Mark 13 1-13 2003
Third to Last Sunday
Mark 13:1-13
November 9,2003
“Stand Watch in the Kingdom that Can’t be Shaken”
Introduction: Occasionally, before a loved one dies, we are privileged to say goodbye and share final words with them. Such words and conversations are often loaded with meaning. The importance of these words to us is immense. We often reflect on every word that was said. Such is the farewell discourse of Jesus recorded for us in the Gospel of Mark. These are Jesus final words of warning and encouragement to His disciples about two coming events: one which would happen in their lifetime and another which might take place in ours.
It was Tuesday. Jesus, Peter, James, John and Andrew were leaving the Temple complex. The disciples talking among themselves must have been delighted with the events of the week. Two days ago Jesus had rode a donkey into Jerusalem. He was welcomed as a king as the people waved palm branches in celebration. Since then Jesus had been teaching in the temple. As they were leaving to go back to Bethany one of the disciples, overwhelmed by the architecture, pointed out it’s grandeur to Jesus. “What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!” Jesus responds by saying that, “Not one stone will be left on another, every one will be thrown down.” The disciples respond in disbelief. They were like us before September 11th. If we were told that the very next day the twin towers would fall. Jesus continues, in His usual manner, points His disciples to what is really important. In reply He tells his disciples and us to watch. Watch out for those that would deceive you. Watch the signs of what must come to pass. And watch for Him. Watch!!! And stand firm in the Kingdom of faith which can’t be shaken.
I. Watch Out for Deceivers. First Jesus say watch out for deceivers, those people that claim to come in His name or claim to be Him, but are not. Since the time of the apostles, false Christ's have appeared. It has always been this way and it will always be the case. In the Old Testament there were false prophets. Now there are false preachers. What is important for us is that we recognize how and when they come to us. Often these false Christ's or teachers of deceit will appear to be very religious people. They use religious sounding words and sing religious sounding songs. They wear collars and robes and suits and ties. They preach from pulpits, on Television and on the radio. They come to us at our homes sweetly smiling and asking for a moment of our time. Their smooth words are like honey to the taste. They are easy to listen to and easy to consume but they conceal poison.
How can you tell the difference between what is real and what is false? First, beware of anyone who teaches or preaches in the stead of God. Listen closely to what they say. Their truth or lye is found in the substance of their teaching. When you hear them say that Jesus was our example of how to get to heaven and to get there we need to be more like him, they are deceivers. When you hear them say that you need Jesus and something else, that you need to do something to affect your own salvation, they are deceivers. If they talk a lot about God, His great love for all people but Jesus isn’t central to their teaching don’t listen to another word. Be careful, these people will spin their words together like a spider spins its web, seeing who it might catch. Jesus tells us that many will be deceived. Guard your faith. Watch and listen then for those that deceive. Watch!!! And stand firm in the Kingdom of faith which can’t be shaken.
II. Watch the Signs that must come to pass
Jesus said watch the signs that will come to pass - Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine, persecution and family divisions for Christ’s sake. All of these things happened in the days of the apostles, before the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, as Christ said it they would be. All of these are recorded in history. These were the signs of God’s righteous judgment in the world as He leveled Jerusalem, because of it‘s rejection of His Son. Jesus said that these things must happen.
These signs continue even to this present day don’t they? They are evidence of mans sinfulness. How many wars and rumors of wars have you seen? How many earthquakes and famines? One nation marches to war against another, sinful men waging war out of sinful ambition trying to rule over each other without being ruled by God. As a result of man’s sin the earth quakes. It quakes in contractions like a pregnant woman ready to give birth. This world shudders under the bondage to decay and death caused by sin. And in spite of man’s ability to feed the world’s population famines persist. Hunger persists in our own country too, all because of man’s sinful lack of concern for his fellow men. All these things are evidence accusing the world of its sinfulness and the rejection of God‘s Son.
These signs are also evidence of God working in the world. God uses all of these things to show the world its need for a Savior. If there was peace in the world; if the earth didn’t shake; if the mouths of the world were satisfied, the people of the world would not recognize that something terribly wrong. They wouldn’t know that the most important thing is missing -- a personal relationship with their loving creator through His Son Jesus.
Even so, the people of the world deny His existence. They look to gods that they have made with their own hands and their own imaginations. They believe in themselves as if thy can solve the problems that plague man. And they see earth quakes and the death that result as natural. Death and destruction are not natural.
There is evidence of these signs even in our own lives. Instead of wars we have conflicts among ourselves, families are divided within themselves, and family relations treat each other worse than they would treat strangers, divorce and infidelity shake the very foundations of our lives and everyone is affected. Children defy their parents in their actions and in their words. God help us, we are not at peace with each other we are at war aren’t we? The earth doesn’t quake beneath are feet, rather it is our legs that shake with weakness due to sickness and age. We have a famine within our own souls that hungers and thirsts for what only God can provide. In all these things we can see our own sinfulness -- our desperate need for peace, security and satisfaction. And we can see God working in our lives showing us our need for a savior, His Son.
In Jesus, we find all these things. In Him we find real peace, security and satisfaction. All were won by Him for us at the cross and in His death. There the war between God and people ceased. It is through the Prince of Peace that the conflicts between God and man and man and man have been healed. Through Him we have forgiveness and are able to forgive each other no matter what we have done to each other. In Jesus, though the earth quakes beneath our feet, though our legs shake beneath our bodies, we have a solid foundation that cannot be shaken. In Him we have security and safety, now and eternally. In Jesus we are satisfied as we are fed with a food that satisfies completely, His own body and blood. Through these things we are able to Watch!!! And stand firm in the Kingdom of faith which can’t be shaken.
III. Watch for Me
A. Finally Jesus calls us to watch out for His coming. In anticipation, Jesus wants us to watch for Him. This is something that many of us do so very well. As we grow older many of us long to go home to be with our Lord in Heaven. God has blessed us with wonderful long lives during which He has blessed us in many ways. It is wonderful to anticipate seeing our Lord face to face, to marvel in His glory. For some of us though, we may not all see death at all. Some of us may see Him descend from the heavens as He comes again. Jesus is coming again in glory to call us to be with Him forever. What do you see when you look at the clouds? What do you look for? Perhaps you will see Him coming -- this very day, maybe this very hour -- As you pray almost daily, Come Lord Jesus. Come Lord Jesus.
B. As we wait to go to Him or as He comes for us He has promised us that He has not left us alone. He has given you His promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He has given you His Word to comfort and defend you. And He has given you His sacraments to strengthen you physically and spiritually.
C. As we wait and watch He has promised to preserve us until the end. He promised you that whoever stands firm to the end will be saved. Do not be afraid or fear that you will not be able to make it -- that you won‘t be able to endure to the end. The Lord Himself will preserve you and bring you safely to His Kingdom. He guards you and empowers you with His very own Spirit. This Spirit that enabled the Disciples to testify to Jesus before governors and kings enables you to testify about Jesus to your family and friends. His Spirit guards you every day of your lives.
Conclusion: As Jesus looked at the temple and spoke of the end, he said, “Not one of these stones will be left standing on another; everyone will be thrown down.” And so it shall be for everything that is made by human hands. And of the earth, every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill laid low. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. What will be left then when Christ comes again? Jesus, speaking of His own body said, “destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days. Jesus, the glory of the Lord, the true temple will stand alone for all to see. Jesus alone will be left, and with Him, those standing watch and standing firm in faith in the Kingdom of Christ which can’t be shaken. Lord, grant this to us all. Amen.