Psalm 49 - Should I Fear?

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This week we consider this wisdom psalm which engages with the question. “Should I fear?”

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This morning. We are continuing on in our sermon series through the book of Psalms as we have done the last few Summers looking today at Psalm 49. I will the title why should I fear of this sound is interesting in that it is considered to be a wisdom song and in some ways it comes across more like the Book of Ecclesiastes with it dealing with some of life's difficult questions like fear the pursuit of wealth and death but unlike Ecclesiastes. This song gives a clear explicit answer to those questions. No, an interesting connection to this teaching of wisdom in the Book of Psalms is that this wise wrestling with a problem is as we're told by the Samus to be saw. With the music of a Lear or liar in the background as was an interesting combination we here have here in terms of the wisdom teaching of the Bible and the songs and there's this wisdom was to be taught along with an instrument. And so let's look at Psalm 49. Let's read it together open up your Bibles or turn on your devices. And we will take a look at Psalm 49.

The subtitle in the ESV that they give us to prepare us, which is a part of the original but is very helpful says why should I fear in times of trouble another time? We saw him for us in these days Psalm 49. To the choirmaster a Psalm of the sons of Korah hear this all peoples give ear all inhabitants of the world both low and high rich and poor together my mouth shall speak wisdom the meditation of my heart shall be understanding. I will incline my ear to a proverb. I will solve my riddle to the music of the liar. Why should I fear in times of trouble when the iniquity of those who cheat me surrounds me those who trust in their wealth and boast of the abundance of the riches truly. No, man. Can Ransom another or give to God the price of his life for the The Ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice that he should live on forever and never see the pit or he sees that even the wise died the fool in the stupid like must perish and leave their wealth to others their graves are there homes forever their Dwelling Places to all generations. Will they called lands by their own names man in his palms will not remain. He is like the beasts that perish. This is the path of those who have foolish confidence it after them people approve of their bows like sheep. They are appointed for Shale Death Shall be their Shepherd and the upright shall rule over them in the morning. Their form should be consumed and share all with no place to dwell, but God will Ransom my soul from the power of shape for he will receive me. Be not Afraid when a man becomes rich when the glory of his house increases for when he dies He Will Carry nothing away his glory will not go down after him for though while he lives he counts himself blessed and though you get praised when you do well for yourself, his soul will go to the generation of his fathers who will never again see light man and his pompeia without understanding is like the beasts that perish let's pray. Blessed father. We thank you for your words. We thank you that it is a light to us in darkness. We thank you that it is meat and bread and Living Water 2. We thank you that it is a hammer that crushes the rockiness of our hearts. And we pray father God this morning that you by your spirit with use your word to change us. Father would you help me to Proclaim your word this morning in a way that's faithful and helpful to that in. And as always father God help us to see Jesus help us to see him with more clarity to see his work with more Wonder. We ask this in his name. Amen.

This song Psalm 49 really revolves around a question a question. We see in the first 6 verses why should I fear? No first one indicates that this wise message that the psalmist is giving goes out to everybody to all people in the world. What's the ticular interesting about the word used for world is that it hints at what the psalmist is going to arrive at in regards to that question. The word does not just mean the physical planet that we live on what actually has connotations which emphasized the transition area and transitory and temporary nature of the world. It will not last forever. The psalmist tips his hat perhaps about this idea of fear in and whether we should or not But we're tall told that all people regardless of status need to hear this message that the psalmist is delivering a message which he describes as one wisdom to understanding three a proverb and for a riddle. This song in this question in the answer to the psalmist will give his wisdom in that it refers to a meaningful way of life that pleases God and prove successful and Lasting its understanding in that. It is an accurate perception and discernment of the way that things are It's a proverb because it conveys truth that is important to one's choices in life. And it is a riddle in that it is something mysterious and perhaps confusing in which the psalmist desires to bring Clarity. This is how the psalmist sets up his teaching. I'm going to verses 5 and 6. He introduces the main theme of Psalm 49. He says why should I fear in times of trouble when the iniquity of those who cheat me surrounds me those who trust in the wealth and boast of the abundance of the riches. So this question why should I fear is Central to the teaching in Psalm? 49 and really that question? Why should I fear could be stated more simply should I fear imagine if a child of yours or young person who you give instructions to wear to say? Why should I listen to you? What they're really asking is should I listen to you. Do you have good reason why I should listen to you until the question is should I fear that's what the psalmist is introduced duesing.

