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Man, well we've been walking through the Book of Genesis together the book of Beginnings the first book in the scripture and that it's been such a fascinating.

discovery of of God's movements in God's creation and it's it's challenging because the Book of Genesis was written for us, but it wasn't written to us. It is an ancient document written to an ancient people who had a different culture a different worldview different understandings. And so in order for us to understand what God is revealing about himself, we have to kind of immerse ourselves in their world where we have to learn to hear what God is saying as they heard it. So that we might benefit from it as they did this morning is no different if you got your Bibles, we're going to be in Genesis chapter 17. Genesis chapter 17 the promise of the birth of Isaac

Isaac means he laughs

I wonder who that is referring to. in this text On the surface. We may think it's Abram or the next chapter Sarah. But I want to suggest this morning as we look through this text. Maybe it's God that laughs. Maybe it's God that has a wonderful sense of humor. Maybe it's God that Delights in working in his Creation in ways that sometimes could confound and frustrate us. Maybe just maybe God's really in control.

Genesis chapter 17 when Abraham was 99 years old anybody 99 here this morning, everybody feel like they're night. And I that's why few more hands. Yeah when Abraham was 99 years old the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to him. I am God Almighty. I am God Almighty we have here another name of God. That's use for the first time in the Book of Genesis written in Hebrew El Shaddai the god of power the god of Might the god of the impossible the god that makes things happen anytime. We see El Shaddai this name of God in the Book of Genesis. It's always connected to God's ability and God's promise and God's covenant to be faithful to bring about a people. El Shaddai The God Who is in control? the god that we can trust I am God Almighty walk before me and

I'm going to keep doing that for me and be blameless. This is this is where we can get into trouble. This is where we can get into trouble because it's easy. I think and in some sense almost natural to read this verse and say this is God commanding Abram. to clean himself up to make himself righteous to be a good religious and more.

And there's all sorts of religious expression. That wants to put burden after burden after burden on us. to make ourselves presentable to God to get ourselves cleaned up so that God can stand to be with us. This basic idea and understanding that that that God is so perfect. He can't love anything. That's not perfect. And if that's true as was already stated early on we're all in trouble. Did God only loves The Lovable we're all in trouble.

There's a sense here right from the beginning that that we got to be careful. This is not God's plan coming to Abraham's sweetheart Abram. I'm going to do something for you if you're good enough.

Going to read it in context because already back in Genesis chapter 15. We have this beautiful amazing verse Abraham believed God. And it was counted to him as righteousness. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as God looked upon Abram as good. God looked upon Abraham as righteousness that does not mean that God looked Upon A Berman said all that guy's perfect. Because not perfect. We've seen it time and time and time again. And yet because of his face. Because of his Allegiance because of his active trust and dependence in God. He's counted righteous. That doesn't change here in chapter 17 God's not flipping the script and changing the program and coming out to Abram and saying okay Abraham now it's time for you to show me what you got.

God almighty God almighty. I'm the perfect one. I'm the complete one. Here's what I want you to keep doing not start doing doing. with me walk before me walk with me continue to follow me continue to believe me continue to depend on me continue to be with me and be blameless. How is he blameless? Is he blameless because of his actions or because of his faith. It's almost a trick question because in one very real sense his actions cannot be separated from his faith. His faith is demonstrated and evidence in his actions, but it's not his actions that God looks upon and counts him righteous. It is his faith. The God sees and declares him as righteousness.

so God Comes A Time

Abram we're going to keep this up. Continue to walk with me continue to be a difficult one to translate it can have that sense of kind of moral righteousness?

It's a concept of wholeness. of completeness the sense of I think in the context it it takes us back to this Genesis chapter 1 reality that were created in the image of God. That were meant to be not only with God, but but to partner with him as his imagers. The Abrams being called back into that original vocation of humanity to reflect the glory of God and to to spread the kingdom of God throughout God's creation. I'm I'm God Almighty Abram to let's get back. to the plan you might guy walk with me. Stand with me being a hole in me.

That I make my Covenant between me and you and me X you greatly. Like I thought he just made a covenant back in chapter 15. What about chapter 12 when he first called him and covenanted to make him cry?

There's Something Beautiful in in the Progressive Movement of God in Abraham's life

We got Matt Abram in chapter 12. He believed enough to follow. But not enough to say hello when things got tough. You took off to Egypt.

