Psalm 48 - God’s Presence in Jerusalem

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This week we look at God's presence with the city of Jerusalem and what that teaches us about his presence in general.

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Well this morning we are continuing on and are sermon series through the book of Psalms as we do in the summer. Looking at Psalm 48. But before you read it, let me remind you of the past couple songs. It's interesting as we look at the songs. When we consider that God by his Spirit encourage someone to compile these songs in a book that they lead into one another. So be recall Psalm 46. The main idea was God is present as a strong refuge for his people. They need not fear then Psalm 47. The main idea was because because God Reigns and will rain we should praise him and so we understand that God is present as a refuge in god reigns over his people. Will this particular song looks like God's reign as a refuge for his people in the city of Jerusalem in this is how I would articulate the main idea for this song. God's presence is a blessing to God's people that should result in God's praise God's presence is a blessing to God's people should result in God's praise. And so let's read Psalm 48 together. And could you open your Bible or open your to turn on your devices so that we can consider God's word this morning looking at all of Psalm 48.

a song a song of the sons of Korah Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God is Holy Mountain beautiful in elevation is the joy of all the Earth Mount Zion in the far north the city of the great king within her citadel's God has made himself known as a fortress for Behold The King's assembled they came on together as soon as they saw it. They were astounded they were in panic. They took to flight trembling took hold of them their anguish as of a woman in labor by the East Wind You shatter the ships of tarshish as we have heard. So we have seen and the City of the Lord of hosts and the City of our God which God will establish forever. We have thought on your steadfast love of God in the midst of your temple as your name. Oh God. So your praise reaches to the ends of the Earth. Your right hand is filled with righteousness. Let Mount Zion be glad let the daughters of Judah Rejoice because of your judgments walk about Zion go around her number her Towers consider. Well her ramparts go through her citadel's that you may tell the Next Generation that this is God our God forever and ever he will guide us forever. Let's pray. Father God we thank you for your word this morning. We thank you for this song of praise to you in regards to your presents. I pray father God that you by your spirit present in each one of your people here this morning. Would communicate the truth of your word deeply deeply into their hearts deeply into their minds. That we might be changed. And I pray father God that you buy that very same Spirit would help me this morning to communicate Your Truth Faithfully. And hopefully father God to that purpose. And as always we pray help us to see Jesus this morning our great savior. It's in his name. We pray. Amen.

So this is a song about God's city. The city of God's presence which in the song is called Zion. Now Zion was a designation used in the Hebrew Bible for really five different things. First of all, it was used to designate the Eastern Hill of Jerusalem. That's why we seeing this song the reference to his holy mountain beautiful in elevation. It also became a designation for the Temple Mount itself when it was built in Jerusalem.

The third thing a designated swirly is the entire city of Jerusalem. So the Old Testament specifically will use the word Zion to speak about the entire city of Jerusalem as we see in this song where it's made clear that the reference is the city of the Lord of hosts the city of our God. It's also used metaphorically for the people of Israel in the Old Testament. And even in the New Testament on one occasion. It refers to the church. That's Hebrews 12:22. So that's what the Zion means. This is a song about Zion the city of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as it pertains to the presence of God in the praise that his presence should give rise to in the midst of his people.