In times when evil people hold a power and good people are threatened by oppression and even death should I fear? Again, this is a timely song for us in our current situation. We are in a situation in which there is the fear of Oppression by powerful people and there is the fear of death maybe more so than in any of our Reckoning. We see a situation in which truly the political powers are using in some cases their power to wrongfully oppress people. No, don't get me wrong. I think our governments have done a good job. Generally speaking. But the Temptation for people in power in these situations is over. Each is stepping too far. We saw it in the instance of the government coming down against the church in Elmer. Charging them in finding them, which when was addressed at a legal meeting. The charges were dropped. The fines were dropped in churches were open to meet and drive in situations. But it was an overreach and there's other examples of this. So there is reason perhaps to fear the oppression of powerful people in these days. And of course the death toll of this virus that has attacked Humanity gives rise to fear as we have a very timely topic this morning. Encroaching oppression in looming death gives rise to the question. Why should I fear and having set the stage for his teaching the psalmist gives an answer but his answer at least. His first answer is a little ambiguous. And I would say a little disappointing still the question. Should I fear the psalmist says perhaps because man cannot save this is answer. Number one. We see it in verses 7 through 12. The initial response to the question is perhaps you should be afraid. Perhaps you should be afraid because it is not within the power of human beings to save themselves or others. Truly. No, man. Can Ransom another or give to God the price of his life for The Ransom of their life is costly no man can Stave off death because the price is too high. No person either for themselves or for someone else can pay the price required to rescue and redeem and deliver and Ransom.

the wealthiest man in the world could not even if he amassed his entire fortune and gave it to God. He could not Escape or help someone else escape the Judgment of God upon Humanity because of sin. the judgement of death Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon for the third year in a row is considered the richest wealthiest person on the planet Forbes Magazine list his work at 113 billion dollars. 113 billion dollars but understand this we're he able to liquidate all of his wealth. And write a check. That would not be enough to even Ransom a single person. From the Judgment of God on their lives. He can't save himself. He can't save anyone else. We're told the wealthy and the poor the powerful and the impotent the important in the insignificant the wise and the foolish the intelligent and the stupid every person is going to die and it is not within any one of their ability to live forever death will come and end our Earthly life. It will take away our Earthly possessions and eventually even the memory of Our Lives will be erased. This is the truth that leads the psalmist to exclaim twice in this song man. And his pump will not remain is like the beasts that perish that word pomp is a word that means value impressionist preciousness and honor and Splendor and steam all of this as a pertains to men. Even the greatest of men will not last. Why should I fear perhaps the answer that question is you should fear because death and oppression cannot be avoided and you cannot save yourself and you cannot be saved by another human being. The sins of mankind are oppressing and you are certain death is coming. Perhaps you should fear.

Why the psalmist has more to say than just answer number one. He has a second answer. He's going to suck an answer to the question. Should I fear the sinful oppression of sinful men or even fear death itself? Answer number two is no you shouldn't fear those things because God can save.

The somewhat depressing answer the psalmist presents initially is not the real answer. The psalmist has more to say on the question of why should I fear which is truly a question of should I fear should I fear oppression of powerful powerful people who sin against me? Should I fear the unavoidable destruction and desolation of death? The song is now gay is the answer the final answer. He says no and his reason for not fearing Because God Saves. The verse 13 the song as summarizes what he's already said even though from age to age foolishness has its followers people will follow the path of cell salvation, which gives them a sense of security that is presumptuous and Folly that is not the way if it was the way we should really all be fearful, but it's not an informant verse 14. He gives the alternate path the right answer. The right way to live your life, is that of the upright because everyone will be shepherded to Shale to the Grave where they will be led by death ended to buy death fed with death and watered with this but there is something else something different for the upright. For the upright in the morning salvation will come and they will not share the same fate as the foolish but rather will rule over the foolish. Why what makes this the case for the upright we're told is Dave Sheridan the time of worship God will Ransom my soul from the Powershell for he will receive me is He Man cannot rescue redeem deliver or Ransom. But God can and God will God will rescue redeem deliver and Ransom his people. That's a promise we see here. And to emphasize why we should not fear the oppression of Sinners and why we should not fear the desolation of death of Samus contrast these two different Destinies death. Will Shepherd the ungodly, but God will Ransom the upright.

