Worship and the new God's

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What is Worship?

comes from the word “worth”
God created us to Worship and worship what we value.
We love the things we value in life and the more you value something, you are going to express that!
We call the loving expression of things we value, Worship.
Simply put, Worship is an expression of Love!
Now the primary way express love, 5 love languages, expressions of any type of value is Sacrifice! Worship throughout all of human history is Sacrifice.
Want to find what you worship? FOLLOW THE SACRIFICE!
Do you make sacrifices of time for your boyfriend or girlfriend? You worship your SO. Do you try to constantly please your family more than anyone else? You worship your family! Does all of your money go into your wardrobe and appearance? You worship your image.
What do I worship, Follow the Sacrifice.
Now, these things aren’t bad in and of themselves… in fact, giving sacrifices for these things isn’t even a sin! However! It becomes a sin when you sacrifice to these things more than you sacrifice to Jesus!
- 1st commandment “worship me(love me, value me) more than anything else”
When we worship anything more than God we’ve commited the sin of idolatry
WHY? What does this have to with music?
Well, this is super important and well finish with the musical part.
You obey whatever you worship! The reason we provide a time and space for you guys to musically worship is because we want you to come in obedience to Jesus! That you would live the life he lived and become like him!
So if we worship with the Idols and Gods of this world well obey them and become like them.
You obey what you worship & you become LIKE what you worship
We were made in the image of God, but that image has been broken by sin(Satan is constantly after the image of God in us...) But Christ(God died) for us… so that image could be restored(“Gave up the Spirit...) when we worship we are being reformed in the image of God! We are literally being healed, but Satan hates that. So he tries to get us to worship lesser things so we will become less than what Jesus has for us, less than what he redeemed us for.
So it’s super super important… not just to be a worshiper, because we all worship one thing or another.
It’s of the utmost importance that we are Worshipers of Jesus, so that we can become truly human.
Now let’s talk about Worship as a mainstay pillar of this youthgroup!
Provision & Passion
Just because you make provision doesn’t mean passionate worship will take place.
Ezekiel 27
The enemy hates worship
musical worship is a gift from God that unlocks the churches passion.
2nd Chronicles 20
God uses musical worship to defeat the enemy and the enemy knows it! So he tries to keep em down.
OT Worship -
Reverence and Sacrifice, the first time we see worship its the word Shachah.
-To prostrate before the King.
NT Worship -
Is about INTIMACY and Sacrifice
First we recognize Jesus’ sacrifice. And we respond with intimacy. “Worship” = “Proskeneo” (Turn toward and kiss). 
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