We got a. In chapter 15. a decade later even believe got enough to be considered righteous. But when his wife says she take my pan made in let's make an air help. Out he went along with it. Abraham is a man of faith.

Man that's growing in faith in what I love about the revelation of the Book of Genesis. Is that as God meets with him God grows him. strength stretches him

and God continues to work and develop him not good news this morning the faith that you have today.

Is not the faith that you're going to have tomorrow.

Because his mercies are new every morning. Because God loves us and accepts us exactly as we are but because he loves us. He doesn't leave us that way. Because God is committed to develop and grow us into the best images of him that we can be.

Abram stands as a model for us of how God walks with his people.

Date myself a little bit, but it's What About Bob theology? baby steps we take our baby stuff was God. We believe help my unbelief. I'm going to follow going to make a mistake God's going to redeem God's going to call. I'm going to believe I'm going to take a little bit bigger step. Take another step. I'm going to take I need to pay in each day. God reveals himself as trustworthy. And our faith grows and develop. What's going on with Abram? Abram fell on his face

Think about what's going on here. We see in this text. This is not a broom having some esoteric Vision God came down and talk to him.

I think the most natural. insane response to God showing up announcing himself is the fall flat on your face in front of them.

And that's what he does. God says to him the whole.

Before we go any further. This is not what Abram wanted to hear. All right. My Covenant is with you. You should be the father of a multitude of Nations. Yep. God you've already told me that no longer show your name be called Abram. Your name Shall be Called Abraham for I have made you the father of a multitude of nation. Abram the name means exalted father exalted Father which for 99 years has been unbelievably ironic for him because he's been unable to have children. It's also a name that is probably referring not to him but to his father or one of his ancestors. It looks backwards. Now. God comes and says I'm going to change your name because I'm going to make you the father of many nations in the Hebrew. It's a play on words father on many nations sounds exactly like Abraham. I'm going to change your name from exalted father that's looking back to the father of many nations this looking forward to what I'm going to do through you and through your face. Aaron's like that's pretty cool. I mean if God showed up. And say that let me change your name. Let me make your name. I promise.

It went you.

I'll make you exceedingly fruitful. exceedingly fruitful I'll makeyou intonations. God said that before and Kings will come from you again said that before getting better and better and better. Just when a person thinks he's got a grasp on what God is and what God is going to do for him. Just pulled back the linen reveals a little bit more. Abrams we're just getting started.

I'll stablish my Covenant between me and you. And your Offspring your seed? Abraham believed God was credited to him as righteousness God's covenant with Abram. But now. Is not only going to Covenant with Abram is in a covenant with Abram and his seed.

Throughout their generations for an Everlasting Covenant to be God to you and to your Offspring You're C after you.

getting better And I'll give to you and to your Offspring after you the land of your soldier needs all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and I will be their God.

God promised it to Abrams now got promising it to Abrams and to Hughes sees his offspring his descendants. God is not going to just do something with Abram and when a person dies he's going to move on and start somewhere else. No God, but God is starting to Abram. God is going to work out through eternity.

So big deal.

And then it gets weird.

God said to Abram ask for you. You should keep my Covenant you and your Offspring after you throughout their Generations. This is my Covenant with you. She'll keep between me and you and your Offspring after you every male among you shall be circumcised.

Say what?

Really? I know where God is God's word just accepted but really?

You want me to do what?

Get this is what you're going to do you and and all your descendants. This is how I want you to demonstrate. This is going to be the sign of my Covenant with you. This is a sign last week. We saw in the in the Hagar and Sarah II Echoes back to the Garden in the fall in this text. We get Echoes back to Noah. Noah who is a righteous man who walked with God God protected him and after the flood, what did God do God came and made a covenant with Noah that he would no longer to see you would never again destroy the Earth with a great flood And then what did God do God gave a sign? rainbow

this the rainbow make it so that God won't destroy the Earth. Rainbow got any power in and of itself. The rainbow is a sign when we see the rainbow. Remember, we treasure the reality that God has promised as bad as things get God is never going to bring that kind of cosmic just judgment upon the Earth. It's a sign of what God has already determined to do now using the exact same language exact same vocabulary and end in phrases and terminology. God comes to Abram who is all ready to play righteous and says now this is what I want you to do. We're going to make a covenant. It's going to be a sign. and shears Here's your sign

You going to get circumcised circumcision was nothing new? Summer ancient people Daenerys practice circumcision Egyptians did a little bit differently the akkadians only circumcise their Warriors there. It was not anything new. But it certainly wasn't ordinary. I don't think it was anything expected.

