A Letter From an Old Guy
“A Letter From an Old Guy”
2 John 1-13
- We will be looking at the Entire book of 2 John, don’t worry there are only 13 verses in this book J
- In the first century A.D. the early church enjoyed remarkable growth and spread throughout the world.
- What accounted for this spread of the Gospel?
- There were, I am sure, several factors but one was certainly the “Hospitality” of early Christians…
- Paul traveled all over the place relying on Christians opening their homes to him.
- It was a sign of Christ likeness to open your home and welcome in one of the apostles or one who was preaching the Word.
- But, showing such hospitality also had its potential for supporting the spread of false teachers and their doctrines.
- This epistle, consisting of just 13 verses, addresses this very problem…
- First, let’s get a little bit of background information on 2 John…
- The author never identifies himself in the book although most believe it to be the apostle John
i. Bears similarities to the Gospel of John
ii. The term “elder” would be a fitting description of John as the author, writing in his old age.
- Place and date of writing
i. Ephesus is usually suggested as the location from which John wrote this epistle, since he was known to have lived there in the later years of his life.
ii. Some place it as late as 90-95 AD while others say as early as 65 AD, either way it was written many years after Jesus walked the earth and probably by John as the last living apostle.
- The recipients “The chosen lady and her children” – There is much debate as to who that is referring to i. Taken literally – this epistle was written to a specific lady and her children, this view is help my many scholars
ii. Taken figuratively – it could refer to the local church, this view is also held by many scholars
iii. John may be speaking to a lady and her children as well as the church meeting in her house.
iv. He may have had the family and the church in mind.
v. We may not completely understand who it is to but we can glean and learn from it whoever it was too.
- So with this brief background let’s take a closer look at the Letter…
I. The Salutation (vs. 1-3)
A “The Elder, to the chosen lady and her children…” (vs. 1-2)
1. As discussed in the introduction this could have been a specific lady and her children or a church congregation.
2. Either way John writes of…
a. His love for them: “whom I love in the truth.” And
b. The love held for them by others who are Christians: “also all who know the truth.”
3. What is the basis for this love?
a. Not based on any personal feelings or attractiveness
b. But, “because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever.”
c. This “truth” is contained in Jesus Christ and the gospel. The truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
d. When we share in this truth we will naturally “love one another.”
e. Especially the “true love” or “sincere love” made possible by our obedience to the truth. 1 Peter 1:22 “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.”
f. It is a true and sincere love, Godly love for others.
B “Grace, mercy, and peace from God…” (vs. 3)
1. This is not so much of a prayer, as this phrase is usually, but more of a prediction
2. These three words refer to wonderful blessings from God
a. “Grace” – getting what you don’t deserve – Salvation
b. “Mercy” – not getting what you do deserve – Hell
c. “Peace” – a result of grace and mercy – Praise God
3. The source of these blessings
a. “from God the Father”
b. “from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son”
i. Along with verse 9 John makes it clear that the Father and Son are one but also distinct persons of the Godhead
ii. We believe in the Trinity – 3 in one, one God, 3 distinct purposes
4. The context in which these blessings are found…
a. “in truth and love”
b. Grace, mercy and peace are only possible when the “Truth” is honored!
c. And they are only experienced when the command to love is kept!
C With the words “in truth and love”, John sets the tone for what is to follow…
II. Walking in Truth and Love (vs. 4-6)
A Commendation for walking in truth (vs. 4)
1. “It has given me great joy…”
a. Either by visiting or by getting a report from others, John came to know that some of her children were walking in the truth.
b. Of course this was a source for great joy to John
i. Just as we will see tonight in 3 John 3 about Gaius,
ii. Someone reported to John that he was also “walking in the truth.”
2. “…to find some of your children…”
a. Unfortunately, John could not say “all” but only “some”
b. Whose fault is this?
i. Some might say that according to Proverbs 22:6 that it is the parents fault. “Train up a child in the way he should go…”
ii. However, that view of Prov. 22:6 suggests a belief in “environmental predestination”
a) If the parents provide the proper environment when raising a child, there is no choice for the child but to turn out a certain way…
b) The problem with this is that it strips the child of any personal responsibility, and lays the blame on the parents, completly
c) While parents do bear some responsibility by obeying God and teaching them about God, the ultimate responsibility is the child’s.
iii. I know some very godly parents whose children are far from God…
iv. I know some ungodly parents whose children are Very godly…
c. The fact remains that despite the best parenting, some children simply choose to rebel against God.
d. Every one of us has to answer for ourselves! We can’t blame someone else for the wrong choices that we make; we must choose to follow God.
i. Especially if you have watched “day time Talk shows” you will see that almost everyone on those shows don’t own up to their choices but blames it on their parents
ii. We need to “man up” and face the consequences of the choices that we make, You are responsible before God for you!
