UMBC AM Service 07-26-2020
Play Jim Amen in my mind and drifted back to. 2 lazy headed teenage boy living with his Granddaddy and the sum of you've heard me talk about my grandfather.
And my granddaddy when when when I sent you that he believed you heard me mention that I'm going by every square foot of property owned this place except inside the yard and he would have some garlic growing in there. But but he plowed everything you plant tomatoes and cucumbers.
Redacted a year after year special especially in the summer time when stuff starts getting ready to pick. I remember him coming in that bedroom and and Williams Edward Eclipse set lights with John and I have bad bad memory on Saturday.
You say you going to lose a crop from laying up when they're sleeping all day? With my eyes closed I can remember thinking and there's a problem with that or what it was me it be up. Meet me out there really got too hot and that was every morning but let it but his job working night shift one time and then I'd get in about I get off at 6 in the morning. I get home about 7, 7:30 and
energy, Grandpa knocking on the door I go to the door with the
Not say yeah.
Dow Jones
Then believe it.
I mean something to do and I don't lie just kind of applying is his life lessons in his just saying his statements about life. in the spiritual sense and
You know, sometimes we as Christians we sleeping the day away.
Work to be done. things to do miles to travel and we get a little just like being offensive word to me a little lazy.
You got any men that's alright morning in the 13th chapter of the book of Romans. Yeah reading wilber's number 10. God's word reads it says love working with no wheels to his neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfilling of the law and I don't think it reading that verse that I've called anybody on floor. I think you've all heard that you've read that in you.
Listen what he says, he said no one.
That now it's high time to awake out of sleep. For now is our Salvation nearer than when we believed.
The night is far spent the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast all the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of life. Little Swope honestly as in the day. Not in routing and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and envy. What put you on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of the flesh for your kindness Lord for your long-suffering. We thank you for your words are precious few word is to us today or how refresh your word is 2 hour pharmacy in our souls Lord, and I thank you for each family for each individual this in the house. Thank you so much as a church that you are you are savior. You are all in all and Lord today is Reggie word me you were awake Us store hours. So maybe it renew our commitment made it refresh our Focus Lord. And for all you do this morning here. Lord will be obedient unto the word and then we just give you praise on it and go over this morning in the house in the name of Jesus and the church says it's morning. Amen. And amen.
No, we ready quite a few scriptures there and nowhere scriptures that I probably heard. Those are scriptures that that we have we have talked about those scriptures. We invited to apply to our lives to apply to our walk that we might be a good price. Jesus is if you if you go to the book of 2nd Corinthians, I think the 13th chapter if you go to looking at a chapter that is is famous for describing what love truly is it it talks about love and innocence down to the very foundation and then and then in Christ Jesus when he walked and talked love was was the thing that that moved.
Each and every day and it wasn't what it was love me obedience to the will of the father who called himself a bourbon and not a master on to his brother and then I hear this reading today.
Tell me the I need to know what the first I was pretty sure you already know that.
Is your preacher ain't telling you the truth Amen to grow and mature into the one that can love as Christ. Jesus would have to know I'm going to like you guys are semiotic appreciate that.
When we see the darkness the wickedness that's going on. Oil pan in a n o m away a man that we don't approve specially movies playing the disrespect. Amen, especially when we Do you want to play this respect, I just don't like this for a flat. I told my for Life as a whole and those things trouble today. There's nothing wrong with you being trouble. Amen when you look around and you see a blatant disregard for a flight. Amen for amen.
An understanding of God as you know, it ain't nothing wrong with you. I have no problem with that. You don't have a problem with that then you have a problem.
We're eating at word and he says another word. He said hey you function in the scope and then walk in the understanding that you were doing. So in the love of Christ Jesus, Immediately says something else in that the next verse.
mistreated he says he has he said and that knowing the path. That is high time to wake out of sleep.
For now is our Salvation nearer than women. We believe I actually need that on them knowing about my grandfather. There was one distinct difference between him and myself on those mornings that you would have come in there and wake me up and and here's what it was. It was he was passionate about getting up and getting a member of his labor. I was passionate about later.
