Matthew 13 44-52
10th Sunday a. Pentecost –A
Matthew 13:44-52
July 28th, 2002
Introduction: Rich or poor, young or old, everybody has a treasure. We all have something that we hold very special. Our treasures take many different forms with either real value like money in the bank or sentimental value like grandmas broken broach- trash for someone else but treasure for us. Our treasures may include a pokemon card or a new kitty. It might be a bike or a long awaited drivers license. Our treasure may be the family land and homestead or a person that we love very dearly. These are some of the treasures of our lives. Treasure, then, is really a matter of perspective. What matters is the eye of the beholder.
The parables in today’s gospel lesson complete the series of parables in Matthew 13 and on which we have been reflecting for the month of July. In these final parables our Lord talks to us about treasure and His kingdom. First he tells us about a man who finds a treasure hidden in a field. Having found the treasure he goes and joyfully sells all that he has and purchases the field so that he may obtain the treasure for himself. The second parable is like it. A pearl merchant looking for fine pearls finds a pearl of great value, he too sells all that he has and purchases the pearl. As we consider the treasures of God’s kingdom I want to look at what is treasured from two perspectives. First, what is treasured by us; and second, what is treasured by God?
I. Treasured by Us
A. We have been abundantly blessed with treasure from God. If we are asked to talk about our treasures we may be inclined to talk about our material blessings and indeed we have been blessed. These blessings are in plain view for all to see. Most of us enjoy life and health, a place to live and food to eat and someone that loves us. We have so much more than this. All are treasures given to us by God. We also enjoy treasures from God, which cannot be seen, like treasure hidden in a field. As these treasures are hidden from our eyes we may not think about or prize them as much as our visible treasures. What are these treasures? They are righteousness, pardon from sin and peace with God and eternal life – all that is spiritually priceless. Most of all our treasure is Christ, through whom we possess all the treasures of God. In Christ are all the treasures of heaven, hidden for one purpose, to be found by sinners, you and I. In Christ is the treasure of God’s love poured out on the cross in His blood, which is more precious than gold or silver.
B. Why does such a treasure seem so unappreciated and hidden from our view? And how do we find it? We are really like the man who stumbles over the hidden treasure buried in the field. The needs and the desires of the flesh and the priorities of this life blind us. We are blinded by what we see, thinking that which is seen is most important. In our blindness we bumble around in the light of the day not recognizing our spiritual poverty, our sin, separation from God and our desperate need for a Savior. But, by God’s grace we recognize our need and find real treasure in Christ.
1. By Accident. Sometimes it seems like we find the treasures of the kingdom of God by accident like finding hidden treasure. Really, it is no accident at all. In the course of life God prepares a persons heart and guides their steps and leads them to the treasures of His kingdom, even without their knowing it or wanting it. A woman once told me that she had found God while walking past a church. Her life had fallen apart and there was nowhere to turn – but to God. She wasn’t looking for Him but there He was. Actually the treasure was with her all the time. Seeing the church reminded her of God’s Word, sealed in her heart, which she heard when she was baptized and raised in the church of her youth. It was God’s Word of love for her in Jesus. Through the trials of our lives God causes us to stumble and fall on our knees and cry to Him for help and mercy. This knowledge can comfort us when we consider our family and church members who have strayed. God loves them and is with them as He works to bring them back to Himself.
2. By Searching. Sometimes the treasures of heaven are found by searching like the merchant looking for pearls. Without God we suffer with a horrible void in our lives. We have no peace. There is a void that is created by separation from God. It is a separation that sin has caused. Living apart from God’s Word, people don’t know why they feel empty. In there discomfort they search for ways to fill the void. Some people try to find satisfaction in the pleasures of this world. Some people try to fill the void with religion – any religion. Martin Luther searched to fill the void in his life. He tried religion, working at it with all his heart. Still he found no satisfaction. He joined the Augustinian order of monks who were known for their strict lifestyle. He almost killed himself with prayer vigils and fasting, trying to atone for his guilt. Still he had no relief. Then he found the treasure hidden right before his eyes. He read God’s Word and by the Holy Spirit understood that he had been made right with God by God’s grace through faith in Jesus as his Savior.
3. By Grace. It is always by grace that we find the treasures of God’s kingdom. God must open our eyes of faith to see the treasure that is laid before us. The treasures of righteousness, forgiveness and eternal life are spiritual and can only be seen by people who are spiritual, having been born again by water and the spirit. Through God’s Word He gives us the eyes and ears of faith to possess the treasure found in Christ. Through Him the treasures of His kingdom can be treasured by us.
II. What does God Treasure?
What is it that is treasured by God? One might be inclined to think that God treasures lives of sacrifice in return for the many blessings that He has given. One might think that He would treasure holy and God-fearing live. A person can imagine many possible ways to please God. But are these the things that God really treasures? The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it in His joy went and sold all that He had and bought the field. In this parable we are told what God treasures. God Treasures you. You see, God so loved the field of the world because in it He found His treasure, you. For you He sent His only Son who sold all that he had, giving up His glory and majesty, being born of a woman, suffering and dying to purchase you from sin death and the power of the devil, not with gold or silver but with His holy, precious blood, and with His innocent suffering and death, that you may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness. There is no price that we could ever pay to possesses the treasures of God’s kingdom. Having once lost us to sin, God values us so greatly that He pays the price to buy us back again. God in His grace sent His Son to do that which we could not do. Jesus is our priceless treasure.
Conclusion: Rich or poor, young or old, everybody has a treasure. We all have something that we hold very special. Our treasures take many different forms with either real or sentimental value. There is only one treasure that will last forever though. Jesus is our priceless treasure. In Him the Lord holds us special. We can be secure knowing that in Jesus, our priceless treasure, God treasures us.