Can I Get a Witness? 可以找證人嗎?
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I hate going to the dentist. Teeth pain is one of the things in the world that bothers me. Even right now I have a filling that fell out that I know I need to go and get filled again, but I’m delaying it. I know that when I go to the dentist he will tell me I need to come and get a cleaning every 6 months, floss every day, ect. And I should listen to him. Why? Because he has authority on this subject. For the past two weeks we’ve been looking at Jesus’ prediction of His suffering and death. The first week we looked at the WHO: Peter confesses Jesus as Messiah, last week Scott did an excellent job at the HOW. How will Jesus fulfill this role as Messiah? By suffering and dying. He also showed us that Jesus calls us to follow Him and take up our cross, deny ourselves and die to ourselves. And this week, Mark is going to show us the WHY. How Can We Really Be Sure that there is glory in suffering, that there really is power in laying down our lives for the Gospel? How can we be sure that Jesus’ call to pick up our cross and follow Him really brings us to a place of true joy and true peace in Him? How is Jesus’ call to suffer different from other teachings on self- denial? Or when you are at home, or at work, and what you really want to do, is use your position or power to lord over people, why should you instead, through the power of the Spirit, lay down your life, and count this other person more significant? Just like a good doctor or dentist God knows our human hearts. He knows that we will often choose power instead of service, greed instead of self denial, and pleasure instead of laying down our rights for the sake of others. Today God gives us three witnesses to the authority of Christ so that we would LISTEN AND OBEY the message and teaching of Christ.
After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain by themselves to be alone. He was transfigured in front of them, and his clothes became dazzling—extremely white as no launderer on earth could whiten them. Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it’s good for us to be here. Let’s set up three shelters: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”—because he did not know what to say, since they were terrified. A cloud appeared, overshadowing them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my beloved Son; listen to him!”
The Glory Of The Son
The Glory Of The Son
The text says that after 6 days Jesus took who? Peter, James, and John. I am always amazed at how patient and compassionate Jesus is. If you remember last week Scott mentioned that Peter was rebuked by Jesus. It was a moment of total failure for Peter. It doesn’t get any worse in the Christian life than the Son of God calling you Satan in front of all your friends. And yet, what does Jesus do here? He takes Peter, one of His leaders, and brings him up the mountain and is going to allow Peter to see something incredible. In fact everything that follows, the transfiguration of Jesus, the appearance of Elijah and Moses, and even God Himself speaking is done MORE for the disciples, than for Jesus. If you look at verse 2, verse 4, verse7, you’ll notice this repeated idea of these miracles being done “to them”. God is doing something, for these confused unbelieving disciples. He is going to great lengths, to affirm the authority of His Son. The first we encounter with these disciples, is Jesus being transfigured. Look at verse 2-3.
1. Transfigured before them(metamorphosis).
transfigured: metamorphosis: I change a form (involving a change of inmost nature). This wasn’t just a quick change of clothes for Jesus, but His very nature, His very person was transfigured.
Jesus pulls back the veil, and shows these disciples, His true, God nature. Christians believe that Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Jesus wasn’t a man who BECAME a God, because of His work or good deeds, no HE is GOD, and took on human flesh. So, if you can imagine, HE allowed this divine nature, to be veiled, for the purpose of living an earthly, human life, to be our substitute. But in this moment, Jesus pulls back the veil, and Peter, James, and John see Jesus the Son of God, in His glory.
When the Bible talks about glory, what does it say?
God’s glory is the manifestation of the perfection of all of His attributes.
Jesus is revealing that same glory to the disciples.
Now how did Jesus get this glory? Was it because He lived a perfect life? Was it because HE died on the cross? In many religions, men get “glory” because of what they do on earth. So they become a martyr, or in Taiwan, they do good things for people, and then in return get honor and glory. Is that what is happening here? No.
The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
他是 神榮耀的光輝,是 神本質的真象,用自己帶有能力的話掌管萬有;他作成了潔淨罪惡的事,就坐在高天至尊者的右邊。
Jesus doesn’t become glorious because He lived a perfect life, and died on the cross. No His life, His death, His resurrection, are a demonstration of the glory He already had!