Important theme in this song as is not just that it's about Jerusalem, but Jerusalem is where God resides. We see the Jerusalem Zion is the city of our God. It's his holy mountain. It's the city of the great king the city of the Lord of hosts. So much as God to be connected and associated with the city of Jerusalem that at the end of the psalm in retro furring to the city itself. The song that says that we will tell the Next Generation that this is our God. Doesn't it when they look at Jerusalem when they look at the temple that we could say to them? This is our God this is evidence of his presence with us. God's presence in God city is what this song is about and what we see very clearly is that his presence in his City in the midst of his people give rise to great blessing. And we see these blessings particularly in the first three verses verses 1 through 3 where God's presence is seen as the very Source the necessary foundation of the blessing that comes we seeing verse one that the mountain is called. Holy because of God's presence. And that it is beautiful as a result of God's presence and that this brings Joy to the whole Earth. And that he will be known and has made himself known as a fortress. There's security here. So what we see is that the presence of the Lord of hosts adorns Zion adorns the city of Jerusalem in such a way that it is said to be holy and beautiful a joy and security. Until we see that the presence of God is the bestowal of these blessings. in regards to the Holiness and the beauty and the joy and the security of God's presence Alan Ross and his comments are in the song says this God's holy presence was made known to his people in the holy city it is what made the mountain holy. The first description of Zion is that it is beautiful in elevation or loftiness there were other mountains that were higher but the high design was more beautiful because God chose this one as his dwelling-place. In other words. It is here that heaven and earth meet and so that makes its height more glorious than any other Mountain High because of the presence of God. And Zion it is the joy of the whole earth. The proclamation of the presence of God is made known throughout the Earth making the dwelling place of his presence the crowning Joy. Within the citadels of the city God has made himself known as a stronghold a high-power something in excessively high. In fact, it is God, who is the Hightower for he is the Defence of his people is he all of the blessings the Holiness in the Beauty and the joy and the security of Jerusalem of the city of Zion Zion is a direct result of the presence of God, and but for the presence of God, those things would not be said of it. Now let's understand a couple things about God's presence. It's spoken about in several different ways. We can talk about his omnipresence. Right God is omnipresent. He is essentially everywhere present. There is no way you can go anywhere apart from God's presence and that's one way to talk about him. He is present in time present in space present in all creation present to every creature. That's God's omnipresence. That's one of the ways we talk about God. But there is also his Covenant presents there that is God is present with his people in a special way to bless them and judge them in accordance with his Covenant and that is the president of the presents that this song is particularly focused on God is present with his people as a blessing to them. God is with Israel and Jerusalem is his city until as we consider the presence of God, we have to understand that this song is talking about his presence in a special way to his own people. Those we consider that for ourselves on on this side of Jesus is life death and Resurrection. We need to understand that God's presence is experienced by us through Jesus that we can in fact say just as the Jewish people did. That he is God With Us. Because of Jesus Jesus is the very fulfillment of God With Us. There are lots of horses we could look at I wanted this morning look at a passage from John chapter 1. Which in a beautiful way in a memorable way Hawks about God's presence. With us going to read John 1 1 through 14 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God all things were made through him. And without him was not anything made that was made in him was life. And the life was the light of men the light shines in the darkness and the Darkness has not overcome it to John starts off by talking about Jesus as God. He is the word he was with God and he was gone. I never said she talks about John the Baptist. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to Bear witness about the light that all might believe through him. He was not the light but came to bear witness about the light and then he goes on to talk about Jesus the True Light which gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world and the world was made through him yet. The world did not know him. He came to his own and his own people did not receive them. But to all who did receive him who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God, The numbers 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we have seen his glory glory as of the only son from the father full of grace and truth. Is he because of that because of Jesus God with his coming to Earth and taking on flesh and becoming a man we can say just as they said back then the word became flesh and dwelt among us. But in fact we can even go further than that. We can go further than say he dwelt among us. We can say he dwell dwells in US is he god with us as part of the picture. But it goes even further because we say not just God with us but God in us when we talk about the presence of God mediated to us through Jesus Christ. We say God in us. Jesus Is God With Us in an ultimate Covenant relationship so much so that we can say God in us listen to 2nd Corinthians 6:16 where if Paul is actually addressing an issue with the Corinthians and he says what agreement has the temple of God with idols. For we that is we who believe we have been adopted into God's family. We are the Temple of the Living God. As God said I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them and I will be their God and they shall be my people. You see the Fulfillment of God's presence in the Old Testament. The Fulfillment of God being in the city of Zion is his City in which he dwelt is his dwelling by his spirit in each and every believer. so much so that we don't just say God with us we can say God in a first John chapter 4 verse 13 by this we know we abide in him and he and I how do we know that we abide in him and he in us because he has given us of his Spirit. What a glorious truth this morning as we consider the presence of God in the city of God in Jerusalem in Zion on the Temple mount. And all the blessings that it bestowed upon God's people. That we because of Christ don't just say God with us. We say God in us. That is a glorious truth. The presence of Jesus God With Us and God in us is experienced in our day through repentance and faith. In Repentance, we learn from our sins. We return from our sinful way and we turn to God and his ways in faith. We trust and treasure Jesus Christ and all that. He accomplished for salvation. We consider his Incarnation and his birth. We consider his life of senlis perfection in obedience. We consider his sacrificial substitutionary death and we consider his resurrection and Ascension and we looked at that and we understand is returned from our sins and put our faith in God, but his presence abides in us and we abide in him. This morning. If you're not a Believer, if you've never considered yourself a Christian, let me encourage you this morning that God's presence is a real thing. And it can be so real that you could speak of it in such a way that goes beyond even god with us, but you can say God in us or God in Me.

