Preaching/Teaching Pressing On Phil 3:12-4:1
We are called to a higher calling
We are called to a higher calling
Upward Calling of God
Upward Calling of God
Do not be conformed but be transformed
Do not be conformed but be transformed
Great Commission - go therefore
Great Commission - go therefore
Jesus Promises His Spirit
Jesus Promises His Spirit
All Authority therefore go
All Authority therefore go
Limited resources
Limited resources
In ministries, there are 4.19 million full-time Christian workers, and 95% are staying within the Christian world. there are 900 churches for every one unreached people group, and 78,00 evangelical Christians for every on unreached people group. The estimated percentage of money going toward people group that are reached with the Gospel is only .001% of the $42 trillion income of Christians. Percentage of that income given to any form of Christ cause is estimated is be 60%- sounds pretty good, util you realize that this is the same amount of money we spend on Christmas in America. Furthermore, the percentage given to missions is estimated to be only 6.4% of the money given to Christians causes of any kind, according to 2015 figures(*5.6% reported in 2010, GAC). Even if somehow the number still sounds good. It’s important to note that it’s also the same amount we spend on dieting programs in America. In recent years, Americans literally spend more money on Halloween costumes for their pets than the amount given to reach the unreached. (FAI Publishing, “Do You Think About Eternity”)
CMA Mission Call
CMA Mission Call
Future Reality
Future Reality
Jesus Glorified
Jesus Glorified