3. “…walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us.”
a. We all have the responsibility of listening to the commands of the Father.
b. And living according to the Truth of the Word of God.
4. An emphasis on walking in truth without an equal emphasis on loving one another can easily develop a harsh, impatient, and even an insensitive attitude towards others.
5. So it should not surprise us to find John following his commendation for walking in truth with a…
B Challenge to Love One Another (vs. 5-6)
1. “…I am not writing you a new command…” (vs. 5)
a. This is not a new revelation but a reminder of an old command from God.
b. His readers had heard and know this command before
2. “I ask that we love one another.”
a. It is a command given by Jesus Himself: John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
b. Especially according to the standard of love laid down by Jesus. Above!
3. Read vs. 6
a. This verse is John reiterating what he as been saying.
b. We have been taught to love from the beginning so Love one another!
4. John goes on in the remaining verses with a…
III. Warning Against Receiving False Teachers (vs. 7-13)
A “Beware of Deceivers and Antichrists!” (vs. 7) Read
1. Jesus had warned against this in the “Sermon on the Mount” and the “Olivet Discourse”
2. The apostles had written many warning in their letters
a. Deceivers – 36X in N.T.
b. Antichrists – 5X in N.T.
3. With such attention given to this warning and seeing that false teachers had already started in John’s day, we should not be surprised to see such deceivers and antichrists today.
B “Watch out!” (vs. 8) Read
1. With the real danger of ruining our testimonies with one choice and
2. With the ever present deceivers who can make it happen we need to always be aware of what we believe and what we stand for!
3. John stresses the need to
C “Continue in the teachings of Christ…” (vs. 9) Read
1. We need to know the doctrine of Christ; who He is, what He did, what He does, what He will do…
2. As long as we continue in the teaching of Christ, keeping His commands, we have no reason to fear being misled by deceivers, nor losing rewards.
3. That brings us to the theme which may have prompted the writing of this letter
D Do Not Receive False Teachers! (vs. 10-11) Read
1. The context is likely that of supporting them in their work.
a. It was common in their day for missionaries to depend upon the hospitality of the early Christians for their basic needs.
b. In 3 John Gaius is commended for this sort of hospitality (tonight)
c. So they would have literally “invited” them into their home and fed them and taken care of them and meet their needs.
d. Doesn’t quite work the same way today but at the same time false teachers can get into our homes much easier…
i. They can get in through the TV
ii. Through the radio
iii. Through the internet.
iv. Don’t think for a moment that Satan isn’t using these tools to spread his “false gospel” He will use whatever means necessary to get as many people as possible to turn away from God and the Truth!
2. To support them is to share in their evil deeds…
a. We need to be very careful who we send support to and what they teach and what they stand for.
b. Because when we support someone or something we are sharing in their work according to vs. 11
E John Closes his letter with vs. 12-13 Read
1. He had much more to share with them but wanted to wait till he was physically present with them
2. And sends greetings from those where he was.
- We have seen John praise some people for “walking in the truth”
- Then he follows that up with basically a call to follow their example and “walk in the truth and love”
- But he ends with the warning about aiding in the false ministries of people
- There are times when each of us can get distracted with “False Teaching”
- “It just sounds so good!”
- “But look how God is blessing that ministry, it must be of God!”
i. Remember what Pastor recently said in a message…
ii. “What happens when people turn away from God? They prosper.”
iii. Just because a ministry seems to be growing and prospering does not mean that God is the one blessing that church.
iv. Satan works as an “angel of light” He is good at what he does.
- So then you may be thinking, “how can I know when someone is true or false?”
- We need to know the truth…
- We need to be so engrossed with the truth of God’s Word that when anything come our way even the slightest off we will spot it right away.
- Bank Tellers – Study the real thing, then they KNOW a counterfeit
i. It sticks out like a sour thumb
ii. They don’t study counterfeits they study the authentic
- We need to study the TRUTH
- The Bible does just contain the truth it is the TRUTH!
- Do you KNOW the Truth? #. “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Tim. 2:15
Close in Prayer
Hymn # 184 “Thy Word”