Jesus is not an Addition, He is a Completion
Sermon Series: Very Important Solidification Truths From Christ's Teaching
Jesus is not an Addition, He is a Completion
April 29, 2020
In Mark 9:2-8, "2 And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, 3 and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one[a] on earth could bleach them. 4 And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus. 5 And Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi,[b] it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 6 For he did not know what to say, for they were terrified. 7 And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved Son;[c] listen to him.” 8 And suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus only.
When I was a child, I always thought that it was kind of funny, or something that I would chuckle about, that the disciples who were with Jesus, when Jesus was transfigured, would have in their mind, that Moses, and Elijah, would be, or would want to be staying on earth, and thought that they might need a place to stay and sleep or something.
Anyhow, this situation has truths from God that when understood, give great understanding to your faith, and also is able to open up an entire treasury of understanding, when you, as a New Testament believer, open up the Old Testament.
Truth 1 - This was a divine moment, where you have a mountain.
a. Moses received the law on a mountain.
The people of Israel, had up to this point, only listened to the law of Moses and the prophets. And here, in this conversation and experience of transfiguration, what you have here, is the representatives of the law, and the representatives of the prophets.
You have the disciples, who seem to be sidetracked, and really not even understanding the significance of this divine providential and sovereign moment.
But here you have Jesus, on a mountain, and emanates the righteousness of God and the glory of God. He was, while in the flesh, fully God, but had set aside his divine rights and privileges, but for this moment, it was necessary for him to shed a glimpse into his eternal glories, and full completeness, due to his mission to fulfil Moses, and to fulfil Elijah.
Truth 1 - This moment, was a testimony that Jesus, was greater and the fulfilment of Moses. This was a testimony that Jesus was greater and the fulfilment of the law and the entire codes that are presented in the Pentateuch.
Truth 2 - This moment, was a testimony that Jesus, had more glory and the completion of the prophetic glory and was greater and the end of the prophetic period. Meaning that Israel and the church would no longer and should no longer look for or need to have another prophet, like the Old Testament prophets that they have had in the past, represented in Elijah.
You see friends, a New Covenant, was necessary, because the representations of it, when the reality came, is no longer necessary. So Jesus here is dazzling white, in blazing glory. More pure white than any clothes.
Jesus, is what the disciples could expect to teach, and what Jesus was inaugurating in his ministry and the cross and his resurrection. The message of the gospel, the intention and completion of Moses and Elijah - the law and the prophets.
Now, when the disciples saw this, they were afraid. Because the glory of God came in a cloud, and overshadowed them, and said, "this is my Beloved Son, listen to him".
Yes, the God, of Moses, yes, the God of Elijah appeared to them, and said, "don't listen to Moses anymore, and don't listen to Elijah any longer - those days are done, and now you listen to my Son.
And the situation left them awestruck, with the glory and God the Father leaving, Moses and Elijah leaving and just Jesus and his disciples.
So my friends, be strengthened in your faith today. Take this truth about this situation, and let it solidify your faith in Jesus. The message of the cross is the message, but you need to know all these significant situations in Jesus' testimony, if you endeavour to share the gospel truthfully, with understanding and accurately.
Jesus is not an addition, he is a completion.