GBF-Mid Year Update August 9,2020
In prayer and ask God's blessing here on time father. Thank you for your mercy. But thank you for what you've done for your faithfulness. And so as we recount that for this first part of the Year, I pray that you be glorified and that we would see you and your work and just rejoice in that are the Christ and I pray amen. Thank you for taking the time to stay. First of all how old David respect your time. I won't have much time for questions, but probably any but please feel free. I will say this and take me at my word. If you have a question, I will give you this week will work some things time out to to look at the numbers whatever you want to look at and to get your question to ask. Please don't go away and not have those questions a few things that start with attendance. Just got out of You think how do you track? How do you track a citizen in a pandemic? I'm not quite sure. This is kind of how we we ended up. This is for June. I with her number, so we were down over last year. These are median numbers is not higher lows come the average. But of course middle of March took a bite out of that until almost June what we did see though. I don't have these numbers on the screen, but our Livestream The God has blessed us that we were been streaming for 18 months or so, and so prior to that we in the week and most time we judge the most righteous judge. The message won't be listen to always be at that moment when President but don't listen to within the week. So Hot 96 devices The average is a 2 or 2.5 people for device is almost people say cuz we don't know if it's one person or family of six or whatever. I don't like shrimp during the time. We had no in-person Services the average for that was like 477 jumped up and then right now since resuming service is about 203 devices watch with a week Sunday messages. And so just kind of anecdotal information. The God is using we are just behind the scenes. We we do both services huichapan to one whichever wife. I'm better at hand, but it takes everyone who watched both first and second service put him in that time crunch that hour or so and the number of people help the suggestions on the right side of YouTube. And so we're seeing that click through rate in the suggestion raising pressure rate going to rise. And it's the gospel. So we're hoping and I think a lot of churches are happening to they've gone to this more privately or continue. This and God is using through the medium This is Gospel to go forward on its finances. What's wrong with praise God that he is blessed through your giving he is blessed who you're giving in NFL, way is up from last time you get the benefit of we couldn't see Harley last time, take numbers 2019 compared to 20/20 and just take it through yesterday. That is so just a Jerry one through yesterday. So in a 2019 and you see a little better so last year at this time, we received $193,000 in offerings. So that was last year. So what do you think happened this year? I won't ask you to make a guess this year through this date 310. How God has blessed through your giving $117,000 in a pandemic and all of this time God has blessed. This is an incredible thing. I talked to Pastor friends are 25% behind are these things like that? And God has through blessing you and your right understanding of of money and wealth you have a blessed by the church. And so the ministry's going on. Things are happening are getting in that that is really incredible. It really is incredible to see what God has done for you and your praise God. I'm going to ask if the end. Just praise God if you can recount in prayer to other people not about ourselves, but just what God has done how he has been faithful that is our joy to do. So give me account balances and so factor into our next two parts, Dallas has now as of last night as of today checking accounts 37 savings 75 construction $34,000. So all this is going on and so you got to know a little bit cuz we were we were working through renovation in March and we were coming down to what we thought might be the the ends. Free Kovach Munoz going on but we thought it was going to be about John as we were looking at that we were noticing - do all of our numbers that we were over our projected budget and we were two main categories that really drove that one was the state requirements that we had to do a sprinkler system throughout all the building City said I used the part that you want to do anything you do what happy with State Farm Marshall said no. No you touch any of it you touch all of it. And then the second factor that made us go above all we projected is the expenses was that this is a on Old buildings called buildings and we had a floor plan that the Architects has given us but we had no we had no architectural plans for when it was built. And so I need at least five occasions contractor had to pick up the phone and pick up the phone and call the Churchill engineer and say what should we do here? This isn't this should be a support wall is a support wall and he would come in and charges. Of course, he would come in and say you need for a business. That's when you got to do this here and he write sketch out something and sign off on it. And so the existing conditions of the building cause some overages things that we just We had to replace an air conditioner. This kind of thing. So we were looking at that at about the middle of March thing, you know as the deacons were sitting around in the mark and I like we need to present this to the church and they need to knows I need to know but maybe they need to give to help us out and then we were not allowed to meet in person for 11 weeks 12 weeks. And so we said we're coming together price. The middle his room all we're going to pray and so the biggest leadership in church just prayed that God would do something incredible and he did. I did something incredible you provide for us. So we will start when I quite sure we're having a meeting in about probably two to three weeks with the contractor and they have to finish up Eurovision sprinklers into this room. And so we will finish the start that I'm projecting September October issue and that they'll begin. I'm not sure exactly on that. So with all that the overages we pay the contractor all we have right now outstanding about $29,000 to complete the the sprinkler system