Remix clear the salvation of God's people is not temporary. It's not a temporary fix because we're told he will receive his people don't receive for continual uninterrupted communion a communion that will Outlast the oppression of this world. It will last the experience of death that takes us into the next world. And this is what leads the psalmist to command be not afraid. But understand this morning to be Not Afraid goes out to those cuz the Lord God ransoms. And that's really the main idea of this song. I Would articulated this way. God has saved is saving and will save his people. Therefore we should not fear the oppression of powerful people or even death itself. God has saved is saving and will save his people therefore. We should not fear the oppression of powerful people or even death. Really today doesn't this lead us to another question? We've got the answer to the question. Why should I fear which is really the question should I fear? It's what she says. No, you shouldn't because God Saves. The ransomed of God do not need to fear all that leads us to another question. Are we Ransom ties? God ransomed you are you one of the upright who need not fear these things? Only answer this question. We need to look to Jesus. Matthew chapter 20 verse 28 even as the son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many The Gospel Matthew makes clear that Jesus is the ransom his life given sacrificially for his people. Is the ransom that we look for 1st Timothy Chapter 2 verses 5 and 6 for there is one God and there is one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all which is a testimony given at the proper time.

If we consider the question has God ransomed me has God ransomed you. Do we need to understand that Jesus is the ransom. He is a ransom for allies because he paid the price and paid the penalty of our sin, which is what alienated us from God who created us. And then we Avail ourselves of this Ransom and work of Jesus by putting our faith in him. The ransomed need not fear oppression by sinful men. They need not fear even sin itself. All men will die. And when we do we don't do so without our power and without our privilege. And we can't say one another and yet for the ransom. Sin, and death will be banished forever.

Death is not the Destiny for those were ransomed of God. Man cannot altimate Lee save you. Norton man, ultimately destroy you but God can do both.

But what he accomplished is a life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was Ransom was rescue was Redemption and deliverance for his people to the pressing issue this morning. Is whether or not you will trust God In The Ransom he has provided in Jesus and if you do in that case, you should not fear. But in the case of trusting something else you should be fearful. It is imperative that every man woman and child understands this because we're told again at the end of this song that man in his palm yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish. Thank God for his ransoming work of his people through Jesus Christ, which among all the other benefits. It brings to us frees us from Fear. Frees us from the fear of powerful people even frees us from the fear of death. We will be saved.

Let me finish this morning by making to application Point specific. I think through the situation we're in now. Away, we can apply the truth that we should not fear. If we have been Ransom by God, we should not fear the oppression of powerful people. We should not fear Ian even death itself topix's I've said that are prominent in these days of the global pandemic. Should you fear the oppression of powerful people know? And what this leads me to discuss with you this morning is conspiracy theories. This pandemic has brought on a plague of conspiracy theories.

The 5G cellular network is what caused the virus?

No, it was Bill Gates who caused the virus so that he could bring economic disaster to the successes of the Trump Administration and that would free him up to make a vaccine that he will use to implant a computer chip and every human being which actually is the mark of the beast.

Or dr. Anthony falchi has known for many years that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronavirus, but he has been suppressing this information. Because he actually wants to see the overall population of the Earth diminished. There's all sorts of the mica go on.

I don't want to get into specifics of those things, but I want to suggest you this morning that the soil in which conspiracy theories grow is fear.

No conspiracy theory is not believed to be a conspiracy by those who accept them. They are believed to be true accounts of reality which are outside The Narrative of mainstream media, and we need to understand the country view of the events of circumstances is not necessarily in itself of a indication of a conspiracy theory. You can have a different opinion about why things are the way they are you can have a different opinion about why the government does certain things and requires certain things. That's okay but a conspiracy theory specifically is an explanation of events or circumstances that place is responsibility for the situation on a secret plot planned and executed by powerful people. That's what a conspiracy theory. Is there something going on and beside that something are somebody's Who are powerful you want to impose some negative thing on whoever? And what is foundational to these explanations is fear of those powerful people fear of their plot fear of the results of the nefarious actions.

