In the Last Days
The last days will reveal the godlessness of men, especially in the church.
Text: 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Main Idea: Because we live in the last days, we as God's people must expect false teachers in the church, and avoid them.
1. Understand: last days will be difficult for the True Church (v. 1)
a) Time of difficulty
b) Reality of difficulty
2. Corrupt: character of those disqualified in the faith (vv. 2-4, 6-8)
a) Begins and ends with misplaced love (v. 2a, 4b)
b) Appears godly but powerless (v. 5a)
c) Misguides the weak into sin (v. 6)
3:6 women, burdened with sins. Due to their guilt from their past, these women are particularly susceptible to both the asceticism (promoting artificial self-denial; see 1 Tim. 4:3) and the antinomianism (teaching that all sorts of sins are really acceptable; see 2 Tim. 3:2–4) set forth by the false teachers.
d) Relentless learners going away from the truth (v. 7)
e) Mimic but oppose the truth (v. 8)
3:8 Jannes and Jambres are the names given in early extrabiblical Jewish writings to the Egyptian magicians who opposed Moses in Ex. 7:8–13. In these writings, these men became key symbols of opposition to God’s truth. Though their names do not appear in the OT itself, they would be familiar to Timothy and other Jews; identifying the opponents with these archetypal enemies of God’s truth would have significant rhetorical power.