I hope I'll see you in heaven devotions
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Devotion 1: Death is not the End
Devotion 1: Death is not the End
The Covid 19 pandemic has reminded us of the fragility of life. The disease has swept through communities across the world causing suffering and death. As the statistics rise, we see another example of how death is the enemy of all people. It is the great robber. Death takes our loved ones away from us and one day it will take us too. In Hebrews 2:15 the writer says that all humans fear death. Job laments in Job 7:6-7 that life is very short. Every person will face death according Ps 89:48.
Genesis 3:17-19 teaches us that death is a result of sin. But this universal problem has a solution. Jesus defeated sin and death on the cross. Those who trust in Jesus are forgiven of sin but those who do not still have to pay for ther sin.
While death takes our mortal bodies, it does not destroy our soul. Matthew 10:28. There will be a general resurrection of the dead for every human being. However John 5:29 teaches that our some will rise to judgement and others will rise to salvation. Matthew 16:27.
Christians have the real hope of eternal life in heaven. This is by no work of their own, but a free gift of Grace that makes salvation possible. Eph 1:7-8. We can place our soul under Christ’s protection. John 10:27-29. However those who do not put their faith in Jesus will be judged for their sin and be sent to hell. Matthew 8:28.
For Christians the fear of physical death is extinguished by Jesus who died and was the first one to rise permenantly from the dead. He offers all people imortality too, if they trust in his sacrifice for sin. Phil 1:21-24. That is why Christians share the truth and love of Jesus with others so that more people can join them in heaven by putting their trust in Jesus.
Genesis 3:17-19
Matthew 10:28
John 5:29
Matthew 8:28.
Eph 1:7-8.
Devotion 2: Judgement
Devotion 2: Judgement
Am I on the right side of history? We all want to be remembered well. But future generations view of us will not determine how history will remember us. What will matter is what Jesus thinks about how we have lived. Phil 1:10. The Bible promises that one day Christ will return and history will be completed. Rev 22:12. All humans from every era will be raised to take their place before Christ’s judement seat. Rom 2:5-16. It is hard to imagine a more dramatic day.
Every person will be called on to make an account of what they have done. Romans 2:6, 2 Cor 5:10. Secularism does not take judgement and Hell seriously, but the New Testament teaches that Hell is the final destination for those who do not repent of their sin and accept Christ’s grace. Rev 20:14-15. This teaching is meant to help us appreciate how valuable the offer of Salvation in the name of Jesus is and to avoid Hell at all cost. Matt 5:29-30;13:48-50.
It is important that every human being prepares for the day of Jusdgment. The day of the return of Christ is unkown. 2 Peter 3:10. So we need to take seriously the opportunity we have now to repent of our sin and take hold of the offer of forgiveness that we can only have in Chirst. Rom 10:13. Jesus can rescue us from the coming judgement of God on sin.1 Thess 1:10. God will judge all evil, sin and injustice. All of us are guilty of sin but Jesus has paid the price we deserve. The Bible calls this propitiation. This means that through his death on the cross Jesus turns away God’s wraith on us to himself. 1 John 2:2.
At the judgement we will all have to give an account for our lives. Rom 2:6. 1 Cor 4:5. Those who have professed faith in Jesus that showed in a new lifestyle of loving works and hatred for sin and loving service of others will be forfiven on the judgement day and those that have not will be lost. James 2:14-26. Matt 25:34-46
Romans 2:5-16
2 Peter 3:10
1 Thes 1:10
James 2:14-26. Matt 25:34-46
Devotion 3: Heaven
Devotion 3: Heaven
When I was young, my youth pastor introduced me to his favourate Christian artist named Larry Norman. Larry had a song called I hope I will see you in heaven. The song was a beautiful lament about lost opportunities and failed love. It captured the fragility of life, but Larry sang of hope that came from outside of himself.
And now you've gone, so far away
I hope I'll see you again someday
But if I don't, I hope I'll see you in heaven
Larry sang about a wonderful reunion at the end of the age in a heaven for all God’s people that was real and not just imagined.
In John 14:1-3 Jesus promises us that we can all one day enjoy God’s home. Ps 33:13-14. At the second coming Jesus will end history and gather all his followers both dead and still living. 1 Thess. 4:16–17.
The whole church will be united together for worship. Heb. 12:22–25. People from every nation and every tounge will be present with their saviour forever. Heaven will never end Rev 22:5. That means that the fellowship we will have with God and eachother will be forerver. Rev 19:6-9.
At the time of Jesus’ second coming heaven will take the form of a reconstructed cosmos. Rev 21:1.
John 14:16-17.
Ps 33:13-14
Rev 21
Devotion 3: What will life in heaven be like
Devotion 3: What will life in heaven be like
Most of us have seen popular culture describe heaven as like people with wings sitting on clouds playing harps. But these popular ideas could not be more wrong.
to think of Heaven as a place is more right than wrong, it is depicted as a city Heb 11:10 or a country in Heb 11:16. It is where the throne of God is Eph 1:20. It is the destination of all Christians after they rise from the dead. Eph :1:3;2:6.
The experience for God’s people will be paradise 2 Cor 12:,4. All believers will be given a ressuection body. 2 Cor 5:1-8. This will be a new existance where there is no more sin or pain or death. Rev 7:13-17, 21:1-22:5. Our joy will overflow as we will see Jesus Rev 22:4, have Jesus minister to us Rev 7:17, fellowship with our loved ones and the whole church and continue to love and learn and grow.
There will be levels of blessing. 1 Cor 3:10-15. The rewards, or crown of life will be more of what we desire, a deeper relationship with our saviour.
Just like Jesus rose from the dead and ate and drank, so we will be seated at a great banquet. Luke 22:16. There will be rest Rev 14:13, work Rev 7:15, praise and worship Rev 7:9-10, and fellowship with the lamb and the saints Rev 19:6-9. Heaven will be more than we can ever imagine.
Rev 7.
Rev 21