Is he a narrative that involves mysterious people behind the scenes doing good to us wouldn't be wouldn't get much traction. Would it if Bill Gates? Initiated this virus to infect all of human being so that we all would pay less taxes. We wouldn't have a problem with that. But there's fear Behind these things there's fear of the people involved. There's fear of what results May Come of these actions that they're taken and let's be honest Christian The Ransom of God are prone and liable to conspiracy theories. And where that way because we understand correctly that behind the reality of the world. Is an Unseen World in which there are evil forces at work. So when so far is that's the truth. There is reason why maybe Christians are susceptible to these things. We read in Ephesians 6:12 for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers authorities against the cosmic Powers over this present Darkness against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly places. There is something beyond what we can see and hear with our senses. There is an unseen worlds. We read First Peter chapter 5 verse 8 Be sober-minded Be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. There is solid Biblical foundation for the idea that there is a sort of mysterious behind the Seas behind the scenes plot working for our harm and our demise. There's some truth to that.

And so maybe some of you looking say well then maybe the conspiracy theories are true posture Jude. Maybe they're true. What one of the Hallmarks of conspiracy theories is that they are unfalsifiable. I can't prove to you that these things aren't true. Bill Gates might be the Antichrist. I don't know. Dr. Fucci Mike Bend evil genocide Malaysian of the devil. I don't know. I can't prove that. He's not.

And I don't want to argue about specific theories this morning. That's not the point. I'm trying to make what I want to do this morning particularly this time of This Global band pandemic where many of these things Are emerging even within the church which have is their Foundation the fear of Oppression from powerful people. I want to challenge those of you who entertain these perspectives or find them enticing to reflect on how fear plays into your consideration. And to exhort you this morning that Psalm 49 specifically calls you if you are one of God's Ransom ones not to fear powerful people who are trying to impress you.

The ransoming work of Jesus Christ is your antidote for this type of fear. We are not to entertain or disseminate explanation of events that are built and bolstered by fear of powerful people. We need not fear them. We've been Ransom by God.

my second point of application Is in regards to the question should we fear death? death brought on perhaps by a virus And the answer is still no Psalm 23 verse for even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil. You can't get any more specific than that. What looms are in Psalm 23? Is the fear of death? The Valley of the shadow of death and we're told I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me and we're reminded Revelation 21 verse 4. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and Death Shall be no more.

This isn't a call to you this morning to be Reckless and how you live your life or to be reckless in regards to the coronavirus. We should live wisely. We should take cautions. We should remember that to live is Christ. Call to desire to live to serve him on this planet, but we are not called to live in fear. We need not fear even death brought on by a virus. Why should we not fear that because God ransoms is people. He ran from them in the life and death and resurrection of Jesus and results who have availed themselves of his work by repenting of their sin and putting their faith in him. They need not fear. Ultimately oppressors will be removed ultimately soon. We'll be removed ultimately death will be no more because God Ransom his people

brothers and sisters If you are one who is Ben Ransom by God through the work of Jesus Christ. God has saved you he is saving you he will save you and he does this all through the ransoming work of Jesus. Do not fear powerful people. Do not fear death. Let's pray. Father God we thank you for your word. We thank you for the Glorious truth That though initially we may have reason to fear people who oppress us. And we may have reason to fear death.

Because we can't save ourselves. We can't save each other. Oppression and death are unavoidable in our lives.

And yet we need not fear them. Because you can Ransom us and you have ransomed us. Through Jesus Christ. What a glorious truth. his wounds I paid our Ransom.

What a glorious reason why we should not fear. I pray father God that you by your spirit would help us this morning for those who don't know you who haven't been ransomed in Christ. I pray Lord God that you will open their eyes to the glory of the Gospel. To that wonderful work of reconciliation that Christ did and father God I pray for those who have been ransomed by you through Christ. the father God the glory of that salvation

Would extinguish the fires of fear?

I want to rage against us in our day. And in this time, let us look to Christ. Let us look to his work and to your saving power. I pray this in his name. Amen.

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