Matthew 10 34-42
The 6th Sunday after Pentecost
Matthew 10: 34-42
“Independence Day”
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Intro: During the American Revolution Thomas Paine wrote these words, “ These are the times that try men’s souls. The Summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.
This coming Sunday we will celebrate the 4th of July. It is a celebration of our nation's birth and it’s independence. Independence and freedom are treasured blessings in our country. Yet there is a greater independence and freedom that the Christian treasures. Jesus Christ has given us independence from the power of sin, death and the Devil.
National freedom came with a cost. Lives were sacrificed and are still being sacrificed to maintain our nation's independence. Peace comes with a high price. The peace we have with God came with a high price. God’s Son had to die. In Him we have independence. In Him we have dependence for forgiveness, salvation and everything we need.
I. The Cost of freedom is Division.
A. Between Believers and Unbelievers.
Jesus said, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Jesus came to bring division. This may sound like a contradiction to us. After all we may recall the words of the angels at Christ’s birth, “Glory be to God and on earth peace to men.” Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. It is true that He came to bring peace. In Him there is peace between people and God. Still there are people that reject His peace. The inevitable result is conflict. There is conflict between light and dark, between the children of God and the children of the Devil.
B. In Families.
Jesus warns us that because of Him there will be division in our families. The bonds between family members are incredibly strong. Our family relationships are the most important ones to us. Because of their importance, issues of faith divide us and sometimes become stumbling blocks for us. We are torn apart when family members reject Jesus and the free gift of salvation that He offers. We pray that they will come to faith – this is good. Until they do so we are separated from them spiritually, at the deepest level. We may be tempted to rationalize their unbelief. We may be tempted to think that it’s OK if the don’t believe or choose another religious path as long as it feels right for them. We may think that as long as they are good people they will be all right. We may not speak our faith for fear that we might offend them. Aren’t these attempts to bridge the division. Jesus words ring in our ears, “Anyone that loves his father or mother, brother or sister more than me is not worthy of me” So often we fail to put Jesus first in our lives. We are not worthy of Him.
Divisions among us – believe too little us believe too much.
C. Division in Ourselves.
The cost of freedom and independence causes division in ourselves - “ Jesus says, “Anyone who does not take up his cross is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever losses his life for my sake will find it.” Following Christ involves suffering. We suffer because the world accuses us of being narrow minded. We say that there is only one way of salvation. When we express our faith in Christ we are accused of being fanatics. It is cool to be anything but a devout Christian. Often we may be tempted to avoid being narrow minded. We may avoid expressing our faith. We may even avoid being labeled Christian. All too often we appear to be like people that are trying to save our own lives, not loosing them for Christ’s sake. Certainly these are the times that try our souls. We are like the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot – not willing to completely commit to the cause, not willing to give our lives in the fight. We are not worthy.
II. Our Independence Cost Jesus His Life.
Where is our independence? Where is our freedom? Jesus speaks to us in John 16 (vs.33) “In this world you will know trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world.” The battle for our independence took place and was won at the cross where Jesus died for all people. He reconciled all men to God on that day. Even more significant is that He died as if there was only one person that needed top be saved. That one person was you. This is beyond our understanding; Jesus came to save you. He came to give you independence from you unworthiness of not putting Him first. You have been forgiven for not bearing your cross. Truly it is Christ who has lost His life so that in Him you would have eternal life.
III. Our Independence is given in Word and Baptism.
In our country we have independence and freedom because we are citizens. In the case of all of us here today, we were born into this citizenship. We did not earn it. We inherited it from our forefathers. Our spiritual independence and freedom comes to us in the same way. At our baptism we inherited that which Christ has won for us. “He that receives a righteous man receives a righteous man’s reward.” There is only one that is righteous, the Son of God. By hearing the Word of God and in Baptism we receive free gift of faith in Him and we receive His reward – righteousness, fellowship with God and eternal life. Daily we are dependent on His power and the Holy Spirit. Working within us, day by day and step by step we put Christ first in our lives.
Conclusion: National independence and freedom are wonderful gifts to celebrate with fireworks and picnics. More importantly we must remember that real independence is found only in Christ and at His cross. July 4th we will celebrate our nation's independence. Every Sunday, every Thursday and whenever we come to worship – we celebrate our independence in Christ from sin, death and the Devil to the glory of God our Father.