Engaging Gavosh חבש
2502 חָבַשׁ (ḥā·ḇǎš): v. [see also 2502.5]; ≡ Str 2280; TWOT 599
1. LN 44
(qal) saddle, i.e., place a riding or packing seat on a beast of burden (Ge 22:3);
(qal pass.) be saddled (Jdg 19:10; 2Sa 16:1+);
2. LN 16
(qal pass.) twisted, i.e., pertaining to the tightly-wrapped shape of an object (Eze 27:24+);
3. LN 79.118–79.119
(qal) bind, wrap, i.e., to enclose an object or a part of the object (Job 5:18);
(qal pass.) wrapped around (Jnh 2:6[EB 5]+);
(piel) bind up (Ps 147:3+), note: for MT text in Job 28:11, see 2924;
(pual) be bound up, be bandaged (Isa 1:6; Eze 30:21a+), see also LN 18;
4. LN 37.48–37.95
(qal) govern, formally, bind up, i.e., rule over others as a figurative extension of binding up (controlling?) an object (Job 34:17);
5. LN 25.146–25.155
(qal) encourage, formally, bind up, i.e., speak words which hearten and enliven one’s feelings and attitudes, as a figurative extension of bandaging up a wound (Isa 61:1+);
6. LN 49
(qal) dress, formally, wrap, i.e., place clothing upon an object (Eze 16:10)
חֹבֵשׁ (ḥō·ḇēš): n.masc. [oth qal act.ptcp.masc. of 2502]; ≡ Str 2280; TWOT 599—LN 23.129–23.141 remedy, i.e., medicine or procedures which promote healing (Isa 3:7+), note: some translate as “surgeon,” as one who binds wounds and heals