Last week Scott said we needed something greater or better if we really are going to deny ourselves. Well here it is. The Glory of Christ. Best friends terrified.
How does seeing Jesus as glorious change us and empower us to serve and deny ourselves?
“Only when the awe of God rules your heart will you be able to keep the pleasures of the material world in their proper place.” Paul Tripp
Every single one of us, we need a new refreshed vision of the glory of Jesus. And what is incredible about this picture, this glory of Jesus, is that it is a picture, of the glory that you and I receive, and share in, as believers in Christ.
And those he predestined, he also called; and those he called, he also justified; and those he justified, he also glorified.
We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.
The bible says that while you and I CAN NOT ADD to the glory of God, we don’t add to God’s glory, but WE CAN SHARE IN IT! Christ’s transfiguration is a preview of every believer’s transfiguration.
C.S. Lewis says that you and I will never meet an “ordinary person”. That every person you see will live forever, is an immortal creature. Those who trust in Christ, will live forever WITH God, those who do NOT trust in Christ, forever separated APART from Christ. But every person you see, from your kids to your spouse to the person on the street is no ordinary person. He goes onto say that if we saw one believer in their future glory that we would mostly likely be tempted to worship, because of the glory Christ has prepared for us. How would that change the way we saw each other? How we acted towards each other?
Ultimately if this glory is to be ours, secure for us in Christ, than what is mere earthly glory compared to this?
So many of us are looking for glory or honor. Whether it be at work, or in ministry, or (basketball) wanting personal glory. Yet that glory, let me tell you is fleeting. I’ve lived and done things I would never do, in order to obtain some type of honor or glory. Yet in the Gospel, this glory is secured for us, not because of what we’ve DONE, but because WHO WE HAVE BELIEVED.
Remember the context, Jesus is calling us to lay down our lives, and forsake the temptation of living for earthly glory, and instead live for an eternal glory.
and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.
The Witness Of The Word
The Witness Of The Word
What were they talking about? Important.
Suddenly, two men were talking with him—Moses and Elijah. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem.
Elijah and Moses were both affirming this message that Jesus just spoke about, namely His mission to be a suffering Messiah.
Why are Moses and Elijah important? Why is it a big deal that Moses and Elijah are here?
Moses was a leader of God’s people who also had a mountaintop experience. This experience in the Old Testament, was a time when Moses received a message from God for God’s people. Here are some similarities:
(1) the time note of “after 6 days” (Exod 24:16; Mark 9:2); (2) the presence of companions (Exod 24:1, 9; Mark 9:2); (3) the cloud that covers (Exod 24:16; Mark 9:7); (4) the divine voice (Exod 24:16; Mark 9:7); (5) a transformed appearance (Exod 34:30; Mark 9:3); and (6) the reaction of fear (Exod 34:30; Mark 9:6).
We have Moses a prophet of God who also had a Divine call to be one of God’s messengers.
Was also a prophet. HE also had a mountaintop experience, where God spoke to him. Elijah was scared running for his life and God spoke to him on a mountaintop.
These two men represent some of most important prophets in Israel’s history. In fact, there was a teaching that said this
“You find that two prophets rose up for Israel, Moses first and Elijah last, and both with a commission to redeem Israel”
Peter, James, and John know this. Moses and Elijah sum up, the complete message of God in the Old Testament. And so here they are affirming, and giving witness to, Jesus’ own proclamation that HE is the Son of God, the Messiah who is called to suffer and redeem His people.
Why Is That Important?
1.The Ultimate Messenger of God
Where these men spoke, because God’s word was revealed to them. Jesus speaks, as the WORD OF GOD in flesh.
2. The Ultimate Redeemer of God’s People
Where these two men were used by God to give Israel, temporary and mostly earthly deliverance, Jesus brings eternal, earthly and spiritual, redemption.
3. The Climax of God’s Redemptive Story
These men were great leaders but are only small scenes in a movie, where Jesus is the climax. Jesus is the point of the story of God. All of the Old Testament, both the law that Moses delivered, and the prophets, which Elijah stands for, ALL POINT, ALL FOCUS, ALL ARE FULFILLED IN THE PERSON AND WORK OF JESUS CHRIST.