I'm trying to be graphic but we got to talk about circumcision. I want you to cut the foreskin off the male genitalia once it cut it off. That's going to be the Sun.

Can think anything else?

That's the sign. I mean it's one thing for the babies.

But that's beside the more I think about it. I'm like, yes, that is the sign. What's the issue here? The issue is that Abraham and Sarah have not been able to conceive and have a child. The issue is there's something deficient within their flesh. They are unable to bring about an air in and of themselves and what we saw in chapter 16 and they try to work around that.

No, I don't need your help. Going to make this happen. I'm Elsa die the God Almighty going to come from you Abram come from. I'm going to make this happen when you think about it the major issue of faith for Abram right now. He's in the land God's God's giving him victory in battle Scott's shown up and been with him. The one thing that he doesn't have is that God has promised him is there.

What does God choose as a sign you're going to get circumcised?

so that when you impregnate your wife Sarah

you'll know. You'll remember this is a sign that I am the one that provides. It's not random. This is not God being cruel. This is god making a point. In the same way that the rainbow is connected to the flood and the downpour circumcision is connected to the promise. The God will give Abram now Abraham. an offspring a c this is my sign.

the rainbow

comes after God's promise not to destroy. circumcision comes after got Declaration of righteousness But the point is being made clearly. God is progressively walking with Abram calling him to greater and greater trust and faith. And providing for him along the way. The act of circumcision is an act of faith and trust but it doesn't make Abraham righteous. It doesn't give Abraham the Covenant the covenants already been given it is the sign of the Covenant.

another words what makes somebody a part of God's people

Is it the faithfulness? an initiative God or is it the sign of God's faithfulness in initiative? Hold on to that. You should be circumcised In the Flesh of your for skins and it shall be a sign of the Covenant between me and you he was 8 days old among you shall be circumcised every male throughout your Generations weather born in your house or brought with your money from any Foreigner who is not of your Offspring both he who is born in your house and see who was bought with your money shall surely be circumcised. So show my Covenant be in your flesh and Everlasting Covenant. This is the sign.

I want all of your descendants to remember they're here because of the the Providence and sufficiency. of God

the Shelby design

any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised In the Flesh of his foreskin should be cut off from his people. He's broken my Covenant.

God said to Abram ask for Sarah your wife. You shall not call her name Sarah. But Sarah, she'll be her name. Interesting. Is that just changes and changes? It just tweaks it a little bit. Abraham from exalted father that's looking back to Abraham father of many nations is looking for Sara to Sarah. not much of a change What's fascinating? This is Sarah. Saray is the only woman who got changes her name in the scripture. This is incredible and either comes from a noun that means to rule a prince or princess. So it goes from Princess to princess or comes from the verb, ser. Which means

if you are what I say. make sense She is now going to be. the matriarch I've been incredible Royal lineage. This is the promise. God says you should call her name's not Sarah. But Sarah, she'll be her name. I will bless her and moreover. I will give you a son by her.

is 99 is 98

prospects nugget

Give you some. SketchUp from your loins awesome axxera, not me. So here take Hagar.

They thought it worked out. They thought that they'd help God out. This is now 13 years later. 13 years later than Israel has been growing up. We did it. We did it. We help got out. We got the air. Here's here's the promise. Here's the film. I got shows up as like no. That wasn't my plan. That was your plan.

Abraham is going to your son Sarah. Come from your body.

She shall become Nations Kings of people. She'll come. from her

so beautiful Abram fell on his face and laughed

I wonder what that last was. Was it a laugh of disbelief? No way. Which of the laugh of wonder?

What's the laugh of a a child coming down on Christmas morning opening the present that they thought they were going to get and they got it in there laughing squealing with the light. Is it is it?

I just showed up the him.

How to perform surgery on himself and every male in his house changed his name changed his wife name told him that he's going to give his 98 year old wife a son.

I don't know. What you do besides fall down on your face and laugh.

Show a child be born to a man who's a hundred years old. So Sarah who's 90 years old their child.

I don't know that that's an expression of doubt. As much as an expression of wonder. You believe this.

And Abram said to God. Now what we'd expect.

Until you think about it. Aaron loves his son Ishmael Abraham's thought for 13 years Ishmael was going to receive the Covenant Ishmael was going to be the promised offspring. And now God is just coming said know that he's not The Offspring. He's not the one he's not the one that I'm going to provide.