It was fun. It was good on TV. I mean to buy 12. It was 12:47 Warehouse run.
black colored inside
and you wish that I could watch TV to midnight. We thought it was okay to sleep late because after all
Open what's up with you guys? So he and I we had two different agendas. Mine was to just take care of me. It would take care of it.
And he did it with joy.
It's funny. How is I grow in material down in life all the sudden? I can look back and see who the Real Fool was on those days and it's exactly the opposite of what I thought.
The scripture verse says and that knowing the time. Do you really are you able to discern the time?
I just asked you.
I just asked you like this cuz we we use a statement out in public on the street. So, you know what time it is.
You got me with that means when you're overthinking. It means it's like no worries. I will see your hand if you've ever use this place, come on.
You know what time it is Richard preaching. You know what time it is. Okay. That's what I'm talkin about. In today's day and time. You better know what time it is. Give me the scripture in this morning. He says that that no one in town more understanding the town horror or having a mental grasp of what the time is and is to carry post on Facebook.
Days Inn in that damn time. They were compelled to live a day in intensive Eastern Sky open. The Apostle Paul in the scripture in several different boats to live our lives today in anticipation that at any moment Christ Jesus return now appears. Again. This is for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believe what does that mean two years now? Write a few weeks right at 2 years.
for two years
First message I preached in here. Will your chicken if you heard it and you are two years closer? in the natural man Two to your salvation get going completely.
Whether you're asleep. Are you with me now now, you know what time?
I got to do this all over cuz you wouldn't in you.
he says realize what time is it in India?
news that that Christ Jesus May return at any time Do you believe that this morning?
And I see this all the time but remember nobody in history has been as close as you are today.
And you're getting closer every moment. So now we know what time it is. Withdrawal there now. I understand what time did Brendan would come in there. It's time to get up. It's time for Christian to quit in the stools, but get yourself up.
I want to change it.
mother knows where it's at when we go out. These doors are on this perception right here in this world and everybody else and we're just a small part of a minority in a Place full of wickedness in
Any of you ever going to the Rockies?
Open Yahoo! Answers, right? I'm going to let you know I'm using hand when you went.
Okay, you forget that if you go to the Rock. And you sit there and you see a woman in your life. I know the first time I seen in my life.
God made up When you see the Rock is in this picture feelings.
How many love you I'm going to either Florida or the Bahamas somewhere where the creeping book?
It seemed that beautiful Clearwater. It's sitting on their white sandy beach.
So if you're if you're who knows places where that water so blue and it's so clear that Santa's to widen the moon waves.
IKEA wall jumped out of timeshare in Florida
My brother you carrying. I don't know if any of you ever been to Cades Cove in, Tennessee.
National Forest Community the bubonic turn into National Forest and when you drive in the caves cold all the churches Barnes the wagons the houses the old water-mill can move in without getting arrested in get down. You to you real quick. I would love to meet. And in so I'm I'm saying all of those things to do to get you to thinking along this land and amazing and then it's true. You want to be alone? to that
is that is it when we look out across this land? Well Woman do with all this crazy with all this sentence with all of their minds and we want to stay inside of this
plumber and go out and put on the armor of light. Put on in that last words. He said he said he didn't say Jesus Christ. Amen, Jesus. Wwjd. Mmm basically compels us. true life
MP3 song in this is going to sound Dorothy and I
And you can become someone Rocky Mountain. You can become someone white sandy beach.
How old is Howie Mandel a goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ?
We've gotten lazy with goblins.
nothing else, but
this is probably going to be a fence.
But I'm afraid spiritually most of the time as an individual.
Hang on.
Is dead. I'm putting things in their proper perspective.
In the proper perspective, you are a child Ura Ura Christ. Amen. You are a difference-maker. Do you see a menu, you know how to focus on the negativity, but you focus on what country do that before Christ. Jesus said that what he did when he walked up and he supposed to change. In the scripture that says wake up and I want to tell you to name you you better be a game-changer because this game is getting changed by the minute you go and read your newspaper today and guess what? You're going to find you're going to find that. A civil case going on right now. I'm in between church and the Supreme Court over them not around church service because of Coleman. That thing should have never took place to begin with but guess what? It happened a man because they said you can't go to church and the people
I want I'll be promote us to be radical for Christ. You better believe you follow him.
