Who Then Can Be Saved - Slides
Who Then Can Be Saved?
1. Man looks on the outward appearance but God sees the heart.
Eagle & The Wolf
There's a battle between the eagle and the wolf.
The eagle inside of me represents everything that is good and pure.
And even though it soars through the valleys, it still lays its eggs on the mountain tops.
There's a wolf inside of me.
And the wolf preys upon my weaknesses and justifies itself in the presence of the pack.
Who will win the war between the eagle and the wolf?
The one that you feed.
2. To the disciples this man looked like a prime prospect.
3. If people look right and fit easily we don’t ask too many questions in the church.
4. This makes it easy for people to follow spiritually self-destructive paths and by the time we discover their problems it is far too late to do anything about it.
5. One of the very real notions of the body of Christ is that we are connected and it is through that connection that we grow.
6. We are mutually accountable to people when we invest in each other’s lives. Unfortunately we would rather maintain a healthy (?) distance from one another.
· Isolation
· Anonymity
· Privacy
· Individuality
· Personal
7. Difference between the “can’ts” and the “won’ts”.
8. Who then can be saved? -- Whosoever will . . . .