Abram falls on his face God that Ishmael might live before you

okay. Got it. Heard your plan. Is my counter?

I don't know if you've thought about this. That seems like a lot of work.

We've already got Ishmael right here. Wouldn't it be more convenient?

Doesn't it make more sense if we just let him be the air?

How about a guy? Oh that Ishmael might live before.

Some of us have a concept of God is just angry and harsh. Angry and harsh and if your concept of God is angry and harsh what you expect next is for God to just smack him around a bit. Are you what's wrong with you?

God said no. No, thanks. They're your wife will bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac. He laughs.

I will establish my Covenant with him as an Everlasting Covenant for his offspring after him. That doesn't beat him down.

But that's no problem saying no. Thanks. nice idea We're going to go with my friend. Going to do it my way. There's going to have a child. You can even Isaac. He laughs every time you call his name.

Who's laughing

Establish my Covenant with him as an Everlasting Covenant result spring after him as for Ishmael. I've hurt you. Behold, I blessed him. I'm going to make him fruitful and multiply him. Greatly. He shall father 12 princes and I will make him into a great nation. Equal number of the 12 tribes of Israel Ishmael will have twelve princes. They're listed for us in Genesis chapter 25. We'll get there in a few weeks. Is Ishmael is Abraham's son? Not the son of promise, but still his son. Here's the heart of Abraham who loves his son.

I need the feed the father of many nations. Not just the father of the nation of Promise the nation that will ultimately bring about the seed who will reverse the curse and free all of humanity, but he will be the father of Nations plural.

No Abram, we're not going to do it your way, but I hear you. I know you love it smell. I'm going to take care of him to I mean, he's a stubborn donkey of a man. And I'll take care of it.

But I will establish my Covenant with Isaac. Who is Sarah shall bear to you at this time next year? Once again, God doesn't work on a convenient time table does not like she's going to come back in a year.

Will make it happen.

When he finished talking with him. God went up from a burn. This is the language of theophany an appearance of God. This is an Ascension much like Jesus being taken up in front of the disciples. God came and visited with Abram and then he is taking up. Next weekend. We're going to chapter 18. I mention this last week when it starts hot, I want to talk about the off any appearances of God the angel of the Lord showing up and what that means for us to come back next week.

Verse 23 than Abraham took Ishmael his son. And all those born in his house or bought with his money every male among the men of Abraham's house any circumcised the Flesh of their foreskins that very day as God said to him. He was not the most popular person that day about Ishmael In This Moment.

Ever tried to tell 13 year old to do something. They don't want to do.

Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised In the Flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael son was 13 years old when he was circumcised in the flash of his foreskin that very day Abraham and his son Ishmael were circumcised and all the men in this house was born in the house was bought with money from a foreigner were circumcised with him.

What are we what do we do with this? What do this strange awkward narrative in the life of Abraham? We Marvel and we worship the God grace.

Circumcision was given as a sign and a reminder. Of the faithfulness and the sufficiency of El Shaddai God almighty. From that day forward every male descendants. Look down at their own Flash and have a visceral physical reminder. God is the one who is made us a people God is the one who is brought us into existence is the one that we trust God is the one that we owe our allegiance to God is the one who brought about. the sea Call this an interesting things with these promises and Galatians. He talks about the seed in need of some interesting exegesis. He notices that the word seed is a singular word in the Hebrew. Not a function is both singular and plural promise to Abraham is singular. He promised him us-eu to Guess Who that scene is that scene is Jesus the king that the ultimate fulfillment of that promise to Abraham was not I but was Jesus Son of Abraham son of David. that God was beginning to do in the Colleen and Covenant with Abram was set the stage to bring about the Messiah the one who would actually

Set things right.

So Abram is called to create a people. From whom the seed Jesus would come. God within bless all the other people's Xavier

the points of this chapter is not that God loves people who are circumcised more than God loves people who aren't the point of this chapter is that in time in The Sovereign plan of God to bring about Redemption God chose a person Abraham and a woman his wife Sarah. to produce a seed

if you don't See the Brilliance of God's choice here. He doesn't choose. There are some people in this world that they just look at each other and they get pregnant people that are so fertile. They just can't help themselves from conceiving but when God wants to choose a couple to bring about the promised one. He chooses a Barren couple. No, one can look upon them and say they pulled it off and that every X there looked upon everybody goes only God could make that happen. only the point is not well Abraham was circumcised and you circumcise himself because he was circumcised. God loves him know the point is I love him and Abraham trusted him God consider them righteous and then God gave him the sign of circumcision as a reminder.