If have ever taken a long road trip, maybe a vacation. You have a destination in mind. Maybe it’s Kenting, maybe it’s Taidong, whatever. As you are driving along, you make stops and you might eat somewhere, and while those are great places, that’s not where you are ultimately headed. Those are just stops along the way to your ultimate destination. Your kids are asking, “when are we going to get there” and you as you drive are thinking “man I can’t wait to get there”. Well let me tell you, that is the whole story of the Bible, that every story, every verse, it like these whispers, these reminders, like the kids in the backseat, pointing towards the ultimate destination, which is the person of Jesus Christ. He fulfills all thing, He completes all things, He triumphs over all things, Jesus is the point of the Bible.
Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted for them the things concerning himself in all the Scriptures.
It’s all about the Son.
Who Cares?
Who Cares?
If it’s all Jesus, it’s not about us. So actually laying down our lives, this call to take up our cross, is actually just doing what all of history does, points to Jesus. You may not be a Christian, but even the most successful athletes, business leaders, will say, and I’ve heard this from people I know, I’ve read this in books, and I’ve heard in interviews, that selfishness never leads to ultimate success. We will be limited in our ability to be used by God, but also just in a purely earthly normal job, when you make all things about you, you put a limit on your success. For a Christian, we know it’s all about Jesus. So we gladly lay down our egos, our pride, and point people towards Christ.
The Affirmation Of the Father
The Affirmation Of the Father
Cover Peter’s flubbing. God usually works with Peter in 3’s. Praise God. So Jesus’ glory appears, Elijah and Moses appears, but Peter is really stubborn so he still feels like he is full of good ideas and needs to share them! So then God the Father Himself comes and speaks so the disciples will really get the point!
3.The Voice Of The Father(Theophany神的顯現) THEOPHANY. Rare moments in the Bible where God Himself speaks and is made manifest. We need to take note of these moments. And in this moment, where God comes and speaks Himself, what does HE say?!
“This is my beloved Son, listen to Him!”
1. This Is My Beloved Son
This word beloved means “ beloved, esteemed, dear, favorite” .
Moses & Elijah were both there.But God did not say: These are my beloved sons. For only One is the Son; others are adopted.
No one who denies the Son has the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well.
Mark shows us that Jesus still enjoys heaven’s favor and that his mission still has validity. God the Father is saying, listen disciples, Jesus hasn’t lost the favor of heaven because He is the suffering Messiah, His suffering doesn’t mean HE IS NOT MY SON, MY CHOSEN MESSIAH, but it is because HE is MY Son, He is God in the flesh, that HE CAN be the suffering Messiah. Only Jesus, God’s son, no you, not me, not anyone else, can redeem you and me from our sins. HE does that through dying on a cross. But look at what this shows us, Jesus goes to the cross dies a horrible death, suffers excruciating pain, and shame as the perfectly loved, the sinless Son. Jesus’ suffering didn’t mean He wasn’t loved by God the Father, instead His suffering was an act of obedience to His Father. This should do something to the way we view suffering in the Christian life. That suffering and hardship doesn’t mean that you aren’t dearly loved by God. In fact, when you look at the Bible, it’s God’s closest friends, those whom He uses mightily that experience the most amount of suffering.
Then God says this:
This word “listen” means not just to hear, but to also obey. LISTEN AND OBEY EVERYTHING HE SAYS. The bible tells us not to just be hearers of the word but “doers” also. Christianity isn’t just about knowledge about Jesus, but obeying that knowledge and understanding through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Several weeks ago, one of the people coming to CityLight who isn’t a Christian yet, I say yet, because they are so close, was talking to another person and said this: “ well, since this truth was preached on Sunday, that means we really have to obey it this week!” Wow! How many times have we sat in teaching after teaching, or preaching after preaching, and never put any of the knowledge of God’s word to practice? As disciples of Jesus we are called to obey Jesus’ teaching, not just know them.
