I get this knot in my stomach. I start panicking does it? Why did this what's going on with me? This didn't happen before. Why is this happening? I didn't even have a logical sense to even say what is going on. Do you think you are in Shock you are in trauma?

Think was terrorizing me. The second type of trauma that's there. It's called a multiple event Ramen with that looks like it has repeatedly negatively happening to you and life. So a safe word for 5 year. Negative things happens once a year, like maybe your puppy gets ran over then. Maybe your cat gets ran over and maybe the bird that was in your cage gets ran over.

Evan baby you're on your way to work and there's a deer.

When you change your car?

Princess series of negative events that happened and these days we get to eat away at your emotional state of your soul your mind will and emotions and that's what do you know, you're expecting the negative things that happened. You don't even know how the function when something good has happened to sit there and say that it's going to be taking something bad cuz I know something that's because you've been traumatized by multiple events.

Series of Unfortunate Events Finally the last part of trauma is it is the complex, I like to just say it's very complex. What complex trauma is it simple? It's this you trusted someone and that someone took advantage of you. And it happened when you were a child. And ever since then you had this thing where you didn't trust people you never going to close to people because of all this stuff that happened you are you were invested emotionally if you were sold out in your soul for it and they broke and violated your trust and it created a wound. They're called, all trauma is another word for a wound. I love what you said because they knew it was God's broken people break people, but he'll people can heal people.

The reason why that stuff gets theirs cuz people are broken. And so when we begin to see this and we can't understand why am I responding the way I do. I promise you it's usually linked to an event that happened to you. That's why Jesus came and he became the main event. Old Testament points across the New Testament points away from lacrosse Jesus became the main event 36 you need a new event. You need something new to take you out of all the junk and tell me you've been through our world right now is definitely going through trauma such as you're not so uptight as we are in America right now. I'm just being a real you can research it. What do covid thing? Two kids are already back to school in some Nations. We're still trying to figure out what to do. And then they try to Denver with some of us are math people. Some of us are vast people. I'm not judging either or almost like no we can't go in public public. I'm not judging either or but I do understand what it's doing is causing trauma and it's all linked to this thing called covid. So we're fearful of someone who has the sniffles because of allergies.

You want to get looks in Walmart? Just nibble a little.

I don't believe you.

It's because we've been traumatized by this thing called K. Remember when cancer was the most traumatizing thing the people Lemonade's was

We're progressing in the world is taking us from one trauma into the next, do you understand me? You're kidding, Ty's what did I say? When you're in, you're selling your soul can't reasonably sink and all you do is function out of that place. So you're no longer functioning from logic. You're no longer functioning from understanding. You don't care about facts. The only thing that your function me out of his I need to survive and if that means me fighting chicken fast, and Carson is that means me running then I just need to survive.

God has come to take you out of survival mode and into the thriving of God.

He said it like this him that looks to hold her life loses it but him that looks to lose their lives actually find it. So as long as you're holding so tightly to the life that you have never going to be living.

Are you following me? I am not here preaching on covid-19 telling you about trauma.

Because I see it's traumatized you I know people that have passed away from it. So I know it's a real thing and I'm not disqualifying that I'm just saying if I have to look at the blood of Christ and something on Earth. I'm going to focus on the blood of Christ. My Bible says isn't a turtle thing that speaks a far better thing for me and you? So how would I focus on him instead of everything that surrounds him. I love the message that I got from someone. They text me I think believe was Diana. She said as long as we focus on the ways we can't focus on Christ. That's so true.

So what do we do about the trauma? What do we do when we meet when we me and my wife we don't we do each other we sit down with each other. Some days I'm like you I don't know why I responded like this should have left it down. She's like, okay. Let's talk close your eyes say holy spirit and I don't want to do that. Don't be like that someone tries to hell. I don't want to do that.

We don't personal trainer and I need to lose some pounds and then I'm like, I don't want to do that. Sometimes you just have to be willing.

So we sit down with the Holy Spirit. What is it as we do that it strain of each other to be sensitive to the Lord. Does it into the spirit of God as we do that will strip begins to speak and show us pictures. He may bring a memory back to your mind and earrings that memory back to your mind. You got to ask him. Why and sometimes when the memory comes the emotions, right?

I said oh Lord. Oh boy issues how you feel? Then? I felt scared fraid. I was angry. I felt stock. How do you feel now? I feel the same way and I'm responding out of something that happened to me in the past.

I need some of the problems with our great nation is that we're folk you that that as long as we are traumatized by the past we can't function in life now. We can't move in the healing now. So you got to gain victory over that and the only way to gain victory over your past personal either way, you can victory over your pastor by going to the Cross right finding forgiveness going where you find victory over your past things that are haunting you bring them to God openly in our talk across the table. It looks like you say, holy spirit. We invite you to go in every room every door even the closet that I don't want to open. That has a keep out God sign on it.

And then I talked to her about the thing. I don't want to talk about. She does and we do the same thing. I talked to her I said okay now ask God and sometimes break down. There's tears World things there. I'm going to tell you the truth is that's where Spirits like the height at. No, you're not possessed. You're born again. But Spirits like you to function out of their nature and that's what they like to attach themselves like leeches.

Think of leeches leeches attached to your body to drain your life flow out of you called your blood Spirits. Attach to your soul to drain your life flow out of you.

Not going to go too far unless you think I'm due age. That's weird. That's biblically though. So, you know, that was biblical. So when you deal with the event you stop the leash from sucking the life out of you and you no longer respond out of that even the emotions change.

I'm Gary wrap things up. Who is the volunteer?

Traumatize me right now.

Who wants to share?

This is dude. I actually am triggered by some stuff and I don't even know why some people in your life that are that don't like you because you're triggering something and that's what they don't like. It. Don't like how you make them feel so it's really not even you. It's how you're making them feel because you were there and it's not you at all. It's something they're going through is an issue internal.

the volunteers

Okay, I won't Force anyone. I want to tell you guys at home in your personal life.

With your spouse with friends that you love.

You have to go through this if you want to gain ground, if you're planning on possession everything that God has for you. You have to go through this because if you do not learn to fight you will run from everything. You're run from the moment you feel something your run or your respond the same way. The gothic poem not going to remove the storm, but I'm going to remove how you respond to it. So then Paul learned the key. He said I Glory now. So when I'm struggling against struggling, dude.

That's what Paul learn to do. Cuz I glory in my I glory in these things more cuz I found out when I am weak that he is strong and his power is active in my life.

Let's pray. Papa in Jesus name

do what you want to do in our hearts and lives gone break things shake things and awake things break the things that need to be broken areas. Where were price for that area so we don't see it break. Those things are is where we become complacent Lord. Shake us up shake those areas up so we can grow Lord so that we can grow more into what you call us to be and the way got to wake our hearts to you awake has to be madly in love with you regardless of what's going on around us us got deeper and more. in Jesus mighty name amen

Love you guys Salome.

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