We Avail ourselves of that relationship with him through Christ by turning from our sin and believing in him and I exhort you to consider that this morning.

now just like the Israelites in Jerusalem who experienced the blessing of God because of the presence of God we to experience the blessing of God because of the presence of Jesus in our lives. There's many ways we could talk about that. But let's talk about that in regards to what this song talks about. The presence of Jesus in our lives is to us Holiness Beauty joy and security. Ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 through 27 speaks about the Holiness the blessing of the presence of Jesus in our lives again Paul talking about something he was addressing with the church in a season starts by saying husbands. Love your wives. When he goes on to describe what that looks like and what he means by that he says as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, but he might sanctify your having cleansed by the washing of water with the word so that he might present the church. To himself in splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be. Holy and without blemish to Paul God Loved Us in such a way that Jesus came and died for us. And in doing that he makes us holy. We can achieve Holiness by no other way. You know that you may have tried that you understand the futility of that and yeah. the presence of Christ makes us holy we can be holy and without blemish now this Splendor of Holiness is part of the blessing of God in our lives and it goes even beyond that in terms of a beautification the gods present brains. Psalm 149:4 talks about the beauty for the presence of God in our lives bring he says for the Lord takes pleasure in his people. He adorns The Humble with salvation that word adorns means makes beautiful. He makes beautiful The Humble with salvation there is no where else would that is fulfilled more clearly than in the work of Christ and which all those things we talked about can come to those who humble themselves repent of their sins and put their faith in them. They are saved. That is God's true. Jesus makes one beautiful because of salvation. That's what his work has done in our life. Now I got to be honest with you. I don't look into the mirror in the morning and say wow, beautiful. Not something that require a occurs to me nevertheless regardless of what we may think of our outward appearance. We need to understand that we Are Made Beautiful by Christ in the eyes of God further to that. There is not a person here regardless of your physical appearance. Who if you were to go to other believers and brothers and sisters in this church, you wouldn't hear of things in your life that are beautiful that they can see.

We need to be people who both speak those things to our brothers and sisters here is what I see in your life that Jesus has done that is beautiful. But we also need people who go to our brothers and sisters when we can't see the beauty of Christ in our own life. Allow them to express to us the evidences of the beautiful grace of God in our lives. He makes us beautiful and he brings Joy first John chapter 1 verses 1 through 4. That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with her eyes, which we look upon Him have touched with her hands concerning the word of life. The life was made manifest and we have seen it and testify do it and Proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the father was made manifest. Was that which we have seen and heard we Proclaim also to you so that you two may have fellowship with us and indeed our fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ and we are writing these things to you that it's so that our joy may be complete. There are lots of horses with speaks to the Joy the gods bring when we are in fellowship with the father and his son Jesus Christ and with each other. This is so that our joy might be complete and one day it will be complete ultimately and fully and Without End.

in his presence also brings security again from first John chapter 5 verse 18 We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning but he who was born of God protects him know you got to follow this. We know that everyone has been born of God does not keep them sending but he who is born of God protects him that he got second he who is born of God is Jesus. Diaz V one the first born of God, he protect him all the others who are born of God. So we understand that Jesus protects the others who are born of God after him and it says in the evil one does not touch him. Are many ways in which we find security in regards to God's presence in our life through Jesus Christ knows what we see in this context as we consider Psalm 48. Where there is the blessing of Holiness and beauty and joy and security that if I'd Jesus Christ is the Fulfillment of Psalm 48. He's the Fulfillment of the presence of God in the midst of his people so much so that it's not just God with us but God in us and his work is a work of Holiness and beautification enjoy insecurities as well as many more things.

The presence of God is a present reality for God's people through Jesus. Who has given us God's spirit and God's presence in this way is a blessing for us a blessing that among many other things is Holiness Beauty Orion security.

Now as we consider that as we consider the presence of God in Jerusalem, as we consider the presence of God in our own lives as we understand that his presence brings forth the blessings it did in the case of Jerusalem. It does in our case. LeBron to happen is we ought to be moved to praise.

God's presence resulted in blessings which gave rise to praise God's presence give rise to Blessings In Our Lives, which also should result in Praise.

The finish this morning. Let me give you some very practical tips from Psalm 48 because I think Psalm 48 lays out for us a pathway of praise. As we experience God's presence as we experience, the blessing of God's presence. We should be moved to praise and solve 48 actually gives us a pathway. In which we can move into praising God and so let's consider that this morning as we close. 1st and Verses 4 through 7 after 1 2 3 laser the blessings verse 4 through 7 tells us to remember God's acts remember God Zacks resulting from his presence in your life. And that's what the song is does and Verses 4 through 7. He remembers when God move. He remembers in fact a specific Act of God in Saving Zion from an invading Army. We seeing a song that Kings and their armies gather they began to March against the Zion as an invading Army.