What God is going to do in him and through him?

Papa picks this up and several places. I want to look at two passages out of Romans.

The question then becomes what what is what about circumcision in US?

You gots it was an Everlasting Covenant. It does that mean that. If you're not circumcised then then you're not a part of God's people. Does that mean in order to follow Jesus? All the all the men that want to follow Jesus and their families they all need to get circumcised. Is that what it means? Because actually in the early church, there were many who taught that.

It was so fixated on the sign they were so fixated on. The genetic people descended from Abram. They said if you want the blessing of Jesus. You got to become Jewish. You got to be circumcised. You got to stop eating bacon. You got to follow the Sabbath you got to do all of these things. You got to accept the sign.

Paul says that she said circumcision indeed is a value. If you want to obey the law. So if you want to find Salvation. In obeying the law. Then go ahead and get circumcised and Trust in that. But if you break the law. Your circumcision will become uncircumcision.

If you break one part of the law that you're guilty of breaking all of it.

If you want to trust in circumcision, this is Paul's argument. Okay. But here's the problem the moment you come it.

the moment you driven by greed the moment. You call your neighbor an idiot. And you break the law that circumcised circumcision that that fleshly act is nothing.

So if a man who is uncircumcised? Keeps the precepts of Allah will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision. So if somebody's circumcised. But they don't live a righteous life. Is that better than the person that uncircumcised and actually lives a righteous life?

Then he who is physically uncircumcised but keep the law will condemn you who have the written code in circumcision, but right the law.

So easy. flip things upside down It's it's so easy to put the cart after the horse. Put the emphasis on the wrong syllable.

It's so easy for us to miss the point.

For no one is a Jew who is merely one hour lean or is circumcision outward.

Precision is a sign of something. much deeper

a sign of something much deeper than the physical act of circumcision

but a Jew is one inwardly. Circumcision is a matter of the Heart by the spirit not by the letter. His praise is not from man, but from

This as we continue walkthrough Genesis you walk to the Old Testament. It becomes really clear that Israel needs more than the circumcision of the foreskin. They need the circumcision of the heart. Tells them that and Deuteronomy the prophets cry out for it over and over again Jeremih, especially if you need your hearts to be circumcised you circumcise the foreskin you took the sign but you don't have the face in the sign is a sign of faith. And if you have to sign without the face, you don't have anything.

The God promises over and over again. You know what I'm going to come and I'm going to move again.

When the seed come? When the Messiah comes I will come and I will make a New Covenant with you. I got those I'm going to circumcise your heart. I'm going to remove Your Heart of Stone and I will put a heart of Flesh with an I will put my spirit within you. I'll write my laws upon your heart. I will dwell within you I will. when the seed comes bring the true and greater circumcision

Paul continues in his argument chapter 4. He says What then shall we say was gained by Abraham our forefather according to the flesh What was the point if Abraham was justified by works he has something to boast about. Not before God. What does the scripture say Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness? Now to the one who works his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due and the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly his faith is counted as righteousness. Is it is the fundamental issue that Paul was trying to dress in his day and that we need to address in our day. It is the issue of religion. How does it work between God and man? What what's the way man is supposed to relate to God relate to God by doing the right acts the right rituals the right prayers the right performance and do we make ourselves acceptable to God or just God choose to accept us.

If we will simply. Trust

this is the issue.

This is David speaks of the blessing. The ones who got County quotes now from Psalm 32. I'm going to walk you through some 32 here in a minute. David speaks of the busing the one whom God counts righteousness apart from Works blessed are those whose Lawless Deeds are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.

is the person who is Forgiven? Forgiving because they performed the right religious War. Or they forgiven. Because they trust in the word of God.

question Is this blessing than only for the circumcised? or also for the uncircumcised Prudential for the men You're circumcised or you're not for the women. This is not female circumcision the women weren't to be circumcised, but the point is not. Only loves and forgives and shears and blesses circumcised people. That's not what happens in Genesis 17 what happens in Genesis 17 is that God gives circumcision to Abraham and his descendants have a sign that God is the God of all people and that's through Abram. God is going to bring about a seed that will be a blessing to All Nations.

Buy Paul's that you got people that all they care about is the sign.

