The Fear of God
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· 22 viewsOur revential fear of God should not be episodic. It should be a lifestyle
Two types of fear
Two types of fear
Israel at the Red Sea
A fear that brings terror Exodus 14:10-12
The fear that humbles you and lead you to worship Exodus 14: 31
Our reverential fear of God should not be episodic. It should be a lifestyle
What does it mean to fear God?
What does it mean to fear God?
It starts with knowing who God really is - Hebrews 12:28-29
Truly seeing his holiness exposes our sinfulness - Isaiah 6:1-5
It’s how God expects us to live our entire lives 1 Peter 1:17
It’s not natural fear, it’s awe and reverence
It’s does not torment, it leads to worship
“The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else” - Oswarld Chambers
The tale of two churches
The tale of two churches
The Church in Acts 2-6 - Filled with the fear of God
The Canal Church in Conrinth - 1 Corinthains
The more we fear God, the more we see him.
The more we fear God, the more we see him.
How do we fear God?
How do we fear God?
Developing a radical God centeredness
Learn and grow in your reverential fear - Psalms 34:11
Watch your tongue, don’t lie - Psalms 34:12
Turn from evil and do good - Psalms 34:13
Seek and pursue peace - Psalms 34:14
What happens when we fear God?
What happens when we fear God?
Intimacy - Psalms 34:16
You lack nothing - Psalms 34:9-10
We grow in our holiness - 2 Corinthians 7:1
It keeps us from sin - Exodus 20:20
How do we respond?
How do we respond?
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
God’s power is so infequently demonstrated in our lives because we lack the fear of God. As we grow in the fear of God, we will see more of God
God’s power is so infequently demonstrated in our lives because we lack the fear of God. As we grow in the fear of God, we will see more of God