that we will need to gather in a fire last 3 months. Next message to me like last 3 months that would just be regular General ties and offerings overage that will take care of that. And so we anticipate that that will come in by God's grace continue to pray and be faithful and that will come in and we'll be done with that process now things that are outside in case you're wondering what how else should I give cuz there's a couple things outside of that that will help it look all these additional needs a little smaller little small ticket items, but still help us in the ministry that were not on the project that we started with a contractor a couple of things are going to be in relation to the grace kids. We have plans in September to move them to the second floor of the gym. The older kids not the owner was the older kids until we are actually much been working on the walls. We had a painting party August 22nd. They don't have any money to give but I have a paint brush. Okay, we can do that. We need to pay the cafeteria from the burnt orange. And so those things that we're going to do. You are a kind of do that. So what's the walls are complete the grace kids upstairs. They're about $8,800 to do the the carpet. I'll make it down cover. All the tiles will be nice and quiet in the rooms. Also the vestibule carpet you may have noticed when you walked in and it's not level. It's not going to build that up and then pushed in a walk-off carpet that will keep debris water Bud thinks Dirt Band from coming in on the inside. We look at the cafeteria tiles and that is in need of a little work. We've been there and then we got to have security cameras are children's ministry area watch out. So we're going to go for a basic system there and they were still saving for the elevator. That's the next big ticket item. We can knock those things off of in just under the address to vote monitor yellow there so we can go all three floors and use it all those rooms for programming. So there are things available for us and the Sciences but most of all I want to say thank you. And I thank you for your faithfulness both live stream. And here we were away just being faithful. We went from like 50% 54% online giving 285 90% all and giving herself and in the time of covid-19 scum. Let's remain kind of like that. I think we're going to continue from super simple future. And so encourage you to worship one serve one. Give me a call to gather as a body to worship together. And and so we do things like seeing we Fellowship we encourage each other in the word. We study the word together all these things we do we sing and praise and we also have the opportunity to serve one another and so we can do that right now. It's Sunday morning and still have a service some Don't want to serve because I don't want to miss church. I'm gonna miss the service opportunities. I think about this couple of areas that you might want to consider. Those areas would be a safety team outside. This all goes to the many hands make light work no license to work the kind of thing. So safety team of Secrets. I sure see Mary Hartman. I love to reconstitute are First Impressions. If you all went to the Ounce any of you the ounce, we had that just to help people coming in for the first time second and third time find their way. It's kind of amazed over there. Let's see grace kids. So we have how we do our A format gives an opportunity to Mentor. You don't always have to be on teaching but you can help kids and help answer questions. And so again more people in that system will help just lighten the load but also will give you an impact on opportunity to serve the body here and then I'm audio-visual. We have a great team because electrical things this morning or I could get my iPad to connect as I started to start the first service this morning, but we have great people who know man the cameras work with Swisher's we have two people on sound every Sunday when I hear one back door switch for a camera people you love to do that. You say I can do some of my God I can point camera Shane will teach you some Shane McMullen for that. Those are opportunities as you can serve and help others and recruit people come along. Come on. Let's let's do this together be great opportunity to serve the body and finally, I just want to say just a praise God for his faithfulness as I mentioned earlier.
Praise on a loop in your heart to God is something that he never tires of hearing you just praise him for years. And then finally remember our code. This is a code of GBS. We love one another if love we have faith. We trust God we walk Spirit dependent on our own flesh for are we are we prayer for people who are to put people first not things where to contribute more to give back and sue to sir. We are to to be flexible. We are to build we we can be both of the disciple and a mentor the same time people going to be discipling me. I could be mentoring other people that said that body life and encourages iron sharpening. We'd have moral Integrity one another I gave ye maybe day and truthful transparent and then an external gospel Focus, you know, it doesn't matter covid-19 doesn't matter the gospels going forth. Yeah go and live stream. We can also go with your text and you with now as we opened back up the community go with your words and your great comfort to other people who says hey, there is a God Let me tell you about my God, so only courage you with that and I pray that you would be encouraging a heart and it's just incredible what God has done. So that's all I have. If you have questions, please come see me cuz we got answers. We'll see if they match. All right. Thank you so much. Thanks for staying late and thank you for your faithfulness. Let's Balan father. Thank you for your greatness in all of you. We thank you. Your mercies are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. Thank you that you or your thoughts of us are so great their continual as we learned last week and Psalm 139. We thank you that we have the privilege the opportunity to minister to others out of the Overflow of our hearts and lives because you have graced us with your grace your love. So may we reciprocate that maybe we reflect that but thank you for who you are for your loss or does we are dismissed maybe go with you is your power in your strength For Your Glory in Jesus name? Amen.