And they are a raid for battle. They're ready for war and then they see the city. They are astonished they become terrified and they Flee for their lives the psalmist remembers a saving Act of God. We need to do that if it's halfway to praise to remember God's saving act in her own life. This is one of the things that is so beautiful about baptism fade back to a baptism service think back to your own baptism think back to the doctors in a one of your children. What's glorious in that time of baptism among other things is the testimony that the candidate gives to the saving Act of God in their life. It's astounded. You even hear from kids who grew up in the church? And they can testify to the saving Act of God in their lives such that were removed to tears and joy. We need to remember God saving hot. That's the first step in this Pathway to praise the second step. We seeing verses 8 through 11 reflect on God's attributes. We seeing verse 9 we have thought on our the song that says we have thought about these things. We have considered those things. What are those things verse 9 the steadfast love of God verse 10, the praiseworthiness of God his praise extends to the end of the Earth and verse 10 his righteousness. Your right hand is filled with righteousness the song that says and then in 11 God's wisdom let the daughters of Judah Rejoice because of your judgments. We're called to reflect on the attributes of God and this particular saw him. It's his steadfast love his Covenant Love and faithfulness to his people. It is his praiseworthiness. He is worthy of Praise because of who he is his righteousness. God does what is right and just all the time and is wisdom such that he can make judgment and it causes people to rejoice

Let me suggest for you this morning for resources and in regards to reflecting on God's attributes. To from some authors who are dead and I've gone to be with their Lords both with the first two initials. Aw. Aw, pink the attributes of God. Aw Tozer the knowledge of the Holy to great resources smaller books jam-packed with a Biblical understanding of the attributes of God. Two others more modern written in the last couple years Jen Wilkin wrote a book called None Like Him lot of what she built that on was pink and tozer's book we studied. This is a life group a wonderful wonderful book on the attributes of God that has been written. I think in the last couple years and one that came out this year by Matthew Barrett none greater. So there's four books for resources. I want to encourage you with as we consider reflecting on the attributes of God.

And finally step 3. the final step on this Pathway to praise

recognize the reality. Recognize the reality is is verses 12 through 14 recognize. The reality of God's presence in your life brothers and sisters. We need to stop for a moment and take a survey of our life so that we clearly understand God's glorious presence in our life through Jesus Christ and his we run about screwing to and fro in our lives particularly in a time of a pandemic where things are changing daily and were inundated with bad news and we've much reason to fear or worry or be frustrated. We need to just stop and take a survey of our life. Look up the song Styles. He says walk about Zion go around her number her Towers consider. Well her ramparts go through her citadels that you may tell the next generation of this is God. I know this is your city. I know that you live here, but stop for a minute take a look around number the building's walk through the streets.

Take a survey of what God has done here in Jerusalem. So that you will say as you look at this city, this is God. We need that people in this day in this age to just stop and take a survey of our lives and all the wonderful things that come to us through Christ in this day and in the Datacom so that for a moment in the midst of the difficulties and trials we can say as we look at our lives not because of us but because of what he has done, this is God, this is God's doing this is God's work. So that we might be taken to a place of praise.

Psalm 48 God's presence is a blessing to God's people that we should result in God's praise. God's presence is mediated to us through Jesus Christ as we repent and believe we can say not only god with us, but God in us. He brings blessings to our lives. We need to respond and praise and one of the ways we can respond and praise that we can be let down that pathway to praise God Is by remembering his saving acts reflecting on his attributes and recognizing the reality of God's blessing in our life. Spray. Father God we thank you for your words. We thank you for the unbelievable gracious work of Christ that we Who were once Rebels who were once children of Wrath rejected you can now say God With Us and God in us.

What a marvelous and glorious true. That is. And beyond that we see because of Christ in your spirit in our house blessing after blessing after blessing.

You do your work of Holiness father God. You Adorn your Saints with salvation you beautify us with salvation. You bring joy you bring security. Let us be in wonder. of your presence in our lives father God And we pray that you would father God help us to be people who respond and praise because of your presence in the blessings of that presence in our life.

Help us to remember you're saving acts in our lives. Help us to reflect on your wonderful attributes. And help us to recognize the reality of all that's come to us through Jesus Christ. It's in his name we pray.

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