False Sense of Security
We in the American church have settled for “just enough.”
The church has settled for the massive attendance with a mediocre service.
With a fear that the Holy Spirit might get involved with our services and mess up our agenda.
Where has our love for the presence of the Lord gone?
Why do we love the world more than we love the Lord?
We like church, we love church the way it is, don’t mess that up!
We can come in here and fulfill our obligations to the Lord and still get out and do what we want to do this evening.
We can go along with the status quo and justify our lives with just enough scripture to be dangerous.
We don’t fear God like we once did!
We have to lock up supplies and redo things all over this property, because we have lost the reverence for the house of the Lord like we once did.
I find trash in the back of the chairs and cigarette butts all over the property were people have come by and dropped them as they wait for help from the church.
They do not have any respect for the church of the almighty God anymore.
Whose to blame for this?
Is the world just acting off of how we have portrayed Jesus to them.
Is that why God has taken His hand off of His own creation?
We are loving our situation too much!
False Conversions
False Conversions
3 O Lord, are not Your eyes upon the truth? You have stricken them, but they have not grieved. You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.
America has come to the point that no one really wants a real relationship with God.
God has given this country so much yet we are , right now, spitting in the face of God with how this country is acting.
The church has allowed the government to control what they say and how they say it.
We have got to stand up for the truth and take it to heart what God is wanting to do through us.
America has become the country that other countries send missionaries too.
We used to send more missionaries out!
This country is guilty of defying God and His law.
We are more concerned with our lights and entertainment than with the filling of the Spirit in our services.
I’m ready to go to the next level in the Lord, How about you?
Big church events are how we draw people to the house of God and give them a fake imitation of who He is.
We fill the service with high energy songs and thought provoking one liners that have no scriptural bases to them.
Then we wonder why we can pray for the sick and they not be healed, we pray for those that are in bondage and they are not freed, and the sinner comes into our services and they are not convicted.
What are we doing in this country?
Judah had become faithless and rebellious against God.
This lead to God bringing judgement on the country.
This sounds like America, doesn’t it?
We have people in America saying that they are born again Christians, yet they live lives that are consistent with the old life that they once lived.
The church has led them down the road that God loves everyone…YES, He does, but He is also a just God that will not tolerate sin that is not covered by the blood of His son, Jesus.
We have been lulled to sleep by the enemy into thinking that everything is ok, when in reality, we need to repent!
Are you loving where you are in your relationship with Christ or are you wanting more?
False Teachings
False Teachings
12 They have lied about the Lord, and said, “Not He. Neither shall evil come upon us, nor shall we see sword or famine.”
There are preachers that are out there preaching that God is all loving and will not send you to hell.
There are preachers out there that say that there is no hell.
Then you have those that say that once you get saved, or say a prayer, then you can go on with your life and do what you want.
These are false and cannot be backed up with the Word of God.
Yes, God is a loving God, but He will send you to hell if you do not accept His son Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Plain fact!
There is no other way to get to heaven!
Only Through Jesus Christ!
It’s scary that you have church people that will go through the motions of prayer, attending church, even participate in the Lord’s Supper, and never have a desire to follow Jesus.
It begs the question of why then do you go through the process without the reward in the end?
Many in the church will come Sunday after Sunday and listen to the message and have all intentions to apply the Word, but leave and immediately get side tracked by something on the way home.
Makes me ask the question of how serious are they about the change?
We want to look the part, but don’t want to put in the work it takes to be the part!
Why do we doubt what the Lord has told us when we claim His promises every week.
When Christianity becomes a lifestyle, then we will change.
17 Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away. Look, all things have become new.
When we get serious about our relationship with Jesus, we will put away those things that cause us so many problems.
Let Christ be Christ in your life!
Are you loving what your hearing about Christ and His teachings today?
False Fear
False Fear
22 Do you not fear Me? says the Lord. Will you not tremble at My presence? For I have placed the sand for the boundary of the sea by a perpetual decree so that it cannot pass over it. And though the waves toss themselves, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, yet they cannot pass over it.
We have lost our fear of God!
Do you realize that we are the creation of God almighty?
Do you not understand that God holds the very breathe in His hands.
He has control over our very heart beat!
Why then would we play with someone with that kind of power over us.
Would you rather have someone like that on your side or against you?
God holds the Hurricanes in his hand.
He controls the wind and the waves.
He has everything on this earth under control.
The ocean knows exactly were to stop, the wind has to obey the father, the sun also can only shine as hot as He allows it too.
We have become so lacks, that we have forgotten that God is a Holy God.
This means that He cannot tolerate sin nor can He excuse sin.
Only through the blood of Jesus Christ can we have a relationship with God the father.
We forget that the presence of the Holy God is something that we should not take advantage of.
It is an honor to know that God would send His Holy Spirit to meet with us in this house.
