Is Anybody Listening?

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Is Anybody Listening?

One Greek philosopher said “the reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is that we listen the more and talk the least” Usually, when we were kids our parents quoted him a lot.
Nowadays with all the technology that surround us. Smartphones, smartwatches, smart speakers, Smart apps. Companies spending millions of dollars to make their brand to be known. We are being bombarding with News, social media, entertainment. And if you feel like I do, you feel like they are invading your privacy, there is too much noise.
Now the tragedy is not that there is too much noise invading our privacy and getting to our nerves, the greatest tragedy is that there is too much noise and people cant hear the things they really need to hear.
God is trying to communicate with them with the voice of wisdom, but there is other noises around that gets their attention to not listen.
Even though many refuse to listen, he continues calling out to the sinners.
Hebrews 4:7 NVI
7 Por eso, Dios volvió a fijar un día, que es «hoy», cuando mucho después declaró por medio de David lo que ya se ha mencionado: «Si ustedes oyen hoy su voz, no endurezcan el corazón.»
Proverbs 8:1 LBLA
¿No clama la sabiduría, y levanta su voz la prudencia?
Wisdom is calling out with 3 clear messages

1. “You can trust my words”

Proverbs 8:6 NVI
Escúchenme, que diré cosas importantes; mis labios hablarán lo correcto.
It is interesting to see how ready we are to listen our government press conference. We turn on our radios if we are in our cars, go into facebook to see if somebody is live casting it. Because there is an important message the government wants to convey.
At the beginning of the pandemic, I remember my wife’s family sending text messages one another just to remind not to miss the press conference. Because they had relevant and trustworthy news for all of us.
Now, God’s words are
“worthy things” wisdom has God’s words, the ruler of the world. This is Kings word.
“right things” He has the truth, His words are straight.
Proverbs 8:8 LBLA
Conforme a la justicia son todas las palabras de mi boca, no hay en ellas nada torcido ni perverso.
The second important message Wisdom has for us is:

2. “You can receive true wealth”

Proverbs 8:18–19 LBLA
Conmigo están las riquezas y el honor, la fortuna duradera y la justicia. Mi fruto es mejor que el oro, que el oro puro, y mi ganancia es mejor que la plata escogida.
In this verse wisdom is not telling us that is going to put money in our accounts. Or give us financial prosperity.
Wisdom is urging us to seek eternal wealth instead of gold, silver and precious stones.
Some Israelites in the Old Testament had the idea that wealth and prosperity was a sign of Gods favor and poverty and troubles was Gods discipline. Job’s friends had that type of theology. They were constantly asking Job to repent of his sins, and their conclusion were, Job is great sinner.
Now, Solomon is telling them that wisdom is better than any other treasure and perishable riches. Wisdom offers an “enduring wealth”
prudence v.12
knowledge and discretion v.12
Proverbs 8:12 NVI
12 »Yo, la sabiduría, convivo con la prudencia y poseo conocimiento y discreción.
fear of the Lord v.13
Godly speech v.13
Proverbs 8:13 NVI
13 Quien teme al Señor aborrece lo malo; yo aborrezco el orgullo y la arrogancia, la mala conducta y el lenguaje perverso.
wise counsel v.14
understanding v.14
Proverbs 8:14 NVI
14 Míos son el consejo y el buen juicio; míos son el entendimiento y el poder.
guidance v.15, 16
Proverbs 8:15–16 NVI
15 Por mí reinan los reyes y promulgan leyes justas los gobernantes. 16 Por mí gobiernan los príncipes y todos los nobles que rigen la tierra.
strenght v.17
Proverbs 8:17 NVI
17 A los que me aman, les correspondo; a los que me buscan, me doy a conocer.
Proverbs 8:10–11 NVI
Opten por mi instrucción, no por la plata; por el conocimiento, no por el oro refinado. Vale más la sabiduría que las piedras preciosas, y ni lo más deseable se le compara.
A life that is full of God’s wisdom can be poor in this world’s eye, but it’s rich in things that matter most.
You know, it is good to enjoy the things money can buy, but you need to make sure you don’t lose the things that money cant buy.
Wisdom can’t be afforded by money, no matter how rich you are.
The last important message Wisdom has for us is:

3. “You must take a decision”

Proverbs 8:32–36 NVI
»Y ahora, hijos míos, escúchenme: dichosos los que van por mis caminos. Atiendan a mi instrucción, y sean sabios; no la descuiden. Dichosos los que me escuchan y a mis puertas están atentos cada día, esperando a la entrada de mi casa. En verdad, quien me encuentra, halla la vida y recibe el favor del Señor. Quien me rechaza, se perjudica a sí mismo; quien me aborrece, ama la muerte.»
Now, that you know that you can trust in God’s word, Wisdom calls you for a decision.
God’s message is a matter of life, v.5-6
Listening involves changing, a sincere changing of life. Turning back from how I am living, turning to Jesus.
Jesus is ready to encounter you.
Wisdom is calling to you.
To listen because wisdom has truthful words
To receive because wisdom has true wealth
and to make a decision.
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