Imagine you are driving in Taiwan, and you run red light after red light, you speed, you break all of the rules, and you get pulled over by a policeman. The policeman begins to question you and write a ticket and you say “oh it’s okay, I know all the rules, in fact I can quote them for memory. Would you like to hear? NO he wouldn’t want to hear because your knowledge hasn’t changed the way you drive. In the same way, the knowledge we have about the bible, about Jesus, is meant to transform us and our lives, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that we might OBEY the teachings of Scripture. And I will tell you this, I believe this is one of the biggest reasons the church specifically in the West, not so much here, experiences little power, and even right now feels weak. We have spent so much time attaining knowledge, sitting in bible study after bible study, which isn’t bad, but we haven’t done the work of obeying the Scriptures, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
“Would it be worth it to pick up my cross and be crucified next to Jesus? If He is not God, then, no. Lose everything I love to worship a false God? A million times over, no!But if He is God, then yes. A million times over, yes!” Nabeel Qureshi
“拿起我的十字架在耶穌旁邊釘在十字架上是否值得? 如果他不是神,那就沒有。 失去我愛崇拜虛假神的一切嗎? 一百萬遍,不!但是如果他是上帝, 一百萬遍,是的!”
Here the Father by His own voice, is calling us as disciples to obey Jesus’ message.
How many of us are looking for people or someone to make this same affirmation about us? How many of us are looking for affirmation from people we work with, from our family, from our leaders, or from our spouses? How many of us just feel like we aren’t enough, we don’t measure up? How many of us work harder and do things we wouldn’t normally do simply because we are looking for the approval of people around us?
People’s opinion, man’s affirmation is fleeting. I plead with you, DO NOT live for that. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have ambition, or we shouldn’t work hard, but do it for Christ, not to get recognition from people. There are two pastors, one I met personally, who were so caught up in living for man’s approval, to be seen as successful, to hear the words from the crowd “well done” that no matter how successful they got, it wasn’t enough, and they both took their lives. One pastor in particular was a church planter. Had a young family, and in two years his church had grown, and by any measure it was a “success” but for him it wasn’t. So one day he walked outside and took his life. He hadn’t committed any crimes, wasn’t running from the mafia, didn’t have large financial debt, no, he was bound up completely in bondage to living for this idol of wanting people’s affirmation.
Here is the beauty of the Gospel, this declaration, “You are my beloved” is yours in Christ. God the Father looks at me, looks at you, in Christ, and in spite of all of our sin, in spite of all of our mistakes, knowing just like Peter does here, we will fail we will fall, yet He looks at you, clothed in Christ, and says this. “You are my beloved”.
If we have the affirmation of the Father, the almighty God, the Maker of heaven and earth, why should we choose to live or die by people’s affirmation. Instead being confident in who we are in Christ, we can serve and take up our cross, knowing that whatever suffering, whatever pain, whatever loss, NEVER changes our status as a beloved Child of God! I was chatting with John Fang recently and he was describing how in Taiwanese culture, there is a lot of relationship, but NOT a lot of intimacy. You don’t have to look for that anymore. Satan will always come and the first thing he usually attacks is this confidence that we have in our identity in Christ. He will lie and make you believe because you’ve made a mistake, or just because you aren’t being the “best Christian you can be” you are second, put on the bench, not important. But that is a lie! All of the honor, all of the affirmation we could ever want is secure for us in Christ. Never changing, because it isn’t based upon our performance at all, but it is based upon His.
Let’s stand.
But here is the point: All of these things, all of the glory, all of the affirmation only comes from faith in Christ. If we are in Christ, we hear the Father say, “You are my beloved”, however if you do not trust in Christ, one day you will stand before God, and you will not hear “Welcome my beloved” instead you will hear “depart from me, I never knew you”. The only way you will be accepted by God, is not through obtaining glory by yourself or it won’t be from living a life where it’s all about you, the only way you will be accepted by God the Father is to run to Christ, to put your trust in Him. So, would you come to Christ, repent from seeking earthly glory and worshipping man’s approval, and in return receive the love and affirmation of God the Father? You can experience that today. If you are a Christian and you’ve never heard or believed or have forgotten that You are God’s beloved. That He delights in you, not because of your performance, but because of Christ’s, let’s pray together and hear that, believe that again.