Alvin was accounted to him. Pause argument is just so logical. Was it before or after he had been circumcised?

When did God Covenant with Abram?

I'll go back to chapter 12 we go to chapter 15. He's not circumcised till chapter 17. Was it before or after you've been circumsized it was not after but before he was circumcised he received the sign of circumcision as a seal. of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still on circumcised.

It's just a logical argument. When did God say Abraham is accepted. When did God say Abraham is righteous. When did God say Abram? I'm good with you was it when he was circumcised or uncircumcised it was when he was uncircumcised. So what's the point the purpose was to make him the father of all who? belief without being circumcised so that righteousness. Would be counted to them as well. And to make him the father of the circumcised or not merely circumcised, but who also walked in the footsteps of the faith that our Father Abraham had before he was circumcised. Abraham's the father of the uncircumcised and the circumcised as long as they have what?

The issue is not circumcision or uncircumcision.

God doesn't look on the outward appearance of a man that looks on the heart.

the issue always has been the issue is and the issue always will be a heart that trust God or hardly.

Circumcised person can trust God and not trust God an uncircumcised person can trust God or not trust.

for the blessing comes not from the sign. but from Faye I love as Paul is trying to deal with this reality circumcision. He could quote from a lot of places. But he chooses to quote from one of David songs Psalm 32. That's one of my favorite.

It starts out this way. blessed Is the one whose transgression Is Forgiven? Who sinned? Is covering. I don't know who besides me needs to hear this this morning.

But if you need to hear this if you're here this morning if you're listening on the live string. And you know your sent you feel the weight of it.

You feel your own inadequacy and your own insufficiency, you feel your Brokenness and the effects of your Brokenness. Listen to the word of God blessed is the one whose transgression is Forgiven whose sin is covered blessed is the man against whom the Lord count snow in equity. And in whose Spirit there is no deceit. How does someone get to that blessing? How does someone receive that forgiveness is it received through circumcision? Is it received through works of the law or is it receive? As gentle as Abraham the father of Faith teaches us through faith.

when I kept silent

when I ignored or denied my sin. My bones wasted away through my groaning all day long day and night your hand was Heavy upon me. My strength was dried up by the as by the heat of an Arizona summer.

But then I what? I acknowledged my sin to you. And I did not cover my iniquity.

the real

coronavirus in I didn't cover mine Equity. I didn't hide it and I didn't try the barter.

Oh, I know I did three bad things here. So I'll do 10 good things to try to cover it up.

What is David do ketones that David was a man after God's Own Heart. David was a terrible terrible Center.

Just ask his wives or kids.

Stop hiding. Stop the 9. I stopped trying to fix it myself.

I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord. and you forgave

the iniquity of my sin

then he was talking earlier. What's unique about our God what's unique about the Christian faith? easy one word grace There's no other Faith system. There's no other worldview. There's no other God. It's ever been conceived at who forgive.

as an act of Grey food stamps broken people

by faith

therefore and everyone who's got the offer pretty you would have time when you may be found surely in the rush of Great Waters. They shall not reach him. You are hiding place for me. You preserve me from trouble you surround me with shouts of Deliverance. No changes God speaks now. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my eye upon you. be not like a horse or mule without understanding which must be curbed with bit and bridle or it will not stay near you many are the Sorrows of the wicked but the steadfast love surrounds the one who

obeys the law.

Is circumcised in the Flash?

David was both of us think but that's not what he declare.

steadfast love surrounds the one Trust Anna lore

Be glad in the Lord. Rejoice O righteous And Shout for joy. All you up right now.

I think when we hear the gospel of grace. We should do exactly what Abram did we should fall on our face and we should land.

I can't believe that he doesn't treat me as my sins desert. I can't believe that I've been forgiven. I can't believe that I'm giving another chance. I'm can't believe that I'm accepted and adopted. I can't believe that he wants to use and fill in an antenna movie. I can't believe that God doesn't give up on me forgot doesn't destroy me. I can't believe how good God is to me but he is so I'm going to I'm going to enjoy and I'm going to celebrate the no longer. Am I under the burden of a sin that I cannot atone and pay for I've been set free and forgiven by this Precious Blood of Jesus. The king no longer does the enemy have words of accusations that can hold me down because God has declared me right just not on the basis of what I've done for having son put on the basis of my faith in the one who did everything that God asked him to do. I'm going to laugh.

the laugh of the free the laughter of the redeem because the joy of the Lord

is our strength. Amen.

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