Even more so, to me, is the fact that He would send His Holy Spirit to live within me.
I’m imperfect, I am not worthy, I am as far from being Holy as they come, but Jesus Christ has come into my heart to live and He is who makes me worthy and perfect and holy enough for God!
Just the presence of Christ living in our life should push us to do the right things.
Christ lived the example for us and then gave His life so that we might be able to receive the forgiveness that we all need daily.
Do you fear God?
Do you really realize who He is?
Do you know what you really deserve?
We live in a society toady that believes that they deserve better or more than what they have.
Can I tell you that if we really got what we deserved, we would all end up in hell!
The respect and reverence has left the church house.
We have to lock up items of value in the church now.
Not because someone may visit and walk off with it, but because the church members themselves will walk off with them.
We do not have the respect for the house of God anymore!
Yes, this building may not be the actual temple, that’s what we are, but this building has been dedicated to the presence of God and a dwelling place that we might meet together and worship Him.
We come in the house like you just walked up in the clubhouse.
We treat this building no different than we treat any other building.
If we treat God the way we treat this house, then we have a lot of repenting to do.
There is a need to repent and get back to respecting the house of God again.
If we won’t, who will!
Are you happy with the lack of fear that you have for God today?
False Prophesies
False Prophesies
31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own authority; and My people love to have it so. Yet what will you do in the end?
Where has the prophesy gone in the church today?
The prophesies that come out today are so watered down that nobody feels like they have to change anything.
When the Holy Spirit speaks through us, we will hear encouragement, as well as judgment.
If we are not doing right, wouldn’t you want someone to tell you?
If you really have a desire to follow the Lord, you would welcome constructive criticism.
Rather today you better not say a thing to me about what I am doing.
If the Lord uses someone to guide you in the right path, then you need to hear them and heed the warning.
Prophesies are given to us to warn us of things to come.
The prophesies that Judah was dealing with was similar to America today.
We have prophets tell you that the end is not coming and that what we are doing is ok with God.
If what we are doing is ok with God then why is this country falling to the lawlessness and godless leaders.
Why are we having millions upon millions of babies killed in the name of a women’s rights.
This is what I mean when I say that equality according to this world is not possible.
If we truly fought for equal rights for ALL, then that would include unborn babies, Christians, as well as those who are in need of education, food and housing.
God created us all in His image, which means that we are all worth something.
Even when we are still in the creating process.
Preachers are out there telling the people that your don’t have to worry about sin.
We don’t want to preach sin, because that might cause someone to get their feelings hurt.
I would rather have you hurt my feelings than spend an eternity in hell!
If I stand up here and only feed you a happy go lucky sermon every Sunday, we might fill this house, but we would be full of mediocre, weak, powerless church goers.
Christianity requires something from you and that is your life!
Why do you think the Devil fights you so hard when you leave here on Sundays?
If he don’t, then you may need to rethink what you are doing here!
When we start having to change our morals, we tend to get upset and defensive.
I will do what I want to do and you can’t say anything to me about it!
No, but God can.
And that’s what we have forgotten when we lost our fear of the Lord.
When prophesy is used and talked about, the church will prosper in the Lord, because we are always looking forward to what God has told us that is going to happen.
We have got to wake up and know that this country and we are running head long into the final days on this earth.
We need to understand that this country has been lulled to sleep by the false sense of security from the false prophesies.
There is coming a day that God will unleash His wrath on this earth!
There is coming a day that the Holy Spirit’s presence will be removed from this earth!
There is coming a day that you will have to make a final decision as to who you will serve!
Are you willing to trade your eternity in the presence of God for a few years of comfort and happiness?
12 The word of the Lord came to me again, saying:
13 Son of man, when the land sins against Me by trespassing grievously, then I will stretch out My hand against it, and break the staff of the bread, and send famine against it, and cut off man and beast from it.
There will be a price to pay for the sins of this nation!
If you don’t turn, there will be a price to pay for you as well.
Do you really know Jesus? Do you have a real relationship with Him?
12 At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are settled on their lees, who say in their heart, “The Lord will not do good, nor will He do evil.”
This is what happens when we settle in a place of believing that God will not do anything to us.
He will tear down evil and build up the righteous.
Have you lost your motivation due to you have been taught something that is not true?
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
23 The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he who has it will abide satisfied; he will not be visited with evil.
27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
1 Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.
These are just a few scriptures that tell us that fearing the Lord is a good thing and we should fear Him.
Do you want to be blessed?
Do you want to have knowledge?
Do you want protection from the enemy?
Do want to have the fountain of life?
Do need to fear the Lord again?
We need to get back to the prophesies of the Word.
Are you hungry for the truth of the Word of God.
Do you want to hear from Him, no matter if it’s encouragement or correction?
Let’s get real with God this morning!