A Kingdom Vision - Week 3 (Isa 42)
In contrast to the idols (“Behold, you,” 41:24) and the idol-worshiping nations (“Behold, they,” 41:29), God presents his servant as the only hope of the nations (cited in Matt. 12:18–21). whom I uphold.
justice. The key word in 42:1–4. In the Bible, justice means fulfilling mutual obligations in a manner consistent with God’s moral law. Biblical justice creates the perfect human society (cf. Deut. 10:18; Isa. 1:17; 16:5; 32:1–2; 61:8; Zech. 7:9).
The messianic servant is the only hope for a truly just world. This Messiah will bring not only individual spiritual forgiveness and health (cf. Isa. 1:18) but also the establishment of perfect justice throughout all earthly governments.
The servant is a covenant for the people (cf. 49:8), i.e., he represents the people in God’s covenant. He will become a light for the nations (cf. 49:6), bringing the knowledge of God to them; this probably lies behind Jesus’ saying in John 8:12. to open the eyes … to bring out. This is the purpose of God’s grace for his people, using liberation from Babylonian exile as an image for spiritual liberation.