Those are free to choose.
horn importance of Christ If I live to be an old man. I have to call my son. Come bail me out of the gym.
for the cause of Christ
You looking at me for like right now like?
Oh, yeah. I also know I also know who signs my wheels to.
You said it time to awake? You have an adversary in the pool everything he can away from the church.
He's wanting to
displaced the church
when he should we eat when they shift church service down the other day that they're going to come back to you think they'll singing will not trickle down here and he's oh Piney Woods Wake up from there we go.
Scripture and that things turned into a major fighting and here's one crazy about it is most of the rest of us have been shown up by Rupert cheerleaders. Are you serious? Yes, sir, but what is trickle down? Cuz I like it even here in this now you go and lose it. What do you see on the football field? Or last time I seen you through Woodward. What was it Isaiah 40 and 31, I think wrote on the football field. That's not a lot but it's the start of the world.
You make a difference and you can do it in the schoolhouse. You can do it at work. You can do it in the neighborhood. But you can't do it as long as you're in there in your easy chair, and I'm speaking spiritually.
every once in awhile in the flesh
but spiritually
uark impaled SNAP balance uark impale to apply sincerity about your actions
just step up to the plate. Wilders town I know what you're thinking is hard.
Because of one scripture get and every time again and I can never shake it and that's in the movie.
It says if you have walk with the footmen or the footsoldier and you got in the car.
How in the world will you contend with the force?
because or
if you were trouble the Jordan store at The Crossing of the Jordan when it was small during the dry season. What are you going to do at the swelling of a Torreon Whitman monsoon season?
What does Scripture meant was if you're struggling in your having a boy? hard time what does step forward for Christ Jesus? Things are easy.
And I'm telling you they're going to get hard.
What were you do when you find yourself in a place where the preachers not right there talking to you? What does the song leaders are not gathered around you sing? And it's just you and the world.
What would you do if they say you better not catch up in the back? What you going to do?
Go to take a new month.
Put that burst.
Which one do you wore them back on for you?
He said in that no one the time. That's my main thing. Now is not the time to Slumber and sleep and that no one time that it's hot. Or he emphasized in important for us to wake up out of this school. For now is our Salvation nearer than when we when we believed in. And I'm doing but I'll say this to you.
Josh Gordon someone knew I had a little bit of a scare with my heart.
Lou Albano
Imma go on and incriminate myself in front of them. But do you know what I do? You know what happened? to my prayer life
this brother got down to business.
more so than before
if we have a family member.
Addiction what happens to our prayer life for that individual wrap it up.
If we have some Calamity going on give you a level that you can't deny the following September 11th. Do you remember how our country as a whole? Even turn this Focus back to God and you begin to speak for air and places that you have to don't remember that.
So so glad trouble and distress.
and at the same time
person who's cool
They ain't real hungry.
When everything is going good, they ain't a whole lot that you need. Casey Boardman Lanes, what's up grocery shopping today and man. We almost had to have seven bookies to get up by Walmart. When are you letting me go down there and fill up on some tortilla shells then go grocery shopping.
The movie got what we need.
Do we have an adversary? That's doing all he can do.
angle using the word improve school bags scripture tells you to wake up.
now male now this time this time water now it's time to
It isn't a spiritual sense recreational clothes off.
What did he what is he called at Harmon? the armor of life What do you say we know that next to last verse of them from?
put on
do that's what they normally in the Lord Jesus Christ.
My prayer for you and for me this morning.
Is Lord don't let me forget. complacent Get rocked to sleep. But let me know this might this might sound strange. But spiritually. Let my eyes be about that.
Anytime will battle Every Chain the church's way or God's people's way. He always made sure they knew it was going to be. He always told me to be prepared. Unfriend if you can't look out across this land today and see what's coming. and your intro you can't stop what's coming. new job paint to win the war nujabes Supply